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Fantasy The Search


Unknown Species

Let the adventure begin!
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Harry made his way through the crowd, being bumped and prodded by the mass of people, onto the small wooden stage raised about a foot or two off the ground where everyone on the journey would be gathering. It seemed he was the first one there, all too excited to get started. With his sword strapped to his side, and a pack on his back filled with his current food, he heard nothing but the pounding of his feet and ringing in his ears as he entered onto the stage via small wooden stairs on the side, his steps echoing in the wood underneath. Suddenly, his ear filled with sound once again, lots of commotion and chattering from the crowd beneath. It seemed nobody else was on the stage at the time except for two guards in case something may happen. Guards were also stationed on the sides of the crowd in pairs of two, along with the ones casually patrolling the streets, some pausing to look at what's happening.
Maria smiled gently, resting her hand on the carefully shaped marble slab. Upon it was engraved the name "Catherine Rose Astrolia", as well as a set of dates. It sat under a tall oak tree, overlooking the large courtyard that surrounded her home from a small hill. Behind it sat a few more graves of generations past, showing just how long the Astrolia family had owned the home. Maria leaned her head back, inhaling the sweet scent of the flowers dotting the garden, possibly for the last time. Lavenders, lilies, violets, thyme patches, and most importantly, roses. It was her mother's place where she would go to think, after all, and roses had always been her favorite.

Maria stood, turning away from the grave. Her rakuyo lightly swung at her side, reassuring her. This was the right thing to do, despite her father's wishes. She had written to him about her plans, and he had promptly sent the courier back with commands for her to stay in the city. His wishes, while loving and wise, were like waves upon cliffs to Maria. She needed to discover who she was, and this was the perfect opportunity to do so. Maria set out with purpose now, walking through the gate that led into her estate. Her hat prevented her hair from flying too freely, allowing her to keep her mind on her feet rather than her appearance. She was notoriously clumsy despite her best efforts, so many who recognized her knew to give her some space, lest she fall on them.

Maria arrived at the stage that had been set up in the marketplace, carefully climbing the steps and resting both feet on the wooden planks. Only one other person had arrived so far: a man not too much older than she, and clearly more prepared for the journey than she was. "I don't believe I've seen you around the city before; what is your name?" Maria asked, smiling slightly. She wasn't exactly sure whether she should shake his hand despite her gender or try and curtsy without a dress on- being a woman in trousers put her in a bit of a predicament.
Harry noticed her pants, but made nothing of it. He'd always thought dresses were strange anyway, wind always blowing up your arse, probably harder to maneuver in too. "The name's Harrison. But you can call me Harry." He took her hand and shook it quickly and excitedly, "That's probably because I live out in the countryside. That big farm up North-East? That's my family farm." He explained. "I come here every few months to sell produce and meats with my mother here in the market."
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A farmer? She'd only ever met city-folk, so to meet someone new was quite exciting. She smiled widely, her curiosity getting the better of her. "That explains it. You live out on the country side? What's it like? Does your farm have many workers? Do you supply any food for the palace kitchens? How big is your farm?" maria began, but she managed to stop herself. Thoughtfully, she regained her collected composure and tried again. "Sorry about that, i've just never met someone from outside the city before. Oh, my name is Maria. It's a pleasure to meet you."
"You too." He replied. "We have nine workers as of right now. And I'm not sure if we give food to the palace, if we do its not directly through us." He explained, and looked back over the crowd. "I can't believe so many people are here to see us. Or maybe they're just here to see us leave and wish us luck on making the kingdom rich. I'm going to go with seeing us, it makes me feel better." He chuckled. "I wonder where the rest are. It can't just be us, right?"
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"Oh, I'm sure they're on their way. The queen surely wouldn't condone a mission of just two people," Maria answered, waving her hand dismissively. "Not that I've met the queen, but I've heard so much about her. My father's never said anything negative about her, so i can only assume there isn't anything to tell." There she went again, prattling on. "I'm sure the crowd is simply excited for the journey. Its just as exciting to watch people do it as it is to do it yourself-" Maria cringed, shaking her head. "I did not mean it that way, sorry. Ignore what I just said."
Zachary made his way through the huge crowd around a wooden stage were he was apparently meant to be. He couldn't help but smile from the fact he finally had something to do for once. Small money bag around his waist, cloak over his shoulder he passed through the 2 guards and stepped onto the stage. 2 people were already there in conversation. He wanted to socialize with his new teammates but thought they didn't want to be interrupted. He sat down waiting for further orders.
"And there's another one!" He exclaimed. "Welcome aboard, ol' chap. My name's Harry, and her's is... Mary? Maria? Something like that." He said, and extended his hand in gesture to shake.
Zachary looks up. He sees a man called Harry sticking out his hand for a hand shake. Trying to appear nice Zachary shakes his hand, "Nice to meet you, I'm Zachary Lupus".
The woman silently thanked god that her new companion didn't catch what she said. Maria turned to the new arrival, dismissing Harry's introduction of her and smiling respectfully. "My name is Maria Astrolia. It's good to meet you, Zachary," she greeted, holding out her hand.
Another woman walked over and held out her hand, she introduced herself her name being Maria Astrolia. Zachary shook her hand "Nice to meet you" Zachary replied jubilantly
Janeway pushed her way through the crowd with ease, and stomped onto the stands. Many people in the crowd turned to her, knowing who she was, and it seemed the question of why she was there arose. "No way they'd send the General's daughter," "As if one woman on the journey wasn't crazy enough," "That can't possibly be her!" But it was, and she was going. She never turned her gaze to the crowd but rather to her new allies. Two men, and a woman. All much younger than her. "Greetings." She said plainly, in her loud, authoritative voice, and saluted her new mates.
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Maria smiled once more before stepping back from the two men, naturally taking a more subdued stance. Was she to be the only woman on this trip? With effort, she could dress and act like a man, but she could still get them into trouble. As if her thoughts had been shouted throughout the kingdom, a woman took the stage, albeit a woman who quite frankly scared Maria. She had too look up a bit to see her face, but she immediately felt a bit more comfortable. Maria stayed back though, preferring for her companions to speak up first.
Zachary turned around to see the Generals daughter Janeway, that confused him a bit, why would she go on this dangerous mission?

"Uh.. Hello nice to meet you, My name is Zachary Lupus" Said Zachary Calmly
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"Greetings to you too, miss...?" Harry extended his hand, with a puzzled expression, wondering who this stern woman was.

"Janeway. Janeway Baron. And you too, Mister Lupus, Mister Hart." She quickly took her salute down, and placed her hand at her side as the opposite arm was.

"Baron?" Harry asked, "Like the General?"

"Yes, I am General Baron's daughter." She confirmed.

"Oh! I didn't know he had a daughter. Then again, I don't know much about him besides his name." He explained, and then put his hand in a salute as well, though a sloppy one and more-than-noticeably forced. "Miss Baron." He said, with a stern face, but couldn't help but smile a little as he acted like a soldier.
Zachary didn't know if he was meant to salute or not, he hadn't had much experience with traditions. He decided it was best to just play along. He moved his hand up to his head and stood like a soldier, well what he thought one looked like.
Janeway furrowed her brow. "I'm going to be blunt... you two would be terrible soldiers." She said, partially insultingly and partially just truthfully.

Harry put his hand down and stared up at her. "Well, I wasn't raised as one either, so." He defended himself.
Maria watched the exchange thoughtfully, laughing slightly at Janeway's last comment. Maybe she wasn't as intimidating as the younger woman had taken her to be. She stepped forward now, attempting to introduce herself without tripping over her words. "My name is Maria Astrolia. Its a pleasure you meet you, Miss baron," she greeted, attempting a salute as well. She must have looked ridiculous, but at least she wouldn't look like she was avoiding attention in the back.
"Greetings, Miss Astrolia." She greeted in reply, and saluted again to her. At least this one wasn't terrible at it and could be straightforward.
Zachary was getting bored now and was really starting to get eager to get on with this mission. He turned to Harry "Hey.. Just asking, are there meant to be anymore people coming?"
"I must admit I did not expect someone as important as you to be on this journey. But I'm not disappointed in the slightest, i cant imagine this journey will go down without a hitch." Maria smiled, lowering her salute. "Did you choose to come along? My father didn't want me to. He kept going on about how it was a bad idea travelling with men and how I'd get hurt and all that jargon, but I came anyway. Its just so exciting, you know? To be leaving the city, to be journeying into the countryside, to be away from home. Have you ever been far from home? Well, I'm sure you have, its-" There she went again. "You don't have to answer any of those questions, I got carried away... again."
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"I'm not sure." He answered, shrugging. "I mean I doubt they'd send just four... would they? Isn't anyone else willing to come?"

She put her hands behind her, at-ease. "Its alright." She said, "And yes, I'm alright with coming. My father offered to send me and I have no qualms." She explained.
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Zachary looked into the crowd. "Yeah they wouldn't send just 4 for a mission like this, but I don't think many people would actually want to come in the first place."

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