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Realistic or Modern The Runaway (IC)

“No, I don’t want to be alone.” instinctively, he grabbed Lawrence’s arm. “Please don’t leave.”
"I won't, do you want me to find somone to cover my shift at work today?" Lawrance asked moving a little closer to the boy to aswage his fears. He gently removed himself from the boys grip only to put his arm around Eliot reassuringly. "I'll be here for as long as you want me and in your life for as long as you let me till the day I die" he promises.
“No.” he had been raised not to lie, but he knew when it was appropriate to. He’d already made Lawrence miss one day of work, he wasn’t going to make him miss another. “I’ll be fine here.”
"I already told you your a terrible lier kid" Lawrance said then pillied out his phone with his free hand and shot a text. His boy came first and as much as Lawrance was all for treating him like a man but if the kid needed some time being treated like a kid still then he'd give it, "plus frank can cause the extra cash and can study a bit on shift stil, now what do you wana do? Game? Just rest? Find a movie?"
“A movie, please. Pretty sure my hands are shaking too much for board games.” Elliot looked to the tv. “Wow. Never seen one that big in person. Only advertisements and commercials.”
"When we get our new place I'll get one, I promise" Lawrance told him."I have a smaller one at home." Then he started schooling through to the movie's before asking "Oh, which one?" As he clicked through slowly.
Elliot squinted. “I’m not sure. That’s a lot of options. I’ve never been very good at making decisions. Is there a movie you like?” he turned to Lawrence, getting comfortable at his side once again.
"Theres a lot I like, so what don't you Nero it down and oh...actually here, this is a classic" he said and put on ET for them to watch befoe making shure Eliot was tucked in snugly. Then he stared to watch checking periodically on Eliot visualy to make shire he was OK.
Elliot enjoyed the movie. But halfway through, he felt the room shift. Everything seemed blurry, the colors were weird. “Mister Lawrence? I-I think there’s something wrong with me...it’s hot in here....”
Lawrance lies the move and let go fir Eliot just lone enough to press the button befoer holding him again "the nurse is coming, you'll be ok, I'm right here" and he made she Eliot was holding lamb. Then nurse came in and asked "Whats wrong?"
“It’s hot.” he touched Lawrence’s arm. “It’s not supposed to be. I’m supposed to be cold, right? O-Or feel cold?” he asked, trying to sit up.
"Your having a hot flash, is that all that wrong?" Lawrance asked looking at the nurse "are you just realy hot all of a sudden?" She asked coming to take his temperature then she shook her head but hid the worry on her face
“Maybe...I don’t know. I don’t know anything....I can’t tell what’s wrong with my own body...” he squeezed his eyes shut, grabbing onto Lawrence’s arm. “I don’t wanna be here anymore...just let me go home...”
"Ok..." Lawrance stated bit the nurse said "His favorite is 105 on suppresses, I'm afrade I have to advise agesnt discharging him, I'm gina go get a cooling bath ready tho" then she left "Lawrance looked at Eliot and said "You hurd her, as soon as they let us I'll take you home I promise" and he stroked the boy's head
Elliot calmed, panic fading back into exhaustion. “Will they let us go soon?” he asked. “If my temperature goes down, we can leave, right?”
"Yes, as soon as your template returns to a safe one I'll take you home, I promise" Lawrance said then "Do you want to watch more of the move until she comes back or just relax for a bit?"
“I’d like to watch more of the movie, please. I think it’s getting to the good part, right?” Elliot looked up at the tv. “Maybe?”
Lawrance kissed his head and stated the movie again. He managed to even silently convince the nurse to let them finish. Then once the credits rolled Lawrance kissed the boys head again and said "Ready for a cooling bath?"
“Yeah...” Elliot smiled. “Is it an ice bath? Like...the ones in urban legends where the guy who accepts a drink from a stranger gets his kidney stolen?”
(Thank you)
"Sorry kid, those arnt legends that happens in real life, and not quite, this will be more like warm water like luke warm of u remember correctly, ice if fir burn victim's during treatment" Lawrance explains
Elliot relaxed a little more. “That sounds nice.” he smiled, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. “Let’s go then.”
Lawrance got Wolfwere hooked up then gave the boy his arm to lean on while the nurse oferd a wheelchair.
Once in the room he would need to strop and get in the bath, Lawrance and Wolfwere both coverd there eyes for him, the dog in an attempt to make him smile, in addition to looking away then they both sat next to the metal tub Eliot was resting in. Room reaked of bleach.
Elliot had felt a bit uncomfortable, but Wolfwere’s attempt at covering his eyes was comforting. He sat in the bath, wrinkling his nose. “Smells weird.” he shook his head. “But it’s a lot cooler in here.” he still didn’t like being vulnerable, or exposed. Too pale, too skinny, too scarred. He folded his arms over his chest, anxiety filling his lungs.

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