The Traveler's Tavern

Hatsuki was startled," Suki...okay," he smiled. These girls brought back memories he had been forced to forget. He was learning to be a child again. "Suki it is!"

"Ah!" Lochrose gasped,"A-Ani! What are you doing?" Lochy said, his face blushing red. His face felt hot and steamy. And his chest felt fast again.
"Just wanted to see a reaction"Aniasta said smirking widely then got off him and got up,"alright so lets see I want you to pin me.... If you can accomplish that I'll say your a wolf.... My puppy"she said smirking wider.

The twins blinked then smiled cutely,"Suki you really can cook"Sue complimented,"but can you kick butt?!"Mary said throwing punches at the air.
"Want me to what?" Lochrose's ears flicked up in surprise,"I couldn't possibly-" he sighed. He knew he wasn't getting out of this. Lochrose leaned in towards her, licking her cheek, then he grabbed her shoulders and pushed her down.

"A good butler knows combat," Suki implied, swiftly dodging Mary's punches. He then disappeared and reappeared behind her back. Hatsuki smiled and blew into her ear.
Mary jolted and her hair rose,"kya!"she yelled blushing then moved away holding her ear,"no fair no fair!"Sue said."what do you mean no fair that was weird!"Mary said blushing."ya cause you didn't have a chance!"Sue said,"take us both on!"the twins said in unison puffing out there chests bravely.

Aniasta flipped him off and stood up,"come on a 10 second hold is all I ask"she said and her tails grabbed onto the tree branches and held her up in the trees as she stuck her tongue out at him.
"Yes, mistresses," Suki said, giving a bow. The swung his tail playfully and raised his hands in combat. He jumped in the air and and swung his leg at the twins, barely missing them.

He sighed," Fine..." He leaped up to her and then gave her a surprise kiss, his eyes closed. His hands wrapped around her and used his weight to lean her to the ground. Lochy released the kiss and whispered," Only to prove I'm not a little puppy..." He said quietly into her ear.
Aniasta jolted and had a nose bleed moment she whipped it away and backed away from him,"bring it"she said now a little red. Aniasta had her tails spin having her fly into the air.

The twins smirked they spun a web causing Suki to get caught in it they turned into older women and had on mini kimonos. Akihiko watched seeing that the twins improved a lot. The twins then hugged Suki using pheromones to make him not want to leave them.
"Hmph," Lochy leaped onto tree branches, until he was equal hight to her," Sure, I'll bring it," Lochrose said, he jumped through the air," I'll die before I'll lose you..."
Aniasta blushed and sighed,"I guess I have to get serious...."she mumbled and pushed him away,"ah!"she said turning her jeans into a skirt she hovered over Lochy,"kya! Lochy-kun you pig!"she said crossing her legs although he could still see her underwears.
Loch's face flared up as he blushed," I-I didn't mean-" Loch stuttered. He then regained himself. "Hmph!" He growled, going up to her," That won't work!" Lochy said. He then came from behind her and gave her a hug around the stomach. " Cute stripes..." He said, describing her underwear in a whispy way.
Aniasta widely smirked she quickly went down so instead of her stomach he was holding onto her chest,"kya Lochy your so grabby!"she said then moved away and then spun around him and pulled his pants down she then ran off. Aniasta ran deeper into the forest,"it's too easy"she said hoping she left him stunned.
Suki smirked and raised his tail. The web then was set on fire, setting him free. "Apologies, but I have no interest about ladies," Suki said, throwing two fireballs at each of them," A butler cannot stray from his duties,"

He was shocked for a moment. He pulled up his pants and took a mental note "remember to get a belt..." He thought. Lochrose bit his lower lip and chased after her. His tail streamed after her as he ran,"Oy, Ani! No fair!!"
The twins glared changing back to normal,"whoops"Mary said dodging."kya!"Sue said not being able to get out of the way,"Sue"Mary said tackling Sue to the ground,"Mary"Sue said angrily."let's go for the-..... Wait a sec.... Not interested in women?!?!?"the twins yelled."so your on the other team?"Mary said."only the really cute guys go for the other team sigh~"Sue said."we'll finish him with this!"Mary said and they pushed Suki to the ground tying him up with there metallic-like webs."there!"Sue said."I can't believe-"Mary started,"that he's gay..."Sue finished and they sat on Suki so he couldn't get up.
Suki's ear twitched," No, I have absolutely no interest in men," he growled, squirming inside the metallic web. He then set his entire body on fire, trying to melt the metal.
Aniasta laughed looking back at Lochy then jolted she fell into a ditch and jolted,"ah... S-shit...."she said touching her ankle,"well that's just great..."she thought then stood up ignoring the pain,"no cheating I need to find a way out so back away from the edge!"she yelled.

The twins blinked,"so your actually a pedo?"they asked then jolted,"ah ouch!"Sue yelled touching her butt,"hey that burns"Mary said pouting.
"I'm sorry I can't hear you," Lochy snickered. He leaped down to the ditch and hugged her tightly. He licked her cheek and whispered," I've found you, my lovely fox,"

"Hmph, I'm not a pedo either, like I said, love cannot get in the way of my duties," he grumvled," How do you girls know these terms, anyway?"
"Akihiko told us!"the twins said."and we liked a boy in school...."Mary mumbled angrily,"but he said he was gay....."Sue said sadly,"and regected us..... But he lied"Mary said."he just didn't like us...."Sue said rubbing her eyes.

Aniasta smiled a bit,"mmmm ill let this slide.... Game over"she said and kissed him,"lets get out of here"she said and began trying to climb out she jolted blood starting to stream down from her ankle she just continued to go up until her ankle was in eye leval she breathed heavily,"ah.... I don't feel good"she said as blood started to come out heavier she held her head,"I can't fly up there if I wanted"she mumbled,"maybe I could run it"she said and jumped down she collapsed holding her ankle then looked at Lochy and stood up,"any ideas"she asked playing it off.
"Oh... I'm so sorry..." Hatsuki said, stopping his flames. "Don't worry. There will be someone who will love you both," he smiled. Then Hatsuki looked at himself," So, uhh... Can you please untie a woeful butler?" He laughed.Lochrose saw her bleeding leg. "A-Aniasta!" He gasped. Lochrose then pushed her down, but gently. He then grabbed her leg and started licking her wound. Lochrose was doing natural wolf instinct. His instinct was to cleanse the wound to keep infection to start. He kept licking the Ani's leg frantically.
Aniasta blushed deeply,"please stop"she said softly,"it's not that big"she said then jolted feeling his hands on her leg she sat up and watched him,"kind and caring...... Why'd it have to be kind and caring"she thought sadly,"he could get hurt because of me what the hell am I thinking"she thought covering her face with her hands.

The twins blinked then nodded and untied him,"we don't mind though.... If we both like the same guy we would share him...."they said softly,"we have the same tastes in men.... But mommy told us never to fight"Sue said."I really don't mind if I never find a lover but I want Sue to find one"Mary said,"Mary"Sue said and they hugged each other,"we can both be happy"they said.
"Ani?" He asked," What's wrong?" Lochrose was worried for her," Did I do something wrong?" He thought he had hurt her. "Ania... your face is red..." Lochy leaned toward her, touching his forehead against hers. "You feel hot too, are you sick?" Lochy was now very worried for her."I can see you girls care for eachother very much," Hatsuki said lovingly, "I guarentee there will be a nice, loving, and kind boy for each of you," he patted both their heads in unison.
The twins smiled,"and you'll be our bet friend!"they said and hugged him happily.Aniasta blinked,"I'm fine"she said brushing her hand on his cheek it then began raining and she kissed him tenderly. Aniasta then noticed that the rain was flooding the ditch she jolted hugging Lochy close,"Lochy I have a secret for you.... I want swim"she said.
Lochrose grumbled,"Could've told me sooner..." Lochy grabbed her hand and turned into his wolf form. He clawed at the side of the ditch, and let Aniasta climb on his back. Lochrose kept clawing until he got a hold, and he started climbing up the ditch.
Aniasta blushed looking at him,"you are strong...."she said softly but the walls were slippery so Lochy fell. Aniasta looked at Lochy,"we're ganna die here"she said and sniffled.(=w= the ditch is idea gold xD )
Lochy hugged her tightly," No we're not..." He growled. The water was going up to their knees now. He had transformed back into his human form. Lochy then remembered his kife belt. He detached four off of his belt. He gave two to Aniasta and used two for himself. "We could try to climb out?" He suggested, "He could try, better than nothing!" Lochy snarled," I'd rather die anywhere else..."

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