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Fantasy The Shining Light of Tomorrow(Magical Knight RP)

[QUOTE="Ninja God]Vince dance over to The bear inspecting him circling him one hand tapping hid chin and other arm still behind his back with an indecisive look on his face. "Oh ma'am i only called yo that out of politeness you are beautiful after all i see it as a compliment." after he got done looking at the bear he hopped back and over to Alya "I am Sir Vince grandson of the great Clyde Cratus." he said the last part with an intense enthusiasm and bowed taking the girls hand and kissing it. he abrutely straighted up palcing both hands behing his back and look at the girl. "Hmmm why do you talk in third person." he said while checking his nails.
((Oooo wrong person tagged the first time @RoyalPheonix32

its all good so sorry if i confused anyone))

( -_- ; you had it right the first time. RoyalPhoenix32 is my username.)

"Eh? Why? This one doesn't know. I can talk normally but it must be something I can't rus myself of."

Alya said while Bryn stood next to her.

"I've never heard of Clyde Cratus before and I've traveled the world."

Bryn cuffed at her.

"Eh?! What do you mean he's the grandson of a famous summoner...Oh. I see. It's like spirit summoning but different right?"

Bryn shook his head.

"It's just like it? But..."

Bryn shook his head again.

"Oh! This one gets it! His summoning doesn't use spirit energy so it is different. Right, Vince?"

@Ninja God
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Auri blushed. "Sorry Vincent." She said, feeling herself shift under his gaze. She hoped he couldn't tell what she was thinking. A scowl was on his face. "But what's wrong? You seem irrated...." Was he disappointed about something?

Still in Arthur's arms, he carried her over when all the knights gathered to listen to what Tsumi and Gil had to say, now that all the puppets had been taken care of. She thanked Kalin for healing her as she listened. A dull ache remained after his magic touched her wound.

She only grew more and more angry as the two said what the point of the exercise had been, what they should've done. She agreed that their communication in battle was deplorable, but what did they expect out of freaking rookies?! She couldn't believe they had expected so much out of them so soon. Teamwork was important, sure. But how the hell were they supposed to due that when they were fighting for what seemed like their lives?! When they knew slim to none about each others abilities? Auri wasn't the type to usually be so violent, but she felt like punching Gil and Tsumi so hard right then.

For the most part, whatever Sebastian said was echoing her own thoughts.

As soon as they were teleported back by Gil, the blonde haired teen gave a frustrated sigh. "Unbelievable..." She muttered. For a second she wondered why she was so high up. Then she remembered whose arms she was in and blushed furiously. "Erm...Arthur...c-can you please put me down?"

@Newtype @Kalin Scarlet @zeroknight
Arthur who was in deep thought, knowing the failure of the exercise was more so his fault than anyone elses. "It's all my fault." he whispered only loud enough for Auri to hear as she was in his arms though Arthur didn't know that until she asked him to put her down. Arthur saw she was blushing and decided to make a joke out of it before he put her down. "Shouldn't i cross the threshold first?" He said grinning then chuckling. He then said "Ok I'll put you down now." His voice was still heavy with laughtet as he set Auri on her own two feet. He the walked to a nearby rock and sat down on putting his fourhead against the sheath of Zeta Excalibur.

@Aura Of Twilight
Newtype said:
Gil sighed when he felt Tsumi's hand on his shoulder. Gil said "Tsumi's right, I'll take us back now." Gil used his twilight sword to teleport everyone back to Avalon. He said "Dismissed" on arrival.

@Aura Of Twilight
Newtype said:
Arthur who was in deep thought, knowing the failure of the exercise was more so his fault than anyone elses. "It's all my fault." he whispered only loud enough for Auri to hear as she was in his arms though Arthur didn't know that until she asked him to put her down. Arthur saw she was blushing and decided to make a joke out of it before he put her down. "Shouldn't i cross the threshold first?" He said grinning then chuckling. He then said "Ok I'll put you down now." His voice was still heavy with laughtet as he set Auri on her own two feet. He the walked to a nearby rock and sat down on putting his fourhead against the sheath of Zeta Excalibur.
[QUOTE="Aura Of Twilight]"Threshold?" She squeaked, knowing he was teasing. "What do you....ohhhhh. Nevermind." She blushed even harder, wondering why she hadn't realized until now what it probably looked like when she was in Arthur's arms. He put her down, chuckling as he did so. Auri was glad she didn't do an automatic faceplant. His voice was full of laughter, but he had a strange look in his eyes. He walked over to a nearby rock, his face crumbling slightly as he put his forehead on the sheath of his sword.
"Arthur...?" Auri asked walking over to him. "It isn't your fault..." She murmured, having heard what he said under his breath. She smiled. "Cut yourself a break. You had a better head on your shoulders than I did out there...I blame the teachers for being so....nevermind. The point is, don't be so hard on yourself." Oh she was such a hypocrite. "You seem like you've had a lot of training...and..." Rambling. She was Rambling. "Gods I must've have hit my head hard. This isn't coming out like I want it to."

Vincent seemed to share the same sentiments, walking over to the two blondes. ""The point of the exercise was failure. You shouldn't let this get you down..." He muttered. Then out of nowhere he turned towards Auri, seeming to glare at her as he pointed. "And you!" He boomed.

"Y-yes...?" Auri questioned, wondering what had made him change attitudes all of the sudden.


Vincient smirked, and lowered his arm. "Heh, its nothing. I just wanted to see if you'd squeak, or something...What's your name?" he said, as his wings dispersed the energy flowing outward, and into the air around him.
"No it is my fault. If I had explain in depth what Subordination Manipulation was from the start maybe everyone would've regroup faster when there was first mention the clones were using that too. I have had training but never anything where I had to work with Subordination Manipulation. This was my fault." Arthur replied. Arthur recalled the memory of a story of some Demon who uses the same power and leads an army of 100 Demons with that power.

@Kalin Scarlet @Aura Of Twilight
Bryn cuffed at Alya again before heading off in a different direction. Alya, who was sitting, sprang to her feet and ran after Bryn.

"Bryn, you get back with this one's belongings at once!"

She yelled as Bryn stood next to a girl.

(Bryn is a bear right?)

Arizona was walking around the hallways when a giant, unusual, bear came running at her. "Ahh!" She shrieked and crotched down with her hands over her head. When the bear did nothing she cautiously lifted her arms and straightened out her outfit. "You all saw nothing." She cleared her throat and saw a mad woman rushing after the bear. Oh god please dont let that be the team leader. Arizona prayed to any god listening above.
(Renki Perspective)

Renki after watching the events of Sebastian's argument with Gil she decided it would be better to discuss her problems later, she started heading back to the academy realising she had left something back at home, grabbing Night she head off, anyway she was hoping she may be able to join a new group... group A just didn't seem right and sadly group B was full.

Renki arrived back at the school and went inside to be met with the sight of a bear chasing after someone and a woman coming after it... she just stood there staring at the unusual scene directly in front of the strange occurrence. @zeroknight @Lunaire @RoyalPhoenix32 @Wings
"Bryn, must this one tell you not to...Hello, are you a student? This one is Alya Artemidoros, the new teacher!"

Alya said slipping into third person, again.

"Oops! Forgive me for doing that! I've a tendency to refer to this one in third person. Dammit I did it again!"

Alya said before Bryn cuffed at her.

"Oh! That is Bryn, a spirit bear!"

(Renki Perspective)

Renki slowly approached the unusual scene "umm... are you guys, Ok?" she said in a way that a male would normally but being in female form made it just seem slightly odd, getting closer to the person referring to herself in the third person "my names Renki...by the way" she was hesitant to speak directly at them in case something else happened that was even stranger. @RoyalPhoenix32 @Wings
@Ninja God @Archangel Galdrael @Aqua @Kai123

Galahad jumped back into the tree and waited for the next fight to begin it was between Shiyam and Esstella he wondered where Kia had taken off to wondering if he should follow him
Sebastian's words and argument were cut short by Tsummi, a simple growl uttered from his throat as he accepted the grudging end to his fight and walked back, snatching his ax up with an aggrivated jolt. As they came back to the first area, Gil dismissed them, Sebastian refused to say he failed. He paired people to perfectly but it was a lack of hearing that kept him from successful leading. Upon dismissal, him and his sister talked a bit more about Camila, a furious debate between the two that heated up both sides to the point of breaking and instead of just words, the siblings broke out into a vicious fight once more.

@Newtype @Kalin Scarlet @yumiyukifan1 @TheHappyPikachu @Plushie @Aura Of Twilight
Riku felt herself be picked up by Kalin and was put back on his shoulder gently, he then started to walk off to a more peaceful place it seemed, to rest she assumed "hey Kalin...thanks" she said to him still blushing slightly from the twins earlier discussion "I think I know why... 'this' happened...' she said calmly yet hesitant "and..." she paused considering her words "never mind!" she smiled trying to cover up her desire to tell him all about her past... and what she remembered, she really needed to get it off her chest it was like a heavy weight pushing down against her. @Newtype @Aura Of Twilight @yumiyukifan1 @Plushie
Sebastian came crashing in beside Riku and kalin, flung in by his sister and the stopped abruptly by earth columns that knocked the spit from his mouth. Saphira came barreling behind him growl fiercer than ever and before Sebastian could recover, a devestating ax kick came down upon his back, launching the breathe from his lungs. Saphira took a step back and got back into a ready fighting stance

Sebastian rose from the small crater he had made with the force of Saphira's ax kick and looked at her. The gems around their necks glowed furiously based solely off their temper now as Sebastian charged Saphira. The two met blows as usual but Sebastian did something unexpected and caught the female twin off guard. Grabbing her head, Sebastian smashed it into the earth and threw her into the air, jumping up to plant a solid uppercut into her stomach. Saphira spit up her own saliva, but her brother wasn't nearly done, grabbing his sister's leg and back of the neck and landing with Saphira's back slamming upon his knee. Sebastian had won this fight and Saphira quivered being pushed off his knee and laying there.

@TheHappyPikachu @Kalin Scarlet
Telia quickly ran to Saphira and picked her limp body up in her arms, after pushing Sebastian off. The poor girl had been caught off guard and had the wind knocked out of her. She took a stare at Sebastian. "Sebby-sama... Don't go too far... You might injure her badly..." She said while letting Saphira's head rest on her lap as she checked for wounds. "The fight's already over, there's no need to fight more." @zeroknight
"You don't know us well enough, girl. That right there is a typical sparring day for us. She is fine and will be up in less than five minutes with her supernatural density.." Sebastian growled crossing his arms and turning his back in the two females

Saphira had no scrapes or bruises on her, just seemed to be out of commission for that time being. However as the twins anger rose, so did the brutality of their fights.

Riku looked in shock, eye's wide at the pair of twins fighting, she'd never seen this before... she couldn't bare to watch as Sebastian knocked out Sapphire, she knew she would be ok... but that blow had surprised her, for a moment she thought of going over but decided it was best to not... quickly knocking her out of her trail of thought "Sebastian?" she said quietly so that even Kalin, on who's shoulder she was resting could not hear... she had been thinking about it for a while now after seeing the twins but, there was something... inhuman about there strength and looks, but her thoughts quickly led off this as she came back to the reality that herself was currently a cat, so what kind of pace did she have to think that... this reminded her of what she was thinking about before, making the weight of it on her soul only stress even more... she had to tell someone. @Newtype
"You don't know me as well, either, Sebby-sama. She needs to rest right now and so do you, and no more sparring for today. We're all tired out because of the training before, so just rest." Telia said, still locking her eyes onto his. She was glad their was nothing broken inside Saphira because that would be bad.

"We aren't resting till we are stronger than this entire group, I'm tired of being told my limits so I'm breaking them as they now stand." He hit his knuckles together and the grass around them moved from a shockwave of pure strength "By the time we turn fifteen, we will be six feet tall and able to move an entire slab of earth!"

Riku looked depressed at Telia's words... she was right, they were all tired, but her... even after using that strange ability she wasn't the slightest bit weary, everyone else was beaten up and exhausted... but she just sat on Kalin's shoulder, perfectly ok. She jumped off and ran up to Telia rubbing against her leg to get her attention "hey, Telia... do you think... I deserve to be here?" she asked dully "I didn't even help in the fight...and worse than that my p..." she trailed off at the last part reminding herself she had to explain this later when Kalin and Telia were both together... "never mind about the last part..." you could see the pressure on her face after keeping back those words but she tried to ignore it looking up at Telia's face. @yumiyukifan1 @Kalin Scarlet @zeroknight @Lunaire
TheHappyPikachu said:
Riku looked depressed at Telia's words... she was right, they were all tired, but her... even after using that strange ability she wasn't the slightest bit weary, everyone else was beaten up and exhausted... but she just sat on Kalin's shoulder, perfectly ok. She jumped off and ran up to Telia rubbing against her leg to get her attention "hey, Telia... do you think... I deserve to be here?" she asked dully "I didn't even help in the fight...and worse than that my p..." she trailed off at the last part reminding herself she had to explain this later when Kalin and Telia were both together... "never mind about the last part..." you could see the pressure on her face after keeping back those words but she tried to ignore it looking up at Telia's face. @yumiyukifan1 @Kalin Scarlet @zeroknight @Lunaire
"Well, we're here now. What did you want to tell us?" Kalin said, sitting down next to the neko. "Its obviously bothering you, the way you keep bringing it up...


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