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Realistic or Modern The Rival Families (reboot)

"Anyone who isn't us is an enemy."

Catherine Z. Blackwell


Catherine hadn't been ready for Anthony's confession. Through all this time,she had believed that he left because he couldn't deal with his first kill for the family.

She leaned against Richard,suddenly needing to be supported. Her hands gripped the arm of her husband tightly,and her eyes were starting to look red. But she wouldn't cry,not in front of her children who needed her to be strong.

Anthony wasn't simply her brother in law. He was her best friend,and she missed him through these years just like she would have missed someone who was directly related to her.

And now that he was back,he would die?

It almost too much to handle,but she stood firm. She had no choice.

"You stay." Her voice was firm as she looked at Anthony. "And you will find that damn cure. I am not accepting your death,even though you apparently did."

She looked over at Richard and her children. If they didn't agree with her,she would fight over them for it. But she couldn't let Anthony go and die alone.


Carter was excited that at least she wanted to eat there to, there really wasn't a lot of people there. He made sure to hold the door open for her, although he was a bad ass, he was respectful. He really wasn't sure what to call this, were the two of them on a date or if it was just them going to eat, he usually was very confident and he would have just come right out and said they were on a date, but this was different, but in a good way. "table for two" he said to the waitress, the girl grabbed the menus and lead them to a booth. He had an idea of what he wanted, he looked over and seen a family, and it reminded him that he hadn't heard from his own in a while, or really let them know where he was. With everything going on he felt a pit in his stomach, so he just sent his mother a little message saying he was out eating. "So what are you going to get?" he asked Elaine


Mentioned: @KaalysBR



She smiled kindly at the waitress who seated them and thought about their circumstance for a moment. Her phone was dead, so her family probably thought she was as well, but she'd deal with that wrath later, now she was wondering if the kind young lady who handed her and Carter their menus thought that they were on a date. She wondered if she even thought it was a date.

"I... well, I like practically anything spicy, but other than that... I'm not sure," she responded, scanning the menu but not really seeing anything she was looking at. Her mind was a bit freaked out by the whole situation.

Rukia said:
Anthony thought that the pain of seeing the anger in London's face and the despise in Richard's eyes had prepared him for anything else that could happen in that day.

He was wrong.

He watched Syrus enter the room,and his heart sinked in his chest. Syrus that looked so much like him. Syrus that he understood more than any of the other children. Syrus that was also different,but twice as brave as he was.

His nephew, that didn't run away.

He took a deep breath,the physical pain in his body barely being noticed now. He had meant to go through this slowly,to give them time to understand. But seeing this mirror of the past in front of him made him rush on his decision.

His eyes lingered through every single family member the could see in the room. He was hoping all of them would have been there,but he could explain it to the girls and his other nephews later.

More than anything,he wished Syrus would understand.

"I'm dying." Anthony's tone was calm as he fixed his glance on Richard,then back at Syrus. "Before I left,I found out that my powers are self degenerative. I have...five years to life,as long as I don't use my powers anymore. If I do...about one year. And I'm not even close to finding a cure. I know this isn't an excuse,Syrus. I was a coward. But I thought it would be less painful for my family to think that I was a living coward instead of seeing me slowly...fading away."

He turned his glance back to his fingers. Now that he was back...he didn't want to leave anymore.

"I shouldn't have come back. But I guess I'm a Blackwell,after all. I want to spend the time I have left near the people I love. But it's the decision of each of you. If you can't forgive me,I will go away. But if you can maybe try...I will do everything to regain the confidence you all once had in me."

KaalysBR said:

"Anyone who isn't us is an enemy."

Catherine Z. Blackwell


Catherine hadn't been ready for Anthony's confession. Through all this time,she had believed that he left because he couldn't deal with his first kill for the family.

She leaned against Richard,suddenly needing to be supported. Her hands gripped the arm of her husband tightly,and her eyes were starting to look red. But she wouldn't cry,not in front of her children who needed her to be strong.

Anthony wasn't simply her brother in law. He was her best friend,and she missed him through these years just like she would have missed someone who was directly related to her.

And now that he was back,he would die?

It almost too much to handle,but she stood firm. She had no choice.

"You stay." Her voice was firm as she looked at Anthony. "And you will find that damn cure. I am not accepting your death,even though you apparently did."

She looked over at Richard and her children. If they didn't agree with her,she would fight over them for it. But she couldn't let Anthony go and die alone.

" Lines are drawn only to be crossed again..."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.50afcae9ba8408e4f49cdc2fce0cbba0.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137928" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.50afcae9ba8408e4f49cdc2fce0cbba0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Syrus J Blackwell

Syrus looked toward his uncle eyes wide in shock, double the times they were previously when he walked in the house and entered the living room to see his parents standing over his uncle. The man who once left with only a note behind as he walked out of their lives for reasons Syrus hadn't understood at the time. But it was coming to make sense now....... Learning a painful truth about his uncle as he heard him say "I'm dying." the man he was a mirror image of and understood. The close relationship his uncle Anthony had with the family and especially his mother, Catherine and seemed to understand Syrus well. All the memories of the past rushing to his mind and colliding with the present as they eventually came crashing down as the news hit him. Year after year Syrus hoped to see his uncle again to get answers and see him well, then finally in a surprise and mixture of emotions their he was inside the new family home, inside the living room and looking back to Syrus and his parents. At first Syrus couldn't believe it, he tried forcing himself to wake his eyes and snap himself out of waking dreams.... But it was real and now those answers were finally revealed. He was dying. Syrus's uncle Anthony was dying and by the hand of his own powers. Self degenerative he said, causing his slow death which would be within a year or more if he used them and five years if he didn't. While finding no cure yet and seeming to have accepted his death, returning to spend what time he had left with his family, those he loved and cared about.

Syrus became still and silent just as before when he first came in but wasn't trying to wake himself. No instead he was taking everything in and coming to terms with his thoughts, his reaction and feelings. He at first looked his parents, first his father and then for a moment or two longer to his mother and seeing her lean against his father and tightly grip his arm while her eyes went red. Listening to her response to Anthony and his tragic news, stating firmly that he would stay and find that cure and she wouldn't accept his death even if he apparently had accepted it. He met her eyes as they looked to them knowing her strength of opinion on the matter, knowing she wouldn't show tears before them and would fight this with any of them who objected their uncles stay.

"Seigneur pourquoi... Si cruelles, réponses trouvées encore la tragédie suit." Syrus spoke breaking his silence though his voice taking more of a accent and speaking in French. To those who could speak French and understood what he and said, hearing him ask or say more like, 'lord why so cruel, answers found yet tragedy follows' though he wasn't religious really he had seemed to speak in question of why such tragedy had to come to his family, why such challenge, why no answer to a cure.

"We can't have death seperate us, we're family and nothing should keep us from being family." Syrus spoke returning to his natural English language and looking to his family, each one present and then toward his uncle as he spoke. "I understand uncle, back then I questioned why you left and if perhaps it effected the family in more ways then one. I was the different one after all, shared traits yes but different. When you left it seemed like perhaps mother and father might of looked at me differently, now I understand why you left." Syrus started to speak and find his words.

"Knowing why....... Well you can't leave now. Losing a uncle a second time would be rather painful especially if it may be permanent with no hope of seeing you alive again. I'm with mom on this and you will find that cure.... Blackwells look after their own, family is worth everything isn't it? If you can't find it then maybe we should and will find that cure. Or help atleast." He spoke firmly but filled with sadness in his tone, words struggling to keep whole and in one piece as they were spoken. "Stay..."

Syrus then turned to his mom and and dad, eyes red and tears kept from rolling. He was going to be strong here, not allow a flooding of tears to overcome his eyelids and stream down his face. He was going to look to his father and mother without showing weakness. "You both taught me the value and importance of family, no matter the problems and fighting that may come we were family and we stuck together... Right? I'm sure the others will come around in time, but you father.... You're not going to turn him away now, after all this, are you?" Syrus posed the question talking to both his parents and asking his father the question.

@thefan1 @Rukia @KaalysBR



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(I'm so lost >_<) Rebecca smiled, as she thought about the new family, she had seen a boy who seemed her age. She wanted to meet him, maybe they could be friends. He seemed cute, and she wanted to see if he was different than every other stupid boy in the city. She dumped her boyfriend about a week ago because he was cheating, and she was kinda hurt about it. She decided to go knock on their door, "Hello? Anybody home?" She asked.


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