The Traveler's Tavern

Now he was suddenly interested," Yes, I've heard of North and South Goval, the war is 4000 years now, yes? What had happened?"

(Oi, srry for short post. Author's block >0<)
Aniasta blinked,"old..."she mumbled then closed her eyes again,"hm.... When your able to steal my heart with your strength and not cuteness"she said smirking then jolted and hissed."ohohoho!"there was a loud laugh and a girl came from the darkness and sat on a table,"hello darling"she sang."ew Akihiko"Aniasta said."why are you being so mean? You have so many men here... Is that why your bitter"Akihiko said as she twirled around behind Bane and Rune then touched there shoulders,"and strog too oh wait recalling what a MAN did to your family no wonder you like the child"Akihiko added smirking.
bane:4000 years over you mean....even though the wars where short they where bloody, too bad i was foolish enough not to see the mistakes i made in them....then maybe theyd have been over sooner with me on the right side

me: oy! stop talking about that war, now the wight wars where some real crazy stuff! even the oracles got involved, remember iowan was just kicking them in the face when they came near her? and then one flipped her over and she landed face first in the mud! ha! she screamed like a little girl, and then that one that fell and landed on arconn? he was so suprised!

*rune blushes at the strong compliment and bane smirks and wispers so quiet only rune can hear*banes wisper: paladins never get girls, huh?

me: dont get a swelled head, oh wait im a few thoulsand years to late with that
"hm good faces good body types"Akihiko said leaning towards one after the other,"why'd you choose the baby"Akihiko said then smirked,"but which is better"she said smirking."your suck a step sister"Aniasta said only half caring,"and he's not a baby.... He's a puppy"she said smirking."whatever floats your boat"Akihiko said then looked at Rune,"he's really really cute"she said,"but he looks brave"she said smirking at Bane.

Suddenly, the red tint quickly came back to Lochrose's face. "Wait, Aniasta likes me?" he thought to himself. Looking at Akihiko, he growled, "I'm as man as you'll ever be," Lochrose was surprised at his actions. He usually would not counter someone like that. He looked down and decided to be polite to this LOUD and slightly rude girl. "I don't think we've met," Lochrose forced a half-hearted smile,"I'm Lochrose, Pleased to meet you."
*me and bane laugh togehter* bane:i dont know wich one of us is the braver

rune: ill say it, bane, your probably more than i am in bravery. especially when you met alex, standing up to the great alexander taylor ....astonishing

bane:it was only my pride getting the better of me

rune:wait*he looks at akihiko* i dont belive we have met yet, will you honor me with your name?(he asks it in that gentleman style, he is often prone to being a gentleman instead of his smartass self at timesXD)
"my name is Akihiko the demon of love see I'm the person who makes you fall in love and be sexually active. Ha but angels like to take credit for that although the fact that the devil is the one who made the delectable fruit is the truth to the sex"Akihiko explained,"ah so your the one worth my time"she said to Bane."that's my annoying step sister"Aniasta said."yes sadly by law and the goodness of my father you are my ugly little step sister... That disgusting curly hair ha! Groom yourself why don't you!"Akihiko yelled."just be quiet I'm enjoying myself"Aniasta said and licked Lochrose's neck.
bane:care to explane rune?

rune:shes a succubus who is true to her name

bane: ohh, who woulda thought

rune: whats more unpredictable than a demon? maybe their god but im another story*he smiles misciviously*

bane: you know that smile creeps me out.....

me:if it didnt, i wouldnt do it
Lochrose shuddered when she licked him. He still couldn't believe that Aniasta liked him. He just thought she was just joking. Now Lochrose had seen she wasn't. "Ah, nice to meet you, Akihiko." he said, still trying to be on this demon's happy side.
"no need to be creeped out love"Akihiko said and hugged Bane her eyes glowed setting off pheromones,"my my very handsome indeed"she said softly. Akihiko looked at Lochrose,"yes yes be quiet"she said."just leave her alone unless you would rather her be around you then me"Aniasta said then let him go looking away.
*rune walks to the counter and buys the strongest drink theyve got and walks to a seat away from the group, he then sits down and take a long drink*rune mutters under his breath: bleh, paladins get all the credit and alot more girls compared to wizards....well compared to me.....alex was a lucky buggar...*he messes with the things on his wrists again*

bane:dont mind my friend, he obviously needs some relaxation, and a drink......mostly a drink id bet haha, anyway akihiko how long have you been here? im thinking of getting a room but i havent seen the owner the entire time.(Hint hint emopoprock)
"What business do you have here, Akihiko?" Lochrose said. For some reason, he felt like Ania's sister is giving him hostile vibes. "Surely not JUST your attraction to Bane, yes?" Lochrose's ears twitched.
Aniasta smiled a bit hugging Lochrose closer,"she's just here to be annoying"she said getting closer,"ah by the way have you thought about what I said before?"she asked. Akihiko rolled her eyes,"shut up"she said then looked at Bane,"well I suppose we could share a room I don't think I could afford it myself~"she said softly.(she's online? :D )
(no, shes been inactive for a good bit....)bane:money is never a problem...ive collected a fair amount of treasure in my life for sure...i remember the time me and rune found the lair of a nagas, we got alot that day

*rune drinks some more and finishes the bottle, he goes and buys two more and drinks them both, then slumps over extremely drunk*rune very lightly:whhy is it snowing?
"it must be fun to go on adventures... I would love to her more"Akihiko said and leaned close to him then batted her eyes,"I think adventurers are cool"she said then brushed her hand against his cheek as she walked away it brushed off his chin and she lured him to follow her. Akihiko then sat down.
*he follows and then sits down , rune mubleing something about hating that calysto was killed before he managed to tell her something important*bane thinks:im worried about him, ever since that elf calysto was killed hes been drinking heavily and wearing those odd wrist things

bane:a paladins travells are often lonely, as we arent much for traveling with more than a few, rune and i have had some pretty nice adventures, reder the black dragon being one of my favorite, i remember he laughed after the dragon knocked him through the castles solid limestone walls , i still killed the dragon though*he smiles happily*
Akihiko blinked and looked at Rune,"an elf huh?.... Love.... Something created by the devil himself.... This we call things like love a crush... Because you only get crushed"she said softly. Akihiko looked at Rune softly and brushed her hand on his cheek,"you poor unfortunate soul"she said softly.
*rune doesnt notice, having had about 2x the point where youd pass out of alcohaul he isnt really aware of anything*bane:dont talk to him about love, if he wasnt so danmed drunk hed probably have broken the table hes sitting at by now.....hes never been much of a talker, too many secrets for my taste, of course....all secrets have a reason to be secrets like-*he catches himself before he says anything, knowing that what he was about to say would make rune never forgive him*
"Hm. Be right back.." Lochrose mumbled. He stood up and talked toward the bathroom. Turning around, he made sure he locked the door. Lochrose then looked in the mirror. What did Aniasta see? He couldn't see much...
Akihiko blinked,"my how sad...."she said then looked at Bane,"but something like being able to kiss someone and not spirit them away is hard... if I couldn't spirit away no man would ever want me.... its easier to just put them under your spell... because no man cares about intellagince or personality"Akihiko said sighing then leaned towards Bane then moved away still feeling pitty for Rune. Aniasta smiled then when Lochrose left she sighed,"he's... cute... but not strong... only a little experience in battle just enough to let himself live"she thought and got up,"my foxy tricks didn't work but the pure ones did"she mumbled tiredly,"ahchoo!"Aniasta sneezed,"ah my hairs still wet maybe I should take a nap"she said she decided to ask Lochrose to share a room being that the tigress was out.
bane: perrsonality and intellegence is a good thing for anyone in the view of the wise........but beauty is never a bad thing in any case

rune mubles:so cold*rune runs his hands over the flames of a candle, the flames reach up and go between his fingers but not burning him*

bane:*sighs annoyed* hes doing it again, talking to that king of hell demon.....i dont know how it has so much power that it can force his mind away from reality...or maybe its the one of ice....he almost never talkes to that one and when he does it usually freezes his body solid.....

rune mumbles:the prophecy, yes i cant, i wont stay here anymore

*suddenly rune snaps to attention suprised to find akihiko near him*u-um hello.........

thinks: oh my god she probably heard me talking to him! how could she ever be a friend if she knew i was the holder of the mad king....
Lochrose stepped out. In a melancholy mood. More...somber than usual.But when he saw Aniasta walk towards him, he let a tired smile out. "Hey...what's up?"
Akihiko smiled,"no worries I wasn't really attentive to you"she said then looked at Rune with a soft expression,"your cute"she said softly twirling his hair with her finger,"such a cute man you must be well known with the ladies"she said trying to be kind,"most men only care about this and not this"she said touching his chest then pointed at his mind and heart,"but they all want this"she said pointing at her heart sadly,"but without any strings attatcched"she said."most men are animals... like father"Aniasta explained and they both shivvered,"damned rapeist"the girls said in unison.
*rune looks at her* if you mean well known as in everyone knows of me then yes , but nobody has been called more than a friend....and i care about much....*two glowing balls of light pop up in front of rune and he falls backward in his chair, bane snickering*rune: not funny bane!*he smacks the balls of light away so hard they shatter on a wall*and ive known something to be true, there is no such thing as "no strings attached"

most human men are truely animals, but there are few that are decent, like me and bane i guess....well i still have my doubts about bane*rune laughs still on the ground, bane turns red in the face*

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