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Fantasy The Time Travelers' Medieval Fate (open)

It's technically medieval times but many people have come from the year 2019. These people that have traveled through time have crashed in the medieval times and are stuck. Many of the people of this time believe that they are all evil and so they viciously hunt down the time travelers. The only thing they have to protect themselves are their more intelligent brains, technology, and their will to continue living. If you are a captured time traveler, guards will mock you on the way to your public execution where you are burned alive. These time travelers are like a dying race, you are one of the few to survive thus far.
I woke up with a start. All I remembered was everything on my time machine had been flashing red and some sort of alert that I was being pulled into the medieval times. Oww.. I brought my hand up to my head and felt just a little bit of the sticky blood. "Aww, now I have to shower-wait." I frowned. "I can't shower, I'm in medieval times.. I have to bathe." I looked around and saw my surroundings: I was in a large forest and my time machine had pretty much been obliterated. I was stuck here and it was a miracle that I managed to survive the crash. I looked down at my clothes and frowned even more. No way people couldn't notice me if I went into a town. I began wandering the forest, trying to make out the good and beauty of being stuck here.
I arrive in the medieval times to what seems to be a forest. After getting rid of the uneasy stomach that usually accompanies me during time travel I look down at my waist to see if the Time-Receiver was still linked to the original machine back in present day, to find the device gone. "Oh no, no no no no." I say my voice gradually increasing over time. I frantically look around to find it next to some boulders, smashed and destroyed, the Time-Receiver was the only way to return back to my time. I fall to my knees, realizing I'll never get back to my time, or my sister.
I stop walking when I hear some distant voice getting louder. I figure it's some person that was getting raided by bandits or something, so I hesitantly begin walking towards the sound in hopes of helping.
"I'm, I'm stuck here, in medieval times, I dont know anything about this time period." I say starting to panic, not realizing I was saying this aloud.
I finally stopped when I heard the voice again, sounding seriously close. Something about being stuck in medieval times and not knowing about the medieval times themself. At the mention of it, I crinkled my eyebrows in confusion. Whoever was behind the voice couldn't be someone getting raided by bandits. I see someone in view and stare at him for a few moments, taking in his outfit, which wasn't at all the normal medieval times attire. I awkwardly walk towards the person. "You're stuck too?"
I hear a voice and turn towards and see a young girl, "Mia?" I say quietly then shake my head and say normally, "Stuck to? You're stuck here as well?"
I awkwardly ignore the fact he thought I was some girl named Mia and responded. "Yeah. My time machine was pulled into this era when I was trying to get to the Pax Romana, and it crashed instead of the normal soft landing from the time vortex. Now I'm stuck." I pet Josh's soft wolf head and smile just a little. "At least I'm stuck somewhere pretty."
I look nervously at the wolf, "Is that thing going to, you know, try and kill me?"
I giggled, looking down at Josh. "Nope. Josh is really nice, so unless you're trying to kill me, he's not going to lay a single harmful paw on you intentionally." I patted his fluffy head and gestured to him. " If you want, you can pet him, he's a sweetie."
"I uh, think I'm good," I say standing up still shaking a bit, "why would I try to kill your what, twelve, eleven?"
"Twelve, and Josh is like my protection. I was just kidding, I knew you wouldn't try to kill me, but I have run into a few not so nice people in my travels who don't care if you're a little kid or not." I thought back to a few of the times people tried to kill me. Josh had either let me ride on him to safety or scared the pursuers off.
"How did you tame a wolf?" I say still nervous and involuntarily shaking from the realization of being stuck.
"I kind of came across him sometime around 1700 and I gave him a little steak and we basically just clicked. Ever since I helped him out when he was really hungry, he's been helping me out. Plus he's great company." I noticed the boy shaking and slightly pale faced. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah it's just, I'm stuck here, and my sister is back in my time, thinking that I'm going to be back at any time." I say the last part with tears at the edge of my eyes.
My face dropped when I saw the sadness in his eyes. I hated, no, loathed seeing people sad. I thought for a moment. "Well it may take an eternity to somehow get home, but technically I guess it wouldn't seem like that long to your sister... I mean, time machines do kind of defy time boundaries. You could honestly get home a minute from when you last saw her and she wouldn't know the difference." I began thinking about family all of a sudden. I didn't really remember mine that well, all I actually recall was that I had two brothers and parents that I hated. I hoped that what I'd said to the stranger made him at least a little less sad.
I shake my head, "They didn't tell me how to make the Time-Receiver, and thats the only way to get back to my time."
I gesture to the broken machinery by my feet, "That was the only way to return home, its linked to the main machine in my time, it returns me on that room so I don't appear randomly or in another country." i laugh, "Thay didnt want me causing panic on the return trip."
"Hmm. My time machine was more like a small spaceship, made by the local mad scientist of my time." I thought back to his phrasing. "Who's 'they'?"
It's," I stop myself, then shrug my shoulders, "The government actually, I was part of a child time traveler experiment," then with a sad laugh, "this was my last mission. Normally i couldn't tell anyone but since I'm not getting back, why not."
I smile thinking about how similar she was to my sister, "I'm Felix, pleases to make your acquaintance."
"Hi Angela," Then with a sudden worried look, "should we find a village or something?"

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