The Traveler's Tavern

Aniasta blinked her ankle still hurt she thought then nodded,"you go first"she said. Aniasta knew she wouldn't be able to make it out she was ganna let Lochy get out and hope that the water allows her to float up without killing her.
"No, you go," he insisted," If you get stuck, I'll push you up," Lochy said," I'll try not to look at yer panties either," he laughed at himself. If the water rose.quicker, she'll live. He'd rather have her live than himself. "Besides, I can doggy paddle up if I get get underwater. He laughed again, thinking about the pun he had jist made.
Aniasta slapped the back of his head,"go!"she said a bit angry,"if you don't go I'm ganna hate you for the rest of our lives now go!"she snarled as her ears folded back.
*rune smiles at aki and kisses her*rune: i love you

*a fat short man stands at the top of the ditch looking down* thrang: problem occifers? Need a hand? Or are you taking a mud bath?*he laughs*

(Been gone all day, so wuts happened?)
Lochrose surely didnt want her to hate him for the rest of his life, so he stabbed the knife into the side of the ditch and climbed

( ani ish testin lochy. She led him into the forest, but got stuck in a ditch. Water is fillin up and ani cant swim)
Aniasta glared,"oh great a man"she muttered and rolled her eyes waiting for Lochy to reply to the thing. Aniasta watched Lochy go up,"a real smart guy"she said and slowly began climbing her foot bleeding it was hard for her to climb and sighed a bit.

Aki kissed back,"I love you too"she said then looked at the twins,"they like your friend there"she said softly.

(a.k.a I have so many ideas for ditches that I like =w=)
Lochy looked up," yes please! And we're not taking a mud bath!"

Hatsuki laughed. He had gone somewhere and came back, in a clean, nice outfit and a plate with two glasses of wine," A drink, master Rune? And for the lady,too," Hatsuki had completely changed into a polite, firm butler. His tail swished uickly.
Aniasta was right behind Lochy and the water was up to her chest,"shit"she thought as her said began to make it worse and the cut on her ankle began to sting,"well that's ganna be infected"she mumbled wincing a bit and she tried to push herself up.

The twins blinked,"pranks?"Mary asked."if you want too.... Lets go!"Sue whispered and they ran off. Akihiko smiled and nodded then looked at the twins as they left,"what are they doing?"she mumbled watching the door.
*the man reaches in and grabslochy and ani, pulling them up*thrang: awful things those turner ditches are...makes decisions harder and you weaker if you fall in one, your lucky i was passing by or unless you where super clever you couldnt get out, usually smart to watch whats under you in these wilder parts of the forest, oh and have you seen two adventurers, one named rune and one named arconn? We where separated in battle, oh gods i hope their ok
Lochy finally got out and thanked Thrang. Lochrose then reached down to grab Aniasta's arm. "Reach up, Ani!" He then pulled Aniasta out, drenched in rain.

"Aniasta..." Lochrose ran after her," Hey... you okay?"
Thrang:hmm, a woman who put up with rune long enough to fall for him? Now this i have to see

Rune:yes hatsuki if you will be so kind as to leave mine on the counter, i need to stay away fronm wine for just a bit longer

Rune wispsers to aki:he is an awful lot like a friend i once knew, so i can see why
(Tomfuckery I deleted the last thing *gomem gomen gomen I'm stupid sorry sorry!* fail on my part ill just reply to Lochy)Aniasta looked at Lochy,"yeah.... I'm fine"she said was she walked ten began limping. Aniasta leaned on Lochy,"just.... Lets get back before we get sick"she said smiling.

Akihiko blushed,"ah when you whisper to me it's so secretive and cute"she said and hugged him,"I love you darli-"she started but then jolted as water fell on her head,"grrr"she growled looking up to see the twins laughing upside down on the ceiling,"you two are dead!"she yelled."we'll duh we're in hell"Mary said and Sue giggled. Akihiko glared even more,"now I'm going to get sick!"she yelled then went under the covers so Hatsuki wouldn't see and threw her clothes off then wrapped herself in the blanket and looked at Rune blushing,"haha! Aki's naked and can't have FUN~"Mary yelled and Sue laughed hard,"Bleh Bleh Bleh!"the twins said in unison sticking there tongues out.
*rune snaps his fingers and suddenly aki has a fine silk dress on, and runes clothes are dry*rune: i love magic , but not as much as you aki(ooc: i really hate having to drag 200 pound grills a mile home :D i woulda been on soonerz)
Lochrose smiled," Yeah..." He led her back to the tavern and took something from the cabinet. Lochy then handed Aniasta something," Here, Ani, antibiotics," Lochrose took the tube and squeezed out some liquid that smelled strongly. He then smeared the stuff on Ania's ankle and mumbled," It's gonna sting for a little bit.."

Hatsuki nodded,"Yes, m'lord," he left the wine over on the table and left to do whatever a butler does," Call when needed, sir,"
Akihiko smiled blushing,"you didn't have to go to such an extent"she said softly then hugged him,"I love you Rune"she said then glared up at the twins,"you two are dead!"she yelled. The twins pouted,"be quiet!"Mary yelled and the twins ran off.(0-0 how did you do that your not heavy as in fat! Your heavy as in muscular! >:T)

Aniasta jolted,"really? Why are you putting this on its disgusting!"she said not liking it one bit.
(I really meant the grill you cook was heavyas in kill me nowXD)rune:you shouldve seen the dresses i couldve come up with, this is the least i could do for a woman as beautiful as yourself, my love
Akihiko smiled happily,"ah nothing could make this moment more lovely"she said hugging him,"your the best man I could ever love"she said and kissed his neck. The twins walked in to purposely interrupt,"we want candy"Mary said."lots and lots of candy"Sue said softly."..... Why should I?"Akihiko asked."we'll just stay here then"Mary said,"you wouldn't be able too"Akihiko said flatly."try us"Mary said. Akihiko shrugged and got onto of Rune and kissed him she kissed roughly the twins gaged and ran off. Akihiko got off Rune smirking,"sorry love are you still sore?"she asked brushing her hand on his cheek.
"Stay still!" Lochrose snarled loudly. He then realized he had suddenly lashed out," Sorry..." He looked down. "It's keeps it from being infection..." He whispered. Lochy continued to put in the medicine, but he kept quiet and silent.
Aniasta blinked blushing deeply,"woe... I didn't think you had that in you"she said softly then smirked and brushed her hand on his cheek,"ya noe maybe that deserves a punishment...."she whispered in his ear smirking widely then licked his ear lobe she then backed away to see his face.
Lochrose looked at Aniasta, his face burned and flared, revealing a deep tinge of red. "Ani... I'm sorry..." He said again. His ear was hot from her tongue.(lawl he doesnt hav earlobes. He gots wolfie ears >w
(Facepalm* today is NOT my day you get the idear tho)

Aniasta smirked and pinned him to the floor pinning his hands above his head,"where shall we take this our room perhaps?"she said and kissed his neck.
*rune smiles* not really*he kisses her for a long time while spinning his finger casting a spell that will shower the twins in candy*rune thinks:i dont think theyll want candy for a little while, but if they do theyll have plenty)
"A-Aniasta..." he whispered, his tail in between his legs. He then remembered what she said in the forest. Lochy then flipped over and switched places with Aniasta, he was then above her. Lochy nibbled her ear and whispered in a raspy voice," I am the alpha wolf!" He grinned, showing off a row of sharp teeth," The alpha wolf gets to eat first, yes?" His golden eyes gleamed, Lochy had gained more confidence. His tail swayed slowly and he rumbled a low canine-purr.
Akihiko kisses back then pulled away and hugged him close,"Rune.... You promised me something.... Is it okay if I asked you to tell me?"she whispered softly. The twins where now satisfied as they ate the candy sitting in the hall way in the candy piles.

Aniasta blushed deeply,"Lochy....."she managed and slowly got up she grabbed his hand and pulled him to the room humming,"maybe you are a wolf..."she mumbled and closed the door behind him then pinned him onto the bed as her tail swayed,"lets see if that was a one hit wonder"she thought as she kissed him.
Rune:wha- ohh. My race was once a prideful and respected one, but we became corrupted, we would kill the inhabitants of planets and sell them to the highest bidder, the other races began to fear us, so they gave a tip to the ledgendary planet destroyer madara..he was evil...but so where many of my people.... i am not like them though

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