The Traveler's Tavern

Durk stood, well knowing of the battle that had just takin place. He had his fair share of tripping a few humans while he was seated, sipping on his ale. He stood, blood and limbs splattered everywhere, and waded over to door of the tavern. He glanced to the outside world, more carcasses looming.

"They're not done." Durk stated, almost in a whisper to the blood soaked woman before him.

"I know these monsters. They sent too few men. If they really wanted this man dead, which they probably do, they would have sent more. Unless of course..."
He sighed. "They're sending the enemy in waves to hide their numbers."

Durk stood, grasping the ax from his back. "Get the boy to his room. The enemy won't be back for some time, and he'll need his rest." Durk leaned against the door, ever vigilant. He knew his fate.

"If they come looking for him, I'll distract them."
Durk said. He knew that they were coming. And he knew that the boy wouldn't recover fast enough. He stood by the door, his shield now grasped in his hand, his ax well held in his palm.
*stands up, my energy quicky returning as i channeled the energy of the king instead of my own*n-no, i am ok.....this force was probably scouts....there liches didnt even know enough magic to harm me....wich is strange
Lochrose snapped and got off from under Aniasta and padded over to Rune, still in his wolf form. "You okay? You unleashed some pretty wicked energy there..." He said as nice as he could. Lochrose didn't know if Rune woulf recognise him in this form, so he jingled his knife-collar, saying that this was Lochrose. He then looked over to Aniasta," Could you see if Aries has any type of herbal mixture to help Rune?" He said in a way that lingered about. Loch threw Rune onto his back, walking over to an empty room in the back.
"One would not be considered a Lich unless they were powerful enough to take a blow, young soldier." Durk stated, looking at Rune.

"You fought necromancers. And not very powerful necromancers to say the least. If we fought a Lich this day, injuries would be an understatement."
*chuckles* magic is strnage in many ways, theyre where necromancers but two where liches.....but i sense they wherent fully using there powers against me...but sending a signal to the order of maglir....i can feel a great amount of power on its way....tens,no hundreds of thouldands of soldiers and necromancers....and something even darker...the word lich doesnt begin to show the dark energy i sense.....i have felt it before though*my eyes widen in surprise*wispers:tirnoch the merciful

Aniasta rolled her eyes then jolted and threw up she gaged a couple of times and pulled out a dust bunny it was cursed she coughed throwing up some blood with it,"what the hell did I do"she said,"you ate something that was cursed have a nice day"the dust bunny said and turned into a piercing on her ears matching another one,"well I hope it's not deadly"she mumbled in disgust.
(Yeah, I'm respectfully bowing out of this RP. Both of you guys are OP, can't spell to save your life, and are trying to turn a simple tavern scene into a fantasy battle. Just enjoy the social atmosphere of the tavern, people)
(honestly, the tavern had kinda died for needed to get a bit of action to stop it from dieing out lol)
(Dude, RobinDenstro, this roleplay is even in fantasy/supernatural section. There's supposed to be fantasy and some thrill sometimes. No action would make any roleplay freakishly boring. I respect that you rather prefer a nice atmosphere, but saying all those things about people isn't respectful. Being able to roleplay means you have to respect what everyone has to say, and sometimes you have to go with the flow.)
(it's not unusual I've been told I can't spell..... TT^TT does anyone else feel like they've just been stabbed? Anyways let's just continue and pretend Durk died *Aniasta: yeah buddy* C:)
Aniasta walked inside,"I need a shower"she said walking to the back he came back out in her human form,a pair of black tights and a red t-shirt with clothe wrapped around her chest. Aniasta sat by Rune and drank some of her juice.
*rune smiled*nice*he pulls out a bottle and takes a sip from the susipiciously red liquid a bit of color returning to his face(he was a bit pale before)*
"your changing colors again"Aniasta said and yawned,"fun"she thought touching her piercing that was new. Aniasta sighed and folded her ears back.
*rune chuckles then messes with the golden wrist things he has on(dont know teh name)*wispers:stupid things always pinching me
Lochrose came in and transformed back. He was wearing what he wore before, a gray hoodie with dark blue jeans, along with his kinfe-belt of course. He sat along with Rune and Aniasta, flicking his tail back and forth.
Aniasta looked at Rune,"whats up with those? They hurt you?"she asked curiously. Aniasta jolted as Lochrose's tail touched hers and she jolted,"oi don't get frisky with me!"she said thinking he did it on purpose.
*rune looked down, his eyes showing sadness.* some secrets are best to remain what they are for the gain may come at too great a price
"no need to get soul searchy on me bro I just asked if they hurt"Aniasta said a bit curious to know what he ment now,"anyway~ what was your name again?"she asked.
"hey Rune my names Aniasta but call me Ania"Aniasta said then looked at him,"you have a lot of experience huh?"she said smirking widely then snickered to herself thinking a bit perverted,"just kidding no worries"she said smiling.
ok ania, and no i dont honestly.....1600 and never a hug*he chuckles halfheatredly* it never gets old how much the universe messes with me
Aniasta jolted,"eh?!?!?! Seriously?!"she said then looked at Rune seriously as she teared up,"okay thats sad so your getting a hug"she said and hugged him,"group hug~"she said so Lochrose would join in.
rune:ive always seemed a monster to mortals....wich is usually who im around, although dwarves and elves have always been fairly kind even if they know my secrets

*a stranger walks in and i look at him in awe*rune:b-bane? is that you?

bane:rune? i never thought id see you again after i heard the news, looks like you slipped away with your life

me:more like blew my way out of near death*i chuckle*

bane:hahaha, always the comedian.
Lochrose hesitated but decided that life must've been tough for Rune. People that were so scared and no one to even give him a hug. Usually, Lochy would be against these kinds of things. He shrugged and gave Rune a big hug, not thinking about any awkwardness what-so-ever.

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