The Traveler's Tavern

Aniasta blinked,"seriously you talk funny"she said then looked at the triplets,"you guys sure she's okay?"she asked blushing a bit then noticed Lochrose left."we didn't finish our poke war"she thought pouting.
"She should be fine." Ia said. SeeU still looked worried for her little sis.

(Love the fact that SeeU is only a year older than Ia and Yukari yet she treats them like they're 8) <^~^>
"I talk funny? I? My stars..." Durk stated, shaking his head. "You are quite an odd lass, I dare say. But then again, I haven't met too many foxes."
After a little bit, Lochrose was back to his laid-back personality. He shuffled back to the tavern, hanging his head and blushing immensely, "Sorry..." he muttered and sat down on a chair. His weapons trinkled a small melody as he sat down. His belt wavered and rested along with him.
"which means you shouldn't judge them based on the obnoxious gossip that farmers spreed to hide the fact that they eat there own lambs"Aniasta said then smiled at the two,"that's good sorry we were being so loud"she said softly.
Durk leaned back, taking a hefty glance at this new-comer. "Now who might you be, skinny? And what's with the weaponry?"
Aniasta glared at Durk,"oi leave him alone"she snarled then smiled at Lochrose again,"no really if you had to leave then it was a problem"she said flipping Durk off without letting Lochrose notice.
Suddenly Yukari jolted awake, screaming, "MAMMA!!!! PAPPA!!!!" SeeU quickly clamped her hand over Yukari's mouth to stop her from screaming anything else.
(Mind if i join?)-walks into the tavern in cut up clothes and im cut and burned all over, walks to the counter-in a pained voice:how much for a room?
Durk did not care for this wench. This trouble. She was in a world all of her own. Might as well leave her be.

He moved over to the new man, a burned and cut up soul. Immediately, Durk went up to him, and placed a few silver pieces on the counter. The bartender on the other end take them.

"Rooms here cost nothing for the sick or wounded. I'm Durk, son. What's your name?"
*smiles at diek and gives his money back* im no poor man, i can pay my way.i am runeofflame but mt friends call me the way what is there to eat? Ive travelled a great many days without food entire company was killed by a member of the order of maglir.....we where fools to try after zo many battles, we where not expecting to find over 30 necromancers and a lich waitinf for lucky to have killed the last of them without getting myself killrd too *wispers somthing into my bag and 10 gold coins spill out* bah my bags not working right...i said 5 not 10, well i guess five gold coins cant hurt my fortune much*chucles*
(Sorry I've been away so long guys. I'm so glad this is taking off though! And welcome Rune, it's great to have you)

Aries took notice of all that went on in her tavern in the small amount of time. Fighting, making up and calm had now been restored in her tavern. When the new man walked into her tavern she glanced at Durk before taking charge of her tavern. She didn't really approve of someone running her tavern for her. He had no right to, even though he was right. Without the human and fox noticing she had put down their strong drinks and took a sip herself. But upon seeing this man come in all beat up she went into mother mode immediately. She took out 2 keys and walked around the counter. She briskly handed one to the triplets. "Just in case you ever want to get away from the chaos down here, you are all welcome to stay here. I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to give you a key before those two went a little crazy."

"What would you like to eat and drink? I'm terribly sorry to hear about your loss. If there's anything I can do to help just let me know I'll help where I can.. And of course room and board will be free for you. There's hot water to wash up in every room as well. I can make whatever you'd like to eat by the way." Her tiger ears were sitting up and her bright green eyes were moving between every person in the tavern constantly. She took a deep breath before walking behind the bar, her tail wrapped around her waist.. thoughts were pooling into her mind and she was having a bit of trouble focusing completely on the tasks at hand. She got a glass of water and slide it towards Rune.

The small boy in the corner walked away from his plate. His silver eyes had took in every detail of what had happened. He slid off the chair and walked towards the triplets, finally getting some courage together to say something. Especially after seeing Aries give them a key to a room. He let the tigress handle the rest of the problems and talking, he didn't like getting involved. After all, no one took him seriously... he looked like he was 7.

"Hello... I'm Aiden. I just wanted to make sure you're all okay. That was a bit of a hectic seen and well.. I kind of wanted to introduce myself as well. Are you troubled, and do you need anything. I don't look like much, but I can help." The pale boy looked at each of them kindly. Not an ounce of harm in his voice or eyes, his presence was comforting in fact. From the moment he stepped from the shadows the atmosphere cooled off slightly, obviously not all of the tension, but enough to hopefully ease the three girls in front of him.

SeeU cradled her sister, hushing her and trying to help her forget. Ia looked at the boy. "Hello, I'm Ia, and yes. It would seem we're very troubled." SeeU clamped her hands over Yukari's ears, knowing what Ia was going to say next. "Our parents were murdered only a couple of days ago, right in front of little Yukari here." She explained, pointing to the small teen with the rabbit ears.
rune:thank you kind miss, if you could replicate some of the recepies in techen it would be most appreaciated*hands her a piece of paper with a complex recipie for a special dish called the feast of alexander* i always loved that dish, i knew the man it was named after, he was a powerful wizard whomwaas part of my company of adventurers.....i didnt see what happened t him but i fear the seeu: and who did this? i will make sure they come to justice. once a man murders in cold blood he is no longer a man and is no better than a evil beast
*walks up to yukari and says a spell, taps her head and the spell takes hold(it is the spell for resting calmly and not having fitful sleeps)*yes, if your wondering i am a wizard.....and if fortune smiles uppon us he may have already been brought to justice
The boy looked at them in shock. His eyes flashed quick ad his body tensed. "How dare that happen... Do you know who did it? I'm more than what I'm credited for, I'll take care of it. I swear it." He held his fist to his heart. He seemed to have grown into a tall man but it was an illusion. The taller man was almost invisible but stood behind him, it looked like an older Aiden. His silver eyes grew serious, but he looked at the triplets with deep sorrow in his eyes. He wanted to help and he knew he could in an instant.

Aries took the recipe from Rune and nodded. "We have all the ingredients, so yes I'll be able to make it. Hopefully I can do your friend justice." She took the piece of paper with care. She didn't want it damaged at all. She looked towards Aiden and smiled softly to herself more than anything. He was protective of those he wanted to be, and for some reason those three had seeped their way into his mind without knowing it. She went to the kitchen and started making Rune's food.
Durk, noticing what was going on around him, sighed. He turned, glanced at the counter, and grabbed the ale laid out before him. He placed the silver on the counter, and then moved to a nearby booth. If no one cared to acknowledge his presence, so be it. He's had his fun, and although he would care for a female to accompany him in civil chatter, he said not a word. Just a whisper on the breeze, he thought to himself. Just another passerby.
*chuckles and smiles at adien* you remind me of myself as a boy, maybe once the order im hunting is gone ill find you and you can learn some magic, sounds like fun eh? of course it could be awhile before i finish my quest....the order is strong and im the only one left to try and stop them......
"I highly doubt that......" Ia murmured, her eyes flashing crimson for an instant then going back to their normal lilac. SeeU noticed Ia's eyes and wondered if being a hybrid had given her power of sight. SeeU then turned to the boy. "Like I said a minute ago, no we never found out who did."
* suddenly a wave of energy rushes through the tavern*no....they couldnt be foolish enough to attack me.....yet i sense dark magic is close at hand*my eyes seem as if im in a trance then i snap out of it and look around confused*oh no i did it again*puts my head down in embarrasment*
(yes give my char a bunch of restrictions based on one animal type? i like to have a flexible character tbh and that isnt my style)

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