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Fantasy The Search

"Really?" He asked, "I don't meet many people, I'm a farmer, see, but I thought plenty of people would like this kind of thing."
"Most city folk tend to enjoy the inside of the walls. It makes them feel safe- protected, ya' know? Not many of us have ever wanted to leave, much less go on a dangerous journey assigned by the queen herself," Maria reasoned, shrugging. She pulled off her hat, running her fingers through her hair to keep it out of her face. "In fact, I'd wager that I'm the only untrained city dweller whose volunteered to do this."
"Me either. I mean, I can farm, and climb trees and whatever, but..." Harry admitted.

"So I'm the only trained one here?" Jan questioned, and then sighed.
"I mean, the rats at home don't stand a chance against me," Maria added unhelpfully, grinning. "Oh, but I;m sure it wont come to all that much fighting. Right? I mean, this is a quest for the queen and all, and the people seem to be supporting us," she continued, gesturing to the crowd.
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"See? Dont you feel safer already knowing that I'm coming along?" Maria laughed, but then allowed her face to become grim. "But I really hope not, rats are so disgusting. Their beady eyes always creeped me out when I was younger, and still do. But bugs are the worst, and... I'll stop now." She sighed, putting her hat back on, avoiding eye contact with her companions.
Zachary's smile slowly faded, he was tiresome of all this waiting, he knew someone else was coming or we would have left by now.

"Wonder when we are leaving..." he muttered to himself
"Speculate not on the future, but on the present." Janeway said, though seeming more stern than wise or thoughtful. "We may encounter dragons for all we know, the treasure is called 'the Dragon's Chest' after all. We will have to wait and see."

"I heard about dragon's as a child. I actually thought they were real." Harry said, and chuckled.

"They may be, Mister Hart." She said.
"'Speculate not on the future, but on the present.'That sounded really wise and cryptic, you know, like you were one of those old scholars in the palace. Not that you look like one of them, of course, they're old and such, but you can never know how people will take what you say." Maria mentally kicked herself for talking so much, desperate to change the subject. "Dragons? That sounds exciting, doesn't it? I wonder if they can breath fire like they do in the old stories. My mother told me that dragons are mentioned in lots of different ancient texts, but nobody has provided enough evidence to say they exist. Well, none that have come back alive," Maria added dramatically, her smile returning.
Valencia panted with relief as she finally managed to reach the end of the monstrously sized crowd. Whilst wiping the sweat off her forehead, she feels disgusted with the number of times she felt a hand rub along her waist region. Never again. Upon reaching the stage she catches ear of a group of people talking on top among which words she hears a mention of dragons. Slightly shocked by the discussion she quickly leaps onto the stage and questions the group,

"Oi. Oi. What's this talk of dragons? I didn't sign up for a suicide mission."
"Yes, we're going to be fighting dragons!" He exclaimed, holding his hands up by his head and waving his fingers to act spooky.
"I see. So to clarify. You will be fighting dragons whilst I secure the merits of battle." She replied in a snarky undertone. "Pleasure to be working with you, the name's Val." The young woman says with confidence whilst gesturing for a hand shake.
"Something like that." He replied, and gripped her hand, shaking it fervently. "My name's Harry. What's yours?"

Janeway bowed her head slightly in gesture. "We will all partake in the dragon slaying." She declared, "My name is Janeway Baron."
Maria raised an eyebrow, surprised. Another woman? It seemed a bit unusual that there would be more women than men on an expedition such as this, but she payed no heed to the revelation. "Val, I like it. So many people have incredibly long and difficult names to remember. Like, the king who ruled before our current queen? He had 4 different names! But- Sorry. My name's Maria, its good to meet you," Maria said, giving her a small wave.
"Nice to meet you Harry...I err...just told you mine didn't I?" Val muttered in confusion. Hearing the voice of another woman over her own tongue made her realize that the question may have in fact been aimed at someone else to which she felt a hint of embarrassment. Quickly turning away from the awkward scene, she faces another girl that had been stood on the stage for some time now. "Thanks, I know right? Were going to need a dictionary for them soon." She said with a slight chuckle. "Nice to meet you too Maria" she replied with a complimentary wave back. Dragging her eye from Maria's eyes down to waist and again to her shoes left Val in awe as she believed the girl standing in front of her to be someone of royalty. "Well you sure are a looker! Pockets not heavy enough already, love?"
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Maria blushed, slipping her hands into her pockets. "Oh, I'm not- i mean, i don't..." Maria trailed off, scrambling for anything to say. She hadn't thought her family's standing would be brought up at all. For the first time in her life she had nothing to say. After a moment of thought, she finally answered. "I have no interest in the money, if thats what you were curious about." She looked down, taking a minute to regain her previous confidence.
"Heh... no need to act so skittish dear, if anything I'm humbled to even bask in the presence of nobility." Val spoke whilst a soft smile emanated off her mouth in an attempt to boost Maria's confidence. "So if you're not here for the money, why are you here? Holiday?" It must feel nice to be rich...
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"Nobility? Oh, I'm not of noble blood. My father is just an ambassador. I mean, I guess that an important job, but the court hasn't deemed him important enough for a title or anything. But that's not what you asked, is it? Sorry, i get distracted easily," Maria rambled, laughing slightly. She couldn't say she was trying to figure out who she was without being thought of as idiot, so she improvised. "Well, i guess its for the adventure, you know? My parents never let me go out much, so i missed out on so much. Everything is new to me, which is incredibly exciting."
"So that's it eh. Well fresh air is good for you, you know." Val replies whilst ignoring the stutter and nervousness in Mariah's voice. "Just be sure not to die on your first adventure alright?" She says sarcastically with a slight grin before raising her head whilst changing the expression on her face to look a lot more annoyed before changing posture into a slouch. "...Oh come on. When are we leaving this dump. I can hear the sound of gold coins rattlin' already."
Zachary hadn't noticed a new face on the stage but when he did he walked up to her. "Hey there, My names Zachary Lupus its a pleasure to meet you."
From a tavern on the edge of a crowd came the sounds of a scuffle. The creaking of wood on wood, the shattering of glass, shouts, screams, the metal on metal of two swords engaging in deadly bloodsport. The first patron left, hair aflutter and expression rattled, then the second, then the third. The crowd surrounding the stage bearing the adventurers-to-be began to murmur in confusion. What was going on?

That question was answered when a portly man in the clothes of a nobleman and a powdered wig came flying through the swinging doors of the tavern butt first and landed in the ground. He clasped a long, slender sword in his hands and his face was a red as a beet. Clearly he was being bested in the bombastic brutality of the bloodsport. And then through the door came his opponent, and if the crowd wasn't startled already, they were now.

His skin was dark, darker than any man who had simply lain in the sun for an afternoon, and his grin was one of catlike glee. He dressed in the clothes of a sailor, though they were far too ornate and of high quality for him to be anything less than the man in charge. He looked rakish, devilish, and absolutely at ease in the chaos he was formenting. In one hand was another long and narrow sword, and in the other was a glass of wine, almost full and nary having spilled a drop. In a town of good repute such as this, such a roguish figure was so far beyond the ordinary it was almost an anomaly.

"You said it yourself, my friend! Your daughter chose to make my acquaintance, not the other way around!" the dark man declared to his opponent, now strugging to rise to his feet.

"You bewitched her, rogue!" the nobleman sputtered, holding up his sword in an elegant-if-annoyed fighting stance. "Ruffian! Miscreant! I shall have your head for sullying my dear daughter!"

The dark man's sword flicked up into a near mirror of the other man's stance, his eyes wild and his smile never faltering. His teeth gleamed in the sunlight. "Your sword is thicker than your spine, coward!" he taunted, flicking his sword in a salute. The fight was about to begin in earnest.

Though we live in an age where certain forms of power aren't even a gleam in the eyes of whatever scientist inevitably discovers them, it's definitely a safe bet to say that the last taunt made the nobleman promptly go nuclear. He roared, though it could less be called a roar and more a girly scream, and charged his assailant at swordpoint.

Captain Charles Mbadiwe, Scourge of the Seas, had fought grandmothers more terrifying than this man. He deflected all of his blows with dramatic panache, not spilling a drop of wine. He parried, riposted, and forced the man back into the crowd, where the battle continued. "Tally ho, scoundrel!" called Captain Mbadiwe, taking time out from paying attention to the man's feeble efforts to drink down the wine, never once letting a blow through. "Your father should be ashamed, raising a woman instead of a fighter!" he taunted, jumping over a particularly low blow and landing on a fruit cart.

There was a brief lapse in the fight as Captain Mbadiwe finished his glass and tossed it to the side, hearing it break into a thousand pieces as he stood dramatically, sword pointed forward. "Come hither, knave! Show me what passes for fury amongst your misbegotten kind!"

The fight resumed, the nobleman pursuing the Captain across carts, tables, all while the klink klink klink of blades continued. Though he was being forced back, Captain Mbadiwe showed no signs of being in distress. In fact, he was having a great deal of fun.

Meanwhile, the crowd were one step away from rioting. There was screaming, shouting, food being thrown, all manner of chaos. Any attempt to get them orderly was met with more mayhem. Captain Mbadiwe had certainly kicked the hornet's nest. What ever was everyone to do?!
Maria nodded, placing her hands on her hips. "Do you think the queen is going to see us off personally? Or just an attendant? Ooh, maybe they will-" she was cut off by sounds of a commotion at the edge of the crowd. Well, a commotion louder than the crowd itself. It seemed like an all out brawl, which was worrisome. "Do you think we should do something about that?" Maria asked, half to herself, not liking the idea of a fight.

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