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Fantasy The Summits

Tonys eyes widened and he nodded, "you're not a freak. But I know how you feel. Most are...freaked out by my eyes" he replied,"I don't think you're a freak"
Luna looked at him. "Why did you stand up for me the first day?" She asked, her mind curious as her eyes began to fade to there crystal blue color.
Luna sat down on the branch, realizing she had been perched there the entire time. She sat down and crossed her legs, smiling at him. "I wasn't exactly sure what to do because you are so similar to me." She said.

At Tatt's question about dead failures the Third made an amused huff, jerking a stained hand towards the body behind them now. Back pedaling quickly since Tatt wouldn't have caught that, she rolled out with a lightly sarcastic tone to tease the girl. "Last time? Oh, quite awhile ago. You don't think anyone died this morning do you?"

She sobered up though over that joke. It was either laugh or cry and scream over the situation they were in. The Third wasn't going to lie down and surrender to this mountain of shit she had to go through or do to survive here. She'd reach the top of this place. Then...well, who could say with fact what was in the heavens?

The news that Cassius had all the wild pigs was unfortunate. Hunting for insects too awhile without a big payout, especially considering the risk involved if you found something toxic.

"Well, right now it's where my feet take me. That girl found my burrow so it's compromised. I'll probably poke around and migrate till I find something satisfactory."

The Third's trail under the tree canopy was anything but straight. It was much slower going than normal but she was trying to find the least bumpy and root covered direction. Stopping occassionally to lift or bend a low hanging branch out of the way, "Mind your head." It might've been pointless for all the Third knew, Tatt might have some crazy kind of echolocation ability or something up her sleeve.

"I'm thinking of going after something big actually. I'm a little covered in bait for some of the more predatory critters right now. I can definately lure them in, I'm reasonably confident I could kill them. I can't over power them though. If they manage to pull me out deeper I'm in big trouble. Hell, even I kill a shark or a 'gator I don't think I could even haul it out of the water. Think you could help me with that any?"

She had been working on hooked chain for awhile, adding the links to it had been a long, painful and very hungry experience. In the end though it was a tool she doubted very few, if any, others could have. She just needed someone with the strength to reel in either herself or the catch.

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