The Traveler's Tavern

"mmmm okay"Akihiko said then hugged his arm close to her chest,"but your so comfy I bet it's because of how muscular you are"she said.
"ah your kisses are wonderful~"Akihiko said,"I would show you to my mother if she was still on her diet she loves~ eating humans so she might think your one and eat you...."she said smiling.
*rune cracks up* rune:you should introduce her to this buggar named kappa! id love to see her eat him!itd be a riot!but seriously in the underworld i look alot different, i can take my demon form now but i dont exactly feel comfortable above the underworld....
"would you like to see her then?"Akihiko asked excitedly.(I know it's taking away from the area of the bar but after a while the same scenery is boring ya noe we can come back tho 0w0)
rune:Sure, would you do the honors? i havent opened a pathway to the underworld in several hundred years....i fear i may get us crushed if i try so out of practice
Akihiko nodded and they were enveloped by the shadow they appeared in an creepy mansion that was grey colored there where pictures on the wall of a young demon girl with small horns,"Mother!"she yelled. A big spider came out of the kitchen with two baby spiders running around,"hello miss your mothers tired from hurting herself yesterday she's currently waiting for the breakfast feast"the spider said."yes of course I'm aware of her... Accident"Akihiko said. Akihiko was wearing a black dress with a corset holding her stomach in, her white silly hair was loose and her black horns where big and reached up then curled in longer then when she was with the humans.
*rune is changed too, he has two horns of ice and his skin is a gray,black, he is taller and has a tail made of ice that constantly moves yet never melts*rune:what accident?maybe i can help with her injury...ive got some of thrangs remedies somewhere in my bag...
Akihiko shook her head holding him back,"it's because of the shadows leaving her after she got them to carry her"she said."oh you heard about that... She should be fine after lunch"the spider said."Mary Sue I'm home!"Akihiko said. Two girls with human top parts to the waist and a spider bottom part came out."Aki!"One said."Hiko!"the other said."Mary Sue how's the luring going?"Akihiko asked smiling."we can't do it"Mary said."yeah no guys want to get spirited away unless we look older or it's both of us!"Sue said."it gets easier give it time"Akihiko said. The twins looked at Rune,"cute demon!"they said."my lover I didn't even need to lure him"Akihiko said smiling."because your beautiful"the twins said pouting. Akihiko just laughed.
rune:beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but the truth behind love is in the heart and mind of both*he smiles knowing theyll probably be confused(HE LOVES TO CONFUSE PEOPLE!)*
"....... Wha?"Mary said."it's like this everyone sees people differently but the mind can play tricks on people to make them fall in love... Like pheromones "Sue said."yeah your the smart one all right"Mary mumbled."your two go practice spinning webs"the spider woman said and the twins scurried off. The spider woman left to the kitchen,"it's always lonely around here please ignore it"Akihiko said as she walked up the stairs elegantly with princess-like posture.
*rune chuckles*rune:try living in the seems to go on forever without sound for days sometimes....i used to sit on top of the highest point and watch the city below...always a nice sight*he walks putting the front of his foot down first wich is strange but he makes absoulutely no noise when he walks*
Akihiko smiled a bit,"yeah at least the twins are here... Ania was my only play mate growing up.... It was always fun to be stronger then her"she said walking with her head high."ehem..... Oh how lovely with those muscular arms and sexy body oh how my heart beats to feel your touch!"she yelled."a man!!!!!!!!!!!?????"a loud voice said Akihiko acted like she fainted wich was believable. A fat woman came in she had pink hair and long horns she looked at Rune then Akihiko who was on the floor 'passed out',"you made my daughter faint.... You must be unbelievably good"she said.
rune:erm......thank you,i dont belive ive had the pleasure of meeting you yet madam, will you honor me with your name?*he bows*
"oh my such manners"the woman said,"my name is-"she started. Akihiko kicked her mom to the floor and pinned her,"no looking him in the eye no touching no pheromones no hugs no luring he's MINE"she said then got up and hugged Runes arm."aw... I thought he was a gift for me"her mom said,"anyway my name is Ale but call me mom"she said smiling.
rune:i doubt any amount of pheramones could take me from you aki, and alright name is runeofflame but my friends call me rune(he never says friends and family because his family is dead)
"aw~"Akihiko and her mom said softly. Akihiko smiled and kissed his cheek,"I love you"she said."oh yes well what's your rank?"Ale asked.
rune says suprised:rank? if you mean title, im the new i know the news probably hasnt reached here yet but, hades is dead.
Ale smiled,"it's a pleasure"she said bowing. Akihiko smiled and kissed Rune again,"he's so wonderful"she said happily."Aki please don't fawn over the new god if he breaks your heart or vice versa this family will be ruined"Ale said glaring."then I guess I'll stop making shadows"Akihiko said and Ale laughed backing away,"nevermind"she said.
Lochrose got up. His back ached from sleeping on the floor a little. Letting out a big yawn, he scratched his head. He didn't he Akihiko or Rune anywhere, "Probably making out or whatever..." he thought. Skipping up the stairs he thought about his own relationship between him and Aniasta. It was complicated, but interesting. Creaking open the door, Loch cheered, "Oy Ani! You feel better?" he said, giving a huge smile.
Aniasta yawned a bit sitting up cutely,"yes I'm fine"she said as her tail flicked a bit."you okay?"Aniasta asked tilting her head.
rune:why would i break the heart of a girl as beautiful and nice as aki? shes everything ive dreamed of and more*he smiles happily(why cant i stop talking like a wizard when im rune!)
Akihiko smiled,"isn't he wonderful... And so kind"she said."yes I suppose.... Did you hear... The twins are having problems luring they might fail out of school"Ale said."I thought it was only Mary"Akihiko said."no.... But don't worry there just in a slump because of there crush.... They'll be better soon"Ale said."I didn't authorize a crush on them"Akihiko said."you didn't have them to authorize"Ale said. Akihiko nodded.
"Yeah, I'm okay," he said, sitting down on the edge of her bed, a little too close. After a short moment of silence, he broke out, "Thank goodness you're not sick anymore!" Lochy cried, hugging Aniasta in a tight embrace for a long time. Loch's ears were up and his tail was wagging rapidly, indicating he was excited.

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