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Realistic or Modern The Rival Families (reboot)



"I understand four siblings, and all of them are younger," she replied chuckling," although with how much my parents are away for their jobs, I sometimes feel as if I have to be home to help them. Movies eh? Any specific favorites?"

She herself liked movies quite a bit, especially from the 1970s and 80s. Everything in those movies seemed so fun and interesting, like Star Wars and Indiana Jones. Admittedly, she'd had a crush on Harrison Ford as a kid and would watch those movies over and over.

Now Syrus was certain something serious was or had happened back home. London was acting differently almost as if not wanting to go home, Carter had appeared for a brief moment and seemed in a uproar in wonder of what they were doing, were their parents in a mood? Perhaps sent them off in search of the others? No it didn't seem right...... Not long ago there was a commotion in the street involving their parents, he couldn't see what it was all about. But did all this stem from that moment and what has occurred since? Carter had long since walked off, London was speaking with the Diamond family kids and Elizabeth..... Where was Elizabeth? Wasn't she off near the kitchen after letting him know she got out? Shaking his thoughts away to keep his attention on Lia and hearing who he had figured was their father yelling for them to get inside for a meeting. Syrus smiled and gave a nod to Lia. " Ah thank you Lia. It's warming to receive such welcome from new neighbors." He responded kindly and did have a truth that was more real then what it might have seemed, after their last set of neighbors it was nice to see this family didn't appear anything near the same as the last. Meanwhile he has now heard about family drama and trouble playoff a role in his siblings behavior or absence from home or both, though still he was unaware that his uncle was at the root of all this change in mood. While able to pick up much through sound waves and due to that has great senses, he couldn't pick up everything at once and his mind was rather distracted on helping his sister with their plan and her escape.

"Oh, well I appreciate the help. But don't get into trouble on my account or risk it should that be the case, though another meeting, a chance to talk again would be delightful." Syrus spoke smoothly being both charming and understanding in one move while showing some thought and care to her potential trouble on his part. Meanwhile he felt himself being led closer to his home from hers and gave a smile. " But whatever shall come or how much time passes, whether it be five minutes or longer. T'was a pleasure and till meet again, have a good evening." Syrus spoke

@NightSky @EmilyPower @Keira Winston


"Well I must say that I like most movies, but mostly horror movies, especially those in the 80's and 90's a few from this decade but only about 3 or 4" he smiled at her "I actually wanted to go to school for film making" he thought about what she had said first " you know whats weird, I have four younger siblings also" he tilted his head "That's kinda a weird coincidence " she smirked. He turned back onto a familiar road, "Well good news we aren't lost, Bad news is that I am really not in the mood to go home yet" he looked over at her "I'm actually really hungry, you?"




"A film maker huh? I never would've guessed," she responded with a smile, narrowing her eyebrows in thought when he mentioned that he was the oldest of five as well," that is interesting."

They turned onto a road that she knew and she felt a bit disappointed. She'd enjoyed talking with someone, after all, she never was allowed to after what had happened in the past. He mentioned getting something to eat and she smiled again, glad he'd suggested it.

"I'd love to," she responded, looking at him for a moment before looking back in front of her, feeling her face turn a
very slight pink. She would be in so much trouble when she got home, but it would be worth it.

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"Awesome" he took the next turn that lead back towards downtown, he knew where a few restaurants were, he really wasn't sure where to go, he was feeling Applebee's. So when the restutaunt came into view he pulled in "how about Applebee's, I've been craving the food here for a while" he put the car in park "if not here we can go somewhere else" he didn't want to force her to eat somewhere she didn't like. He smiled at her, he could tell she was blushing a little earlier, he wasn't but he did find her very attractive and wanted to make a good impression




"That sounds amazing," she responded with a smile, recovered from her earlier awkwardness. She hadn't been allowed alone with a person, especially a male, since she was fourteen.

"I haven't been to one of these since I was a kid."

She got out of the car and looked up at the restaurant before laughing lightly as she thought about why she hadn't been here in forever. When she was still learning how to control her powers, her parents thought it safe to bring her here, and she accidentally set the table on fire. This was before any of her siblings were old enough to really remember what had gone on, but it was hard not to for her.

(Have to sleep now, night everyone x3)


Cordelia ( Lia ) Mae Diamond

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.a04c1facfc3469c4b8a189b253610e30.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137576" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.a04c1facfc3469c4b8a189b253610e30.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cordelia's lips curved into a genuine smile as Syrus thanked her again. "I'm just glad to have some more people my age around here." She replied honestly. It was definitely a nice change from all the old people constantly gardening. Even though her mom had told her to be nice to the other people living in the neighborhood it was quite difficult when they could barely even hear you talking to them.

"Don't worry about me getting in trouble, believe it or not my dad is probably the more laid back one between my parents." Cordelia had a good relationship with both her parents but her dad would find her pranks funny, and sometimes help her out with them. So she found herself being closer to him. Though without her mom things at home would be a lot more chaotic.

"We'll meet again soon, now that you know of my prankster ways I can't let you not be a part of them." She laughed softly. "Just don't be surprised if I'm throwing stones at your window at three o'clock in the morning." Anyone would've thought she was joking but she was being quite serious; planning pranks in the darkness was so much more adventurous and entertaining.

As they reached Syrus's doorstep he said his goodbye. "I will be impatiently awaiting our next meet." Cordelia tried to match his tone sarcastically before walking back to her house. "See ya later newbie." She called waving to him, even though he probably couldn't see her properly it felt natural.




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Syrus J Blackwell

Syrus nodded his head in agreement with Lia's sentiment. He couldn't help but agree in full, kids his own age in the neighborhood was a plus especially if the rest of this new town had mostly seniors living in the neighborhood outside of the Blackwells and Diamonds. "You're telling me.... We have moved quite bit and some neighborhoods didn't have people my age or close. It's nice to learn that isn't the case here." He spoke honestly to her in turn. He had a smile retained on his face with a nod learning the pair could find a mutual feeling on a matter such as find more people their own age.

"Really?" He spoke with small chuckle. Not meaning to be rude or disrespectful merely surprised but then again he understood well. "Glad my sudden presence and keeping you won't garner ill favor. But it's good to hear." Syrus replied thinking about his own parents and their roles of who was more laid back and who was more strict or simply drew out the most fear when crossed.

"Look forward to it..... Indeed I may just use that to turn some pranks myself if you had." He laughed softly and turned his head down for a moment, seemingly without any purpose but for the simple motion of it. The next came as a laugh provoking phrase and laugh he did thinking of it and his own response to it all. "It's a date then." Syrus spoke in reply and casually phrasing his response as so, though whether she was joking or not he wasn't sure. But either way why not give a playful response back. " Maybe we'll just turn this town on its head with our potential plans." Syrus continued after a brief pause and have a smile.

"Ah well then..... In that case it shall be wickedly entertaining. I'm sure of it." Syria chuckled noting her sarcasm and simply grinning in reply. While giving a wave as he heard footsteps moving away and back toward her house. "Later Mademoiselle.." Syrus tipped his cap with bow of his head and looking toward the direction of Lia's voice. Now getting ready to enter his new home where he would come see for himself what had happened during his absence from the house....


(Phone post: So may not be real long, hard to tell from my phone in comparison to normal. But after work I'll continue with a part 2 post to start Syrus's discovery of his uncles return and seeing his parents again and enter the scene.)
George felt more and more uncomfortable at the girls presence and more so with their father calling out for them. "Come on guys lets go..." He said trying to call out confidently by still felt uncomfortable and came out meek." Pleasure meeting you all... Or looking forward to meeting you all properly. " He said quickly to the Blackwell there and turned to leave feeling embarrassed and like a total idiot. This is why he kept to his family and close friends, he was never good with new people.

Cordelia ( Lia ) Mae Diamond

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.8399d23765beba8f2f0b72e8a8e48c85.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137594" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.8399d23765beba8f2f0b72e8a8e48c85.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Its a date.. Although those words were said in a jokey way they played on Cordelia's mind as she walked along the path to her house. Not necessarily because she saw Syrus in that way but because she had actually planned to do something with people who weren't her family. Not only that but it was doing something she loved to do; pranking people. The thought of that brought a bright smile to her face.

As she headed towards the door she jogged slightly to catch up with George. "What was that all about earlier hm?" She elbowed him gently in his side. "You stumbled on your words and got a bit flustered. I don't blame you, I mean London is a pretty girl. But seriously you need to pull yourself together and play it cool. You did look pretty silly." Cordelia's tone flipped between serious and joking as she spoke to her brother. As much as she wanted to help him, teasing was more enjoyable.

"Just wait until I tell Dad." A slight smirk formed on her lips. "You'll never hear the end of it." She teased as she opened the door and skipped inside. With their Dad being so laid back and up to date it would be out of character for him not to join in on teasing George.




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George was half way home when he heard Cordelia and groaned. Ah sibling teasing, he should have expected that. He paused and turned wanting just to get the abuse over with as soon as possible. "London huh... Well, so i am a bit smitten. " He said trying to own it and take away the ammunition from Cordelia. "You were talking to the new boy as well, you must like one of them too." She tried to reflect but than hear mention dad and see her running inside. "Damn it!" He cursed rushing after herm unsure of what to do to stop her.

Cordelia ( Lia ) Mae Diamond

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.9535d05980c702dd54064fdfbf1cb53a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137601" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.9535d05980c702dd54064fdfbf1cb53a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"But you see my dear brother, I was talking to Syrus. Not stuttering and acting ditsy like you were." She smirked mischievously as she walked backwards into the kitchen with her eyes on George as she did so. "There's a big difference." She used her hands and spread out her arms to emphasize the 'big' difference.

Cordelia spun around when she got into the kitchen following the small of Chinese food. "Hey Dad." She greeted her father as she got herself a big spoonful of food from every tub in the bag. She sat down on the stool next to her mother before starting to eat her food. "Dad guess what happened with George a few minutes ago?" Her signature smirk returned as she glanced over at George before looking back to her Dad.

@ReverseWells @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Tsiwentiio



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"Sounds good to me" Marietta smiled at her husband, she had finished eating, she didn't really eat that much to begin with so there was still a lot left for her kids. She went over to the wine cooler and grabbed a bottle of her favorite white wine and grabbed a glass. She poured a little bit, she went to go take a sip when she could hear two of the kids coming inside, it was Lia and George, Lia seemed very enthusiastic about something. She took a sip of her wine and leaned back against the counter.



Markus winked at his wife, before hearing the stampede of two of his kids. "Well he didn't do what I asked him to do, so I'd like to know." He said taking a bite of his chicken. He had a feeling what Lia was about to say was going to embarrass Geroge. He could tell by the look on his face. He turned around to the fridge, and pulled out a bottle of beer out. He wasn't a big wine person like his wife, but on special occasions he'd drink it. He popped the lid of with the corner of the counter, and took a sip waiting to hear what Lia had to say.
"I tried... But you know my siblings, i was lucky to unglued Lia from the new boy next door when i did." George said quickly trying to get his father's attention away from himself before she could say something." Seems like we are making fast friends with their neighbours." He commented walking over to one of the kitchen draws and taking out a few basic batteries and began draining the electricity from them. "A nice chick scene too, which ic what lia was going to mention i admit i was tad distracted. "

Cordelia ( Lia ) Mae Diamond

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.6a7d58e1e510bd8e6836ac484fec34b9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137610" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.6a7d58e1e510bd8e6836ac484fec34b9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cordelia almost choked on a piece of chicken trying to hold back a laugh. "A tad distracted?" She tucked her hair behind her ear whilst giggling. "He was practically drooling over her. Like a dog with a bone. You should've seen him he was lost for words and stuttering, it was priceless." Lia held her stomach from laughter. "I must admit though. Next door are a good looking bunch." She said in a more serious tone.

"You know its kind of weird they have kids the same age as us." Lia mumbled not to anyone in particular, just more thinking aloud. She wasn't complaining though, in fact she was pretty happy.

@Tsiwentiio @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @ReverseWells



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Markus chuckled at Geroge, he made sure to tease each of his kids fairly so that they wouldn't feel to bad when he did so. "So your a ride along, and Mr. Freeze, gosh maybe you'll run into batman when you get in the force." He shook his head with a smile, he did feel bad for Geroge. Getting teased by his sister, and she'll probably boast when everyone else comes in. He stopped smiling for a second when he heard Lia mention the neighbors. "Yea we've gotta chat about those neighbors later once everyone gets back guys. I'm guessing the rest are out with them now. But for now, I don't want to hear about them." He typically loved hearing about his kids day, but with the Blackwells, no thanks.



London nodded her head when Lia, Liam, and Liam's twin who still hadn't given her a name scrambled back into the house in a rush. Sure London was used to getting what she wanted, so she was quite angry with her self when she realized she could've manipulated the children into inviting her to dinner. So here she was, trudging back toward the house, the last place she wanted to be.

London noticed Syrus at the door when she arrived at her own house. She sat down on the steps of their front porch having no intentions to walk back into the mess.

"You might not wanna go in there," she said to him a bit bluntly. He's been at the Diamond's house for a while, so he's obviously had not heard of the news of Uncle Anthony's return.

"At least I know I'm not going in," she said with a sigh.

She knew she wasn't ready to face their uncle. London felt guilty for not rejoicing, but how could she? This was the man that turned his back on the family. Leaving with a note and coming back without notice? Does he just expect to be able to waltz into the scene again? He left like a coward. The family deserved at lest a heads up that he was leaving. Their uncle was the one that broke the family's heart.

@Saru mentioned- @Rukia


Cordelia ( Lia ) Mae Diamond

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.339776f0f6747c5c70e2a96e8c2cab49.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137616" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.339776f0f6747c5c70e2a96e8c2cab49.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cordelia raised an eyebrow at her dad. What could he possibly want to talk about? As far as she knew her dad hadn't even met their new neighbors. She decided not to ask any questions due to her father's serious tone, but just simply sighed in response.

Picking up her plate Lia stood up and walked across the kitchen to put the plate in the sink. "Where did you get the food from? It was really good." She said as she looked through the cupboards to find a cup, then filled it up with some orange juice from the fridge.




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Just a moment after turning the knob and opening the door giving a slight push forward with the same hand. Syrus turned his head noticing his elder sister walk up and sit down on the steps of their front porch, listening to her mention he may not want to go inside yet. He quietly shut the door closed once again and sat next to her now curious of what was going on. He had wondered before now knowing he had to have missed something during his time at the diamonds house. In some way he thought it was serious that it must of been..... But he hadn't a clue of what exactly was wrong or had changed or arrived. "Oh?" He asked in short giving a brief pause before continuing. "What happened the government sent agents to relocate us due to some mistake or because we have powers and might use them again?" Syrus joked looking off toward the sky ahead of them with his walking stick now lowered and placing his now folded cap back in his sweater. " It can't be that bad could it? We just arrived a few hours ago and even for us that's a record." He continued with smile clearly trying to brighten things up with some humor before hearing what it was, why he did that once in awhile he couldn't say but sometimes he attempted humor to aid situations.

Truth be told he was serious and more then he came off. But wasn't sure what to expect in terms of what happened. He couldn't have guessed it would be their uncles return.
"You know between you and Carter.... I thought I picked up something earlier. Like something was wrong. Does Elizabeth know and Nathan? Speaking of which where has Liz gone to now?" Syrus spoke realizing he hadn't seen her nor received a sign of where she has gone to since her message that she was out of the diamonds home.

@Keira Winston Mentioned: @EmilyPower @Rukia @Bloodybeans


Happy Lia changed the subject, he smiled. "Beijing I think, incredible people there, it's like New York, but asian. I had to dogde like 3 cars." By using his ability, he's gotten food from about everywhere in the world. If the family wants pizza, he'll run over to Italy and pick up a few. French food, psh easy! "Hey do you know where the rest of your siblings are? It's starting to bug me that their not here yet" he said with a small frown.
"Show off." He commented jokingly at his father when he mentioned bringing the food from beijing. He leaned forward and grabbed a spring roll." Eh why should i complain.." He said shrugging before eating the spring roll." Hmm good stuff." He was curious to what his father had to say about the new family next door but new better than to ask, his father wouldnt say anything until the others come. "Like is said they are doing their own thing."



London sighed as her brother took a seat next to her. She didn't want to explain. She wasn't going to let Syrus find out about her uncle's return first from her. London would rather have him find out himself. It would be so wrong to find out through someone else.

She laughed at Syrus's attempt at a joke. Sure it was funny, but she was not feeling the mood right now.

"No, its not that..." she said trailing off. "I think you should find out for yourself," she said to him biting her lip. She couldn't look at him. It was too hard to keep the news from him.

"I have no idea if Liz or Nathan knows..." she said slowly. "and I also have no idea where Liz, Nathan, or even Carter is right now," she said leaning back on the railing of the stairs.


Syrus shrugged now knowing it must be more then could joked about. Seeing his sister respond with sigh as he sat next to her. Silent of response and unwilling to share, not due to being mean nor for any reason other then it was something one should see and discover themselves and not hear about it from another, through their words, from their voice and from their mind and heart. Just simply learn first through your own discovery and react naturally to the source and not to the messenger who would be he recipient of the reaction. Thus it must have derived the phrase 'Don't shoot the messenger' because people often did even if they didn't deserve it. No it was something he had to find out himself and soon would.

Hearing London laugh did bring a brief smile to his face though, a small token atleast before the storm. It wasn't the time for laughter he knew that, but for reasons he couldn't say he used jokes or attempted jokes when he felt he needed to aid the situation or he simply didn't know how to respond, so used humor to guide him through the mist and to his knowing of what to do or how to say or even when to do it. Such as it were now.... He didn't know what to expect and didn't know what to say, something was wrong and it effected his family. That alone effected him and that was enough to make him curious and on guard. If something troubled his family then it bothered him and if it was troubling of threatening then he really would take issue with it or who. Once this past year rather recently neighbors threatened and aimed to kill the Blackwells..... He wouldn't see it happen a second time nor likely would any of them allow a opportunity. But then again perhaps he was off on what exactly it was and would soon discover he was.

"Your right. I know you are..... I suppose it should seemed tempting to learn before I see. Hear before I actually do. But alright I will." Syrus spoke admittingly to his wrong and knowing it so. Now rising from his seat on the porch and giving a tap on the cement walk before the porch and where his feet were. He looked toward London noting her looking away and not to him, before she soon responded about Liz, Carter and Nathan. "I see, well now that Liz is out from the neighbors place or was last I felt from her signal. She should be close or at the very least not far. Perhaps Carter and Nathan will turn up as well." He shared his thought and gave a nod as he looked one last time to the night sky before turning to the door and walking inside the house.

It was here that Syrus headed for the living room believing his parents might be there, walking down the hall quietly and removing his sunglasses just as he came into view of them. Turning now to face them his eyes widening, face twisting into disbelief and arm dropping to his with glasses in hand while the other pressed a button on his walking stick to retract it back to smaller size so he could tuck it back between his belt and pants then beneath his button up sweater. Frozen still like a frame, his mouth opening but no words nor sound escaped him. Syrus couldn't believe it, his body was in pause at the sight of his uncle and what was his return, barely clearing of his throat had passed down as his lips began to move but still nothing.... His eyes turned back looking to the door toward the direction of London who he had left outside then back toward his mother and father his head barely moving side to side in slow shake. Before looking toward his uncle Anthony again.

Syrus was compared to his uncle at times, over the years and as noticed more and more the differences he had from his family, his parents, his siblings. Seeing his elder brother take more after their father and looking like him, while also being more like him. Syrus was just about polar opposite to his brother and at times he could see that his father and him weren't much different as far as he could tell anyway. It's why the comparisons perhaps always seemed to fit so well.... Syrus was different, similar in ways yes but different. Not always feeling like he fully fit the family though he cared for them greatly and knew they were what kept him focused, when he got into one of his states of loss in thought and over thinking which led to his collapse of focus and internal struggles at times. Even shutting down when it was bad enough and merely standing still looking into the abyss while trying to find his way back to reality, looking to find something to work towards, something he could be passionate about like everyone else but struggled to find it and a career choice two sides of the same coin perhaps.

At times Syrus pondered the thought of if that similarity to his uncle and his fathers kid brother created problems. Maybe they thought he would run off as well, leave behind his family and try to forget what troubled him or move on from it all? He had to admit at times it seemed right, best to run and let them live. But always he pushed away the idea and didn't leave, they were far to important to him just to leave, they helped him greatly perhaps more then some knew. He was a troubled lad not real troubled just lost at times, seeing the differences more then the similarities and love at times, unknowing of what he wanted to do after he graduated school nor found something he was passionate about and could perhaps make a career from that. A side effect perhaps from his powers to learn physical abilities and perform in mimicry flawless mimicry different skills and athletic capabilities and styles so easily.... It left him finding it difficult to see what he was truly good at and was passionate about, despite loving his powers and what they did for him they still had a negative or two as well.

Syrus was once sure his parents discussed the matter and sworn this because he thought he had overheard it...... But awoke soon after leaving him to wonder if it was just a dream. The day his uncle skipped town and left them behind leaving only a note...... Was one of the more painful moments in his life, in his families life. They deserved more, they could have been given the chance to say goodbye, but no it wasn't to be. His father wanted them to forget their uncle perhaps to try and ease the pain..... But Syrus couldn't he forget, only delay the thoughts of his uncle and wondering why he left.

Especially if his parents really saw him in Anthony and what that meant, if it had changed their view of him of better or worse. Or maybe it was only pain it brought due memories and wondering what if he did the same...... Syrus could only imagine and now his uncle had returned and his parents seemed just as mixed about it all and emotional as he was feeling. His body was just starting to move again, his insides starting flow and breath while his shoulders relaxed from a tense state. While he shut his eyes and drew a free hand to his face while he looked down for a moment increasing the pressure on his bridge of the nose and his forehead while clenching his eyes shut, trying to wake himself up, trying to make sure this was real. He couldn't tell what he wanted feel, he was angered by the return but glad at the same time, a mixture of other emotions and feelings bursting from a bottle all at once and hitting hard against him.

Shaking his head and starting remove his hand and open his eyes. A sign of restrained tears welling up as he looked toward his uncle and parents.
"Come to provide those answers face to face now, uncle? Or leave us again and make us relive it all?" Syrus posed the question trying to make sense of it all in the meantime and sort himself out. The questions were blunt, straight to the point and honest Maybe brutally so. But they were questions he had for years now, wondering why and why did he leave just a note and not tell them in person, why then and what was so important or more so the family, then them. Was his return like his powers? Cause pain and then take that pain onto himself and away from them by answering for what he had done? Did he have reason even for coming back and tracking them to boot?

@Keira Winston @KaalysBR @thefan1 @Rukia
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Anthony thought that the pain of seeing the anger in London's face and the despise in Richard's eyes had prepared him for anything else that could happen in that day.

He was wrong.

He watched Syrus enter the room,and his heart sinked in his chest. Syrus that looked so much like him. Syrus that he understood more than any of the other children. Syrus that was also different,but twice as brave as he was.

His nephew, that didn't run away.

He took a deep breath,the physical pain in his body barely being noticed now. He had meant to go through this slowly,to give them time to understand. But seeing this mirror of the past in front of him made him rush on his decision.

His eyes lingered through every single family member the could see in the room. He was hoping all of them would have been there,but he could explain it to the girls and his other nephews later.

More than anything,he wished Syrus would understand.

"I'm dying." Anthony's tone was calm as he fixed his glance on Richard,then back at Syrus. "Before I left,I found out that my powers are self degenerative. I have...five years to life,as long as I don't use my powers anymore. If I do...about one year. And I'm not even close to finding a cure. I know this isn't an excuse,Syrus. I was a coward. But I thought it would be less painful for my family to think that I was a living coward instead of seeing me slowly...fading away."

He turned his glance back to his fingers. Now that he was back...he didn't want to leave anymore.

"I shouldn't have come back. But I guess I'm a Blackwell,after all. I want to spend the time I have left near the people I love. But it's the decision of each of you. If you can't forgive me,I will go away. But if you can maybe try...I will do everything to regain the confidence you all once had in me."

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