The Traveler's Tavern

"woe!"the twins said looking at Runes hands,"that's cool!"Mary yelled,"if we wanted to learn something like that we could?!"the twins asked. Akihiko twiched a bit and she got a big shadow hand and grabbed Mary and her hand turned into a horse and spun like a merry go round,"fire is like like wouldn't you rather learn about shadows?"she asked."from the princes of the shadow realm?!?!?! I'd love that!"Sue yelled,"did you tell him?"Mary asked."no it's not that big of a deal maybe some other time"Akihiko replied smirking widely.
Rune:aki, its not like i cant see obvious things*he smiles and laughs* but theres a even cooler thinvng in magic*he picks up a old cloth and throws it up in the air,it turning to a silk scarf in midair* and thats only desruction and alteration magic...theres alot more to magic than most know, ive studied 1600 years and still only know about a tenth of all the magic there is*rune mutters something about a sneeze trap spell he can never figure out*
The twins were in awe and Akihiko hugged Rune,"so cool"she said. The twins looked at Rune,"we can learn?"Mary asked."so you know she's a princess? And can understand and control shadows?"Sue asked,"your both royal so it's like a prince and princess story of love~"Sue said.
Rune:yoou can learn some i belive, but even i cant teach you some things, a wixze man once said'practiacal experience is best'and i guess it is, although i dont think happily ever after will come as easy, if only i had to fight a dragon, that would make it simple*he laughs because dragons are regarded as the most powerful and deadly beasts alive yet he has fought many*
(Sorry my ipod is updating anyways~)

Akihiko rubbed up against Rune blushing slightly,"I don't care what anyone says I love my darling Rune and we're ganna be together forever"she said softly. The twins laughed,"can you keep a man that long?"Mary asked smirking,"you have my help... and advice"Sue said softly."I don't need it"Akihiko mumbled angrily.
(Lol, its ok when i cant get on my houses wifi i have to use horrible wifi so i cant even get on usually...and...its raining D: so imma hav to go)*rune smiles at theyre arguments and laughs merrily, he spinns aki around and kisses her*
Akihiko kissed back blushing then giggles,"Rune your so cool"she said."is he under your control?"The twins asked confusedly."I don't think so"Akihiko said pouting a bit.
Rune:under her control? I can barely control myself with the king of hell inside probably the only one who could contol him without going mad...i dont think anyone cpuld control me because of that*he smiles misciviously*
"Stop being so cocky"Akihiko said smirking,"girls take note"she whispered so only the twins could hear. Akihiko let out her pheromones and brushed her hand on his cheek as her eyes glowed cutely she then puckered slightly enough to make her lips look soft and bite-able. Akihiko then picked up her hair to show her neck,"ah Rune I think I might be thirsty"she said softly with a seductive voice. The twins watched determinedly.
*rune knowing what she did being a master of dectection decided to play along, he dissapears and reaapears a second later awith a few bottles of drinks* rune in a lovestruck voice:here, these are for you my love*he bows to her and gives her the drinks, but winks at her in a moment when only aki was looking at him*
Akihiko blinked,"he's just joking?!?!?"she thought then became determined,"thank you Darling"she said batting her eyes at him to put him in a slight trance and leaned in her lips so close to his brushing against his then pulled away and began walking away moving her hips from side to side she looked back slightly and batted her eyes again she sang to but him deaper in her teance she then sat on a chair laying on it with her feet and head on the arm rests she continued to sing as she lifted her dress enough to see her thigh she then looked up at the ceiling.
R*rune smiles but its soon replaced by a look of pain* rune:i have to go, the king is calling again*ge dissapears and reapears on the balcony away fro, everyone , he then promptly faints and wakes up in the kings prison*rune:hello king, happy to see you gave me warning this time

king of hell:even i dont like giving children nightmares, they taste so much nicer that way

Rune:yeah.....i think you need some councelling

King of hell: oh please spare me your pitiful attempts at comedy, i must discuss something with you, hlw did you get one of the lurers to fall for you?

Rune:no idea

King of hell:well she knows power for sure, but ill soon crush you like a buf once i get out of this prision

Rune: i love to dream about peace not escaping from prisons

King of hell: ......shut up

*rune wakes up his body steaming from the strain it went through to talk to the king, he coughs up a little blood then wiped his mouth*rune:i hate talking to him
Akihiko glared at the ground,"he wasn't lured..... What did I do wrong.... How much sexier can I go keeping it pg-13?!"she mumbled still sitting the way she was before he left,"Rune.... If only I could pin point what you like in women or what you like about me.....I got it! My personality!.... Now how to use that..... More kind?"she said the twins watched taking notes on what she said.
Hatsuki grinned when Aki was giving Rune her little show. He looked over to her, "I can see m'lord takes quite an interest towards such a fine woman," he said in a very polite tone. Hatsuki then directed his voice toward the twins, "My, what a nice pair of young ladies. I am Hatsuki Fureimu. Master Rune's butler."

"Ah!" Lochrose gasped. This sensation again was back again. It hurt his head. Lochrose looked down. "Ani...I keep feeling...weird... it- it's a good kind of feeling... and something else..." Lochrose uttered, he was confused. "What... is it?"

R*rune sits on the balcony and looks at the castle with his super vision he notices that someone is standin g on the castle balcony, he sees the persons face and notices the dead bodys in the doorway to the palace* rune:he didnt.....he did*he rushes to aki*rune:take the twins and get far from here, things could get ugly soon ad i dont want you or the twins getting hurt*he jumps out of the window and flys to the castle balcony*rune says with an ice cold voice:hello madara

Madara:your castle staff dies too easily...but that one group did put up a nice fight*fire blazez in runes eyes and the gold at runes feet starts to melt*rune angrily: WHAT? YOU DARE TO LAY A HAND ON THE RESIDENTS OF HELL!?!?*he slams his fist into the gold wall shattering it*
Akihiko smiled,"thank you"she said."I'm Mary"Mary said smiling,"I'm Sue"Sue said softly. That when Rune came in."ah Rune wait!"Akihiko yelled then glared a bit she had a shadow make her look like a boy perfectly so nobody could tell the difference,"take the twins!"she yelled to Hatsuki. Akihiko then jumped out of the window following Rune she hid in the shadows by him so she could figure out why Rune wasn't letting her fight she was a bit angry because of it.

Aniasta blinked,"where is the feeling? Is it around here?"she asked touching his lower stomach again.
Madara:you know ive got you outnumbered right?*tirnoch the dragon rises up from behing him , overshadowing the castle with her huge size*rune:great, now ive got two planet destroying beings to fight? Greeaat

madara:i will enjoy the feeling of sucking the power out of you as you die*he appears in dfront of rune and kicks him in the face downward,shattering the balcony and sending him into the city, madara floats down and tirnoch steps through the castle breaking it in two*
Akihiko jolted she looked at her home then Rune and rolled her eyes,"dammit the twins better be okay or I swear!"she thought angrily then flew down to Rune a big shadowy hand appeared and caught him pulling him into the shadows,"Rune you big dummy you have to NOT get hurt!"she said then looked around and flew up to the castle and threw him at the dragon then flew back to the other guy and smirked she put him in a dark field black as night with scofficating air that was depleting,"Runes so stupid turning away ME"she thought rolling her eyes as she kept the guy in her little field.
*runes back arches and his eyes glow, suddenly hundreds of things rip from his body and an army of glowing warriors appears in front of him, he rips through them all and appears in front of aki*rune:9aki...i dont want you fighting him, tirnoch i know you can beat, but madara is a personal matter, i must fight him alone
Hatsuki nodded, "Come along!" He told the twins. He turned into a big cat made of orange and red fire. He lashed his tail and let the twins on his back. The fire didn't burn them and he leaped away from the demon castle, hoping his lord would be okay.

"It's here..." Lochrose raised his hand and touched his chest. "It feels hot and fast.." He looked away, fearing it would be unusual or strange to her.
(Yes)rune:aki, ill see you after, and i promise to let you know the truth about my race, and why it was destroted, i love you*he charges madara, his body turning into black metal with two dark elf blades in his hand as they clash an explosion rocks the city*
The twins did as they were told scaredly."what's going on?"Sue asked."where are we going?"Mary asked.

Akihiko rolled her eyes,"yeah yeah go ahead just don't get hurt"she said then French kissed him. Akihiko smirked pulling away then flew over to the dragon,"I've never fought a dragon"she mumbled pouting. Akihiko broke her field on the guy and put it on the dragon,"now fire and water..."she said filling the field with water.

Aniasta smiled,"does that only happen when I'm around or touch you?"she asked laying on him.
A girl with absoule white hair and violet eyes walks in through the door of the tavern, her white dress swishing silently as she sat down at a table.
*the dragon laughs and sends a beam of energy flying at aki, barely missing her* tirnoch:and ive never faced a mere demon, i wonder how fun it will be to toy with your soul once i devour it*suddenly aki is in a dark room with only tirnoch in frontof her she can feel tirnochs will pushing on her*tirnoch: bow to me, accept your fate and die

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