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Realistic or Modern The Rival Families (reboot)

The process of getting caught and being relocated haS never been pleasant for the Blackwell family. It was hard to raise five children, especially if those children had powers they were not supposed to expose. Being relocated because one of the children used their powers to scare or impress their classmates happened at least one time every two years. Surprisingly, they weren't moving because of their children's stupidity this time. Richard's frown grew longer as he remembered his brief encounter with the group that wanted them dead. He'd never imagined the leader of the group was living right next to them, he'd never imagined the man would actually plant a bomb inside of their house. He'd been practically killing himself over this, knowing he wasn't able to help his family despite his status in the government. Oh, he'd find the bastard, but now it was time to unpack.

The neighbors seemed to be working, which was more than perfect for the family. Sleeping neighbors meant not having to hide their powers, it meant they could use their powers to unload the large moving truck for once. Richard usually discouraged his children from using their powers for everything, but even he didn't want to deal with taking their belongings inside. The good part about being relocated by the government was the fact that they practically decorated the house for them, something Richard might have forced them to do. If they weren't going to let him run after the bastard that had caused this, the least they could do was help them feel welcome.

"Get off, you lot. We've got some work to do and your mother and I aren't doing it alone." Richard exclaimed, giving the car window a tap to wake up the children. While they complained and got out of the car, Richard examined the house. It seemed larger than their old house, it was certainly classier. "Listen to me," spoke Richard, turning around to face his children with a solemn expression. "We've got a few minutes before the neighbors come back from work and school, according to the other agents. If you're going to use your powers outside of the house, use them now, because you're not getting any more chances. If I have to repeat the rules one more time you'll wish you'd never been born."


"For the last time Mrs. Kimberton, if your daughter admits to sabotaging one of the other performers she is immediately disqualified, especially when she broke their leg on purpose. There is nothing I can do," Elaine a bit desperately responded to the furious and obviously oblivious to her daughter's psychopathic tendencies mother standing in front of her.

Fine, I hope you're happy, ruining the dreams of my sweet darling little Natalie," the woman responded, storming off, her daughter's tiny arm in hand.

Elaine looked up and noticed that her day was nearly over and sighed in relief. She absolutely hated her job, but it was the closest she could probably ever get to the entertainment industry. She rubbed at the bridge of her nose and took off the fake glasses she wore to add to her invisible-ness. If only her parents would let her perform for people. She had promised time and time again she'd never use her power, not even in private, and had pleaded with them for years to let her start a singing career; but every single time she was shot down with responses like 'you're being so selfish Lanie, think about your family, what if they were exposed?'

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.54d90975f2de50cccda9507036059fef.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136891" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.54d90975f2de50cccda9507036059fef.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.8bec0cc91aafc7688a6c8a9c4138275a.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136895" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.8bec0cc91aafc7688a6c8a9c4138275a.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Rebecca waved good bye to Madam Kelly, the bakery lady, as she exited the bakery covered in flour and various colors of frosting. She looked at her outfit and gasped, "Oh no! I secretly borrowed this from Elaine, she's going to kill me" she told herself before continuing to walk to reach her sisters job. She tried to swipe off the flour and frosting, she sighed knowing she was going to have to face her sister's wrath either way. She left the dress alone and kept walking, she sighed thinking about her sister. She called her best friend, Melanie and they talked about their day, eventually Rvecca started talking about Elaine, "We're so alike, I just don't understand her problem with me. We both want the same thing but all she does is call me immature and irresponsible." She complained to Melanie,
"Becca, calm down. You could talk about Elaine all day. She doesn't have a problem with you, that's just how siblings show their love. Trust me, as the oldest child in my family-" Rebecca cut her off, "I know you're little siblings are annoying" she said. "You have no idea how lucky you are to be the youngest" Melanie said. "No Mel, being the oldest sounds way better. Talk to you later, I just got to Elaine's job place. Bye" she hung up and entered her sister's job building, "Elaine!" She called out walking inside. @Smoaki



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The clock chimed 4:30 and Elaine began packing her things into her book bag when she heard someone call her name. She turned around a bit confused for a moment, because nearly everyone at her work called her "Coffee Girl", before she spotted her flour and frosting covered little sister. She smiled at first, trying hard not to laugh, before seeing what her sister was wearing underneath her coating of baking materials.

"Rebecca Diamond is that my shirt? Ugh this is going to take forever to get out," she greeted her sister as usual for them. She sighed and slung her bag's strap over her shoulder with a frown.

"I guess we better get home so I can murder you before mom and dad arrive," she said to her sister a bit jokingly. She was slightly ticked-off that her sister had gotten flour and frosting all over the shirt she'd planned to wear the next day, but she'd had too terrible of a day to be too mad about it. Elaine found it strange about herself, but she was never grumpy after a bad day, she just wanted to find some good in the world to make it all better, or at least mostly.

As she and her sister walked to Elaine's small, beat up Subaru, she got a text from their mother. It said something about new neighbors, which automatically made Elaine smile. Finally, someone who wouldn't know her as "Coffee Girl".

"Apparently we have new neighbors," she said to her sister with a slight smile, leaning on the open shot-gun door to the car," so you're off the hook. For now. But don't be expecting me to let
you borrow anything anytime soon."




Relocation. This was what London least expected for the family. The Blackwells were great at hiding their powers while causing mischief at the same time. Sure it was a bit odd that a mob of guys everywhere was attracted to her aura, but they've never exploited their powers or shown them to everyone. None of her friends even knew about them. No matter what rule she broke, she always kept her powers a secret. She'd never thought they would have to relocate because of their powers.

London never wanted to move, so she was quite annoyed to say the least. She had friends at home who she didn't want to leave behind. She was only happy about moving since she'd be escaping the mean girls who accuse her of "stealing every boy in a mile radius", which was true, and the boy mob that follows her around at school. Though she wouldn't be missing that, she knew there would be a new set of those at the new school.

London groaned as the car stopped, and they finally got to the new house. She stepped out of the car and took a nice look at the house.
Not too bad, I'll live with it, she thought. She was about to walk into the house, but her father mentioned something about helping out with the boxes and powers. If she could use her powers, then moving the boxes would be so easy. London smirked as a great idea came to the rebellious head of hers.

"Hey daddd..." she cooed making her way towards him. "Could you carry my boxes inside for me?" she asked as her silky-smooth manipulating voice took action. The words rolled off her tongue with ease. Her charmspeak power has gotten extremely powerful. She hoped her father would abide by her powerful words. London smiled sweetly waiting for his answer as she played with her small heart-locket necklace. Her mother had given her that necklace so that the locket could store some of the power and make them weaker. It stopped working overtime, but she has become a bit attached to it.

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Carter hated moving, he hated a lot of things but moving takes the #1 spot. Well at least this move wasn't because of him, well at least he didn't think it was. He hated this, being here, he hated constantly having to feel like he has to start over and over again. Carter wanted nothing but to go home, but he never really had one to begin with. Carter listened to his father, basically yelling at them to use there powers for like 10 minutes, what's the fun in that. He tried as hard as he could to not say something to his father. He just rolled his eyes, he basically wanted to just lay back and take a nap, well he knew what would happen if he did. He was honestly more terrified of his mother than his father "Already hating it here" He said out loud not wanting to get out of the car. When his dad mentioned something about if we break the rules then we will wish we were never born "A little late on that one dad" He said under his breath, this wasn't the life he wanted to live, powers are cool and all but not all this work moving and moving every other year.

"Well at least this house is bigger" he sighed as he grabbed some of the boxes, he started running, the one thing that he really liked about his power that not only could he run fast, but he could run for hours. So he could just run in, put the box down and run right back out. Now the only issue would be if his sisters and younger brothers would help. "All you have in your boxes is makeup and clothes I highly doubt they weight over a hundred pounds" Carter teased his sister, she was using her powers on their dad. He continued running back and forth.

@thefan1 @Keira Winston

(I'll make Marietta's post soon)

Syrus J Blackwell

Not eldest child of Richard and Catherine Blackwell nor the youngest. Syrus grew up quite used to moving from one place to the next, relocating every couple of years after being discovered for one reason or another. But this time it really sucked, it wasn't even due to one of the five Blackwell children using their powers or some nosy neighbor overhearing them talk about it, no another reason entirely caused this move. So once again Syrus was packed and off again to another government selected city placed in another pre-selected home and to settle once more in a new life. It was quite tiring packing his things and unpacking them time and time again. But such was his life and the black wells as a whole, after all it wasn't all bad. Through out it all Syrus always believed he was pretty good at hiding his powers and thought the same about his brothers and sisters, but for himself the one of many positives about his own particular powers were his easy explanations of them if ever questioned. He once convinced people he was blind and merely had better senses because of it and for his various skills he convinced them it was mere hard work and years of practice that led to his abilities in the physical realm, such as forms of combat, weapon handling and marksmenship and other related skills he might have up his sleeve. Truth be told he was one hell of a actor when he wanted to be and pulled off his little lies and games with ease...... Well most of the time anyway. He even once thought about making a career out of his acting but knew the answer to that, even roles as a stuntman with all its risk, danger and thrills it was perfect. But then again it wasn't likely to happen either and he still wasn't sure if he wanted to pursue it anyways.

When they finally arrived at their new home and Syrus heard his father knock at the window and get their attention with work. Telling them to use their powers while they could to get the unpacking done quick before neighbors got home. Even threatening them with wishing they were never born if they didn't. Reluctantly Syrus got out of the car and sighed with a shake of his head looking to his father with a smirk. "You know father... If you really wanted this done quickly and powers are a option, you could do this yourself without lifting a finger and have it done in a matter of minutes or less. None of us have quite the ability as you which are perfect for quick and easy packing and unpacking." He spoke with a flash of retort. While looking to his sister attempting her powers on their father and Carter already grabbing boxes and taking them in.

Syrus then scratching the back of his head and walked over to the back of the car and began grabbing boxes to take inside.
"Just a thought however.... Good luck Sis." He chuckled with a response to his prior mention and looking to his elder sister then moving to the house with boxes in his arms. @thefan1 @Keira Winston @Tsiwentiio
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There was no other way to describe the feeling pressuring against his chest. Trying to fool his own mind by pretending that he wasn't uncomfortable would be such a blatant lie that even himself wouldn't believe it.

It took countless bribes,countless threats for him to be standing in the place where he was now. He had even more blood spilled in his hands,but all of this was extremely worth it. As long as he got to see his family again,all the government officials that he had to kill would be stuck in his past.

That was another lie,of course. He remembered the face of every person he had killed. He remembered the expression in their face before the bullet went through their brains and a person that was laughing and breathing disappeared,leaving a cold corpse.

And yet he wasn't ashamed for his acts. He had killed for his family. And he would do it again.

The car he had been following with his eyes finally stopped,and so did his breathing. Should he wait? Or should he just present himself now? It had been four years. His youngest nephew probably didn't even remember his face well.

He was the one who ran away,after all. Did he deserve to be part of this family?
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"Anyone who isn't us is an enemy."

Catherine Z. Blackwell


It had been years since the bothers of relocation had stopped troubling Catherine's mind. She was the calm against the storm of her children and husband,staying quiet through most their interactions until the matter of the boxed started.

"Now,Syrus. Your father made a simple request,and work is good for you muscles. We will be done much faster if you children simply stop complaining."

There was nothing but gentleness in her tone,but the look in her eyes...There was nothing more terrifying then a silent stare from Catherine,a glance that looked like it could breach a hole through your soul if you held it for long enough.

Opening the door of the car,she inspected her new house. There was a slight pull of displeasure to her lips,one thousand changes already making it's way through her mind. Her attention was turned towards London,and she couldn't help but smile. Her daughter knew how to use the gifts she had been born with.

"London,please leave your powers for foolish man who can't decide which of their heads they will use. You know it won't work in your father."

It was hard to describe someone as elegant when they were standing still in a sidewalk,but Catherine definitely managed it. Her long,black dress brushed lightly against the air,accompanying the soft clanking of her heels. There wasn't a moment when Catherine slipped on her looks.

She had no complaints about Carter,but followed him with her eyes as he ran around. A troublemaker,that one. And the child who usually got her attention because of that. Not that she loved him any less than she loved her other children.

But he reminded her too much of his uncle in a young age.

The thought of Anthony made her frown lightly. Why was she thinking about him now?
Unlike her siblings, Elizabeth had no problems with moving every year. In fact, she was actually looking forward to living in a new community. Yes, the process of finding a new house and moving in their belongings was stressful and boring, but the other aspects of moving felt like heaven to Elizabeth. From finding new places to go, to a new school with classes she was dying to check out, to the opportunity of finding new friends. It wasn't like she had friends in the last town, but she wanted to find interesting people this time. Not the same gang of losers she'd been forced to hang out with last year. Her love for moving was the only reason she forgave her siblings every time they messed up and exposed their powers. She supposed she couldn't blame them for having powers that were hard to explain, but she couldn't deny the fact that they were using their powers recklessly, and they had to stop.

"Don't be so negative, Carter. I've been investigating the town and it's better than you think it is." Said Elizabeth, closing the book she'd been reading and following her siblings out of the car. While this wasn't the dream town she'd always wanted to live in, it was good enough. Still, she knew her siblings probably didn't want to go with her to the places she found interesting, so she'd kindly searched for places they would enjoy. "There are some good nightclubs and amusement parks, just in case you were wondering." Elizabeth commented with a sigh, placing a hand on London's shoulder and giving it a firm squeeze as she tried to use her powers on their father. "In case this does work, get him to move my boxes." She whispered, only loud enough for London to be able to hear her.

It didn't take long for Elizabeth to open one of the windows in the room she'd chosen for herself and in just a couple of seconds, she was outside with her family again. "Actually, I steal London's make-up, that space is used for books and electronics." Elizabeth replied, rolling her eyes at her brother's attempt at a joke. Now on to the moving boxes; she knew her idea wasn't the best, but she barely used her dark energy powers to levitate objects and she wanted to do something with the ability that had taken months to master. The girl closed her eyes, put her hands in front of her and focused on the energy flowing through her veins. In matter of seconds, Elizabeth had formed a small platform in which she stored her boxes only to make the platform start floating. Getting the platform inside the house through the window was easier than she'd thought it would be and she'd finished moving her boxes in just a few seconds. Unfortunately, she couldn't use her powers to decorate her room, but she'd worry about that later. "And that, my friends, is called being intelligent."

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Marietta placed the last patient chart back in the rack, today was definetly the busiest they've had in a while. Two cases of broken or sprained ankles, One case that needed stitches and way too many flu patients. She sat down behind the nurses desk, going through a few files, her head was starting to hurt, mainly because she hadn't used her powers in a while. It was hard to use, she hated hurting people and if she were to use them she would be hurting them.

She looked at her phone, making sure none of her kids needed her for something, for once there was nothing. She looked at the clock and she was ecstatic that her shift was finally over. She stood up and said good bye to her co workers, she went into the back room and grabbed her jacket and purse from her locker and walked out the back entrance. As she drove home she remembered that a new family was moving in next door to them. She instantly started to worry, she was concerned about her kids using their powers, she trusted them to be careful but still, they were still teens.

She pulled into her driveway, she noticed the new family was moving in, they didn't really notice her so she made a quick entrance into the garage, but she could only see the backs of their heads. She left the large door open, but walked inside, she figured she would go over and meet the new neighbors later, at least once the kids got home. She placed her jacket in the closet along with her shoes, she placed her purse on the couch. She grabbed a bottle of water, she walked over to the large TV and turned it on, she looked at the show that was on for a minute before going down into the basement to start the laundry.
Richard almost felt like playing along with London and making her think she could use her powers on him, it could cause some laughs and the family really needed some humor. However, he knew that letting his daughter's hopes up was a bad idea. Besides, if she knew she wasn't powerful enough to control his brain it could lead her to train her powers even more. "London." He began, giving her a disapproving glare. "My powers settle on my brain, meaning they make my brain stronger. You'll have to try harder if you want to manipulate me. Although you will be grounded if you succeed, it was a nice try though, so I won't ground you this time." He explained, giving his and Catherine's boxes a quick look before they began floating inside the house.

"I know moving to a new place is hard for teenagers like you, but try to stay positive during these hard times. I'm sure you'll find some new friends." Richard said, now looking at all of his children and giving Elizabeth a smile once she brought up the places they could go to. "See? Your sister's got the right idea. Why don't you go out with her today? You might find some nice people, just don't get drunk." The man spoke, his eyes scanning them as they came up with different ways to move their belongings. "Nice work you two." He muttered, referring to Carter's and Elizabeth's effective methods before following his wife inside the house.

Seeing his wife frown made a frown make it's way into his face. There was nothing he hated more than seeing his wife and children in pain, and his wife certainly seemed to be dealing with some troubling thoughts. Richard deduced she was sad because they were moving, it was anything but impossible and he knew it was hard on them to leave the good lives they'd been living. "I'm sorry this happened." Richard said softly, placing his hands on Catherine's shoulders and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "It'll get better. This town is a nice place, I'm sure we'll learn to love it."


Carter stopped running when he noticed that his siblings were using their powers, "Show off's" he siad, he didn't have the ability to lift things off the ground with his mind, he could run fast and had good reflexes thats kind of it, kinda a rip off "How is it that you all got the cool powers and I'm stuck with just being able to run for days and practically being indestructible" He said standing next to Elizabeth. He had the majority of his stuffed moved into his room, but he knew that his mother would make him either help his siblings or just move random boxes in. He couldn't pawn off the idea of being too tired to continue so he figured he would help move his mothers stuff in "I got your stuff mom" he said as he ran by her

After he put the box down in his parents room, he took a minute to look around, he walked down the hallway and looked into his brothers rooms then over to his sisters room, making sure to look out for floating boxes. He was happy with his room, his boxes were scattered all over, he was getting better at not breaking anything, its pretty easy to do so after running so fast.He took a deep breath and ran back out to grab more boxes​
"Yes, Yes I know exercise is always good. I suppose mental exercise is not the only priority and form of keeping sharp and at pique condition.... Still never hurts to avoid unpacking. We've done it many times after all." He responded to his mother and nodded his head in settling down his voiced thoughts. "Anyways I shall keep busy with moving...." Syrus spoke quieting himself and keeping to his boxes moving in and out of the house, setting up his room with boxes set aside in respective locations keeping them in order and near where they would ultimately end up. Cutting down his unpacking boxes and putting his room into order time down. Making up for his slower pace of unloading his boxes from the car then his siblings and parents managed with their respective powers. Giving a slight smile at the encounter and result of Londons attempt and their fathers response.

Syrus then eyed Elizabeth after her comment and observing her powers being used effectively.
"Indeed." Syrus responded simply to her with a smile and watching father use his own powers to easily unload his and mothers boxes. It was unfair in some ways the differing powers each of them had and how some were far more effective and multi so in their capabilities then others, cooler and more flashy perhaps. But Syrus learned some time ago it was a waste to dwell on it and actually quite enjoyed his powers, favoring them in most times. They weren't flashy and not always cool but perfect for him and quite useful in a number of ways both normal and super human ways. Though he had to admit he was jealous at times of their powers...... Being able to use their minds for such things and in ways they could was cool and desirable. But perhaps it was normal and either way he was content and moved on from it all. After taking the last of his boxes to his room Syrus paused standing quite still and looking about his room. A quiet and soft expression upon his face his eyes with a glimpse of sadness after having left behind yet another home and another set of friends and girls he once flirted with and seen from time to time when not reading books, playing chess and making use of his abilities from time to time to defend himself.

The one positive about it all was the fresh challenge of new people and finding what made them tick, what ways he could manipulate and lie to cover up his powers and have his fun. What new ways he could find his thrills and daring ways to enjoy himself outside of his usual of books and chess and other activities. But much else was left in his past... More memories to store in his mind and look back on and new ones to make and live. As Syrus stood in the center of his room and his back to the door simply looking about his room quietly in both thought and mere loss in his mind. He heard movement from downstairs and outside the sounds of his family bringing him back to reality causing him to walk out of his room and head back out to get more boxes to help unload the car of other items and belongings for the house. A plain smile on his face and giving notice to where others were as to avoid any accidents while he walked inside and back out in repetition to unload boxes quickly and placing them where they go while giving some order to them to help cut time down later.

"Anyone who isn't us is an enemy."

Catherine Z. Blackwell


Catherine shifted her attention towards her husband,the look upon her eyes immediately turning softer. They had strong personalities,which meant that they fought often. But she loved this man with a passion that was hardly something she could put into words.

"I know,my love. But worrying is my job,and we do have five children. So I worry five times more,seven days a week. Of course,I will be leaving a pile of bodies through this city in case that is necessary. But I hope it won't come to that." She rubbed his face gently before turning to stand by his side. Catherine was a tall woman,not only in her height but also in her confidence. She considered herself just as important as her husband,and that showed in her posture.

As soon as Carter came back from his running she held his arm to take a look upon his eyes.

"Don't go looking for trouble today,Carter. Try to wait a week,at least." She ended the playful advice with a kiss to his forehead. Her children might have been old enough to be embarrassed by her affections,but that didn't mean that she would stop showing them how much she loved her family.

She followed Syrus with her eyes. Carter gave them a lot of problem,but Syrus...

She often felt like her young son was the one who needed her help the most. He didn't seem to fully fit into their family,being different than his siblings. Another reminder of Anthony. She often wondered if Richard saw his brother in his son,and how that changed his view of him.

Cordelia ( Lia ) Mae Diamond

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.db97fee218d7c2db60b9053fb90fe9ee.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137020" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.db97fee218d7c2db60b9053fb90fe9ee.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Cordelia rolled her eyes for about the sixth time in the past fifteen minutes. The sound of Verity Burnes's whiny high pitched voice just continued to ring in Cordelia's ears. Fortunately for Cordelia the teacher was on her side; only because you can't prove someone purposefully made a tap explode in someone-who-really-deserves-it's face.

"Okay Verity, I'm sorry but there's no way Cordelia could've made a tap explode when she was no where near it." Cordelia glanced to the side to see Verity's face of frustration and annoyance. For the first time in the past fifteen minutes she was quiet.

"Thank you for understanding Mrs Jones." Cordelia gave a quick smile to her teacher before picking up her bag and walking out the classroom. She walked down the almost empty corridor and out of the front school doors. Usually she would meet up with Elaine and Rebecca to get Elaine to drive her home but it was too late for that. She sighed sharply, if her mother was already home she was going to have to explain to her why she was so late.

Just as Cordelia was turning to walk home that high pitched voice rung from behind her again. She turned on her heel to face Verity.

"What do you want?" Cordelia asked with an even uninterested tone.

"I know you did it Lia Diamond." Verity almost spat her name.

"There's no way I could make that tap explode in your face when I was stood by the door, just accept it Verity. Its called karma." Cordelia replied with a half smirk before leaving a once again speechless Verity outside school.

Cordelia turned into her driveway with her music blasting in her ears; humming along to the words as she listened to them. She quickly glanced over to the next door house, trying not to stare because her mom had taught her it was rude. She got a glimpse of possibly the parents and a few children. A smile formed on her lips, maybe she could make friends with the new kids soon but she decided to let them settle in first. Hopefully there was someone around her age there or even someone she could get along with. There weren't many people she liked at school, it wasn't necessarily Cordelia's fault. Most people at school were just too negative and boring.

As much as she hoped no one was home to call her out on being late she noticed her mother's shoes and jacket neatly put away. Trying not to make a sound Cordelia took off her shoes. She learned from previous times not to leave her shoes randomly around the house. Her mother didn't let her off lightly when it started to become a habit. With this in mind she carefully put her shoes away and tip toed into the kitchen to look for some food, preferably something chocolate.

After settling for a small bar of chocolate Cordelia sat in front of the TV which was already switched on. She tossed her school bag on the floor and sat cross legged on the sofa, hoping to make it look like she had been there for a while.



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"I worry about them too, but we must learn how to trust them. They know how to take care of themselves and we both know they wouldn't let anything hurt the others." Richard replied, a small frown forming in his face. Most of his children were practically adults, and the ones who weren't were more mature than their older siblings. However, he could forget that fact that there were people after them, and their children were in constant danger. Sure, they knew how to defend themselves with their powers, but at what cost? It took more than just power to kill someone in self defense, and Richard didn't want to know what would happen to their minds if they did kill someone. He just didn't want another Anthony in the family. Losing his brother had been hard on everyone, and some of his children were following their uncle's footsteps.

When Carter walked past them, he firmly grasped his arm after his mother kissed him and gave him a firm glare. "Keep your younger brothers in sight, tell London and Elizabeth to take care of them if you do come out. I'll have a chat with Elizabeth later, but I'm sure I can trust you with this." The man ordered, now letting go of his son as soon as Syrus walked past them. As much as he trusted his children, he knew they couldn't be left alone. Especially Syrus, who was so different from his brothers and sisters and could be left behind. Besides, if he left his siblings he could meet others who he could help him run away. He hand't been able to stop Anthony from running away, and he was not going to let history repeat itself.

"Anyone who isn't us is an enemy."

Catherine Z. Blackwell


"Well,dueling on the sidewalk won't exactly help us,I assume. Let's go check the insides of the house,my love. I already have a few changes I would like to make..."

Catherine seemed distracted as she held Richard's hand and pulled him towards the house's door,but her sight never actually left her children. She followed them closely by pure reflex,mother senses trained on their protection.

Many people were afraid of Catherine because of her mental powers,and they were correct on their fears. She could and would destroy the mind of anyone who threatened her children.

She opened the door of her new room,inspecting every inch of the place. It seemed adequate,at least for now.

"Welcome to our new life,Richard." She turned around to place a gentle kiss on his lips,ready to start over.



London rolled her eyes when her powers couldn't work on her father. She felt cursed with her powers. She didn't think her's was cool or useful like the others. Her siblings could manipulate energy, run faster than sound, manipulate natural resources, and others. All she could do was use her voice to make people do or think whatever she wanted and attract a bunch of guys. Apparently her powers were great for 'causing a distraction', but they weren't as interesting as anyone else in the rest of the family.

"Sorry Liz, gotta use your own powers" she muttered to her sister rolling her eyes. It hadn't worked, but she knew it was getting stronger. It has taken longer for her father to reject her. This meant it was harder for him to fight with her powers. Maybe she could get the neighbors to help her with her boxes once they get home. Her powers basically worked on everyone except her parents. A plus side to her powers was that you couldn't tell she had any while she used them. It also came naturally. If she really tried to convince you, her eyes would turn lavender, but she didn't need that much power to convince a couple of idiots that she was a damsel in distress.

"Lets ditch school one day and hang at one of those amusement parks we were just talking about," she whispered to Elizabeth. "Maybe we could get Carter to come to."

London turned away from her sister making it seem as discreet as possible. If her mother knew, she'd kill her. She sighed and started her process of moving her boxes. She grabbed a box marked
London- Clothes and made her way towards the house. She hauled it up the flight of stairs and dropped it in what she chose as her room. She made her way down the stairs and into the driveway again. It wasn't hard or tiring considering she was pretty fit, but the fact that she couldn't use her powers like everyone else made it boring and useless. She actually wanted to have fun because she knew she wouldn't be having much fun at the new school.


@Tsiwentiio @thefan1 @KaalysBR @Saru

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"Well then."

The smoke spread slowly in front of Liam's eyes,disappearing through the sky as he leaned against the walls of his house. Still,his vision was quite clear.

The new neighbors actually looked interesting. He couldn't see their powers from this distance,imagining that they were simple humans instead.

But still...playing the "good boy" role never hurt,did it?

Liam stepped away from the front of his house,burying his hands into his pockets. The new people would either be completely ignored by him or gather his attention. He wasn't the kind of guy that deal on middle ground.

The door to their driveway was open,so he invited himself to it. The closest person was a girl...a really attractive one at that.

He trained his best smile before leaning against the car,looking down at the girl. The one of his eyes was bright,but the glance on it inspected the girl with attention.

"Hey,new girl. Do you need help with those bags?"


Syrus J Blackwell

After taking in some boxes and finishing up unloading the car. Syrus took note of his parents talking to one another and Carter with his mother showing some affection as she often had with her children. As much fear as she could bring and enstill in her children and people in general she always had another side when it came to her family, even if it embarrassed she showed her affection to her children. Perhaps that was a common trait among the Blackwell family for all their power and often dislike of others they cared for one another greatly and had a protective way over one another. Even in heated fights and disagreements the family remained strong in their bond with one another. He couldn't tell what was said between them or between Carter and them but something strange told him his ears were burning that or something else caught him in wonder at the same period of time. He gave a smile and kept it as he went in and out while Elizabeth and London spoke to one another and their parents went inside, Syrus took a look around the neighborhood from the drive pondering his senses for a moment..... Curious of what he could hear and discover in his new town and from his new neighbors. Hmm..... Rather common for the most part. Syrus thought quietly and went inside himself heading for his room moving on from his prior thought and thinking of his family and the differences they had and what set them apart from one another, while many similarities were shared there were differences. Especially for him, he didn't quite fit the mold in some ways in comparison to his siblings something that made him wonder often.... Perhaps it was no big deal right? After all wasn't his uncle different or had his differences to his brother and Syrus's father? Then again he and the family hadn't seen him in some time, years to be exact. Still perhaps some difference was good or maybe he hadn't yet found what made him a Blackwell beyond the blood ties and love he had for his parents and siblings and uncle.

Normally he wasn't as dark and fear enstilling as members of his family, but then again he didn't quite understand fear. Not fear of what could happen to him atleast though his parents were a different story, especially his mother and what she could do now that was a fear everyone knew.... And though He worried at times and felt great anger and hate for any who threatened or harmed his loved ones. But fear to himself physically not exactly..... He was a daredevil and thrill seeker in his spare time when he wasn't reading or playing chess. Syrus J Blackwell only saw danger and thrill seeking as calculated risks to be overcome and thought out as you met such risks head on and loved to meet them. While his darker side was normally seen when he had reason to display it or his family was threatened or harmed. Overall he was Syrus different then his siblings yet had some similarities such as the ones he shared with his elder sister Elizabeth and the intelligence each of the Blackwells shared. As time continued to pass as normally and the minutes gone by Syrus after walking inside went to his room and began putting his books, chess board and clothes and other things to order already having the boxes set into place before hand for quicker and easier unpacking and organizing. While looking around the bedroom liking the layout and size with the hardwood floor and step or two at the door leading down to the main level of his room..... While a tall and finely made wooden shelf for books was on one side and a shelf built into the wall opposite it for more books if one desired and Syrus indeed had fancied the space.

While the bed was large and seeming quite comfortable and cool, nearly ideal for his personal tastes though the color of the room wasn't his taste. Along with a few other details he would t mind changing but he could manage with it and make those adjustments over time. Perhaps a new desk and fine table for his antique and well kept chess board. Truthfully he was keeping busy to keep himself distracted, he wasn't looking forward to tomorrow with a new school and dealing with it all again. Part of him looked forward to it and seeing what was ahead and who he would meet and see how they ticked, but for the most part he would prefer going off and taking time to exercise in his own way not just his mental practices to keep active for that he does often enough. But his form of physical exercise where he would take a run across rooftops and jumping from one to the next and raising the stakes with longer leaps and higher buildings. Being capable of muscle memory, adoptive abilities and reflexes that were thanks to one of his powers made for quite the usefulness for his habits, though he likely wouldn't make it tomorrow or maybe he would. Syrus was uncertain at the moment and kept busy unpacking and organizing his room the way he liked it. Moving rather quickly and getting it done in hardly any time at all thanks to his prior order of boxes and setting them in place.

In time Syrus rose from his spot on the ground and walked out of his room. Now walking around casually and taking a look out the front window in the living room.



London was just about to pick up another box when an attractive male stopped by and offered to help. A smile spread onto her lips. Why not have some fun? She didn't want to do all he work by herself of course, and obviously, the boy was cute.

"Actually, yeah, that would be great," she said with a smile. "Why don't you start by grabbing the boxes marked
London and dropping it into my room with the other boxes upstairs?" she asked using a bit of her charm. It came natural to her, and there was no way he could resist. He was the one who insisted to help first.

"By the way, I'm London," she said biting her lips. She found the guy interesting. She'd thought she would have some fun with her neighbor. If she's going to be stuck here for some time, she better enjoy some of it.


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Anthony's family had mostly gone inside by now,but he did his best to keep their faces into his memory. Richard,well. He looked exactly the same. Honestly,he didn't think that his older brother would ever show his age.

Carter was starting look and more and more like his father. And had a temper to match those looks.

Syrus...that was the one who held his attention for long. The sensation of seeing him was very much like looking into a mirror and staring straight into a window of the past.

The twins were gorgeous,but that didn't surprise him. They were Catherine's daughters,after all.

And that of course,left Catherine herself. She was the wife of his brother. His sister in law. And one of his closest friends.

The memories of the day he left popped back in his mind. He had left a note,but Catherine was fast enough to catch up with him. The rain was pouring in that day.The sensation of the drops going down his face was still clear in his mind.

"Cath,I can't do this anymore! This isn't me. I need to leave!"

"Then go,Anthony."

He saw the pain upon her eyes,but she didn't ask him to stay. She let go of the hold in his arm and tossed him the keys of her car. Tony grabbed the keys like they could save his life,and he left.

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