The Traveler's Tavern

rune: if i could, i may be able to give them some books....ive got about a thoulsand books on every type of demon and demonic power there is...maybe theres something on lureing..*He speaks into his bag and a huge book flys out hitting him in the face* gah! ive got to make my commands more clear to this dang thing*he looks at the book* this is on medusa!!! urg...* he trys again and a few small books appear in his hand* better....but still not right! *he rips one of the books that came out in half* aanother on medusa, why does my bag want to turn to stone?*He chuckles*anyways these three are on an art called lureing...if you would kindly give them to the twins it would be appreciated*he holds out the books for ale to take*
Ale smiled,"thank you hopefully those two appreciate it"she said and walled away. Akihiko looked at Rune,"your out to eat my heart aren't you?"she asked smirking.

Aniasta blinked then laughed,"you little puppy calm down"she said patting his head then stretched,"it was a good nights rest"she said happily.
"I'll prove it when I can," Lochrose laughed. "You're okay right? Good to hear!" he smiled. Lochrose didn't know why, but Aniasta made him feel happy. "So ya wanna go anywhere?" he said, with his ears perked up in eagerness.
"would you like me to take you to the forest?"Aniasta asked smirking as her tail swayed.

Akihiko blinked then laughed sarcastically,"oh haha perve"she said walking away then jolted a bit and coughed,"that stench"she mumbled and jolted holding her breath,"hold your breath"she said as a stink spirit passed by.
rune:erm....*he sniffs the air* i cant smell any-.......ohhh now i remember...i made that charm to never smell bad odors....
Lochrose held his nose and tried to breathe through his mouth. But you know when something's so strong that you can actually taste it? That's what happened to Lochrose. He gagged and held his breath for a long time. He managed to utter, "W-what is that?"

(oh crap forget my last post plz!!!. Thought it was Aniasta >w<)

"Ah sure, I love the forest!" Lochrose said cheerfully.
Aniasta laughed then fell off the bed,"whoops.... I suppose we can go there"she said and got up,"so your happy I'm not sick anymore"she asked going into the shower after closing the bathroom door.

Akihiko glared,"j-jerk"she said holding her breath as it passed by she was turning blue,"where is miss Ale"the stink spirit asked."the twins"Akihiko thought,"erm her room yes her room"she said turning purple."really where is that?"the stink spirit asked taking long pauses between his words."t-to the right at the steps"Akihiko said and the stink spirit left she then fell on the floor breathing heavily,"I thought I was ganna explode!"she said.
rune:i couldnt smell it....would you like me to make you a charmed necklace that doesnt let you smell bad things? it comes in handy but i preffer a ring* he shows the ring he has on his middle finger with a black diamond set in the center*
Lochrose sat down. He decided that if they were going to the woods then at least have appropriate clothing. He pulled on some dark cargo pants, slipping them on quickly. He didn't have as much luck with his shirt, though. Lochrose yanked on a white tee with an "Evanescence" logo on it. Apparently, the shirt didn't agree with him. Loch tried to pull on the tee, but he got the left arm hole and the head hole confused and he switched them. Trying to correct his mistake, Lochy fell over onto a large ball of yarn. The yarn got tied up between his feet and all around him. Lochrose lay there, completely stuck in a tee shirt, some yarn, and he was semi-naked. (part of his shirt is on)

(yes, I feel like a weirdo >w< plus, I'm a girl in real life, so that makes it sound like I'm a pervert >w<)
*he opens his bag and wispers something and a gem, a wand and a necklace pop out* ok*he puts the gem on the necklace and speaks a spell then taps it with the wand, color draining from his face but the gem binds itself into the necklace, and there is a true silver necklace with a large ruby set in it, he picks it up and hands it to her* rune: a beautiful gift for a very beautiful lady
(loch, i pretended to be a girl for like a month to mind fk some friends so dont feel wierd, the funny part was they didnt even belive me when i told them i was a guyXD)

(the rp is open to all sierah, but momizi just like dissapeared lol)
(we've all been there bro we've all been there)

Aniasta came out in a pain of black skinny jeans and a grey corset with netting under a nevershoutnever bracelet on and callor with a bell around her neck and black and grey heeled hightops,"what are you-"Aniasta started then jolted,"so cute"she said then went over to him crouching down to meet his leval,"are you really a kitten"she asked brushing her hand against his chest,"this would be a perfect time to pursue him...."she said looking at his tied up hands.
(I've been dieing to make a guy go ahead and start up your character and I'll bring in Akihiko's bro unless Bane wants this *talking to u Rune cough cough*)

Akihiko smiled and hugged Rune and they fell to the floor together,"your so cool.... Are you okay?"she asked worriedly after looking at his face.
(ok ,cos i was kinda worried abt her consitering i havent seen her in like two days and the other rp we were doing dropped into the second page*faints* xD )

*rune smiles*yeah, just a bit drained(Bane left on his adventure again, DANG PALADIN ALWAYS LEAVES WHEN HES NEEDED xD )
Akihiko looked even more worried then turned around so her back faced him,"put it on for me"she said lifting her hair up for him.
(this is the most active this thread has been and its 50% OOC lmao)

*he gently puts the necklace on her and smiles, he stands up and holds his hand out*need some help up?
(they come in handy on comedy nights though)*rune pulls her up and kisses her*

*an elf walks into the tavern wearing two black scimitars on his back*arconn:did anyone see a few adventurers pass through here?`
(hows that do they act clutzy? Btw Rune I thought you WERE a chick.... Cuz you was talkin' 'bout calories 0-0)

Akihiko blushed due to being surprised ,"Rune what are you doing?"she whispered as she leaned on the wall pulling him with her. Akihiko then kissed him back pulling him close.

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