The Traveler's Tavern

Akihiko blinked and looked around with a straight face like,"wtf". She then swam after Rune,"and if Aniasta was in my position right now shed drown......."she thought and facepalmed.
*rune swims into the cave and comes up in a beautiful cavern filled with glowing crystals*rune:rainbow cavern, glad i created this spring to hide it from the greedy people who would ttake the crystals of life and magic from it(note he says it to himself but it can partially heard by aki who is still swimming twards him)
Akihiko blinked,"wow! This place is beautiful"she said astonished,"it's so pretty she said looking around then hugged Rune,"you just scored a bunch of romance points"she said softly.
*a huge alligator comes up to me and nuzzles my shoulder*rune: go play at the lake coco *the alligator runs off and out of the cave roaring happily, rune hugs aki* rune: i love you, did you get a chance to breath the wat-air? Its like water but you can breath it too
Rune:thats coco, shes my pet alligator/ guard alligator, for if someone trys to steal the crystals from this cave without my permission, she likes it when they try cos she gets a nice treat...but normally people wont try to do it once they see her(coco was like 25 feet long)
"Well of course"Akihiko said then looked around and hummed she smiled at her voice bounced off the walls in an echo,"cool"she said.
*rune climbs up alot of crystals that look like stairs and onto a platform , he then does a cannonball and splashes aki with water*rune: hahaha! My new personal best
Akihiko came up behind Rune quietly then pushed his head under the water,"surprise attack!"she yelled then laughed and swam away.
Rune:sneaky one....*he pulls her out of the water with magic, but keeps a huge amount of the water around her in a bubble*rune: bombs away!*he lets the water fall into the rest and laughs*
Akihiko jolted crossing her legs and turning a bright red,"I-I um.... R-repeat the question"she said looking away as she covered her face with one hand and covered another spot with her other hand.
*rune smiles and laughs* rune: nevermind, but if you want to have fun again...your gonna have to catch me first!*he swims away laughing*
Akihiko jolted,"j-jerk!"she yelled then swam after him she wasn't fast enough to catch him so she pretended to drown going under the water and letting the bubbles float up.
*rune looks at where the bubbles are coming from*rune: she does know she cant drown in wat-air?*he grabs her hand and pulls herout* rune: silly, pretending to drown*he laughs*
Akihiko smirked and hugged Rune,"I still caught you haha!"she said smirking then blushed,"this is like telling him I want him to do weird things to me..."she thought blushing,"how do I feel about that? A good thing or bad thing?"she thought then blushed at the thoughts,"it's good it's good!"she thought happily.
(Time skip?)*rune smiles and kisses her from her lips to neck* rune: mmmh, i love it when you wrap your legs around me
(Yeah :P )

Akihiko woke up on the platform from before she looked around and didn't see Rune,"mmmm.... Tired"she said and laid back down closing her eyes,"I wonder where Rune is"she mumbled and yawned.

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