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Fantasy The Summits

Wraps darts up, he holds his makeshift knife in a defensive stance, "WHO'S THERE?!" He yells out of the blue.
Vi fake pouted. "Aw! But eardrum killing is a wonderful talent." She made light of what she said.

She looked at the crying girl and watched as Wraps freaked out. "shh.. easy. She's scared."

Vi stood up and crouched by the girl carefully. "Hey love.. are you alright? Its okay. you can call me Vi and its my job to make you happy." She joked in a quiet and gentle voice.
Constance guided dell through the woods in fox form. But he felt.... Woozy.... His vision got blurry and he panted more and more... He saw a camp.

His vision blurred....

Then the world felt wobbly....

Then he faded to black.
Wraps dropped the makeshift knife and realized he was scaring her, "I-I think I'll go for a walk." And with that he walked out of the shelter.
8 lays next to the sleeping man on the ground, she notices he has a bandage on his leg.

She began crawling backwards toward the exit when the man from before had a knife.

"No!" She began crying again.

"Don't touch me!" Her body went invisible and a clone of herself appeared next to her, mimicking her every move.

This was all unintentional.
Wraps walked around one of the shelters and sat, he started coming to grips with everything that was happening.
Vi's smile turned softer. "You did stumble into our shelter love... if you didn't want t be found you would have steered clear. Curiosity only gets you so far and nobody here would dream of hurting you." She reasoned carefully, every word was with the utmost care. "Now please try to tell us how you ended up here and we can try to get you away from us or situated comfortably."
Wraps sighs and walks back into the shelter, he stands at the door way.
8 backed away slightly.

She became visible and the clone vanished.

"I'm 8..." She said, still frightened.

"I have to go to sleep..."
Wraps chuckles, "Then go find a bed, and have a rest. It will do wonders for you." 
Wraps walks inside, strolling past the girl.
Luna moved away, wanting to have a few minutes to stay alone. She sighed, looking at the dull sky. She liked being alone, it meant she couldn't hurt anyone. She climbed up a tree, her hair ruffling in the wind. She sat on top of the tree, and began to sing a soft tune, relaxing. As the scientist wanted her to be, she calmed down, her eyes and face going from harsh to sweet as she sang softly.
Vi thought she heard signs of life outside. "Ill be back.. please stay here, I can take care of the situation, mien freund." She said ith a smile, slipping outside. It didn't take long before she saw the grey haired boy. "Hey. a bad place to sleep, nay?" She leaned over and lifted him with some ease. "Lets get you some shelter."
(He's in fox form)

He looked at the girl, and licked her face slowly to show his gratitude. He thought the girl he saw was okay.... He would go back for her... He whimpers in remorse...
(ah, oops)

Vi did not react to the show of affection. Though she often gave it, she was not one to receive. She simply was never given it. The cute bundle in her arms was carefully set down in the Shelter. Taking a wild animal? well, she didn't mind blood but death bothered her and it looked beyond exhausted. "I am going to sleep lit' one.. I suggest you do the same." she stroked the fur, her smile turning sad again as she believed there to be nobody to see it. She slowly laid back, red eyes not shutting though.
Wraps darts up several hours later, he screams and starts trying to crawl backwards, alas, the wall blocked him.
His stomach grumbled, but his tired sense overwhelmed his hunger. He closed his eyes and went to sleep. It was full of scary scenes and horrors beyond human imagination, fidgeting uncontrollably, whimpering and yelping.
Wraps quickly got up, realizing what he had done, he briskly walks outside. 
He sits outside the shelter, he fidgets a bit.

White watched Luna and the other man soar away and felt glad. He was all alone now. He had always hated his existence, and even more so because it was a timed existence that was kept alive because of the "generosity" of those who tortured him. The evidence was in the thirty pills in the plastic bag that White was carrying. But everything would change now. White would free himself from his troubles, and take out the risk of hurting anybody else with his dangerous power any more. Nobody nor White would ever feel pain from White anymore.

White moved with surprisingly fast speed, as he was determined now.

In around thirty minutes, White reached the shore and looked out at the vast sea that kept everyone on the island trapped in their cage. Though the sea served a sinister purpose, it had no way of knowing this. It had existed for millions of years and would continue to exist for millions more years most likely. The suffering White and the others faced on this island were but droplets in the grand records of time. Insignificant. Like their lives.

White looked down at the hand that clutched the pills. It was trembling uncontrollably. White wanted to do this, but at the same time, his body resisted with all its might. White wanted to so desperately throw the damn pills out into the sea to finally die, but his arm wouldn't move no matter how desperately he told it to. In furstration, White started to cry. Tears of self deprecation and agony streamed from his eyes and splattered onto the sandy ground below. White didn't have the willpower to end his life there. Very few people would have the willpower to choose to end their lives.

"It's just as I thought. I can't do it." thought White as he slumped onto the sandy ground as he stared out at the sea.

"I'll just live here for as long as my pitiful existence allows. I'll die here without anyone in the world giving a damn. I'm so much like disposed trash it's not even funny." said White bitterly.

This was when the thoughts hit him. The others on the island. They were all alive and kicking. They might have had broken wills or hopes, but they weren't beyond redemption like White was. At the very least, White could prevent himself from harming any of them, and this was a huge probability when White's pills would start to diminish in number. He didn't want to hurt others who had vastly more worth that him, others that could actually hope for a better tomorrow and not know that they were going to die.

White realized at that moment that he had always been selfish. He had always though of himself. Nothing else mattered. His suffering had isolated him from the world and closed him off from truly empathizing with the fact that others had suffered. Instead he had mired himself in a filthy pit of self pity and fatalism, a pit which he could no longer dig out of. But now this new motive drove him. He wanted to give the people on this island some hope, even if it was just the smallest. It was the most White could do.

White took off his slightly dirtied white shirt and laid it out on a rock. He then bit into his wrist hard, drawing out blood. White felt no pain, he was used to pain. With this blood, White wrote down a rudimentary map of the island and wrote:

The plane will always come from the direct south of this island and drop off rejects at this area - An area at the southern mountain range was circled.

The mountain is much lower here, so the plane can actually fly in without problems. When they drop off a reject, they will probably do so from very low altitudes or even on the ground.

I don't want to leave false hope, but I pray this won't be. If you can incapacitate all the guards and leave the pilots disabled but alive, you can possibly escape. There will be one among you that can manipulate minds with his voice, he can control the pilots if needs be.

If anyone reads this, well lets just say that I'm glad I won't be feeling any pain anymore.

White left the shirt tied to a tree branch. He knew this information because he had stolen a look at one of his researcher's assignment reports which had this information. White's enhanced mind had remembered this all this time.

After writing this, White shivered as cold air whipped against his emaciated frame. The wind was quite fierce, and it the seas were churning and crashing in response. If White were to get offshore even twenty meters, he would be washed away due to his weak physique.

White took five steps out into the sea. The cold water bit into his legs, chilling and numbing them. Every step White took was a tremendous effort, as White fought with his very subconscious desire to survive to attempt to wade out to the sea.

Finally, White stopped after his eighth step. He knew that he couldn't do it. He couldn't end his life even with the safety and hope of the others fueling him. White noticed then that he was still gripping the plastic bag of pills with an unconsciously tight grip.

White smiled.

"So I did have something I was still attached to. Who would have thought. Maybe I valued my life more than I ever gave myself credit for heh." White calmly stated.

White took a deep breath, and with his eyes closed in peaceful bliss, he threw the bag far out into sea where powerful currents washed it away beyond return.

White had nothing now. He would die no matter what. There was no hope for him and nothing to cling onto for survival anymore. White was free. Free from everything.

White was happier than he had ever been in his entire life.

Keeping his smile, White trudged out with no fears or regrets out into the sea.

Wraps stays outside until morning, simply sitting, he looks off into the forest, "I wonder if anyone else is out there." He said to himself. 
He leans his head against the shelter, "I wish there were..." He sighs. 
The sun peaks from the side of the mountain, Wraps gets up and walks in. He suddenly realizes how thirsty he is. 
"Hm....I wonder if there's any fresh water around here." He sits against the wall, "I'll find out later." He says to himself.

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