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Realistic or Modern The Runaway (IC)

“Monopoly, please. Or Candy Land, if you can find it. Either one is fine. If neither of those can be found, a deck of cards would be good.” he felt like he was giving too much information, but very few board games actually appealed to him.
"On it" Lawrance said and Wolfwere gave a nod and licked Eliot cheek befoer both headed off. They came back almost a half hour later carrying a candy land box and a deck of cards. He set both in Eliot's lap then both sat on the bed with him again.
Elliot knew he felt worse. “Mister Lawrence...? I don’t think I’m up for board games anymore.” he tucked himself against his side. “I’d like to sleep now.”
Wolfwere liked his cheek befoer puking up the games and setting them on the table. As he did that Lawrance helped tuck in Eliot and Wolfwere bright over an extra bracket which Lawrance used then they laued down on eather side if Eliot keeping the boy safe and secure nether spoke until Lawrance said "comfortable?"
“Mmm hmm.” Elliot smiled. “Thank you.” he pet Wolfwere, turning over in the bed. “Sorry for causing all this trouble. I’ll understand if you give me back to foster care.”
"You cought a bad case of the flu Eliot, your not going back. Even if you had committed a crime or a felony I'm not going to send you back. You be in major trouble but you'd also still be my son" Lawrance told him punctuating each sentence woth a gentle squeeze of the boys hand then he kised his head and said "Now rest, you need it"
Elliot squeezed his eyes shut. “I’m still so sorry. I’m being dramatic.” he scratched behind Wolfwere’s ears. “I’ll try not to be so much trouble anymore. But...could you hold me? I-I’m scared. I’ve been scared all day and I can’t sleep.”
"Oh hush, to stop being triple you'd have to be causing it in the first place and you arn't, haven't once" Lawrance said as he wrapped the boy in his embrace and started brishing his hair genly with his fingers to sooth him "you haven't caused trouble once, inted you've been polite, and responsible, and cooperative, and so brave. Your such a brave young man, even braver then some of the men I fought with." Lawrance told him honestly.
He didn’t know what to say. There was nothing he could say. ‘You’re worthless.’ Lawrence made him feel otherwise. ‘You’re a coward and you’re such a crybaby!’ Lawrence thought he was brave. Elliot sobbed, melting into the embrace.
Lawrance held Eliot and switched to Cradling his head and rubbing his back "your ok, your safe, I have you, Lawrance has you, your safe, I'm right here..." he stated saying soothingly to the boy trying to comfort him.
“No...it’s okay. Happy tears.” he sniffled, smiling up at him. “I’ve got such a great dad.” Elliot felt the sadness and fear seeping away, replaced by exhaustion. “I’ll see you in the morning, okay?”
"I'll be right here" Lawrance said not caring he was in dress pants and a button down, his boy came first. Like he promised he stayed, only pulling away ling enough to swallow his medication his sister dropped off and when the nurses needed to check Eliot's vitals.
It was morning, he knew. His internal clock had always been good, always. “Good morning.” he yawned. Then his stomach lurched, and everything from the day before came rushing back to him. And out of his mouth. He turned over, spitting up bile into the trash can by the bed.
Wolfwere got him the pink bucket in time via dog instances paird with training then grabed lamb to keep him safe while Lawrance sat up and rubed Elliot's back and wated to hand him a tissue
Elliot finished quickly, having not eaten anything for about a day. He accepted the tissue, wiping his mouth and crumping it up. “Thanks.” he rasped, taking the lamb from Wolfwere. “Both of you.”
Lawrance made shire he had lamb then ticked Eliot agenst his side before asking "Eliot, have you ever head a surgery before?" He had had a talked with the doctors befoer the boy had woken up.
“Once. I had appendicitis when I was eight. My parents took me to the hospital to get it removed. But that was the only time. Why?” Elliot felt the fear creeping back in. “Is something getting worse?”
"They wana give you a feeding tube" Lawrance told him. "We talked this morning, and said if you kept not keeping down stuff it was the best option. Thell come talk to you but I wanted to first so it isn't a suprose, thell put you to sleep then put it through your nose-" he taped the boys nose gently"- then into your stomach- "he poked the lambs Tommy innsywd of Eliot's "- and the other end will tucked behind your ear and thell be a piece of tape on your cheek holding it" he traces that softly and kisses his head "There won't be and scars or anything and it will be temporary" he assured the boy
“Oh.” Elliot was again at a loss for words. They wanted to stick something into his stomach. Feed him like he was some- some invalid little teenage kid who needed their pity, he didn’t need pity he wasn’t an invalid, HE WASN’T BROKEN-
Elliot gasped, grabbing the lamb from Lawrence’s hands. “I-I- no. I don’t want to. I don’t.” his voice wobbled.
"Ok" Lawrance said like that was that. "They'll cone and explain it to you oficaly and if you still don't want it then you don't have to get the surgery. I won't force it on you, and I won't let them eather." Lawrance said then "do you want to try water or any breakfast or no?" Moving on, the boy was almost 18 and Lawrance wasn't going to lord his guardianship over him, if Eliot knew the risks and didn't want the surgery then that was that.
“I’d like some water please.” his throat still hurt from throwing up. “Maybe try some food later, don’t want to risk it right now.” he started sitting up, adjusting the bed a bit.
"Alright" Lawrance said and got up to pour a glass of water befoer coming back and giving it to Eliot. Then he sat down again next to the boy and asked when he was done "How do you feel this morning? Better or worse?" Rubing the boys back again
“Fever’s worse, I think. Stomach hurts less. The body aches are the same, but the headache’s gone.” Elliot explained. “Thank you.” he drank some water.

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