The Traveler's Tavern

"Of course not your one of the sweets guys in the universe and the demenisions"Akihiko said hugging him closer,"just tell me everything okay.... If I hear it from someone else ill probably be really sad"she said softly.
Lochrose was surprised at first, but slightly kissed her back," Ani..." He then grinned again. His teeth glistened again he bit her lower lip and growled," Alpha wolf wants his prey..."
(Teh wolf has sum coonfedence now? I feel the underworld will need alot more heaters for when it freezes over)rune:when he father attacked was so scary seeing them foght when i was only about a year old...he killed my father and then as my mother shoved me into a space capsule and sent me to earth i saw him...he cut through my mother in front of my eyes...i saw my own mothers blood on my ships window the entire time*he bites his lip holding back tears*
Aniasta smirked and tugged on his ear,"your ganna have to fight for it"she said and kissed him again she then got off him and sat by him her tail swayed she was becoming excited with how he was acting.

Akihiko smiled,"it's okay it's okay.... I'm here"she said hugging him,"see I love my parents very much but I can't go home .... I was kicked out when I was 10 and I can't go back till I'm married... It's a tradition for the princess to be locked up in a dark room till they become 8 then they learn to lure sing and use the shadows before there 10 on there 10th birthday they leave these are all human years in reality it was darkness untill 800 years old learning but not allowed to talk to anyone from 800 yrs old to 1000 years old.... Then abandoned in hell from that day forth.... It's been so long since I saw them...."she said softly.
Rune:thats so horrible*he hugs her* 800 years of darkness....wait....i heard that old friend mentioned it did you survive without going like insane or something?i couldnt stay alone in a dark roonm for 800 years, 20 that one time but that was just cos i was ticked but 800 would drive me crazy
"I would listen to the maids outside who would talk about those cute stories like Cinderella and Rapinzel and Sleeping Beauty..... I always thought my prince would come everyday of the year and I dreamed about it I would pretend to be the princess of the story.... It was my only escape....."she said softly then looked at Rune,"I found you!"she said smirking and held his hand.
*rune smiles and then kisses her* rune: well then, shall we go make a happily ever after?*he smiles widely, implying a hidden message in the words*
"I was hopeing you'd ask"Akihiko said and pulled him ontop of her smirking. She then French kissed him wrapping her arms around his neck.
*rune kisses her back and smiles, slipping something small and shiny from his back pocket*rune: i reappy hope you got that message or thisll be very awkward*he gets off her and kneels down, pulling out a true silver ring set with a large ruby andd diamonds in the outside of the ring*rune in a nervous voice:a-aki, will you marry me*as he says it wier lights spring up all around him illuminateing the room in a beautiful hue of colors*
Akihiko blinked,"oh my love! Yes! Yes!"she said and hugged him happily then held out her hand she was so excited she was bouncing a bit she looked at Rune happily,"I love you"she said.
*rune kisses her passionatly and slips the ring on her finger, he smiles wide and all the wieir lighs fly outside and explode like fireworks in the air from outside the window*(time skip to after the wedding? Or near the end?)
(To the beginning of the wedding 030 btw side note for SpiritWolf we time skipped so now your at the wedding sorry :P okay now we continue~)

Akihiko smiled looking in the mirror humming,"it's time!"the wedding coordinator said. Akihiko nodded as Aniasta patted her back. Sue and Mary walked down the isle in there human forms as the music played and they threw petals around happily. Aniasta came down the Isle as the maid of honor she didn't like it but played along. The finally Akihiko came down the isle blushing she saw Rune at the end and couldn't take her eyes off him.
*rune sees aki and looks dumbfounded at how beautiful she looks in a wedding dress, he stares at her from the end of the isle and smiles, bane is standing with the rings as runes best man(or paladin/smartass if you will)
Akihiko smiled at him and handed her bouquet to Aniasta the took Runes hands smiling at him dazedly."preist talk of blah blah blah-ness you Runeofflame take Akihiko Todori as you lawfully wedded wife blablahblah?"the priest asked.(not word for word but I don't care to know what he really says XDDDDD)
Akihiko got asked the same thing,"I do...."she replied they got the rings then put them on each other,"you may now kiss the bride"he said. Akihiko smiled and leaned in puckering a little.(I've been to a wedding once as a flower girl 030 it was because I was the shortest given I was 8 and all my other cousins where 10 and older.... Or boys xD )
(I would kill myself if i was chosen as a flower girl, or chop off my hair so theyd get a clearer picture that, IM NOT A GIRL xD )*rune kisses her passionatly for a long time, enjoying the sweetness of akis kiss*(btw the rings where like the other one exept a black diamons was set in them and there was a charm on them so they will never be lost)
(Kewl beans and it was fun I got free cake bro! That's ALWAYS a good thing!)

Akihiko kissed back as people whistled and clapped some people crying,"Rune.... I love you"she whispered against his lips,"to the outside for bouquet catching"Aniasta said then passed her the bouquet. Akihiko nodded and smiled at Rune as they went outside she hugged him close,"only you Rune"she said hugging his arm. A bunch off girls were outside waiting to catch the bouquet the demon women waited. Akihiko turned around and flung it. Mean whiled the twins where holding out there hands for candy from a woman who looked nice enough. The bouquet flew right into there hands and they blinked,"what's up with this?"they asked."no fair there too young! They weren't even playing!"the women yelled."that's fate lovely's"Akihiko said pulling Rune to the carriage.
*rune smiles and cracks up when the twins catch the bouquet, when hes in the carrage he wispers to aki*rune: this was the best day like ever*he holds her closeand kisses her*rune: i love you so much aki, but you gonna miss the action and adventurous life i was so used too, but i have a feeling my adventuring days arent iver yet*he smiles and makes a million wier lights and sends them rocketjng into the sky then explode like fireworks lighting the sky up brightly and beautifully*rune:if only this day would never end, but that would be too hard for even me to pull off
"The day has to end for our honeymoon to start"Akihiko said smirking then brushed her hand on his cheek,"mmm I never want anyone to take you away from me"she said softly. The twins where still confused,"no seriously what's this for"they asked.(that happened to me but it hit my head and I was so upset I stomped on it I think that's why I've never had a bf TT^TT that an I'm always practicing my drawing skillllllllllllzzzzzz :D )
(Ive had one real gf....thats why i hate life now...she was killed when she was in the uk, damn im stupid for not going with her, but honestly u sound awesome and i cant c why u havent had a bf, but guys these days seem pretty stupid on their choices for girls lol)rune:i knkw just the place!*he pauses making her think hes going to name a strange far off land*rune(copying a line from a book here, it was funny): missisipi!
(It's cause of my dad and his knives he's a cook so guys beware and he was lots of tats so again guys beware)

Akihiko blinked with a blank expression,"how is that romantic?"she said,"can't we go to a mountain or a beach or a hot spring?"she asked.
Rune: i suppose i could take you to cinnalim, the chocolate rain there is absoulutely incredible, and theres beaches and parties all day*he beams with excitement thinking of the place*(i once started a fight wwith a guy 2x as tall as me, AND WON so i dont really beware of many thingsXD also most knives cant cut me cos ive got thick skin from putting myself in extreme situations lol.....i really am awesome in a way...butbthen again i havent done anything cool in highschool yet....i know wut ill do to get my name out there again, ill just jump off the second story of the school and start hamboning at the nearest person at the end of the day, it was so hilarious when my friend did that at my old school)
(0-0 yeah I live in Brooklyn I would never do something stupid like that )

Akihiko pouted,"my spot it is to a hot spring we go!"she said looking away she then looked at him and kissed him,"a honeymoon is where you spend time with your husband or wife and do..... Things there.... You only want to be with them and you want to do romantic things with them....."she said softly as she hugged his arm smiling.
Hatsuki appeared out of no where," I suppose my Master Rune does not want any interference with his honeymoon,yes?" Hatsuki bowed to Rune, and before walking away, he said," I will not be far away, sir." Suki swished his tail, indicating his ability to transform into a fire cat and travel long distances," Good luck, sir,"

Lochrose was at the wedding earlier. He had worn a gray tuxedo with a white tye and black pants. It was his first time at a wedding, and he looked over at Aniasta and slowly walked over to her," Nice dress," he smiled, admiring her outfit.

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