The Traveler's Tavern

(No one murdered it......And a little pice of advice for yah Rune. First look at the chara sheets of each rp and sign up there first instead of the actual rp)
(There's no character restrictions here guys. Rune can be whatever he wants. It just happened to be that everyone was animalistic. Aiden, my other character isn't an animal.)

Aries finished up Rune's meal and set it in front of him before taking the silver pieces off of the counter and putting it in a small drawer. Seeing Durk now hidden away in a corner she decided to leave the rest of the patrons to there conversations and go talk to him. She grabbed a bottle and another glass for herself and walked over, sitting across from him. "Hey there, how's it going Durk? I hope you don't mind my company." She smiled warmly at the human, her tail laying across her lap.

Aiden scowled at the wizard, he looked young sure.. He then sighed, before taking a step back towards the shadows. "I'm older than you think wizard, I'm just stuck at this age.. As for learning your trade, I've dabbled and it isn't quite my style. I'm sorry ladies for not paying complete attention to your previous conversation as well." His voice took on a very sophisticated tone and his body language gave nothing away. He walked to the darkest corner of the tavern, and sat quietly. His silver eyes staring at the center of the table.
"Of course I don't mind your company." Durk stated with a smile. He enjoyed her presence.

"How long have you owned the tavern?" He asked, taking a stab at polite conversation. He wasn't very good at it.

(Also, picture of Durk;)

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*chuckles* there is no greater mystery than age....i was over a hundred before i looked like i was a teen

*sits down at a table and eats the meal that aries made and comments multiple times on how well prepared it was* i didnt think it was possible but you might have just outdone techens cooking
Aries smiled at Durk, his attempt at small talk was entertaining. "I've had this tavern for hmm... About 100 years so far, it's just taking off right now though. It was meant for me and my old companions and family. I'm happy to see new faces though, it's refreshing. So what brought you here, mighty warrior" The tigress smiled teasingly. She enjoyed Durk's company, he reminded her of the mercenary group she was a part of.

She laughed at Rune's compliment. "I'm glad I've done the recipe justice! Enjoy your meal Rune."

The young boy looked at Rune then tilted his head slightly. He slowly walked over to the man and took a seat next to him. Aiden sat silent for a few minutes while he ate. "I'm much older than 100... Most of my friends are, it's nice to meet someone new though." He cleared his throat not really knowing what else to say. It wasn't like him to make conversation with someone he didn't know. His silver eyes looked at the wall behind the counter an waited for Rune to finish eating and talk once again.
*finishes and hands aries 5 gold coins*keep the change please, five coins isnt much for me

*walks over to the boy and wispers in his ear* im actually over one thoulsand years old, but i know more than any mortal ever has and probably ever will because of a blessing of wisdom that i was given, but it is also a curse of destruction at the same time
Aries accepted the coin with a smile, "If there's anything else you need Rune, let me know. You're always welcome here and I'll make that meal for you whenever you'd like!" She smiled as he walked over to Aiden, watching closely before turning her attention back to Durk.

"A thousand huh? Not bad." The boy smiled for the first time, his teeth jagged and razor sharp. He didn't fear being judged, he was old enough and has hopefully seen enough species. He wished to talk more, a blessing of wisdom. It rather sounded like the old ones, but they haven't been around.. And he certainly wasn't A Keeper but wise. Wise beyond a doubt. Aiden wanted to know more, not of the vast knowledge of anything, but of his life. The young one wanted to hear of his tale and how he acquired his curse/blessing. I'm sure Rune would have his own questions about him as well.
rune:adien, have you ever heard of the underworld? there was once two kings, one of heaven, one of hell(not a profanity concitering they even say it in the bible)

the king of heaven was strong and nice, but the king of hell was demonic and only wanted to destroy for the wisdom he had drove him to madness,one day the king of heaven found a boy , he named him and took him as his own. later in the boys life he was just around 4 when the king broke out of his prison. the king of heaven coudnt fight off th king of hell, so he sealed the king of hell inside the boy....that boy.......was me, i have the kings knowledge and his strength when its needed, but every day he fights his bonds inside of me....trying to escape.
"Too much travel and combat isn't good for a soul." Durk said with a chuckle. "Honestly, it's not the fear of death that can corrupt a man, but rather, the act of killing. When I saw your tavern, I knew that I needed some rest. And by golly, I needed some fun as well! I was getting too stern." Durk continued. He smiled at Aries.

"So, you say that you've been taking care of this here in for 100 years?"
Aiden looked at Run in shock. He had heard of this tale, he was around when it supposedly occurred but he didn't believe it true. He then shuddered in thought of the underworld. He had seen the splendors of heaven as well as the pains of the underworld. He sat up straight to hide his body shaking slightly. He snapped out of it when more realization struck him. "You're the boy? I thought that was only a myth and the Underworld King was just killed or silenced. Is it difficult? I mean, having him trapped within you? I couldn't even imagine having him... He was a immense king, his power all but unmatched. I mean... I don't t know how you can hold him without snapping.. Uhm, I'm sorry I'm rambling.." Aiden trailed off. Slightly embarrassed of his slight outburst. He just was so in awe, Rune! This man had the Great Underworld King trapped within him. The crazed king... How... Unfortunately interesting.

Aries nodded in agreement to Durk's statement. It was indeed the act that corrupted the mind. "Death does not corrupt, it makes a man cautious of his life. Killing is a rush that can drive a man to the ways of evil. Oh my dear sir! You, stern? I couldn't imagine!" She laughed softly, she really couldn't see this large man as being overly stern. But she was glad she could provide a place for him to rest. "Yes, 100 years. This is where I chose to settle for a while. Who knows, maybe in another 50 I'll pass my tavern onto someone until I return and travel for centuries once more." She sighed softly, remembering those days. She smiled honestly at Durk, she enjoyed his company.
*smiles* there is more to me than the king of heaven the son of two sayin gods(gods of a far off planet that was destoryed when i was but a infant) the god of the underworld, he was not the same father was a good man, strong corageous and noble...and my mother was the godess of chaos,suprisingly she makes more sense than most gods do

the king is a burden true enough but i have held him for long and he is sleeping now...he sleeps for years sometimes....he has broken out a few times , saving the world none the less but if i couldnt have taken controll back he wouldve ripped it apart....
Aiden tilted his head slightly and smiled bright, his teeth gleaming in the dull light. "How curious. You are then a child of balance, yes? Able to see between serenity and chaos. You are a very interesting being Rune. I've got to say it's an honor to meet you. I've been of this planet my entire existence. I'm a creation of the will of good and evil. An experiment if you will, of this world trying to make a perfect mediator to the worlds problems. What they got, was me. A demonic angel or angelic demon, ah well whatever you'd call me. I am the product of insanity at the beginning of this planet. Aries saved me from being murdered.. I've been in her care ever since." His eyes wandered while he spoke. To the past, the things he had seen. He was not born like most creatures... He was grown and meddled with. Placed in heaven and hell to know the extremes. could say i am but i have nothing to try to balance...the scales of good and evil are tipping twards evil and i feel a great evil is coming....something unimaginably powerful and evil....a rival for even the kings powers....*picks up a mug of dark beer and drinks ,caught off guard by the strong taste i cough once*w-wow, thats a strong brew....*my eyes glaze over as if im in a trance*in a strange voice:to the balance the world shall depend, a dark foe approaches. In those of true silver the secret shall lie, to defeat a anceient melevolence they will unite,light the path through darkness and find the light....of the middle king* my eyes turn to normal and i look around, confused* oh no....i did it again.....*hides my head in embarrasment*
"You don't believe me to be stern? My goodness, you see, my brigade calls me the "Silent Bull" because of my seriousness. Not in ranks or in camp, of course. Only in battle. Speaking in battle is like smelling a rose during a storm, I say." Durk stated, laughing only slightly.
me:durk, what army do you hail from?perhaps kess? if so once you go back please tell tara(one of the princesses in line for the throne and well known by her people) that alex has passed away....he was a good*hesistates for a moment*...friend.. of tara
Aniasta drank then looked around and noticed Durk and the new guy talking they both talked like they were so old just talk normaly. Aniasta was annoyed just by looking at Durk she chomped on an icecub crunching it angrily. She did this when she was angry she would crunch ice or chew gum anything that she could chew off or nibble on she would do. Aniasta looked around the tavern as her tail swayed and picked up her Romeo and Juliet book she had came in with and began reading,"ah Romeo you are but a swindler of poor Juliets heart could you be real ah~ I wish to be content in you bewildering arms to be a Juliet to some Romeo a lover not a fighter a happy ending not a sad and yet I am destined to live alone because men are so annoying. Some beautiful and others so very undenieingly annoying"she said softly as she read the book she had read repeatedly.
Lochrose had been sitting quiet in the corner the whole time, but after listening to Rune, he was now interested in this character. He looked at Rune with a melancholy gaze, wavering his tail a bit. Lochrose licked the corner of his mouth, cleaning up some leftover. His knives resonated a small sound as he shifted his seating. Lochrose wanted to hear more about this Rune person.

(nice to meet cha runeofflame~!)

(oh my goodness, Aniasta makes my day!!! lolol)
(how 0w0 Did I type something funny :D tell me tell me)

Aniasta noticed Lochrose again,"you pokewar loser"she said only glancing up at him once as she read her book. Aniasta's tail swayed to the excitement of the book then she got to the end yet again and frown as tears formed in her eyes,"it gets me every time"she said as girlly sparkles surrounded her teary face and her ears folded back.

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