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Fantasy The School For Elemental Beings


Agony's Embrace
Somewhere, away from human eyes, there is a school. This school has been created for magic beings with elemental powers. These people can control a certain element between four elements.





~The main story~

It was dark outside. The wind was blowing hard, the rain was falling like never before, and there was thunder. Everyone in the school was alert. They felt something fearsome was comming. They didn't had any idea about what it could be. The teachers, who were all standing in the main hall, heard a faint knock on the door. They stared at each other. The headmaster, even if he was told not to, went and openned the doors. A black creature was holding a girl, who had cuts and bruises all over her. The headmaster told a teacher to go and get people from the medical wing. He then looked at the creature. The creature was indeed a werewolf. The werewolf was holding the girl protectively. The headmaster then understood that the werewolf was made out of pure darkness. The werewolf entered the hall. The people from the medical wing tried to take the girl away from it, but it growled. The girl, who was asleep, had woken up. "Ed, it's okay now..." she said before passing out. The werewolf let the people take her and vanished.

One week has passed since then.

The girl had several talks with the headmaster about the night she was brought here by the werewolf. Even with the odd circumstances, the headmaster agreed in letting her join the school. She was an elemental being after all. She was just different from the others, being able to control darkness.

What will this girl bring? Why was she hurt when she was brought here?

Avanelle was sitting on her bed of the room she has been asigned to. A soft sigh came out as she looked outside from her window. Already four people came to ask her question about who she was and why she was brought here in weird conditions, well, everything like this. It was getting hard to make them leave her room. There was just so much people here, that made her scared. What if she hurted someone? She shook her head.I have to stay calm, she thought. For now, she just hoped no one would enter her room like crazy to ask her questions. She didn't wanted to talk to anyone, since she thought no one was like her. From her knowledge, there wasn't another person able to control darkness. The white haired girl put her knees to her chest, putting her head on her knees as well. She closed her red eyes and sighed softly again. She heard a sigh. "Stop sulking!" she heard. "I am not sulking Ed... Now leave me alone" she replied to the auburn haired young man who sat on the edge of the bed. "You are sulking" he said. Where he was standing was now a wolf. He sniffed the air. "Smells like you are sulking" he said, going back to his human form. Avanelle lightly punched his shoulder before going back to her sulking pose, that's how Edmund liked to call it. "I am sure you will find someone like you" he said. "I can even go look if you want" he added. He would do everything for her. She just shrugged. That always made him a little mad. "Ava! Are you serious! If you lock yourself here I wi-" he started but stopped as he heard her softly crying. He cursed at himself. He turned to face her and put his hands on her shoulders. "Hey, don't worry, I will be here to protect you if anything happens. So, don't cry" he said with a soft smile. Avanelle looked at him. "I am just scared... Sorry Ed" "Nothing to be sorry for" the werewolf told her with a grin, what made her smile. "Now, would you like me to punch anyone that enters your room to ask you questions? If it's not someone who shares your element, of course" he offered as he removed his hands from her shoulders. Avanelle laughed and nodded. "Only if it's males, don't go hurting girls, stay a gentleman" she replied. He gave her a look of: No, don't even think about it. She laughed. "Too late!" and as she snapped her fingers he was wearing a formal outfit. He slightly sighed but smiled at her. "Your not sulking anymore" "I wasn't sulking!" She replied with a pout and crossed her arms. "Yes you were" "No I wasn't" "Yes" "No"


((Priceless twose two, aren't they? And sorry for the 475 words or so))
I kicked the door open with my foot. My father was forcing me to got to school. I swore under my breath. "Why the hell..." I started. Then I flopped on my bed and screamed. I formed a rock in my hand and chunked it at a wall. It broke a hole in the wall and landed in Avanelle's room. My hand jerked back. It snapped. And I fell to the floor shrieking out of sight from Ava and Ed. "I'm sorry." I sighed crying
Laying on her bed her mind filled with.. Nothing. "This is annoying, there was nothing to do, now that the new girl had appeared the place was on a seeming lock-down." Well to Winter it was, everyone was busy talking about what had happened, and Winter, not being the kind to gossip, had nothing better to do than stay in her room. "What else is there to do? I cant go out or they will stuff lies down my throat, I cant do my homework.. Because I already finished it.." She face-palmed, "Why am I such a nerd.. Wait. Why am I talking to myself? Oh my this is getting to a whole new level, say goodbye to whatever sanity I had- If any." She swirled her hand in the air, a small stream became visible, grasping it in her hands she formed it into a ball rolling and squeezing it in her hands gently.
Zane took the first few steps from the policeman's car, he looked back innocently and waved goodbye. He walked into the school and into the headmasters office, after several minutes of him writing down certain things, the required things. He took several steps out of the office, his hoodie had several holes where the spikes from his arms and back had cut through it. His sunglasses were dark and covered his inhuman eyes, though camouflaging his eyes the tattoos grown into his skin showed out. He felt the pulse of himself through the halls, he felt happy. It was warm here he didn't have to light things, or rip through them. His hatred for the darkness was sustained in the beautiful light of thy gracious sun. The pulse of him absorbing the pure energy that touched him could be felt by almost every thing on the school grounds, if you knew he was building his strength. You would be terrified by how easily he was soaking it in.

(Forgot to say he is a semi-mute)
When she could no longer take moping around her room, Winter practically threw herself out the door. Coming up with a plan to go outside and find something to do out there. So blinded by her desire to cure herself of her boredom, she collided with a boy in the hall; Knocking herself back several feet, she dramatically swung her arms to keep balance, one wrist catching the wall making contact with a loud SNAP. Squeezing her eyes shut at the sudden pain, she breathed out the sincerest apologies her mind could conjure.
"Injury" Zane said, his voice was quite but deep. He looked over and looked her over,"Hand." He stares at it for several seconds and extends his hand in the direction of her hurt one. Bands of white wrapped around her hand as he focused on it, in seconds the inside of her hand was going through elevated pain as the specks of pure energy clamped and burned them together. The light clamped several times around her hand as it slowly faded, he extended his hand to help her up and smiled very widely.
Looking up at the sound of his soft voice, Winter watched him extend his hand. Shock radiated through her as the white bands wrapped her hand, biting her lip against the pain as it subsided she looked up at the boy, who's hand was now extended to her. Accepting it she put her own small hand into his grasp tentatively still not knowing if the boy was good. Her eyebrows knit as she allowed a tentative smile to slide onto her lips.
"Your hurt hand," he points to it, he seems to be happy with his work of fixing her hand. "Zane," he says with a large smile as he scratches the left side of his face, the side deformed with light transformations. He slips his hand away awkwardly as he stands her up. A bright light flickers through his sunglasses as he looks at the girl with his very quaint smile.
Ignoring the abnormality on his face Winter smiles, "Nice to meet you Zane, Thank you for.. Healing my hand." Her smile turns confident as she looks at his glasses to his hidden eyes, "I'm Winter." Her smile continues as she pulls her hoodie back down to cover her scarred pale torso. "Sorry for running into you.." She murmured.
He shakes his head and says,"Its Okay." Zane's smile fades as he looks out a near window, it was beginning of a storm. A visible shiver ran through his body, it shouldn't be storming. It would engulf his light in a pale darkness, his hands gently glowed as the light around them slowly was soaked up as if a sponge in water. He looked back at Winter and smiled and asked,"Bored?"
Carter was just enjoying another book he borrowed from the school library. He looked out of his room's window. Nowadays, he would usually do that when he was bored, thinking about what his family was doing right now. The memory still haunts him every now and then, but it wasn't like the shock he felt when his family rejected him. "What am I doing with my life?" He asks to no one in particular, looking wistfully outside. He then lays down on his bed, closing his eyes to rest. But somehow, sleep won't get a hold of him. He raised his hand and summoned a ball of water. A sphere of water appeared and he began playing with it, mindlessly playing with it.
Edmund had heard a scream, and then a rock had landed in Avanelle's room. He looked at the hole in the wall. "Let me guess... Earth" he muttered, looking at Avanelle, who was still looking at the rock. He poked her and she looked at him. She tilted her head. Ed sighed. He turned to the hole. "Don't worry about it. It's better than people barging in her room after all" he said with a small laugh, sensing the tense atmosphere. In a sense, he is right, Avanelle thought and nodded to what he said. "Plus, Ava can fix the hole right?" he stated, looking at Avanelle. "Probably, I don't know fully what I can do yet" she replied in a soft voice.


Nodding Winter agrees, "Yes.. Very, I've never been good at sitting alone with nothing to do.." Noticing his discomfort she reached out her hand stopping it millimeters from his arm she pauses, "Are you alright? You seem.. Uncomfortable."
Edmund looked at the formal clothes he was still wearing. He looked at Avanelle who snapped her fingers and he was wearing his normal clothes again. He then looked at the source of the sound. "If you can stand grumpy cat human version, yeah, come in" he said. Avanelle lightly punched his shoulder. "Seriously Ed... Comparating me to grumpy cat?" she asked. He nodded with a goofy grin.
I smiled. I had a slight crush on Edmund. I had never really loved anyone before. I walked out of my room and into her room. I smiled at Edmund, then Avanelle. "Thank you. Sorry if it bothers you that I'm in here." I said softly. "You're Avanelle and Edmund, right." I asked.
Avanelle nodded. "That's our names" she said, before looking out at the window. "But I prefer when people call me Ed" Edmund added. Avanelle said nothing and kept looking outside. "Hey, do you know if there is someone that controls darkness over here, except Avanelle?" Edmund asked the girl.
Zane shook his head and pointed outside toward the oncoming storm,"Darkness, not just out there," he looked over and smiled then looked at her hand. He looked confused toward her hand, he poked her hand and he began to laugh."Something here is as if a large ball of shadows and non illuminated space," he said with a riddler's grin.

Winter's smile now didn't quite reach her eyes, "Oh? Well.. That would make sense." She pulled back her hand awkwardly, "Sorry, Its an impulse.. I didn't want to touch you in-case you didn't want to be touched." She shifts looking up at him.

"It's ok won't kill...you," he forced the words out with a smile. "Hmmmm..... Courtyard," he asked as he looked away from the window and at Winter. He yawns and stretches with a loud rip as a piece of his arm rips through his hoodie, he looks over at it blankly and says,"Shit."
My face was red as a rose. "Um, okay, Ed." I said shyly. "Uh, is my face red?" I said trying to hide my face. I kept on trying to find way to not look stupid but I failed
Edmund laughed a little. "I am going for a walk..." Avanelle said and started leaving the room. Edmund looked at her and sighed a little when she was out of view.
My face turned even more red. I had never really been attracted to a boy before. "Um. Hi" I said stupidly, to Ed. "Uhhhhhhhh....." I said burrying my face into my hands

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