The Traveler's Tavern

*rune smiled and relaxed his muscles, never having a massage in his life his muscles where like pretzels and it felt like heaven to get a massage*rune:uhm.. could u ... massage my back? It has been hurting ever since a building fell on me was really rude for the person to kick it over....
"Of course darling"Akihiko said and turned him over and began to massage his back ,"now who do you love~"she said smirking as she massaged and continued then got to his arms and thighs.
"Nice to meet cha," Lochrose mumbled. He wasn't good with strangers, and they made him figidity. Loch washed the tray quickly and walked past Taro, looking back at him and dashed up the stairs.

Hatsuki finished the food. He had made macaroni, with flies and other spider goodies. "Mary! Sue! Food's ready!"
"K"the twins yelled back then ran inside and sat down,"yummy"Mary said smelling the air."smells like flies!"Sue said,"my fave"Mary said.

Aniasta looked at Lochy as he came inside,"what happened... You know I don't even want to know come with me to the park"She said getting up and stretching a bit.
Akihiko smiled and kissed him,"I love you too"she said and massaged more,"have you ever loved or liked anyone before me?"she asked.
Rune responds in his tranced voice: yes but none felt love back, ive liked two...a princess of the kingdom kess and calysto the elf.. both where killed
"Well I'm the one who loves you back... The princess of the shadow realm...."Akihiko said and kissed him,"is this what lures you.... The massage?"she asked not stopping,"so strong..."she mumbled blushing.
"I'm sorry who?"Taro asked confused did she mean the Alice girl from before? All this memorization was kind of a bother for Taro being that his memo's sucked.

Akihiko chuckled,"nothing I just found out something's about the man I love"she said and kissed him,"the man I love is truly a man with a big heart...."she said and brushed her hand on his cheek,"I only want you Rune"she said then got up to serve him tea,"I made you tea"she said smiling.
"Sure, Ani," Lochy said. He enjoyed her company very much. Yet she was very different when he had first met her. Ania had despised men and only looked upon him as only "another" man. Lochy had done something and now she was being less hostile. It was nice.
*rune is hopelessly confuzzled but he smiles anyway*rune:thanks, what king of tea?(he likes green tea^_^, and so xo is caffinated:D)
Aniasta rolled her eyes and went downstairs she passed Taro with a glare. Taro looked at her smirking then looked at the new girl,"that Alice person left...... Your ganna go after her aren't you?"he asked with a yawn.

(Green tea it is!)"green"Akihiko said and gave him a cup she sat by him,"I hope you feel better soon"she said softly.
Taro blinked confusedly then shrugged it off,"okay then?"he said then drunk his juice.

Akihiko smiled a bit,"R-Rune that's so sweet"she said touching her blushing face,"Rune all I see if my future is you"she whispered in his ear then kissed him.
Lochrose followed Aniasta downstairs and saw Taro again. Almost imiedietely, Lochy started getting jumpy again. He stood looking stiff, looked back at Taro every once in a while. Lochy leaned on the counter, his finger tapping violently on the counter silently.

Hatsuki led Mary and Sue back. He came to Rune and Akihiko, "Apologies, m'lord for interrupting..." he said, as he watched them kiss, "Mistress Mary Sue are granted permission to be welcomed back, yes?" Hatsuki gave a bow in preasence of his master, and inplied the spider twins.
The twins blinked looked at the butler man,"you need an easier name...."Sue said."do you have a nickname?"Mary asked tilting her head. Akihiko looked at them pouting she then laid on the bed,"first time we were interrupted"she mumbled.

Aniasta looked back at Lochy,"we'll be back later come"she said and pulled him out by the hand,"come on!"she said and began running into the forest with Lochy.
"No," he said, shaking his head," I am only known as Hatsuki, fire cat demon," he said grimly, his tail drooped low.

"I-I coming!" Lochrose ran after her, blushing slightly. Soon, as ran, he started having fun. He laughed, gleefully.
(Helping my bro do hw sorry)

The twins blinked,"Suki it is!"Mary yelled,"yeah it's cool and cute!"Sue said smiling,"oi you just like it cause it sounds like your name!"Mary realized. Sue his behind Hatsuki.

Aniasta smiled seeing him happily then pinned him to the ground,"time for practice"she said,"we have to see how much my puppy can grow"she said smirking widely as she pinned his hands over his head.

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