The Traveler's Tavern

A boy(FINALLY) walked in he had a fox tail and ears he sat by the girl,"sigh.... I wonder where Aniasta is"he thought looking at the menu as his tail swayed.
*rune smashes into madara and a huge explosion makes the ground buckle*rune:you have shown your power, but with all power there is accounting for it*runes skin starts to shine and turn blue as they fight*
"Girls, we're going very far from here," he growled, "don't worry. Everything will be alright," at his last sentence, he let out a roar and bounded off in amazing speed, all the way to the city.

"I guess..." Lochrose muttered. "Do you think it's weird?"
"Oh.... Hello....."The boy said,"I'm Taru nice to meet you"he said.(him

Akihiko chuckled,"are you stupid.... You put me in a place where I can use my powers to the fullest.... I am a shadow user you idiot!"she said and was bogged she grew using all the power of the darkness she then kicked Torch(?). "Hahahaha"Akihiko laughed,"are you scared of the dark?"she asked as she pulled out the dragons worst nightmares and became them.
The twins jolted holding on,"to fast!"Sue yelled."faster faster!"Mary yelled. The twins then looked at each and smiled.

Aniasta shook her head,"nope I feel it too"she said and kissed his neck,"do you know what a crush is?"she asked.
Hatsuki was glad that the twin enjoyed this. It was good to be a never had anything to worry about. He ran faster to try to give them a good thrill.

"Ah..." He said, "A... when you break something with another thing?" he laughed at himself. (hes thinkin of the verb kind >w<)

(welcom to tha rp kanna :) )
*tirnoch screamed and pushed her will more*tirnoch:bow to me! You cannot defeat me!(will battle, if tirnoch looses she dies if aki get the point

*rune kicks madara through a building and gets a blast of pure darkness in the face , he starts sneezeing uncontrolably*rune:cone on! You know the sneeze spell too?!?!*madaras fist comes out of the darkness and hits rune in the face, rune spins away from the force*rune dazed:sea stars.....
(Yeah XDDDD)

Aniasta shook her head,"nope...."she said looking at him with a dazed face,"when you like someone.... When you want to kiss them"she said softly.

Sue was screaming scaredly. Mary was laughing excitedly.(btw the twins

Akihiko laughed as she grew bigger becoming more intimidating,"defeat no... I would never do that I only want to devour you in eternal darkness ahahahahha! You can't leave me you can't leave me you look yummy"she said the last part she turned into something more frightening to the dragon.

"So I can call you Alice right... Everything else sounds long."Taru said a bit not into the fact of something long that he would have to remember. His tails swayed back and forth one after another.
Hatsuki laughed. It had been so long since he had felt so happy before. Ever since he was appointed a butler over 500 years ago, he had always had to have a serious face. He had finally landed to a small shack. Hatsuki turned back to a butler, bowing down to the twins. "We'll be here for a little bit, m'ladies!" Inside the shack was a nice little place. It was cozy and cinnomon-smelling.

Lochrose nodded," I understand!" He smiled, "When you like someone very much!" Lochrose grinned from ear to ear," AND I LOVE YOU VEEEERRRRYYYYY MUCH!" He said, giving Aniasta a hug, still not entirely okay with the definition.
Tirnoch:w-what? No! You cant...*as if the world snapped back into place tirnoch dissapears and reality is restored, the city half drestroyed from me and madara fighting, runes skin is turning rapidly blue and then time slows to a stop as he hits the ground, a huge energy rushes into him lime the wind and he is encased in a thoulsand foot tall avatar of fatne witn a sword to match*god of fate:you have brought evil to the world, it is time to end you*the avatar obliterates madara in one single amazeinf blast of power*god of fate: your fate is sealed*the avatar dissapears ad i fall to the ground in my human form bleeding badly and unconcious*
Akihiko jolted,"Rune!!!!!"she yelled and flew over she still looked like a boy and she hugged him close she flew into the castle it was broken but better then being outside. Akihiko began cleaning him up and bandaging him,"please be okay"she said and kissed his cheek. Akihiko laid Rune down on a bed and yawned.

Aniasta blinked and blushed,"aw thanks"she said and kissed him passionately.

The twins blinked,"what is this place"Mary asked,"do you live here?"Sue asked confusedly.
"Ah... I used to live here, until I just started working at the castle," Hatsuki said. "Ah... because you have been training so hard to master your web spinning, we decided that you deserve a vacation!" He smiled, knowing full well that it wasn't true, but he wanted to keep the twins away from all the danger. While the twins weren't paying attention, he notified Rune. "Master Rune, the girls are safe," then Hatsuki went over to the kitchen," Are you girls hungry?"

Lochrose paused," Ah... people kiss when they like eachother..." He thought himself and suddenly kissed Aniasta back on the lips. Giving her a slight swish of his smile that he gave so many times. Lochrose stood up and went downstairs to put away his tray. He saw a fox boy and a girl. "Oh, hello there,"
*after a few hours rune wakes up, he tries to get out of bed but topples onto the floor weak from the energy he used to become the god of fate, he looks around and cant find aki*rune in a weak voice:aki? Aki arpe you here?
Akihiko came into the room with tea,"oh your up"she said she still looked like a boy she put him back on the bed and set down the tea,"whoops sorry"she said and snapped her fingers a small shadow appeared in her hand as she changed back to normal she kissed its cheek and it flew off."you feel okay?"Akihiko asked hugging him.

Aniasta blushed deeply. Taro blinked,"hello"he said and yawned.

The twins blinked,"we need to work on the webs"they said softly."make us something good while we make art"Sue said as Mary ran off. Sue then ran to Mary as she found a tree.
"Hello." White Alice said, her voice a tiny bit louder as if she were less shy. Suddenly she felt a vibration in the pocket of her dress. She brought out a golden pocket watch, opened it and gasped. "Oh, I'm late! I'm late!"
Rune:like i was hit by a train and had fire breathed in my face, but otherwise im pretty good*he yawns and strachesm winsing at the soreness of his muscles*
" Yes ma'am," he said, and started up the stove. "Create a beautiful masterpiece out of that canvas," Hatsuki cooked some surprise food.

"Who might you be? I am Lochrose," he gave a curt nod.
"Oh no! B-Rabbit will kill me! I'm here yet I should be in Abyss!" She gasped again and quickly ran out the door. As she ran out, for a second she looked like a large white rabbit holding a golden pocketwatch and silver scythe.
" Yes ma'am," he said, and started up the stove. "Create a beautiful masterpiece out of that canvas," Hatsuki cooked some surprise food.

"Who might you be? I am Lochrose," he gave a curt nod.

(seirah that sounds awfully like pandora hearts :D )
"Heh"Akihiko said and kissed his neck lossening up the muscles on his neck,"relax"she said she moved on to the other side of his neck,"good?"she asked then began massaging his arms.
"Taro"Taro said looking away.Aniasta looked at the ground ,"he's stupid"she mumbled.

The twins began spinning webs between the tree branch and the floor.

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