The Traveler's Tavern

Aniasta giggled,"What did you think of it"she asked sat she sat up to get a better look at his face,"did you enjoy it?"she asked touching his hand.
Lochy blushed furiously," Y-yeah..." He bit his lip. Lochy quickly got up and changed into some sweatpants and a white tee, with a picture of a hamburger on the tee. ( xD )
Lochy smiled a wolfish grin. He got used to it now, and quite enjoyed all the attention he got. His heart still pounded heavily, and he yawned," Watcha wanna do, Ani~ ta!" He added a little bark-yip at the end, hinting his happiness. The day had just started and so far it was peaceful.
(I have a plan can we skip to a week later and say that everyone was seprated? That Aniasta, Akihiko, and the twins got together and went to The twin's mom's funeral then they got back to Akihiko's house in the demon world and invited the guys to a dinner? Sound good? :D *this goes to RUNE TOO BTW )
Akihiko and the girls walked into the house. The twins seemed depressedd. Aniasta could tell something was off about Akihiko but assumed it was just her love for Rune. Akihiko smiled touching her stomach but she became sad again thinking about the death of the spider maid she sniffled she didn't feel as strong as usual not to mention how tired she had become due to being depressed because she wasn't with Rune. The twins cryed a bit softly and almost unheard as they went to there room to change and wash up for dinner.
Lochy walked along and joined them. He had his usual dark tuxedo and a red flower pinned onto his left. He blinked silently, without noise, and his voice had a melancholy rumble," Miss Ale..." He straightened his tuxedo, and continued towards Aniasta.

Hatsuki followed shortly after Lochrose, surprisingly he wasn't with Rune. He had his normal attire, but seemed cleaner. He saw the twins and instantly felt his heart breaking in two. This was the most painful moment he'd ever seen.
The twins cryed harder looking at the basket with the decapatated spider inside. Sue colapsed crying trying to cover her face her body shaking. Mary stood there trying hard to look strong while crying but hugged her sister she tightened her grip on the hug,"its okay Suekihara!"Mary said revealing Sue's terably long name."no its not! Mommy's dead!"Sue yelled and pushed Mary away she moved closer to the basket to get a better look at her mother even though her vision was blured due to the tears. Mary covered her face she didn't know what to do she was in too much pain she wished she didn't find out she didn't want to feel so sad and not be able to comfort her sweet sister.

Aniasta walked over to Lochy she knew she shouldn't cry but she wanted to she didn't want to be infront of everyone. Aniasta hugged Lochy barrying her face on his chest to hide the few silent tears that strolled down her cheeks. Akihiko covered her mouth she couldn't comfort the twins but they were making a seen infront of the other guests. Akihiko sat down and just covered her face, where was Rune when she needed him?(not online oviously xD )
*rune was separated from everyone, he got a mysterious letter in the mail and quickly followed it, he stepped into a dark chamber, a slow drip of water coming from it* rune:hello? is anyone there?*a slight his comes from the cave and the entrance collapses, rune curses and looks around, completely blind in the darkness*rune worredly: hello? whose there? *rune trys to make a flame, a light, anything that would help him see but cant, a soft his comes from nearby and he manages to get a small flicker of flame, in front of him hoisting the front half of its 70 foot long body was the king of the nagas(giant snakes) its fangs bared it comes down on him. rune screams and the light goes out and there is an eerie silence*king of the nagas wispers: hello my tasty little morsel....i will enjoy devouring you..

* a few hours later rune wakes up, the king of hell instantly fills him with huge energy to fight and he rips the king of the nagas to shreads, he breaks out of the cavern and manages to walk all the way to the funeral his skin turning red and raw from the strong poision that makes flesh like mud. rune promptly collapses in a deep sleep*
Akihiko heard a noise and quickly got up and ran outside she looked around with her body filled with fright and worry,"where is Rune?"she mumbled then stepped on him she paused for a moment. It finally hit her hand she jolted away,"Rune! My love are you okay?"she asked still a bit frightened then jolted she began feeling dizzy she wondered why then remember she hadn't eaten since two nights before. Akihiko leaned on the wall her body sliding down and she curled up.
*rune wakes up and quickly drinks something, an antidote and holds somthing that looks like a bar of chocolate in front of akis mouth*rune: please eat it, its ambrosia, the food od the gods. Good in moderation but too much would incinerate anyone
Hetsuki's lips quivered. He wanted to say something yo comfort the twins. Yet nothing came out. Suki also knew if he said the wrong thing the poor spider twins would burst. He stepped silently over to Miss Ale and bowed down respectively. He kneeled on his left knee and whispered sone regards. His voice has trembling and cracked in a whisper. Hatsuki clutched a white lily in his palm, and placed it beside the spider woman. He stood up, his eyes blurring, but held back the tears.

Lochy closed his eyes and hugged Aniasta close. He tried to be strong, but couldn't help the sadness in his tone of voice," Miss Ale... thank you..." He mumbled, remembering how she had raised the twins, being the mother she could be. Lochrose also detatched the crimson rose from his chest and sent it over to the carcass. The rose fluttered softly near the white lily Hatsuki had placed.
Akihiko blushed and took a bite. She looked at Rune as she gulp she hugged him,"Aniasta says she wants to keep the twins...."she said softly.

Aniasta looked at the basket then the twins and took a deap breath stopping the tears,"both of you listen up!"she said and the twins look at each other a bit scared."you shouldn't be so unhappy...... she love you both very much..... she wanted the best for you"she said and hugged the twins,"i-I can't replace her... no one can but...... its either me or Aki.... who do you choose.... we don't want you to be sad.... Akihiko promises to tell your love fortune... so how about we take you to the butterfly garden okay?"she said. The twins blinked stunned,"Ania...... but.... we don't want to leave mommy....."the twins said."we want to stay with her forever and ever!"Sue yelled. Mary jolted as Sue took out a small dagger. Mary jolted and screamed. Aniasta reached out for the dagger and slapped it away and huggedd her close as she cryed. Mary was stunned and held her head her body trembling.
*rune smiled and hugged aki back* rune: i doubt ani has the resourses to support them, i know they need two people to watch over them, theyre delicate at this time and i can tell they need as much support as they can get...*he winces when he feels the commotion happening*rune' im going to use a calming spell...the mood is getting to dangerous in here*he raises his arms* rune: ato lectre miha vera, nulan apol bena kera*the air seems to be filled with calmness and it washes over everyone* rune: so much better
"M'lord, are you implying you would like to adopt Mary and Sue?" Hatsuki stepped beside Rune, he swished his tail coolly, but with a slight tint of unhappiness for the girls. He waited calmly and kneeled down to Sue," Sue, suicide won't solve your problems. What about people that care about you?" Suki put his hand on her shoulder," Mary, Aikihiko, Lochrose, Rune, Aniasta... and me." He looked at her dead in the eye," Do you want us to be sad?"
*rune smiled* rune: sue, marry your mother has gone to a great place, but being a bad person, commiting suicide mueder and sins...that makes you have to wait just outside the place for all eternity, and you have to watch the people, they cant see your or hear you from there...i know it as the shadowlands...and the wall, do you really think suicide is the awnser to seeing your mom again? It isnt, only living your life and eventually*he taps sue on the nose playfully* pop, youll be right there with everyone you know. Its great to miss someone, but nobody is worth ruining your afterlife and your life, for life is a beautiful thing*he looks at aki and smiles*
Akihiko turned a bright red. Aniasta hugged Mary seeing how scared she was,"darling you'll be fine"she said as her tail wrapped around her waist.. mary enjoyed the warmth and soon fell asleep. Akihiko kissed Sue's cheek,"Rune is right he's always right......"she said hugging his arm. Sue held out her hand,"love reading"she said blushing she felt like she was in trouble so wanted to forget it.(sorry my phone is retarded >.<)
*rune looks puzzled suddenly remembering something*rune: by the wall im a fool at long have i blown off telling my client who funded the adventure that broufht me to the tavern that i finished my quest?oh wait...nope...theres more of them, anyone want to smack around some necromancers, a few hundred liches and possobly a few other-dimensional creatures? Ill have u a 1/20 share of the rewards for this quest...what whare the terms again? Somewhere between one million gold a leader brought down per person with a thirty million extra for the entire order of maglir to 1milliom gold per leader to the entire company with a thirty million gold reward to be split between the company in the share order i think..
Sue and Akihiko had a derp face. Akihiko sighed,"Rune...."she mumbled and stood up,"come Sue I'll give you your reading"she said then walked over to a table,"shadows go to the future whisper in my ear and tell me what you see!"she said and her body turned a dark black and passed out. Sue watched determinedly as the sleeping Akihiko mumbled.
*rune mutters* rune: well! I really must finish this, important mattera and all, world saving crap ! Ill be back soon enough! Can someone leave a soft pillow by the door for me to pass out on please?*he dissalears witht the snap of his fingers*
Akihiko jolted up touching her stomach,"ur future is blurry..... never leave Mary's side"she said then jolted at what Rune said,"ah... My love...... Will you embrace father hood?"she mumbled then left a pillow by the door humming. She then walked to the kitchen and began cooking for the feast later with her shadows.

Sue then put a pillow by the door for Rune,"I wonder what she means......"she mumbled.

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