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Fantasy The Search

"Woo! Go brown pirate guy!" Harry yelled, rooting with his fist in the air bouncing up and down. Janeway grabbed his arm and pushed it down. "Do not root for him; he is a scoundrel and a disgrace to our fine Kingdom." She said, and jumped promptly jumped off the stage, drawing her sword. The crowd immediately opened up for her to pass, not wanting to be cut up like apples, and she made her way to the pirate. "I see you can fool with a simple nobleman," She said, "But how about a true soldier?" She pulled her sword at the ready, to strike or defend, depending on the pirate's move. Guards moved in from the sides of the crowd.
Hearing a sound from behind her, Val glances behind to see another unknown face on the stage. "Oh nice to meet you to Zachary. The Name's Val" she says whilst carrying a soft smile before turning her head back to Maria. Before hearing all of the words being projected from the maiden's mouth a large rumble from the crowd just below interrupts their conversation. Eh what's with this ruckus. Before getting the chance to reply to Maria, in the corner of her eye she catches the girl from before jump off the stage with a face of resolve.

Hm. Let's watch this one from a distance, betcha it'll be interestin'." she replies.
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Maria sighed, shaking her head. "I thought we were supposed to be heroes, ya know, adventuring to find treasure?" she complained. This was ridiculous, fighting in broad daylight. Well, at least she wasn't stuck in the middle of it. "Who do you think'll win? My money's on Janeway," Maria joked. If this ended up in bloodshed, she might as well rethink her part in this mission. She hated to hurt people, so bloodshed was a major detriment to her.
Clink clink clang! The stage and the small vortex around Captain Janeway appeared to be the two sole areas of safety in the impromptu rioting. It was chaos. Chaos! Meanwhile, the duel raged on in earnest! With a short jump and an "Ahai!" Captain Mbadiwe hopped up on to a table, where he was joined by his earstwhile duelling opponent. "Parry! Parry! Thrust! Thrust! Good! We'll make a warrior of you yet!"

The incessant taunting from the alarmingly dark skinned man served only to drive the powdered fop into a fury not seen since his maid scalded his tea this morning. "Fiend! You besmirch my honor!" With another mighty battle cry he launched forth a torrent of thrusts and slashes that Captain Mbadiwe, skilled was he, deflected with dramatic ease. During this time, he allowed himself a moment to address the maiden that had challenged him.

"Nonsense!" he thusly declared. "Captain Charles Mbadiwe, Scourge of the Seas, does not fight women! Even ones as masculine as yourself!" Another taunt! Truly there was no woman safe from the tongue of Captain Mbadiwe! "Now please, fetch me some wine! This man's terrible," and on that moment he thwapped the flat of the sword against the nobleman's buttocks, "skill at dueling drives me to drink!"
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"If you will not fight me," She started, "then you shall be cut to pieces." She finished, and sliced at him, slapping through the wind with her sword and causing a whipping sound.

Ephraim was sitting on the rooftop of a nearby tavern, watching as the fight goes on. He didn't know much about fighting so he thought that one of the duelists would make a fine teacher.

But Ephraim's mind was also busy somewhere else. He thought of a new weapon that would change the entire weapons industry; a gun attached to a rapier. Light, delicate and deadly. He withdrew his book and pen and began to pen down the invention.
"Oho!" laughed Captain Mbadiwe. A spirited competitor! He deflected the blade of Captain Janeway with a simple twirling parry, flashy yet simplistic, and turned to fend off the rabid advance of his prior assailant. "Forgive me, I only enjoy threesomes with two women, not two other men!"

Clink clink clink! The duel on the table led away from Captain Janeway and to a shopfront undergoing repair. With dramatic aplomb, Captain Mbadiwe reached a conveniently hanging rope and leapt for it. He grabbed the rope, swung around, and planted two boots in the face of the foppish nobleman. The man fell down for the count, the wind, sense and conscious knocked out of him. With a dramatic flourish, Captain Mbadiwe both saluted his fallen opponent and readied himself for a fight against Captain Janeway. But not without a quip.

"I apologize for your horrible condition, I hear it is illegal for a woman to be in a man's body. Perhaps a dress would aid you, one with ruffles to hide your ungainly shoulders!" Come at me, bro!
Ephraim heard the commotion got louder. The dark skinned man was a warrior to behold. He stopped writing and watched the duel with renewed interest.

She stared him in the eyes and walked forward. "You think yourself witty?" She asked, "I've been called a man a million times over and one more isn't going to disturb me." She started at a run, pulling her sword above her preparing to strike down when she reached the pirate... no, not even. A jester with a big boat and a horde of fools to follow him.
"Haha!" laughed Captain Mbadiwe, a sound of merriment to match his catlike grin. "You haven't fooled me on both accounts, sir! You're clearly as bothered with my statement as you are with your gender!" The taunts came flying thick and hard from the Captain. He was having a truly wonderful time dueling in this chaos. It was like Port Karatha all over again, but with less peg legs and more thrown cabbages.

And yet, his new opponent, the one calling herself a womanly commander, was running at him like an amateur! Captain Mbadiwe actively scoffed! How silly! He patiently waited for Captain Janeway to get into range, and nonchalantly thrust his sword forward. The fact that her sword was currently above her head and she was currently charging at him would mean that dodging or parrying a simple thrust would be functionally improbable on her part. All Captain Mbadiwe had to do is let her skewer herself. No effort necessary, and Captain Mbadiwe goes home with another notch on his belt. Today was a good day! A good day indeed!
Ephraim was in awe spectating the female fighter. He kept his book and pen and jumped down in a swift movement. He got into the front of the audience for a clearer view of the duel.

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Janeway realized her mistake, but all too late. She let her knees fall and skidded to a halt, the sword swiping across her lips and the tip of her nose, narrowly avoiding being turned into a human shishkabob. "I've got you now..." She muttered, and slammed her arm down forward... only to find, it was empty. She turned her head behind her to see she'd dropped her sword. Damn her insolence, she needs to think better before charging in like a boar. I guess his taunts were getting to me. She thought.
The rapier was a deft weapon, elegant, light, and very nimble. Though it had wounded her with zero effort, her momentum did not stop him from acting. With an arm movement and a flick of the blade, Captain Mbadiwe had pulled the sword back and pointed the dainty tip at her neck. It was a theatrical gesture simply to declare his victory. "Ahai! You fight like a woman! There is hope for you yet!" he declared to her, something bordering on mocking pride in his tone. It wasn't the first time he'd had a woman on her knees in front of him.

With another dramatic flourish, he sheathed the blade and hopped up on to the stage, his very presence radiating flashy showmanship. "Greetings, friends, adventurers, ladies! I am Captain Charles Mbadiwe, Scourge of the Seas! Surely you know of me." He took a deep bow. "I am pleasured and honoured to make your various acquaintances, for we are to be comrades on this joyous treasure hunt!"

Could it be true? Was Captain Charles Mbadiwe, the dark skinned pirate, an adventurer recruited for this quest? Or was he just talking out his ass? "Now come, now that I have bested the leader, clearly I am the leader, as it should be! We must depart! My vessel is at port! We sail at dawn!"
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Janeway lifted herself up, brushing the dirt off of her pants, and scoffed. "I have to journey with this filthy, perverted scum? Perhaps going isn't such a good idea." She said aloud, though only to herself as nobody who cared to hear was around. She picked up her sword from the ground, and made her way through the crowd to the stage. Some chuckling or giggling could be heard as she passed, probably at the mocking that took place, but she never turned her eyes. She made her way up without a word.
Maria looked at Janeway sympathetically, attempting a reassuring smile. "Dont worry, Miss baron, you're not the only one who feels that way," she said quietly, patting her back. She then immediately regretted the decision, as she wasn't sure whether or not Janeway would take that as patronizing. No... surely not. Maria then sized up the newcomer- she'd never seen a man like him before. But she had seen his type plenty of times: overconfident, womanizing, perhaps... gaudy? But, it was best not to anger him. Its not like she was a better fighter than Janeway, and she wasn't very fast either. Her only strength was her mind, and her father's lessons in negotiating.

"I don't remember ever electing somebody as a 'leader', friend. Shouldn't the leader of our venture earn the title not by defeating their comrades in battle, but by true acts of leadership? I can say without much doubt that you haven't exactly shown the qualities of a man I'd follow."

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Now that the dark skinned fighter had mentioned it, Ephraim felt a mix of emotions. He walked towards Janeway,

"Greetings. My name is Ephraim. Would I be safe to assume that this group would be the explorers for the hidden treasures?"

As he spoke, there was a sense of guilt and sympathy in his voice,

"I'm sorry that the duel did not go your way but I must say, you are an astounding fighter."
She looked his way, her head held high so as to not seem like she's backed down or embarrassed. "Thank you. Apparently I still need to improve, however." She admitted, "I am Janeway Baron, and you would be correct. We are all here for the rumored treasure quest." She said, and turned her head back to the crowd.
"Sorry dear I don't make bets I can lose." Val replies before returning her attention to the battle of bold & reckless intuition. Upon the sights of seeing the flamed lass defeated, Val chuckled to herself. At a young age all archers are taught the secret to pinpoint accuracy. A clear vision, solid resolute & relaxed mind. Failure to attribute even one of those components can lead to a miss-fire. The moment Miss Janeway entered combat against the pretentious buffoon, she had already declared her loss.

Upon Janeway's sour return to the stage, Val proceeds to the back of the stage where she rests up against a pillar in boredom. Anticipating when the rabid group would depart.
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Janeway and Harry turn their heads to a man walking up the stairs. Dark brown hair, a large build and looking a bit gluttonous, he stomps onto the stage. "Hello, volunteers!" He greets, and bows with his hand twisted upward below him. "You are all here for the Queen's quest, correct? If so, then follow me. The queen has set up a very special banquet for you all before your departure- you will also be given any essentials you may have forgotten or not had." He turns and waves his hand in gesture to follow, walking down the stairs with a guard waiting promptly to escort him.

Harry looks around, and raises his eyebrow. "I didn't know we were having a feast." He says, "Neither did I." Janeway replied, though she stepped forward and started to follow. Harry trailed just behind.
"Oooh, a feast? How exciting! And one sponsored by the queen, no less. This'll be so much fun. My father went to a party at the castle once, but that was long ago," Maria rambled on, walking behind Janeway. She had thought they'd be on their way by now, but she was in no place to deny the queen the right to send them off. "Have you ever been to a feast at the castle before?" she asked, not to anyone in particular.

Ephraim followed the man leading them to the feast by the Queen herself. Ephraim thought to himself that it would be nice to have a good hearty feast before venturing for the treasures.

"I've never been to a royal feast before but I have been invited once to a feast held by several famous scholars and veteran inventors. It wasn't your typical feast of cheery laughters. The conversation was full of plans and ideas for new inventions."

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