The Traveler's Tavern

The twins looked at Suki,"what does this mean?"Sue asked as Mary held up the bouquet. "We caught this accidentally"Mary said,"then Aki said something about love"the twins said.

Aniasta smiled and looked him up and down,"thanks.... I don't like dresses though"she said then looked away,"but I like you suit"she said then leaned in,"you'd still make a handsome wife"she whispered.
Suki noticed the twins and laughed," That means that you girls will be the next to marry someone," he patted their heads, waiting to see their reaction."Wife?" Lochrose said," I'm not that ladylike, am I?" He asked, holding up his hands.
Rune: ok, i know just the hotspring in otherness, ive got a small house there for when i visit that we could stay in*he smiles misciviously and kisses her back*(a handsome wife?!?!? xD )
Aniasta nodded,"yes you are lady like that's why your my puppy don't worry I'll always protect my wifey"she said and hugged him.(yes xD I've been waiting for the chance for her to say that XDDD)

The twins blinked then smiled,"how does it work?"Sue asked excitedly,"does it tell us who?"Mary asked,"is it magic?"Sue asked inspecting it."how do we know who we marry"they asked in unison.( xD Suki got there hopes up btw the twins are like 10)

Akihiko smiled and bounced in her seat,"this is ganna be so fun!"she said excitedly then hugged Rune closer giggling.
*rune hugs aki* rune:i love you*he turns to the driver of the carrage*rune: otherness reton springs please

driver:an extra 200 gold for that much trouble and risk, and another 100 if we tip

rune:done*he hands the man a large bag of gold he got from his magic bag*rune: 200 gold
" doesn't tell who, but right now there's someone who is in love with with you girls. And you'll be the first to marry out off all the people who tried to catch the bouquet," Suki explained

"Wow.. I never think of myself as a woman, but I guess whatever make ya happy," he laughed and scratched the back of his head. "Bu thank you? I guess?"

" doesn't tell who, but right now there's someone who is in love with with you girls. And you'll be the first to marry out off all the people who tried to catch the bouquet," Suki explained

"Wow.. I never think of myself as a woman, but I guess whatever make ya happy," he laughed and scratched the back of his head. "Bu thank you? I guess?"
Aniasta nodded,"if you can't be strong or e a wolf then you'll be called my wifey or a puppy"she said and licked his neck then was about to make a move but fell,"stupid dress"she muttered glaring.

The twins smiled happily,"why can't we know who!"Sue yelled. Mary nodded then jolted,"someone loves us?"she said. The twins then squealed.

Akihiko pouted,"gready driver"she thought being that they had paid him for the trip and coast of the horse being that it was an undead horse."Rune I get very jealous..... I'm just letting you know now"she said.
"I'd be jealous if anybody touched you Rune.... Even if it where a man"Akihiko said softly then held his hand,"I want to be the only one"she said softly.
Rune: aki, just remember i will always love you and only you. Your the perfect girl....and i dont think ill ever be able to replace you so u have no reason to be jealous of others, because you already have my heart*he smiles *i love you aki
"Ani," Lochrose laughed and helped her up. It was true that he had some fighting ability, but he kept quiet about her remark. To be honest, he felt that she was kinda attractive when she teased him about it. "Shut up, Lochy," he thought to himself, he shook the thoughts away abd helped Ani up.Suki nodded," Yup," he continued," You don't know because you might know him or you'll meet him later,"
"That or those old hags aren't getting married and well just get married before them"Mary said. Sue jolted and sniffled,"of cruel world"she said softly.

Aniasta smiled,"thanks"she said then looked around and patted his head,"good puppy"she said lost in thought.

Akihiko smiled and kissed him,"but I'd still get jealous if someone touches my lover even if he didn't like it I'd still want to touch him"she said softly.
Lochy was lost in thought. His tail wagged rapidly and his ears were perked up. He enjoyed in praise and let out a happy yip. Lochy was surprised by his reaction and slapped his hand over his mouth. Lochrose's gold eyes were big in shock, he quickly dusted off his suit and coughed. " I-I didn't mean that..." He tried to act as calm as he could.
Rune:i think i understands*the cart stops*driver: reton springs*were stopped at a beautiful mountain spring*rune:it got nicer here...
Akihiko blinked,"you come here often?"she said smirking at the small pun she made.Aniasta blinked then laughed at Lochy,"t-that was the cutest thing a puppy could do!!! Haha you could never be a wolf now!"she said laughing so hard she was holding her stomach.
Rune:usually when i need to relax, oh ! Theres my house!*he pints to a decent sized two story house* i wonder if my horse dar losh is here...
(I didn't read that correctly sorry)

Akihiko smiled,"so what should we do first unpack or.... Find your friend"she asked the hugged his arm close to her chest,"I recommend we unpack"she said smirking.
*rune smiles at aki* rune:yes it is*he walks into the stable and looks in*rune saddeed: nope, hes probably near tho...*he smiles lightly and walks up to a stone ledge and jumps into the hot spring*rune happily: woohoo!

*rune spits out some wate abd smiles wildly* rune: niether, lets just have fun!
Akihiko giggled,"at least take your clothes off you'll make them shrink"she said and took off her dress stockings and shoes then jumped in making a small splash,"hehe today is the best day ever!"she said happily.
*rune knowing his clothes wont shrink but doesnt want to miss skinny dipping with aki so he takes them off and throws them out ofnthe spring, he splashes aki with water and laughs*
Akihiko jolted,"no fair"she said then splashed him back she then looked at him and blushed,"and I can't lure you! How bad have I sunk! I need to practice..."she said then glared and splashed him,"I will completely lure you by the end of this trip!"she said.
Rune: -.- never! I dont fall to mind 1600 so my mind is impossible to fool into lureing...also having the king in me youd have to be ablw to overpower him and that i dont think can be done..
"I could totally do it if I really put my mind to it!"Akihiko said,"and any man can be controlled by a woman"she said and thought,"you want my kisses and such right? That's a form of luring"she said smirking,"wanting to be next to me and to have me to yourself because of who I am is a form of luring"she said smirking a bit proud of herself.
Rune: hmm, i suppose you have a point.....*he kisses her* i love you aki*he dives under aand pulls her under too, but the water feels odd, almost like air,rune smiles at her in the crystal clear water*rune says barely heard as hes underwater:fowwow me! *he swims twards a cave underwater breathing the water as if it where air*

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