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Realistic or Modern The Runaway (IC)

Elliot stopped eating for a moment. “I guess I never really thought about that. I want to help as many people as I can, but I don’t know how best to do that. I have maybe two years of high school to figure it out. One of those I’ll be spending on my own, after I’m eighteen.”
"Only if you want to Eliot, your more then welcome to stay in my home for as long as you'd like, even get married and have kids in it if you really want" Lawrance said "and your right, you do have two years of high school if you want the hospitality path then well get you in it and maybe, if you want, you can try psych as an elective" he said finishing his waffles.
Elliot made a disgusted face. “Ewww...marriage. I’ve never even liked...or had the time to like people. That’s going to be new...” he thought about that for a moment. “Well, just one of the many new things in my life, I guess.”
"No sex until your alteast engaged" Lawrance said pointing his fork at the boy "and to spare any ocward conversation I don't care what gender your into or what gender ther person your into was born as as long as there human and within reasonable distance of your age at the time"
Elliot covered his ears with his hands. “Lalalalala, I’m not listening! Nope, nada, not gonna happen!” he shook his head. “Can’t hear you, you’re being embarrassing!”
Elliot laughed. “I don’t know. Guess I never really got the chance to like anyone. The other foster kids mostly hated me. Definitely didn’t meet any cute homeless kids.” he shrugged.
"Handsome young man like you?" Lawrance said not fully believing then said "I'm not gona pressure you eater way as long as your responsible. End of conversation, leys go back to discussing classes"
Elliot smiled. “Okay, let’s.” he picked up his fork and started eating again. “So, maybe psychology would be best for me? I’m not sure. I know I can sign up for AP psych if I want to.”
"Thats right" Lawrance said "you can pick any class and or pathway you want, don't let me dictate your decision, just remember you have the while world infront if you" then Wolfwere barked in agreement
Elliot frowned. “But what if you don’t like what I want to do? Doesn’t that make me a bad child?” he held his hand out to Wolfwere.
"Not unles its directly wrong as in it brakes a rule or is Illegal, and even then it just means you made a bad decision not that your a bad kid" Lawrance told the boy. Wolfwere, not sure what to do with Eliots hand grabed lamb and put the animal in it.
Elliot smiled. “Thank you. Both of you.” he felt calmer with the lamb. “Such a good dog.” he pet Wolfwere. “Does he get treats for being good?”
"Yes, there in the second cabinet laft of the fridge, middle shelf, I'll go grab a few" he did and came back with three which he set on the nightstand next to Eliot and then set his laptop by Eliots feet.
Elliot gave a treat to Wolfwere. “There we go. Such a pretty puppy. Good dog.” he giggled. “I never thought life was going to be this good.”
"This is nothing kid" Lawrance said sadly, Wolfwere started licking Eliots cheeks happily then whent over and tried to comfort Lawrance who he sensed was sad.
Elliot froze up immediately. He wasn’t sure what he did wrong. “Sorry...I didn’t mean to...do whatever I did...” he stuffed his hands into his pockets to keep them from shaking. “I’m sorry Mister Lawrence.”
"You didn't do anything wrong kid, quite the opposite, the world did you wrong" Lawrance said and pet Wolfwere who didn't know what to do because his Brother and Dad where both sad now he lat out a wine and kept looking back and forth betwn the two if them.
Elliot sighed, laying back down. “It’s okay. I’m okay now, at least.” he pet Wolfwere, trying to cheer up the confused dog. “I’m going to be fine, dad. I’ve got you and Wolfwere.”
Elliot’s eyes lit up. “Right, let’s do it!” he picked up the laptop and opened it. “So, just need to fill out this form. What’s an email address?” he turned to Lawrence, confused.
"Electronic Mail" he said then "We will make you one, do you have a preference of name for it? First and last name are standard" as he sat next to the boy and opend up Gmail.
“Maybe not right now. It says they need a parent email and phone number. For emergency contact.” Elliot turned the laptop to Lawrence. “So, yeah.” he returned to petting Wolfwere.
"Oh" Lawrance says embarrassed then puts in his information, he thought he had alredy done this, then gives the laptop back to Eliot and scratches Wolfwere behind the ears.

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