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Fantasy The Summits

Luna just stared at him, her eyes unwavering. She felt like a primate or a beast, but she knew nothing of how she was supposed to act around someone of the same species.
Luna unfurled her wings a bit, the large appendages circling her body, her stare still having a hold on his face. She was unsure of what to do now, so she just sort of followed instincts.
Luna slowly stretched her wings out to her sides, her feathers gently falling as she extended them out. She was waiting to see if he would do the same as she drew them back in again.
Luna was now even more curious. She started clicking her tongue, the sound a little louder than what she had intended.
Luna began to hum a soft tune, shutting her eyes. Since she literally lived though the sounds she made she enjoyed the tune. A few lines that drew from her heart started to glow a light teal as she hummed, the sound in her body coming alive. 
She continued to hum, her body now alive with sound.
Jenna walked out of the jungle knowing she missed a lot but she had enjoyed sleeping with a bunch of animals, the she realized she was still in leopard form. She smiled to herself and walked into camp, she sat down and looked around wondering who would notice the 250 pound leopard sitting on the island right by there camp first.
Jenna heard singing and smiled in her heart, and then the thought cam you know im glad i stuck with all these idiots. 
She walked up to Luna and bumped her head knowing that there was a good chance that she would either run or react badly. But she took the chance.
(I knew that lol! *Smiled and puts her head down)

Jenna walked around a bit more and then went swimming, she decided it would be best. But then one of the worst things happened to her that could ever happen to anyone. A banded sea crate bit her, she let out a yowl so loud that almost everyone on the island could hear her. When she managed to drag herself up to the beach she had scolded herself "How could i have been so stupid!" She looked around hoping someone heard and could help her before her life slipped out of her hands.
The lines extended to the tips of her wings as she extended them. She smiled and continued to sing, opening her eyes which were now glowing teal.

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