The Traveler's Tavern

"hm? Oh no problem"Akihiko said then looked up,"show me the beast"she said and snapped her fingers a woman that was fat had a bunch of shadows carrying her one dieing every couple of minutes,"drop her and sleep"Akihiko said glaring and the shadows dissappeared and the woman fell on her face. Akihiko smiled as the projection faded and she looked back at Rune brushing her hand on his cheek.
rune wispers:realasen*the things fall off and suddently words written in symbols appear over everthing except his face*
rune:the king of hell is sealed in me, the mad king is his nickname as he had so much knowlidge he went mad.....i show a small part of the knowlege when the wrist bracellets are off.....
Akihiko smiled,"I'm glad your telling me this"she said then smiled,"do you still want to do this? Or would you rather sleep"she asked hugging him close.
Akihiko jolted feeling her heart skip a beat she smiled,"Rune"she said hugging him then kissed him back she brushed her hand through his hair then let it drift down to his cheek,"no other man could compare to you~"she said.(I love ice cream~ =w=)
*runes heart pounds in his chest*rune: and no other woman to you

(who doesnt!^_^why cant ice cream be 0 calories? then we could eat it and not gain any weght!
(pffft I don't gain weight I'm only 99 pounds and I'm 15 bam! Lovin that xD anyways time skip? I dunno if the younger viewers should see what's about to go down- mentally anyway ehem ehem)
(i barely eat and im still like 150, i just turned 15 a bit ago ...but i excersize a ton and cant seem to loose weight...and yes i think we should do teh time skip to teh morning lol)
(I eat a lot but I walk to school classes are on the fourth floor gym is on the 1stfloor ap is on the third floor and I have to go down a certain way like why bro! And I eat a bunch of pork chops =w= mmmm pork~)

Akihiko woke up rubbing her eyes,"mmmmm fun"she said softly as she stretched sitting up,"there's my kimono... Oh well it's dirty"she said and went into the bathroom and did what she needed to then came out in a mini kimono and did a bridge to stretch she then sat on the floor infront of a mirror her shadows where holding,"stupid horns"she mumbled after brushing her hair.
*rune gets up , his hair messed up and he has a bedhead, he chuckles and starts doing pullups on the door frame( i do that like daily in rl actually)*( i walk half a mile home with everything ive got daily wich is good excersise and i keep all my stuff with me so i weigh like ......150 pounds extra consitering ive got two bags of stuff to carry and theres no trees to walknunder so im like dead at the end lol, ill lift weights alot to try and loose some extra weight but i only gain weight somehow.....)
*rune smiles at aki* rune:not really, if you do it while jumping at first you easily build up the muscle to do it without jumping*He drops down and sits beside her*(i do have low metabolism-.- i hate it cos if i eat more than half what i want to i gain alot of weight)
Akihiko smiled and leaned on him,"still cool"she said and kissed him,"nice job for someone without exprience btw"she said smirking as she hugged his arm.
"oh shut up"Akihiko said getting up smirking back then walked out she jolted the sun light hurting her eyes she closed them covering her face.
*waves my hand and a cloud passes in front of the sun dimming it a bit*rune:magic is so handy in the morning...*he follows her*
Akihiko smiled humming a bit as she ordered breakfast. Akihiko sat at a table smiling at Rune. Akihiko looked at her hand,"five deadlines are tomorrow...."she mumbled.
"don't worry darling it's for me not you"Akihiko said smiling,"oh by the way.... Are you feeling well? Usually after the first time guys get a little arroused over little things"she said touching his thigh.

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