The Traveler's Tavern

(facepalm) bane: soo, planing to rebuild the adventure? or have you finally found a place that wights didnt bug you too much? know i blew them all to hades a few years ago!* i laugh hard along with bane so hard that we both fall to the floor with tears in our eyes*

bane:y-yyeah, remember the one when you just said " im not a fortune teller, i dont have a crystal ball, but i know your arse is about to fall" and he fell off the cliff? i nearly died laughing

me:yeah! and the one with the fish!*we both crack up harder and then pull ourselves togther*um everyone , this is my accuantience bane bane this is ania and lachrose

bane:*bows* it is an honor to meet you
Aniasta had squeezed out of the hug smirking,"that's some good Yaoi...."she said and snickered looking away. Aniasta then looked at Lochrose and pulled him away,"okay enough I want the puppy to myself"she said smirking again hoping to make Lochrose blush then noticed the Bane guy walk in,"hello"she said still hugging Lochrose.
bane:hello lass(bane generally talks like a very old guy because he is a 3000 year old paladin(kinda like a wizard except they usually only have one mission in their life))
Aniasta jolted,"more weirdo talk"she said then looked at Lochrose,"mine"she said pouting as her tail swayed. Aniasta was enjoying being so close to a man and not worrying about him being a perve.
bane:well thats not very nice....but then again not many know the ways of the wizards and paladins

me:eh you get used to it
Lochrose's face flushed a deep red, and remarked,"I'm not a puppy! I'm a full-blown wolf!" he said, blowing some hair out of his face, still being hugged by Aniasta.
*me and bane look at eachother*bane:you thinking what im thinking?

me:if your thinking about food or a will battle yes

bane:lets*the color seems to drain from the room and all that is visible is me and bane standing there, locked in an unseen combat for minutes, then as if the world snapped back into place bane bows*bane:your powers are astonishing

me:haha, i guess so
Aniasta smirked a bit then leaned in towards his face,"really now? Are you sure?"she asked then brushed her soft lips against his cheek,"positive because I wouldn't touch a puppy this way"she said as her lips grew closer to his then she licked his cheek smirking widely,"still think your not a puppy"she asked.
(lachrose getting ownedXDDDDDD this is funnier than when a fish hit my teacher in the face at lunch today)

(goodnight all)
"I-I'm not a-a puppy!" Lochrose said, stammering alittle. Thought swirled around in his head. This "brain magic" made his face go even a darker red. Why was she acting this way? His head hurt alittle from all the things that churned inside of him. Lochrose had never been hit on before, so he didn't know how to deal with these things. He blushed furiously and his ears went down in confusion and embaressment.

(lol this is kinda weird how Bane and Rune were fighting and we're just standing here. And srry, runeofflame, I feel so bad because I feel thatI'm leavin you out :( but Lochrose can't right now. Lochy will interact with yew soon :D )
"your so cute... It's hard to hold back"Aniasta said smirking then brushed her finger gently across his lips,"never been kissed..."she thought,"your such a puppy"she said and smiled,"heh shall I make you mine?"she asked as she leaned in and there lips where inches away,"should I teach you what it means.... To catch and enjoy your prey"she whisphered.
"A-am not!" Lochrose tried to object one last time, he was never this close to a girl before. And the sensation was overwhelming. The intensity had become so much on him that he tried to shift away, but tripped on a chair. He doubled over, bringing along Aniasta down with him. Lochrose fell onto her into a surprising kiss.
Aniasta jolted and blushed ever so slightly and kissed back,"now I seriously want to teach you"she said and French kissed him her tongue exploring his mouth as she pulled him closer then pulled away smirking,"I think I might just like you a lot"she said and winked at him,"your such a cute puppy here I'll give you a callor"she said and sucked on his neck she then softly bit the nape of his neck leaving a hicky there,"mmmm I really am enjoying you"she said softly.
(Oh dear, hope this ends up well :o )

Lochrose winced when she bit his neck. This was so confusing. He didn't even mean to! But one thing led to the other. Looking away, he muttered about not being a puppy.
*me and bane watch trying not to laugh*bane wispers to me:this is better than the time alex hit you over the head with his staff on accident when that nagas jumped out and suprised him
*me and bane walk to a corner of the tavern and talk, laughing several times you hear a part of the conversation as i say it loudly*me:then arconn suggested that the socks where what thrang made the stew with!*we both laugh*
"then prove your a wolf"Aniasta whispered in his ear. Aniasta then got up her tail brushing against his cheek then she sat down smirking widely,"he really is cute though...."she thought then ate some strawberries seductively.
bane wispers to me:that fox lady is reeling him in like a succubus

me:you wish you knew a succubus

bane:grrr*he punches me in the shoulder and laughs*

me:why are you laughing? you should know after seeing me get punched so hard i went through solid limestone that your punch wouldnt hurt........
Lochrose got up, his face still burning with a dark blush. Was she just toying with him? It was confusing because at first Aniasta had despised men so much! And now she had just kissed him and then gave him a challenge! Women are so hard to figure out... he thought. "Okay.." he said, "How do you want me to prove it?" his tail twitched constantly. It irrated him how she thought he was just a child. Lochrose grabbed a strawberry and popped it into his mouth. He sat down calmly, having a quick flashback of what just happened.
bane:should i be worried? these two might wind up fighting now.....

me:you get used to it

*Bane looks at me, with a look like "wtf when do you get used to anything?"*

rune mutters:shutup, theyll overhear us at this rate

bane wispers:your the one talking
"it's not like we can't hear you it's just that we don't want to hear you"Aniasta said pointing at her ears,"and i would NEVER hurt this cutie"she growled.Aniasta then looked at Lochrose,"let me think"she said putting her head under his chin and hugging him. Aniasta relaxed she was a bit more calm and her tail swayed slowly as she closed her eyes.
bane wispers:ughhh i hate being a paladin, we never get girls

me:niether do wizards. but for you its just your an arse
As Lochrose waited for Ania's response, his ear flicked over to Rune and Bane, "Sorry,Bane I didn't give you a proper introduction earlier," he nodded, "My name is Lochrose, or Loch." Pausing for a momen to think of a question, he came up with a topic, "So Bane, where did you come from?"
bane: pleased to meet you, im from goval, before the wars split it apart(the wars in goval started 4000 years ago, so hes obviously old)

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