The Traveler's Tavern

Lochrose smiled. The atmosphere was getting a lot better. He still had his doubts about Akihiko, but she seemed not that bad now that he thought about it. "Say, Akihiko," he said, "Since you are a demon, does that make Aniasta a demon as well?" he thought about his question, and thought it wouldn't be too personal to ask. He grabbed a glass of lemonade out of Aries's collection, and leaving some money on her counter. Sitting down, he sipped the lemonade slowly.
"were step sisters.... Her real sister died with her mother.... If she trusts you she'll tell you how"Akihiko said. Aniasta looked away,"I'm a fox demon.... Just smartassed and sly"Aniasta said looking down. Akihiko looked around then looked down,"and my father her step dad is a rapeist.... He has actually...."She managed,"I hate men"she mumbled angrily."I like one man"Aniasta said."did I ask"Akihiko said,"nope but you sure as hell wish you were me"Aniasta said smirking."not really I know who my mother is"Akihiko said smirking. Aniasta looked away and coughed,"ah I feel sick... Lochrose can we share a room?"she asked.
*rune looks at bane*bane:can you hear that?

rune:if there ever was an elf party near thats one

bane:im going to go over there....i havent seen the elves in many days and it will be a happy meeting i think

rune: peace

*bane walks out, rune looks down at the things he wears on his wrists and mubmles*

mumble:all secrets have a price to keep them what they are
Lochrose felt so sorry for Aniasta. His ears went down and gave her a slight smile, "Ah...sure." He stood up and helds Ania by her arm for support and led her upstairs.

When they were up, he gave her his bed, and said he'll be right back. Skipping down the stairs, he took some ingredients out of Aries's cabinet and mixed them together in a hot stove. Lochrose left a note for Aries, apologizing for taking her food without permission and that he'll buy them back later. Approximently 15 minutes later, he had made a warm soup. A little embaressed of how he can cook so finely but fight so....not. Lochrose took it in a bowl upstairs and cheered softly, "I...have...SOUP!" He announced in a whisper.
(lachrose cooks too? runes like a great cook but never has the time to cook...even though he has a kitchen in his magic bag, yeah he has a magic bag too:D)
"but not all secrets have bad things all they way through them... Some secrets can save people"Akihiko said smiling at Rune,"don't worry everyone has a chance at a wonderful future there are always chances for people"she said smiling softly. Aniasta blinked,"and I have hands and feet you really didn't need to make soup that was to much trouble"she said then coughed some more. Aniasta then pulled Lochrose close her lips close to his,"I would kiss you if I didn't need to risk you catching whatever I have...."she whispered then sighed as she leaned on him,"feed me"she said.
(XDDD agreed, he once spent 3k gold coins on ingredients to perfect his favorite dish....then used the plate he put it on to knock out a goblin: D)
"Ahaha... My bad?" he said, scratching the back of his head," I guess it's instinct.." he picked up a silver spoon and scooped some of it and gave it too her. It felt kind of funny, feeding a girl that was older than him, but it felt like the right thing to do. "Tch. Besides, we wouldn't want you to get worse,eh?"
rune: a wizard often walks a lonely path....even when we do find a good place....we live for several thoulsand years easily, so those we know usually die well before us...exept elves and some others......ive got a few secrets that i never want found out...and a half inch of gold never had trouble hiding anything

*he taps the things on his wrist* rune:solid gold...only i know how to take it off....well without ripping my own hand off i mean
Lochy paused for a moment,"Your gold armlets?" his tail swayed in such a manner of like of the wind that was being shifted only slightly. "Why can't you take them off?"
*he shows that they have no way to open and release* see? a special spell is required to open them....and i only do that when i sleep...or swim....but i rarely get the chance to swim*he laughs and then yawns* imay head up to my room*he looks at akihiko* you still need a room? i doubt bane will be back soon as ive seen elf partys go on for days and nights...
Akihiko laughed,"I suppose so but it must be annoying to wear those things all the time it's such a pain right?"she said rolling her eyes,"and i know how you feel ive always wanted a lover that only wanted me and not just a concubine.... But that only happens once in a blue moon for people like me... The man i loved didnt feel the same for me and just left....."she added. Akihiko smirked and brushed her hand on his cheek,"i wouldnt mind sharing a room with such a handsome man like you"she said and leaned in brushing her lips against his cheek.Aniasta smiled a bit,"this is good"she said licking her lips. Aniasta then put her hand on his thigh as she leaned in for the second spoon full,"you could be a full blown wolf.... But like I said you have to win me over with strength for me to believe that my little puppy"she said.
rune:theyre a pain...but i deal with them to hide two that youd definitly notice if i took them off and one that stays on the area they worse than the other in a way but also not as bad in another....
"Hmm..." Lochrose thought. He looked at himself. He was filthy. "Be back. I'm going to the shower." he announced, and headed towards the bathroom. Shortly after, you could hear the soft rumble of warm water running.
*rune looks down at himself too, his clothes torn up from battle*rune: ugh....i look like a criminal on the run or something...*with the wave of his hand he is wearing a expencive looking suit,shoes and pants*thats better, now i feel like a proper god- i mean wizard.....

thinks:ive got to hide my secrets better
Aniasta smiled,"what a cutie...... But is he really falling for me?"she said,"this sickness will pass quickly"she mumbled. Akihiko smiled,"what a shame... They do compliment your strength though"she said brushing her hand from his shoulder to his hand then leaned towards his ear,"I don't care about anything but the present"she whispered smirking as she touched his thigh. Akihiko smirked backing away dangling his keys in her hand,"meet you there"she said softly walking backwards,"unless you can catch me of course"she said.
*he appears in front of her*rune with a bit of a smirk:never underestimate me, im more than meets the eye*he smiles misciviously and dashes up to his room using an opening spell to open the door instead of keys(he preffers magic to keys and stuff, but he loves to break doors he cant open magically or with a key downXD)*
( xD pffft if I could do that I totally would)

akihiko glared then pouted,"hey wait up"she said then appeared in the room she smiled at Rune and hugged his arm,"how cool"she said,"your so much fun"she said softly then small dark spirits closed the door and dissappeared.(yeah Aki can control shadows and darkness 0w0 I wouldn't like that power .... Well to an extent I would)
(the powers rune has are crazy, he made a thoulsand wier lights fly up into the sky and explode like fireworks at the same time, it wuz like......omg ill b deaf for a month xD )

rune:thanks.....ive never been called fun before....crazy but not fun*He chuckles*

(was planning to get farther but gotta go goodnight yall, hopefully ill be on a few hours earlier so ill be able to talk more tommorow)
(k peace out girl scout)

Akihiko smirked and hugged tighter,"very fun..."she said then sat on the bed and yawned,"your.... Good...."she said smiling.
"seems like you have a lot you can't say.... Don't worry everyone has there secrets I won't ask you to say something you don't want to"Akihiko said then laid down looking at Rune,"by the way just call me Aki okay?"she said smiling then jolted a bit as a lion appeared in the room,"Akihiko please bare my children"it said turning into a sexy human blonde haired guy in a suit."no Leo leave me alone"Akihiko said."please please!"Leo yelled and pinned her down,"shadows speak to this insolent celestial spirit his heart shall be judged"Akihiko said and her eyes glowed the man saw locked into a seat and shadow people came and spun around him,"your heart.... Speaks.... It says,'i don't love her I don't need her I don't want her'!"the shadows said in unison,"judgement! Life is a gem you are found guilty of attemptive one-sided love! Speak no more find someone who will love you in 1 month of lose your voice and sight for eternity!"Akihiko said and snapped her fingers the shadows and man dissappeared,"I hate judgement... I hope he fulfills himself"she said now holding her head.
rune: an interesting power....ive never seen shadows like that....i wonder, are they separated from the underworld? because i have seen every creature there is at my corination

rune thinks:damnit! what did i just say! i hate it when my big mouth tells my own dang secrets
"coronation huh?.... No those shadows are my own creation.... Your highness"Akihiko said then laughed,"sorry it just seemed to fit what you said.... So are you?"she asked,"or do you not want to answer?"she added.

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