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Realistic or Modern The Runaway (IC)

"No, I need to shower and put my Own PJ'S on." Lawrance said and to prove his point grabed underwater amd pajama pants from his drawers. Then he whent and showers befoer coming out am and kissing Eliot's head "Goodnight my son" he said.
“Goodnight, dad.” Elliot smiled, snuggling under the blankets. He pat the space beside him, giggling as Wolfwere hopped up. “Good boy.” he said sleepily, eyes closing. He fell asleep peacefully, hoping he wouldn’t have any nightmares.
Lawrance chucked and because Wolfwere was in here got under the covers next to the dog and fell asleep aswell. He woke up at 5 and took Wolfwere with him on his run then came back and showed again
Elliot was still asleep when Lawrence got back. But, his hope of peaceful sleep had turned sour. He tossed and turned, struggling with the nightmarish creatures in his mind. “Please, no, don’t take me back there...”
Lawrance whent and gently shook Eliot awake "Eliot, Eliot is me Lawrance, your safe" he said as he shook. Wolfwere got on the other side and started licking the boys cheek
Elliot’s first instinct was to kick and claw and shove the person away. “Oh, it’s just you.” he let out a relieved sigh. “Just had a bad nightmare.”
Lawrance let the kid fight not backing away "only me, your boring new old man" Lawrance teased in what he hoped was a reassuring way. Then he brushes the boys hair and says "We all have nightmares, wolfwere is good at keeping them away tho"
Elliot felt reassured and calm, knowing that he would never have to suffer another nightmare alone. “Thank you. Lovely protector.” he pet Wolfwere, smiling.
Wolfwere licked his cheek again and smiled "He is very fond of his brother" Lawrance said "he asks about you when you arn't with us, and he usually keeps pace with me when we run but since you came into our lives he runs ahead and hurries me along"
“I’m....sorry?” Elliot stopped petting Wolfwere. “Does that mess up your schedule or something? Because I can try to fix something, or do something to help...”
"No, nothing to do or fix unless you want to run 7 miles with us every morning" Lawrance said chuckling and Wolfwere pouted wanting the petting back he gently took Eliots had in his mouth and put it back on him to get him to pet again "I'm going to shower, then I'll make breakfast ok?"
Elliot sighed, relieved and petting Wolfwere again. “I’m not sure I could run that far. Without adrenaline, I suppose.” he shook his head. He had run that far, carrying stolen medicine because one of the other foster kids was coughing up blood. He had run that far, covering his ears because the store owner was taking shots at him.
Lawrance shook his head and said "I don't expect you to unles you decide to do cross country or something" then he kissed both boys heads and whent to shower when he came out wearing pj pants again he said "Now any requests for breakfast?" If the boy didn't have any he was going to just make oatmeal.
“Waffles?” Elliot looked up, scratching behind Wolfwere’s ears. His stomach growled. “Uh, sorry. If it’s too much trouble, I can make them on my own. I know how to use a waffle maker, and I won’t cry if I accidentally burn myself.”
Lawrance shook his head and said "You keep your but planted in that bed young man unless its to use the bathroom" then he kissed his head and whent to the fridge pulling out the leftover waffles and poped 4 haves in the toaster befoer he came back and asked "How many you want?"
Elliot felt terrible. Not sick but...guilty. “Two, I guess.” he kept his eyes down. “Two should be fine for me.” Lawrence had to eat too. Elliot knew it would be selfish to eat too much. ‘You’ll be chubby little kid eventually. Then no one will want you. You’re ugly if you’re skinny, you’re ugly if you’re fat. You’ll never be beautiful. So don’t try, orphan.’ Elliot had to shake his head. Those things were horrible, but he hadn’t known anything better in a long time. His dad loved him, but he was a charity case. As soon as he started to get healthy, gain weight, be more open, Lawrence would throw him out, right? Elliot didn’t know. “Two...should be fine....” he squeezed his eyes shut. ‘You can’t cry again. Not again. You’re so weak, so stupid. You shouldn’t be crying, your life isn’t as bad as it could be.’
"Two to start then and of your still hungry I'll grab you more" Lawrance said then "You know its healthy for boys your age to eat a lot right?" Befoer leaving ans coming back woth a tray that had two wafles coverd in maple syrup on them. Only to disappear and come back with his own plate with three wafls and chocolate sauce "so you know there are more in the bag that just have to be poped in the toaster"
“Right, right, sorry. No, sorry, didn’t mean to say sorry again.” Elliot shook his head. “Hopefully these two don’t come up again.” he picked up his fork and starting eating. “I think I’ll be able to pick out the rest of my classes today. The hospitality pathway seems fun.”
"Realy?" Lawrance said a little suprised but no less supportive "Any particular reason?" He said almost conversayinaly but also genuinely curious. He kept eating his waffles .
“I like the idea of talking to people and helping them.” he shrugged, still eating. “People can be terrible, but some are good, some deserve something good in their day. Maybe, if I can help other people, make them feel better, they’ll be less likely to end up like me.”
"Sounds like you wana be a therapist" Lawrance said genuinely still eating himself "unless you realy want to be serving people every day? That's a temporary kind of help tbo not less important, do you have a job in mind?" He asked
“Umm, no. I didn’t think I was going to school ever again until two days ago. Maybe I should be a therapist? Or just pursue psychology?” Elliot shrugged.
"Do you want to just talk to people or to give them medicine to make them feel better?" Lawrance asked "I don't want to pressure you to be somthing, I just don't want you to go closing doors on yourself is all, of you truly want to be a concierge or a tour guide or somthing like that I'll support you evey setup of the way, I just don't want you to settle because you think you don't have choices or opertunities" je then explains

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