The Traveler's Tavern

Rune:no harm done master akafurei*rune hears the fight and he stands up, two black feather swords appearing in his hands*rune:i sense trouble is near

(Remember arconn came in earlier)*arconn rushes over to the girl*arconn: are you okay? What gave you that wound?
(oh, aya! Aikihiko, Rune, and Hatsuki are in the demon world right now, so Lochrose and Aniasta are the only ones in the tavern.)

Lochrose gave Ani a smile, trying to cheer her up. When he heard the door open, he jolted up. "Stay here Ani!" He said. "It might be a creeper or mugger!" He ran down the stairs, gasping to see the girl that bled from her arm. "Are you okay?" He said, and led her upstairs to Ani. "Do you know to fix wounds?" Lochrose said to Aniasta. He panicked mentally, trying to calm down.
*arconn pulls out a bottle of strange liquid and hands it to the girl*arconn:medicine made from the dragons bane plant, it has healing powers, please drink some it will help heal the wound...if only i had the plant with me
Akihiko glare at the men screaming as her shadow hands turned into hammers and slashed the men down,"ahhhhhhh-"she yelled but was cut off by a guy grabbing her by the neck.

(0-0 two alternate realities :o Change what Lochy said and I'll change what Ania said to get back into one place.)

(nvm Aya continue w/ Rune :D )
*rune charges downstairs changing as he goes, his horns twist, his tail turns black , his skin turns red and his muscles bulge, he jumps at a man slashing through the men like butter and freeing aki*rune:aki go! Get out of here! I cant hold myself back much-*his face twists into a menevolent smile*king of hell:oh how nice it is to have some leg room after so long*he grabs a guy and rips him in half drinking the blood as it falls*king of hell:delicious, absoulutely delicious
Akihiko jolted she looked at the twins and sang so the couldn't hear what was going on. There mother was on the floor her head had been chopped off. Akihiko was crying looking at all the blood on the floor as she sang. Her body was shaking too much for her to do anything.
*he kills all the men but one gets a lucky hitbon him, his body changes back and he falls tl the floor grabbing his stomach, a blade having gone through him and out his back*rune:its just....a flesh wound*he stands up eith blood dripping off him ,the cut already starting to heal though, he stands up and hugs aki*rune:itll be ok aki, itll be ok..
"Lord Rune! Would you like assistance in battle?" Hatsuki said, his tail swaying, burning a big fire at the end. "I have combated with many before. My fire burns deep..." He whispered, narrowing his eyes slightly. He lashed hus tail, willing to give his life to his dear master Rune.
Akihiko cryed on Runes shoulder,"what are we ganna do?"she said looking at the dead spider woman on the floor then looked up at the twins crying. Ale had dissappeared like the chicken she was when Rune had changed.

(Spirit we had made two parrelel universes so I deleted what Ania said so change what Lochy said so we can continue please~ 0v0)
Rune:i dont know...but i know theres always the chance well win....hell 1600 years of 'chance' have shown me how easy it is to turn chance into be dead if i didnt know that yet(didnt ale get her head cut off?0.o)
"Sir...would you like me to dispose of Miss Ale?" Hatsuki said, pointing to the spider. Surprisingly, he had a blank expression, not showing any signs of feeling. "I shall notify her family, yes?"
"Yes sir.." He whispered, giving a slight bow. This job was easier than he thought. His tail tail swayed lightly, burning a blaze and full of life.
(sorry I fell asleep XP)

Akihiko sniffled,"that's not Ale that spider woman-.. That woman is Cheissy"she said in a whisper. Akihiko looked at Rune rubbing her eyes,"I ment what do we do with them"she whispered pointing at the twins."Shadows clean!"Akihiko said and a bunch of shadows began cleaning the floor one pointed at Cheissy,"I don't now yet... I can't I don't know If I should tell them.... There father just died too"Akihiko said to the shadows it shrugged,"what do I look like a mom?!"she yelled. The shadow jolted,"ah no I'm sorry I didn't mean your stupid"she replied. The shadow nodded and after everything was clean they left. Akihiko sighed,"Rune I love you"she said softly hugging him tighter,"thank you.... You help so much"she said and kissed him passionately,"that's a reward for coming to my rescue"she said blushing slightly.

Ania looked at Lochy as he ate,"we're still going to the park"she said then leaned in towards his face smirking she had her fingers brush against his neck while her other hand brushed the lower part of his stomach area grazing the zipper with her fingers and she licked his cheek again then waited for the reaction.(no Ale just left)
rune:the truth often hurts at first but its lies that have the true pain when discovered(arg! more wizard talk....i only partially understood myself*rune kisses her back* rune:i love you too and ill come to your rescue a thoulsand times if i have to, and i dont think it will ever bother me, if it is for you*the hole through him closes and stops bleeding*
Akihiko smiled and kissed him,"I'm glad..... I understand but..... I don't want them to feel the pain I did........ Please Rune just help me take care of them.... You don't even have to do anything but stay by my side!"she said burrying her face on his chest.
"I love you too....."Akihiko said and looked up at him and kissed his neck,"I should get her a barrial..... Shadows!"she said and the shadows appeared and saluted then took the body an head away and the other cleaned up the mess."Mary Sue! I'm going to let you down now"she said then went to the twins and let them down. The twins looked around,"where's mom?"Sue said."yeah she didn't let us beat up the bad guys!"Mary yelled,"your mother went on a trip she won't be back for a long long long time k?"Akihiko said softly. Sue nodded and Mary pouted,"she shouldve taken us with her"she mumbled."you'll be staying with me"Akihiko said. The twins smiled,"we can learn how to lure from a pro!"Mary said,"and be the bet at school!"Sue said happily. Akihiko smiled and nodded then looked at Rune and put her finger on her lips so he wouldn't say anything about the mother.
*rune smiled and chuxkled to himself remembering when he was a kid and how easily convinced he was* rune:you jnow, lureing is cool and all , but magic is fun*he smiles wide and wispers inferno, a small fire springing to life in his hands*rune:i may be able to show you some i see you have some in you..not a ton but a noticable amount for sure

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