The Traveler's Tavern

Akihiko smirked and pulled Rune close she let her leg seductively drift up his leg her knee got up to his hip and she brushed her lips on his cheek,"try hard.... Where going to have to work hard every night"she whispered seductively in his ear then grabbed his belt from his pants smirking,"catch my if you can"she said and flew faster.
(rune doesnt wear pants with belts...he doesnt like them, neither do i! i preffer sports pants cause i can go from sitting in class bored to amazing them by putting my legs behind my head lol)*rune smiles and flys faster too, but keeping just behind her(he could go supersonic but hes being a nice guyXD)
rune thinks:holy hell

*rune toutches her foot* rune:some rules where jsut meant to be broken*he smiles misciviously*(fade to black time?)
(if you mean they do 'it' then yes otherwise please explained cause I'm stupid otherwise)

Akihiko jolted and blushed,"Rune your such a tease!"she said and hugged him feeling his hand go from her leg to her thigh.

Akihiko woke up and Runes chest in a room she smiled up at him brushing her hand over his chest she then kissed his neck,"you got better"she said softly in his ear.
Akihiko slowly sat up and looked around,"mmmm still hungry"she mumbled looking around then looked at the pointless window that didn't really show anything but rock,"ah the twins...."she said then looked at Rune,"let's get to the dinning room...."she said then looked sad,"he's probably there...."she said softly and sighed,"make me look ugly"she said to Rune a bit ditermined.
*rune is confused*rune:i dont think i heard you ri-*he looks out the window as of feeling something, his skim turns red and starts bubbleing*king of hell:today he proves that he is worth the fall,

his race payed the price, for his life

he will stand against the ancient foes, united he shall stand

alone he shall fall*my skin turns normal and i fall to the floor coughing up blood*
Akihiko jolted and went over to Rune,"R-Rune!"she yelled not really knowing what to do she had the shadows help him up and they cleaned up his blood as she got him water she snapped her fingers and she was dressed,"are you okay my beloved"she asked cleaning the blood off his face worriedly. ok*he shrugs* the king just took over usually hurts when he does but this time it was worse ...he was speaking a prophecy
Lochrose had finally gotten out of the mess with Ani's help. Long hours were given up from taking scissors and cutting of a bunch of excess yarn. He woke up. Looking over at Aniasta, Lochrose thought that she had been in a lot of stress. From being sick, to then dealing with his "predicament" Today he wanted to stay out of as much trouble as he.could. Lochrose went down stairs and whipped up some breakfast. He had made a traditional breakfast-in-bed. Lochy held a tray with eggs, bacon, a biscuit, and a glass of milk. He waited until Ani woke up to surprise her.
"sorry I didn't hear it"Akihiko said then herd screaming she glared,"stay put"she said then put on a mask and ran out she ran into the dinning room hiding in her shadows,"she's not home!"Ale yelled glaring. The twins where on the ceiling in a web they were stuck there and the people who came didn't seem to notice."where is the shadow princess!"A man yelled glaring."I told you she's dead!"Ale yelled. Akihiko jolted seeing the man put a knife up to the spider maid's head,"I'll slit her throat!"the man yelled. The twins began sqerming crying. Akihiko quickly went to the twins tilting her head and putting a finger on there lips. The twins nodded. The man glared,"tell me!"he yelled as a bunch of the other men began breaking things,"this is hell nobody cares if someone dissappears from this world!"he yelled. Akihiko watched she didn't want anyone hurt she waited for a good time to struck as she watched,"give use the shadow princess! We know she's been taking the love demons job!"he yelled.

Aniasta jolted awake,"mother!"she yelled baring her fangs and her eyes wide she looked at Lochy,"oh.... Hi..."she said looking away as she closed her mouth and then looked back at him,"did you eat yet?"she asked.
"Ah...not yet..." He laughed, scratching the back of his head. Lochrose looked at the platter he had made and showed it to her, being very proud of himself. "For you!" He said, his tail wagging in a happy manner. "I'll eat after you've eaten." He said," Today, you shall be royal highness Aniasta!!!" Lochrose announced. He then laid the platter on her lap and bowed playfully like a butler.
*rune grabs the knife bending the thing back around and into the mans hand*run in an aggervated tone:best be respectful around the god of this land or youll find the realm unites easily when its for hunting fools down and killing them

(Wait nvm)
(oi, I havent gotten to rp wit u rune for a while :( ill just maje another charrie~)

Hatsuki walked through the halls of the demon kingdom. He had been just recently been appointed butler there. Specifically Lord Rune himself. Hatsuki had been a butler for as long as he could remember, but never of this high authority. Hatsuki had the appearance of an 18 year ilf young man, with wild bedhead orange hair. He had dark crimson eyes and had cat ears made of fire. Ha also had a long, fire cat tail that drifted behind him. Hatsuki ore a black tuxedo and a red tie, the usual butler uniform. He looked around, but cpuldn't find his boss anywhere. "Where in the world is Lord Rune?" He asked himself.
Aniasta blinked and glared she quickly ate all of the food then gulped it down,"now you have to eat!"she said glaring,"I don't need you to be weak later...."she said.( xD okay then and Aniasta mean well 0-0)
*rune got a message on his black ipod*rune:new butler? Since when did i have a butler?*he sends a message back with where hes at and directions
"Heh... Yes ma'am," Lochrose gave a huge cheeky grin, and went to get his own pkate. He sat down on a chair, chewing slowly. "Earlier when you woke up, you screamed 'mother'. What's that about?" His tail loomed softly beside him, swaying silently. "I mean, if you're okay talking about it," Lochrose added, afraid his question would make her uncomfortable.

Hatsuki got the message. He rushed over to the coordinates until he saw Rune. "Hatsuki Akafurei, at your service, Lord Rune!" He said, almost out of breath, and kneeling down onto one knee. "Apologies for my timing sir, I must've woken up late." Hatsuki said in a graceful tone of voice. He stood up and straightened his outfit, fixing any mistakes in the ironing.

(sure aya, welcome! :D )
"I told you... I don't remember my mother... She died infront of my eyes... Somehow that scene plays over in my mind"Aniasta said softly.

Akihiko looked at the twins and covered there eyes with silk just in case. Akihiko quickly jumped down screaming she made big shadowy hands and began knocking out man after man her shadows holding them back as she yelled screaming do the twins couldn't hear the men dieing glad they couldn't see.
A girl with long pitch black hair and absolutely pale skin stumbled in through the door of the tavern, clutching her shoulder. Crimson blood dripped from between her fingers, signaling that there was a wound beneath. Her eyes were shut tight from the pain of the wound as she tried to stay strong and not cry.


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