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Fantasy The School For Elemental Beings

"Oh." Winter exclaims as his arm rips the hoodie, "Um.. Hold on." She steps back looking him over to see his size, "We can go out there in a moment, but for now? Follow me okay?"
Edmund blinked and tilted his head, he never saw someone blush before. "What's wrong? Are you sick?" he asked.


Avanelle was walking, and she decided to go on the rooftop. Darkness covered her and she was now on the rooftop. She sat down and looked at the sky. After a while she started to sing.
Turning she began to walk back to her room, unlocking the door she pulled the heavy thing open, holding it as such so Zane could come in as well. "Wait a moment and I'll get you something that should be able to survive your abnormality." She smiled
Zane walked through and looked around the room curiously as he started humming and the room became illuminated as he hummed.
"Um...um... I guess when you uh... like someone a lot... this blushing happens." I said smiling. I smacked my face with my palm, realizing I was an idiot.
Edmund just tilted his head more, not being sure to understand. "Sure you aren't sick or anything? I can get the people of the medical wing if you want"


Avanelle kept looking at the sky as she sang softly. She smiled a little. She then thought she should spend more time here.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c12852a62_roomtoyschildrengamecganimebright_www.wall321.com_5.jpg.898f9423f62cb5c3871ce87871f714ef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38033" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c12852a62_roomtoyschildrengamecganimebright_www.wall321.com_5.jpg.898f9423f62cb5c3871ce87871f714ef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Walking past her large almost empty room, she turns the corner to her closet. Grunting as she shoved a mass of hoodies to the side searching for two in particular. Feeling the fabric, stretching it, and looking at the color she came out with two, one a raven black the other a sea-foam. "These are impossibly stretchy, as well as woven in a way that should just expand with the spikes.. I don't have spikes myself but.. this should help." She smile holding up the two. "They were my brothers, he gave them to me before.. Well, he gave them to me. But they are much too big for me.."



  • room toys children game cg anime bright_www.wall321.com_5.jpg
    room toys children game cg anime bright_www.wall321.com_5.jpg
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"Okay," he said smiling, he slipped off his sunglasses and unzipped and took off his hoodie, underneath he wore a white sleeveless undershirt. From a view of his entire body, scars and the transformations of his body can be seen, the white shirt didn't hide much. His inhuman body was accented by his unsuspecting build that seemed to be as if he were a lightweight body builder. He gently took the black hoodie and pulled it over his arms, which the spikes regressed into him. Zane looked over at Winter, his eyes were piercing but subtle, he slipped his sunglasses back on and asked,"Good?"
Winter held up her thumbs, "Looks great!" She smiled, placing the other hoodie on her coffee table. "If you need the other one- or want to talk, you can come back up here. Knock and I'll let you in." She smiles again, her eyes becoming unfocused. "..." She held her hand to the ball steadying her breath her skin beginning to pale a bit.
I took a sigh of relief. I was glad he didn't understand, which made me look like less of an idiot. "Nope. My wrist hurts like hell though, but I've broken it five times before, I think I'll be okay." I said trying to move my wrist, but it hurt too much.
"Um.. Yes, I'm fine." She smiles up at him, "I just need a snack.."She glances at her mini-fridge, "I get all shaky and pale when I don't eat for 2 hours.. Its weird." She shakes her head running her hand through her hair.
"Butterscotch," Zane asked as he slipped a piece of butterscotch from his pocket and offers it to Winter with an electric smile.
"You should be careful, and I want you to go see a nurse" Edmund said. "Your wrist could get worse, and that wouldn't be good"
Accepting the butterscotch Winter smiled, "Thank you." She popped the sweet item into her mouth savoring the flavor, her blood sugar evening out.
Lazlo was at his usual hangout, the rooftop. It's a quiet place and not many students go there so it made for a good spot for drawing. Lost in thought, he failed to notice the female who appeared and frozed when he had heard her singing. He then recognized that she was the one everyone was talking about but he never really cared. It was the same when he started here and remember the names they would call him. A cold demon they said... maybe if he wore all black he could probably look the part. Looking back to his drawing book, he finally decided on drawing a crow while she sang hoping that if he didn't bother her then she won't bother him.
Zane scratched his arm and asked,"Courtyard?" He looked around the room waiting for an answer as he hummed.
Nodding Winter giggled, "Yeah, lets go!" She walked to the door holding it open again so he could walk out.
Zane stepped out of the room and yawned and stretched,"You lead," he said quaintly as the light through the hallways pulsed as if veins of blood being sucked dry.
Avanelle had stopped singing, and was just looking at the sky now. She knew there was someone else, but she didn't take care of it. She didn't wanted to talk to someone. She put her knees to her chest and just looked at the sky.
Winter nodded, "Okay," She began to walk down the hall to the stairs that would lead almost directly to the court yard.
Winter giggled, "Yeah, I am slow, huh.." She sighed walking down the steps to the door, opening it to show the wind whipping crazily. "This... This is amazing!" She ran forward the door swinging dangerously behind her. She turned her hair dancing in the wind, her eyes alight with excitement.

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