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Fantasy The Summits

8 swiftly enters the shelter and takes cover behind the sleeping girl.

She is still slightly invisible, but her appearance keeps flickering.
Wraps looks over at the woman and his eyes widen. 
He repeats no several times and grabs his shirt, he quickly tries to cover up himself.
Vi looked up and down the body, thinking of what she could do from an analytical standpoint. "Nyx.. His shirt is covered in blood and quite filthy.. do you know of any fresh water sources yet?" She had to give the girl some credit. Anyone willing to help is useful. She was about to act when he freaked out. "Whats wrong? I will just pull nd mend the skin together, an easy fix.. are you okay?"
8 watched the two characters in fear.

a tear dripped down from her eye. She closed them tight and spoke to herself softly, "Why am I here? Why am I here? Why am I here? Why am I here?" She kept repeating asking herself.
"Please, I'm not pretty enough to be a princess." He grabs her hand. "I hope you don't plan to drop me, I have a pretty good grip when it comes to heights."
He shivers slightly, "T-There were scientists who though they could make a serum that could double the healing of wounds. The first time we were tested on, the serum did the complete opposite, we started to decat..." He stops for a second, his eyes starting to water. 
"We literally started to decompose, while alive. When this happened several riots broke out in the labs, I was so scared and worried. The scientists finally got the cure right, by now there were only 4 of us left, they injected us but all it did was stop the decomposing..." He grips his shirt tight as he goes on.
"I control matter.. construction from what is there, love.. Don't worry. No serums, just some easy patch work, alright? Im sure I can reconstruct from what is decayed, maybe even a little." She explained with care, not wanting him to be frightened. Keep at peace with yourself and nothing can hurt your world.. but helping others wouldn't be impossible. "If need be.. our skins about the same, nay?" She didn't know his blood type but hers was universal. a bit of her skin cells if there wasn't enough material to work with. "You ready?"
"They finally released us to the public, they told us to 'Keep hidden! Don't let the world see you!' And I didn't listen, I wanted to be normal, I went out in public a couple of times.....T-They.....Yelled at me. They called me a freak and a disgrace of nature! I hid myself away until a week ago, they found me and they brought me here..." A tear streams down his face, "I don't want to be yelled at again..."
8 was shaking in fear of how close she was.

She didn't know why she went in the shelter, she was curious.

She wanted out, she didn't want to be curious anymore.

Not able to hold hear tears back anymore, she let them flow down her face and a small whimper escaped her mouth, no louder than the squeak of a mouse.

She now knew that someone could hear her.
Luna smiled. "Wouldn't dream of it." She said as she spread her wings and lifted into the air. Once up there, she began heading towards camp. "You seem to be the last one so I'll stick around." She said, hovering over camp. She descended over there small shelter, landing on the ground. She folded her wings so as not to cause something to fall over. "Man, what a stretch that was." She murmured
She crushed the ice rose in her hand then placed it in the inside of her jacket to keep the inside of it cool. "Yes, sir! I know of one but I don't know if I can get back to it though." She just held her hand out as if expecting to get something from her. "I'll try!" She smiled wider excited about helping out hoping not to mess it up. Though her smile disappeared hearing the male talk about his experience with the scientists. She too remembers that she had been tested so many times before being sent to this reject island.

She snapped out of her memories in the lab herself when Vi talked but her head jolted up hearing someone unfamiliar to her. "Is there anyone else here who's awake other than us, Vi?" She took one side of the headphones off of her ear to hear a bit better. Night was the time that it was a bit more quiet. It still hurt her though. Once done hearing she placed it back over her ear.
She slowly began to mend together the injury first, then she got to work on the decomposition. She used a bit from her hand to fill spaces so the skin may pull together. It seemed to be working. "May I tell you a story? It will make for a good distraction.. and make things a little easier to understand."

"Hm? Thank you so much Nyx. It would be very helpful." She looked around. "Not that I know of.. think we should be worried?"
"Of course, where will I be staying?" He enjoyed this, interaction between intelligent beings. Not something that he has gotten alot of lately. He looked around, it seemed obvious that if there were more people here, then it would be crowded.
Luna walked up to the shelter. "Welcome to camp." She said. She looked around at all the people. "This is the sorry group of us. In one way or another we are all failures. Me, I was supposed to be obeying and sweet." She said. "As you can see, didn't work very well." She said. She looked at everyone. "As far as I know, we have only 2 avian, one of them is me."
She shook her head a bit. "No, I don't think so. I'm sure there's someone else in here though." Nyx looked around the shelter seeing the same flick of energy from what she saw outside but was still unsure if it was actually there or she's just seeing something else. "Nyx had taken a the ice she had left in her outer pocket molding it in her hands. She was done molding another rose with her ice feeling it around with her pointer finger and thumb to make sure it was right.
Wraps still shakes slightly, he winces every once in a while, "A-Are you nearly done?"
"Ill keep an eye out.. but if you don't think theres a threat.." She continued to work on his skin. Almost done... "Check it out.. and I don't feel like my story fits anymore." She heard noise outside as she finished the last stitch of skin. "Check it out. better?" She peered outside. "Luna! Hey! You bring another? I patched up your guest."
Wraps sits up slowly he examines his torso carefully, he smiles softly, "Thanks Vi, you really helped me."
Luna looked around and saw her friend getting patched up. She smiled and walked over to them. "Good job. I was just out grabbing one of the last ones, you know, trying to be of some use other than destroying ear drums." She said, smiling. She sighed and sat down. "Yes, I brought another, but I have no idea if he wants to talk." She said.
8 Tried to make a dash for the exit of the shelter but tripped on the sleeping man in front of the exit.

She was caught in the middle of the room. She immediately started crying.

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