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Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)


:3 The not normal one
Welcome to the School of Hybrids!

Magic has been gone for a long time, or has it...

For the few Hybrids or Halflings if you will, magic is as active as ever!

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Here we except all hybrids, Fae and Demons alike! Even if you have just a

drop of magic, you're allowed to attend. Here we are Hybrids, half human

and half magical creature, of course our population is just under 2%

but we're still growing! Our head mistress -Alisha Sphinx- is a draki,

a powerful Halfling that is part dragon and part human. No full blooded

magic wielders are left, to our knowledge, which means we would like to

train magical hybrids to take there place! However, there is a rare occurrence

were far back in a hybrids line two different magical species mixed, meaning

that this special will have traits of there human part, and two magical species.

But we haven't had one of those here for years.

Feel free to apply for the school!

-Master you magic.

-Make friends

-Meet other hybrids

-Learn the ways of your magic

-And So Much More...



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Badec sat down in the library, reading a book titled, "Umbra de Infernum". It was an umbramancic tome that his father had given him. He quickly read through the chapter he was on, then pressed his hand against a small pentagram, no larger than the palm of his hand. The book sounded with a high-pitched ring, and had started glowing purple. Badec squinted his eyes briefly while continuing to press harder against the small pentagram, which was being seared into his hand. After the process had finished, he removed his hand from the book and inspected it. In his hand, a small spike made of darkness formed in his hand. "Worth it." Badec said in his low octave voice.
Kiki glared at her mom from her side of the cars seat "Do I have to go?" she said with a little bit of a bite. Kiki was usually kind but nothing went well when she was forced into something that she didn't want to do. Her Mom rolled her eyes "Yes Kiki you have to go, your magic is a rather feisty one and since your dad is no longer with us he can't teach you." Kiki cringed, she hated hearing about her dads death, her mom had seemed to come to term with it but Kiki wasn't sure that she herself ever could "But mom! I have fire magic and I'm a shifter! Barely anyone, and I mean Anyone has fire. I'm considered a freak." her mom tilted her head slightly so she could see Kiki and the road, "Honey, your not a freak. Your a hybrid that just so happens to have a rarer power then other people." he said soothingly. Kiki bristled and turned her head back to the window, simultaneously blocking the suns bright rays from her eyes with her hand. A little while later they pulled up at the school "See ya on Halloween hun." her mom called as Kiki went to the trunk of the blue car to grab her stuff "Okay mom, Love ya." Kiki called back as she grabbed her stuff and slammed the back closed and walked away.

She walked inside the hall that was buzzing with students Wow that's a lot of people she thought to herself. Kiki looked down at the small yellow slip in her hand that had her dorm number and classes on it. dorm 134. She squeezed her way through the crowd then walked up the stairs, down the long hallway and into her dorm "Same as last year!" she squeeled. She loved this dorm because it had direct access to the roof if the school, all she had to do was go out on the balcony and climb about 10 feet up.

Kiki quickly unpacked then ran downstairs. As she was running she ran into someone. She fell back and landed on her back "Oww..." she muttered

(Omg just realized how long that is!)
The crunch teeth made each time they squished food, it was irritating, even if it was coming from his own mouth. Eating was one of his less desired activities, yet it was a need for his organic form to mantain stability and vitality, he didn't want to be a weak mess either, strength and agility in this body was crucial incase he needed to fight or just casually stroll along the place without collapsing. A final bite off the small sandwich, and his meal was finally complete, he took another sip from his glass of water and sighed deeply, getting ready for this slightly painful and uncomfortable process. Right now, he was not at all stable, just a fading human figure composed of mostly smoke, so he struggled to find his mouth. Emile finally found it, putting the gas mask and feeling all his small particles compress in the being, everything and all in what compesed his body shaping in a human, a teenager to be exact, it seemed Emile, the succubus and the human body aged a bit at the same pace.

He got dressed, and got his backpack on, slowly walking out of his apartament and walking out on the road, approaching the school. When he arrived, he slowly entered, a quiet pace that let him scan all the place, sighing slightly and staring everywhere, standing still.

she looked up and found that she had just ran into a teacher, "Now why were you running Kiki?" he asked crossing his arms and staring her down "Well.... Uh.... I needed a," she quickly looked at her surrounding and saw a teacup on a table near the side of the hallway "... tea cup. My friend is thirsty..." she said in a way that made it sound like she was embarrassed about it even though she was just lying. she got up "Bye!" she said right before she shifted into her phoenix form and practically shot through the hallway like a bullet, the heat of her firey feather probably tickling peoples skin as she shot past the entrance. She turned a corner and blazed past the headmistress then turned another and ended up in the gymnasium were she shifted back mid flight and landed on the matt.
reaver walked around in search of something to do. "wow, this place is so fun." he said sarcastically. he walked to his locker to put some stuff up and get some stuff out. "i thought we were supposed to meet other hybrids, cause i haven't met anyone yet." he said.

(sorry it was short. didn't really know what to say.)
Tyler was on his fathers horse that he got when his father mysteriously disapeared and the something with his mother but he did not know her while thinking he hit his head on a branch and yelled "gosh dangit" and stopped day dreaming he saw the outside of the forest and beyond that the school as soon as he got out of the forest he snapped his fingers and his fathers horse disappears and goes into a little amulet he was holding this was one of many but it was special and put it around his neck. And started walking towards the front of the school and went inside of it.
Persephone slithered into the school for another year of magical learning and her annual tradition of scaring the new kids. Despite going on a school specifically made for their try most kids were still nervous about their first day and the fact that there is so many kinds of hybrids is always surprising and intimidating. The are scared of gorgons in particular due to their infamy and despite having more delicate features then regular gorgon thanks to her fae blood she can look pretty scary. All she had to do is to flash her fanged teeth with a sinister smile, have her babies hiss at them and just slightly lower her glasses to sent them scurrying. This year was no different and never got old.
Tyler was looking around the acadamey and saw someone scaring people and said (better stay away from her and went the opposite way not trying to attract attention to himself because of his hood and how he was shorter than all the other boys and didn't want to deal with it and didn't want anyone knowing his secret that layer below the cloak he was wearing. But because of his clumsy nature on his other persona he knocked over a bottle.

Jenny walked into the school with her head down and her books held close to her chest.She somehow managed to dodge everyone that she walked by and lets just say she wanted it that way.She felt her jacket move as her concealed wings twitch.She would have to go flying later today,she didn't remember if it was going to rain but it seemed highly unlikely.While she was deep in her thoughts,she ran into someone and fell onto the floor and tried to locate her books,"I'm so sorry,"she said in a small voice.
Persephone chuckled gleefully at the fear in their eyes. She heard the crash of the bottle and rushed to the source and began to circle the hooded lad. "Easy there young... Lad. I am not really going to hurt anyone. Maybe..."She said in a tone that did not inspiring the words meaning and scanned the lad."What is your name?
Tyler laying there gets up with and says "oowwww that hurt" in a girly voice notices Persephone and jumps back and does not say a word more because of what he just said holding his mouth under his hood.

"Oh don't be like that I am only trying to help." She said getting closer. " Are you two alright?" The concern was genuine

but her tone was anything but not liking to show she cared.
Shade uncovered his mouth and reaches for his pocket for a smoke pellet because he doesn't want to get in a fight with her because he's new and is digging around in his pouch not knowing where the heck he put them. And looks at her and backs up still trying to get his smoke pellets.

(He's a split personality from his original one)

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Jenny had gotten up and watched the other two students,looking back and forth to see who would make the first move.Her face flushed in embarrassment as her wings twitched in excitement,she didn't want anyone to know that yet,but who was she kidding.The other students would find out sooner or later.
Persephone got tired of not getting an answer and just turned to leave. "Clearly I am not wanted here. See you around little one." She said before beginning to move off.
Tyler's original persona took control trying to at least make on friend saying "p-please wait miss" and taking his hood off revealing his face "my name is Tyler and I'm the son of the headless horseman"


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Jenny took this a some magical sign and bowed slightly at Tyler and the other student,"my name is Jenny,it's nice to meet you,"she said in her semi quiet voice.Why did she always have to be so shy,curse you personality for doing this to her.
While he said that to Persephone he noticed that some one else heard him and said "its nice to meet you to Jenny."
Persephone chuckled at the both of them. "Your both so cute thought I wonder which is more of a girl." She joked as turned and got a closer look at the two of them. "I am persephone the resident troublemaker. It's nothing personal just fun."
Jenny giggled a little at Persephone's comment and her face flushed bright red,"it's nice meeting the both of you,"she said quietly and bowed slightly again.Her jacket twitched and her face got more flushed if it could,dang it wings,stay still for once in a while.
Persephone's hair snakes began to move forward at the two as if curious hissing softly, there tongues getting close to their faces."Easy there, babies don't scare the two of them."She said taking one snake in her hand and stroked. She looked at Jenny and Tyler. "Curious little guys though harmless... Mostly."
Tyler getting scared by the snakes fall and scratches his self and he gets up and says "ow ow ow man that's the second time today" and tears begin to fill his eyes.

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