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Realistic or Modern The Runaway (IC)

Lawrance stared stroking Eliot cheek "you don't need to hide sweet boy, we all have scars, some more visible then others. You wana see some of mine? Will that make you feel better?"
“I wouldn’t ask you to do that...” Elliot muttered, feeling more ashamed. He was being embarrassing, he knew. It was bad enough that he looked that way, Lawrence’s offering made it worse.
"Ok" Lawrance said and kissed the side of his boys head. "Your a completely normal looking boy Eliot, a bit skinny but I intend to get meet back on your bones as soon as your healthy again plus there are plenty of flows how are naturally skinner then you are now"
“Okay.” Elliot smiled. “I feel a lot better now, actually.” he spoke up, sitting up more from his hunched over position. “Can we check my temperature again?”
"It hasn't even been half an hour, they won't be back until you've been in there an hour, sorry. We can play a game tho. Or find somthing on TV" Lawrance said
Elliot shrugged. “There’s not much to do. I’m really tired too.” he leaned against the edge of the tub. “But I can wait a while longer. Just want to be better already.”
Lawrance gave a sad smile and said "Me to" then he started stroking the boys hair gently "just rest and as soon as we get approval I'll get you discharged and back home. Promise"

Elliot sat on the couch, leaning against Lawrence. “Being sick sucked.” he mumbled, “I never wanna get sick again. Ever.” he yawned a bit. “Don’t know how I’m still tired when I slept so much.”
"Your body is fighting the sickness" Lawrance explains his arm around the boy and Wolfwere in there laps, he has 12 angry men playing on the TV. "Do you want to try some soup for dinner?"
Elliot pet Wolfwere, looking over to the tv. “Soup sounds good.” he smiled, sitting up. “What kind?”
"What kind do you want? You still have the rest of your Chiken noodle, and I can make you soup or I have tomato soup I can heat up for us" Lawrance tells the boy.
“Tomato soup sounds good.” Elliot smiled. He yawned once again. “Tomato soup, then I think we both need to get some sleep.” he tucked his hands into his pockets, eyes closed and half asleep.
"Yes sir" Lawrance teased getting up then kissed the boys head and got him settled avest the arm of the couch.
Lawrance made the soup and when he brought it out and gave a bowl to Eliot Wolfwere got up and ran off only to come back with the pink bucket. "My dog has no faith in your stomach" Lawrance deadpans trying to get a lagh from the boy.
Elliot laughed loudly, only for it to turn into coughing. He struggled to breathe for a moment, clutching the armrest and reaching out for Lawrence.
Lawrance all but picked the boy up and pulled him to his chest before hitting his back a few times to break up whatever was casung the cough then rubbing it to soth him "it's OK, I'm right here, try and take a deep breath for me"
Elliot coughed a few more times, holding on to Lawrence. Coughing hurt, his throat was already scratchy and raw. “O-Okay, I’m okay now. Y-You can put me down.”
Lawrance let him go and handed him his Soup again befowr starting on his own Soup. Wolfwere came and sat with his nead on Eliot's knee and gave him sad eyes feeling bad for the boy. When Lawrance finished he got up and whent to wash his bowl and make tea for the boy. He made ginger tea with lemon juice and Honey. Then brought it out to Eliot siting next to him again
Elliot smiled at Wolfwere. “I’m alright, okay? You don’t need to worry.” he pet Wolfwere. “You’re a good boy.” he smiled wider, accepting the soup and tea from Lawrence. “Thanks. Both of you.”
Lawrance gave a smile and kissed Eliots head "He's worried about his big brother. And we get to worry because your family" he said then "Also the Tea is an acquired tast it will pry tast nasty at fisrt but its good for you and will help your throat and immune system"
Elliot took a cautious sip of the tea. “Well, it’s not that bad.” he shrugged, taking a few more sips. “Makes my throat feel better, so I suppose I can forgive the taste.”
"Its what my sister and I drink whenever we start to get sick" Lawrance explains then leanes back relaxing.
When Eliot is done he says "go shower and lay down, I'll wash up these dishes." And he gets up to do that.
“Are you sure? I-I can help with the dishes....” he stood up and started walking over to him. “Uh, nevermind. Dizzy...” Elliot shook his head. “I’ll go take a shower and lay down.”
"There is a stool, tell Wolfwere to grab if its your thay dizzy" Lawrance said and stated washing the dishes then he made sure the dog had food then he whent and started looking at houses again until he hird the shower stop then wated 10 more minutes before going in to the room.
Elliot had just barely gotten into his clothes and under the covers when he heard Lawrence come in. He sat up a bit, rubbing his eyes. “Is it morning again?”

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