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Realistic or Modern The Rival Families (reboot)


Marietta was sorting through her children's clothes, traditionally she would only do hers and her husbands and the children would have to do there own. But seeing how about 4 baskets full of dirty clothes were I front of the washer she figured she would just wash them all. Once she got the first load done she could hear one of the kids get home, just the sound of the foot steps gave away who it was, Cordelia. She walked upstairs with some folded towels for the kitchen and bathroom, she noticed her daughter sitting on the couch "How was school today Lia" she asked sweetly. The one thing Marietta wanted for her children was good grades, to excel in academics and get into a good college or university. She put the towels away in their proper spot and walked over to the window, she notice that Liam was over helping the new neighbors moving in, a small frown appeared on her face, she didn't know them at all and she wasn't sure what to think of them.​

Cordelia ( Lia ) Mae Diamond

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.b4edc63120aa635675ca6e81413c6321.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137128" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.b4edc63120aa635675ca6e81413c6321.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Bright colors flashed on the screen as Cordelia channel hopped. You would've thought that with how ever many thousand channels they had there would be at least on decent channel.

Oooh this looks... That thought was interrupted when Cordelia realized this was probably the worst channel yet. With a roll of her eyes and a sharp sigh the channel changed again. Boredom was slowly taking over, she glanced out of the window it was a good view of the next door house but the sofa wasn't close enough to the window to see clearly. The only thing she could see was the familiar figure of her older brother, Liam, even though her brothers were identical any family member could tell them apart. No matter the distance.

As she popped another piece of chocolate into her mouth she saw her mother walking around holding some neatly folded towels. Cordelia made some mumbling noises and held up a finger as she chewed the chocolate in her mouth.

"School was alright I guess..." She replied still debating whether or not she should tell her mom what happened with Verity today. The only problem; her mother wasn't going to believe the tap exploded with water on its own. Especially if it came from her water controlling daughter.

"I had a bit of a.. Disagreement with Verity again today." Cordelia mumbled keeping her eyes glued on the TV and putting another piece of chocolate in her mouth. She twirled a strand of hair around her finger as she waited for her mother's reply.




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"We'll see, London." Elizabeth replied, walking away from her sister to avoid getting caught by their parents. She had never been a big fan of skipping school, but it was almost impossible to resist the temptations with her invisibility powers. It was almost impossible to get caught when others couldn't see her and using her powers had proved to be incredibly helpful the last time she skipped school with her sister. Besides, she didn't want to deal with their teasing that came with refusing the proposal. Just as she began to walk away from London, a boy who looked about their age came up and asked her if she needed help with anything. Just as she'd expected, London immediately agreed and Elizabeth could help but give her an approving smile. It was good to see that London saw something good with her powers, considering how much she complained about them in school.

Once inside her room, Elizabeth focused on unpacking her belongings and decorating her new room. She began by placing her books in the wooden bookshelf next to the bed and putting up a new posters on the walls. As she walked around the room, she focused on their neighbor's house for the first time. They seemed decent folks, at least for what she'd seen. But she didn't want to jump into conclusions. The last people who'd lived next to them turned out to be murderous psychopaths who'd tried to murder her family and she didn't want the same thing to happen again. But how was she going to find out what they were like? There was always invisibility...but wasn't that wrong? Frankly, she didn't care. Her family's safety was more important than morals and she wasn't going to live next to the "kill powered humans" club ever again.

With her mind set, Elizabeth came out of her room to head to the other house when she noticed her brother looking through a window in the living room. Syrus, the boy was a though case. Elizabeth had been trying to get closer to her younger brothers but to no avail, they were impossible to figure out despite their similarities. Still, she wasn't going to give up. She couldn't afford another family member running out on them, not after Anthony. His departure had broken her heart, mostly because she'd admired her uncle and had been very close to him. But betrayal was something she wouldn't stand for, and she wasn't going to let Syrus run away like his uncle. Now walking towards her brother, Elizabeth leaned against the wall and looked out of the window. "Boring, huh?" She began, not exactly sure how to start this conversation. She hadn't given up on the idea of spying on the neighbors to make sure they were good people, especially now that London was out there chatting with a possible enemy. However, she wasn't sure if her brother would like the idea and she didn't want him to tell her parents about her plan. "Listen, I was thinking about our old neighbors and their plan to, you know, kill us all, when something came to my mind. Wouldn't it be horrible if our new neighbors turned out to be just like them? I don't know about you, but I don't fancy being murdered. I was on my way to get more information and I was wondering if you'd like to join me?"

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"I'll try mom" he said calmly before going back outside. He felt bad knowing that he basically lied to her, it was hard for him to stay out of trouble. It's just how he is, it seems like even if he walks outside he causes some type of issue. He went towards the back of the moving van and he noticed some guy standing next to his sister, he was obviously helping her move her boxes, but he was protective over his little sis "Hey sis" he said in a stern tone and looked at the guy "And you are" he said staring at the guy, he obviously didn't know him, he could be cool for all he knew but he had to ask questions.​

@Keira Winston @KaalysBR


Marietta glanced over to her daughter, after she mentioned something about a disagreement. She walked over to the TV, she turned it off and stood in front of the TV facing her daughter "What do you mean by disagreement" Marietta, she had a feeling that she was using her powers, Marietta hated using her powers on her children but it only comes in handy when she needs to get info out of them or just a punishment. The power to evoke extreme horror and fear in others simply by looking at them is a strange power to have in the least. "You didn't use your powers right" She stared down at her daughter, all of her children knew better.​

"As long as we're together, it's a phrase I wouldn't mind hearing over, and over again." Richard replied, wrapping his arms around his wife for an embrace. It was not like he enjoyed moving every now and then due to some accident related to their powers, but moving distracted them from their other arguments and it ended with some very enjoyable moments between the couple. Things had been hard lately, especially after Anthony had left the house. His brother's departure had been hard on everyone, especially on him, but he'd tried to make his children forget their uncle in order to deal with their sadness. But it was impossible for Richard to forget his younger brother. He could still remember the distress he'd felt after reading the note Anthony had left behind, he could remember the rain on his face as he ran around the city, frantically searching for his brother. And he could remember the anger after realizing he was never coming back. The thought of his brother made him clench his jaw, but he tried to mask it with a smile in order to please his wife. They didn't need to stress with something that happened years ago.

"That car seems familiar, doesn't it?" Richard asked, pointing at the car behind the moving truck. He ignored the fact that it looked just like his brother's old car, the one he'd escaped with and focused on something even more important. Hadn't that car been following them for the entire trip? He remembered seeing it on the road behind their car, but he doubted his family had noticed the fact that whoever was inside the car parked right behind their truck. "It must be someone from the government checking on us, would you like to go outside to see who we're dealing with?"



Liam found himself getting lost into the girl's eyes,unable to think for a second until his mind immediately reacted against the seduction. If he hadn't been trained to support mind control,he wouldn't even have noticed it. The blur in his mind went away,but that didn't mean that he didn't pick the boxes. That's what he was there for,after all.

He was about to reply to London's introduction and say his own name before one of the guys he saw before came to greet him. Liam supported the boxes into one of his arms before stretching his hand towards the newcomer for a handshake.

"Your neighbor. Name's Liam,good to meet you."

His tone was completely carefree and welcoming,the typical nice guy. There was nothing to demonstrate the darker person that Liam was inside. He was incredibly good at hiding that. His lips pulled lightly upisde. The guy looked like a troublemaker. And London looked like a girl who was used to getting what she wanted. Interesting. @Tsiwentiio @Keira Winston

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.f78391e13bfb19c9ae9a85075eb28209.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137149" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.f78391e13bfb19c9ae9a85075eb28209.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Syrus J Blackwell

Looking out the window pondering a few thoughts and thinking about his family. Syrus had a mixture of smiles and saddened expressions as memories both happy and less so came to mind in reflection, he had moved with his family often about every other year so feeling settled was uncommon and though used to and not minding it after awhile.... It brought several stories and memories over the years and had taught him to accept and keep moving, what was important was family and that was one constant in his life, one of the few things that kept Syrus focused when his lacking of goals and knowing what kind of career he wanted caught him in a loss of distraction and thought, in his own mind. Just as he was looking out the window noticing a boy come over and begin helping London with her boxes. Syrus had a brief corner smile at the scene.... It didn't take long for her powers to take effect though he was suspicious of the stranger. He hadn't seen him before being new to the town and having not spent time elsewhere yet. But he could also see Carter outside and London could handle it knowing her power over men between the two it was seeming fine. It wasn't long after that Syrus turned to his sister, Elizabeth and smiling at her words to him about the state of boredom. "Boring indeed, I rather hate it. We got the moving in part done quick enough... Well most of it just as mother said we would. But what now?" He paused looking toward Elizabeth and pondering what she was thinking.

Hearing her plan and taking a look back toward the house across the way and toward the boy with London and near Carter. Syrus grinned a bit wickedly and looked back to Elizabeth.
"Well I wouldn't mind avoiding another opportunity to kill us, I haven't picked up on any ticking bombs or muffled steps creeping about outside. But staying ahead of the game is always preferable isn't it?" Syrus began to reply with a chuckle and shrugged his shoulders while doing so. Giving a brief look to Elizabeth in wondering if she thought he min turn down the offer. "Don't expect me to lay around though while you have the fun. Being murdered would not be in my plans and I don't plan to allow another be killed because some mentally gone family tries their hand against us. Count me in! I don't have the gift of being visibly absent from others sight.... But my sense of picking up reflective sound waves and making my own noise to identify and locate may prove useful." Pushing off the corner of the wall and standing upright Syrus gave a nod of his head. "Let's see what we can pick up, Liz."


Mentioned: @thefan1 @KaalysBR @Keira Winston @Tsiwentiio @Bloodybeans



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"Anyone who isn't us is an enemy."

Catherine Z. Blackwell


"The last people who made us have to say this phrase are either drooling in a mental hospital or dead...So I'd say that the Blackwells gave a pretty strong message. I like to think that we won't have to move again soon."

Catherine followed Richard's eyes,turning her attention towards the car. I didn't interested her much at first. She would rather spend her time with Richard himself,especially now that they were alone. Those moments were rare when you had five children,especially when those children had supernatural power.

But now that she focused on it,that car did seem familiar. She had seen it a few times during the road trip,enough that she began to worry that it was one of their enemies. But the car never made a single move against them,and it eventually escaped her mouth.

"Hm...wasn't that car following us?" She frowned once she realized that it was positioned a bit far from their house,in a good position to observe them. Not only that,but the windows didn't allow them to see who was inside. "Yes,let's go check on that Richard. I don't want another incident." @thefan1
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Cordelia ( Lia ) Mae Diamond

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.ec64a672e9f69162fdbb42542a7cc818.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137153" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.ec64a672e9f69162fdbb42542a7cc818.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Cordelia looked down at her lap as the TV switched off, she should've just kept her mouth shut and ate the rest of her chocolate. This is it, this is where it ends for me. She thought to herself. Nervously she bit her lip; she knew what was coming. The stern voice from her mother confirmed it. Seconds later her vision began to darken around the corners. It caused her to look up at her mother.

"I-I didn't mean to." She stuttered, the hair twirled around her finger tightened.

Even though she had acted smug about it Cordelia actually was scared of Verity. She was, to put it simply, a bully.

"It just happened, I was walking into the bathroom and she called me some,
names" Cordelia's tone changed from scared to almost pain as the words flashed through her mind. "There's no way anyone could prove I did it, the taps at school are like a hundred years old." She protested, almost pleaded. Her mother was not one to mess with and Cordelia wasn't about to try and push it.




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"Hey Carter...." London said rolling her eyes and crossing her arms over her chest knowing Carter's true intentions. Carter was always protective of her when it came to boys, but she thought she was able handle it on her own. She didn't blame Carter though, they couldn't trust anybody these days. Especially since their old neighbors were a bunch of lunatics trying to burn them at the stake. Though she didn't think Carter wanted to admit it, he always reminded her of their father. He was protective and would do anything for his family.

Family meant everything to her. Sure, it was always fun to go against her parents wishes. Carter and London always had fun getting into trouble, but at the end of the day, they were her number one priority. That's why it hurt so much to see her uncle, Anthony, leave. London knew her father didn't want his children to worry about it, but it always came to her mind. How could someone just run off like that? She was so hurt and confused. They deserved much more than a note. After that incident, London vowed to always be there for her family. She would be there to protect them and never turn her back on them like what her uncle has done.

London woke from her train of thought when the attractive neighbor introduced himself as

"-and Liam lives next door to us," she added giving her brother a look. The look said to go easy on the guy. It mattered if they gave him a bad impression since he'd be right next door to them.

@Tsiwentiio @KaalysBR

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All Richard could do was nod and lead his wife outside the house. He noticed a stranger, possibly their new neighbor, was helping London with her boxes and frowned. It was probably another one of London's tricks, but he didn't want some boy flirting with his daughter just a few minutes after moving next to him. He wasn't happy about the idea of a boy going inside London's room a few minutes after meeting her, but Carter could take care of that. He had other things to worry about and the car could leave any second now. "You get whoever's inside out of the car and I'll read their thoughts. Don't use your powers against them until we have prove if they're trying to harm us." Richard ordered, his hand close to the gun he kept in his belt, one of the few perks of being a government agent.

(I know the post is really short and crappy, but I'm incredibly busy ATM)
"Aren't you quite the little evil mastermind?" Elizabeth asked playfully, giving her brother a smile before leading him outside of the house. It was good to know his brother knew a good opportunity when he saw one and Elizabeth was relieved he'd agreed to do this with her. It could help them bond and she'd probably be rewarded for trying to help the family. Her parents seemed to like it when she tried to make the bond with her younger siblings stronger and they probably trusted her more than the others when it came to taking care of the family. "Here's the plan," Elizabeth whispered, now standing outside the house with Syrus. "I'll turn invisible and sneak inside the house through a window, you'll use your powers make sounds in the other side of the house so they won't hear me. Once inside, I'll pick up what they're saying in the living room and you'll try to figure out if there's anyone upstairs and listen to what they're doing. If someone arrives, hide and listen to their conversation." The girl explained, a proud look decorating her features as they made their way towards the house.

It didn't take long for them to reach the house, and it took a second for Elizabeth to turn herself and her clothes invisible. It took a lot of concentration to turn objects around her invisible, but was quite skilled at it after years of practice. "I hope you're ready, 'cause there's no going back now." Elizabeth breathed out, and opened one of the windows in the kitchen, big enough for her to enter.

The house seemed decent, nothing was out of the ordinary, but she didn't want to judge the neighbors because of how nice their house was. She took a good look at the pictures decorating the walls and the shelves, which revealed that the family was conformed of a couple and five children. "Just like ours, what a coincidence." Elizabeth though, noticing the kids seemed about her sibling's age and the fact that there was a pair of twins in the picture. Elizabeth quietly made her way to the living room and stood behind the mother who seemed to be scolding her daughter.

"Anyone who isn't us is an enemy."

Catherine Z. Blackwell


Catherine nodded towards Richard,feeling the pressure of her own gun against her thigh. Her senses already told her that the person inside the car wasn't a government official. Not only that,but she could feel the power emanating from the vehicle. Whoever was inside was powerful,and didn't even feel like a normal human.

Her mind shifted towards attack mode,and Catherine reacted by reflex. Abandoning any intention to simply talk with the stranger,she pulled the door of the car open and dragged the stranger out. She pinned him against the ground with obvious strength,taking advantage of her years of hand to hand combat.

Catherine was already reaching for the gun until she glanced down at the stranger. Any sign of anger left her face,being replaced by complete confusion. Was that...

"Oh my god...Anthony?" @Rukia @thefan1
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Carter gave the kid a cold and heartless stare, he knew how guys thought, and no way in hell was he letting anything bad happen to his sister. He knew she could handle herself, but he felt like he had to at least show that if something happens that he could break him in two if he had to. He took a step back but kept his gaze on Liam "Carter" He said simple. He cautiously went to shake the kids hand, he tuned to grab one of the last boxes and walked back inside. He placed the box in the right room, and made his way into his own room, he unpacked like two or three things before going back out and finding Elizabeth and Syrus "Hey smarty pants, you both coming up with a cure for the common flu" he teased the two of them, He also noticed that both his parents seemed to be thinking about that car, he did try to listen to what they were talking about and when his mother ran out after the car he ran towards the street to see what was happening, And he noticed his uncle​

@EmilyPower @Keira Winston @KaalysBR @Saru


"Oh I see" She said placing her hands on her hips, "Make sure you don't do anything like this again Cordelia" she started at her daughter creating a horrid picture into her mid for a few seconds before removing it "Understood". She turned from her child and walked into the back room, she felt a little weak it had been a while since she had to use her powers, so just that little bit winded her. She looked down at her phone, none of her children had called or even texted where they were or when they would be back, she sat down on the bed and created a goup chat with all the kids that weren't home, she just sent a 'where are you all, get home soon' she was worried, and suddenly she felt something, strange, almost like someone else was there. She had to project her power, allowing who ever it may be to experience a horrid vision.​

@KaalysBR @NightSky




Anthony's hands trembled lightly,his fingers pressed against the picture in his hands. His family. What if they hated him? What if they never allowed him to regain their trust? It had been minutes,maybe hours. He didn't know how long he had stood in front of their house,trying to gain the confidence to simply step outside and face his own demons.

Being a coward wouldn't bring him his family back.

He felt his hand rising towards the car's door and unlocking it. It was either now or never. He wouldn't be able to find an opportunity like this,not anymore.

And then the choice escaped from his hands as Tony was suddenly pulled away from the car by a stranger. He reacted by reflex,ignoring the pain in his head as his body hit the ground harshly. The pistol was already on his hands,and he pointed it towards his attackers face.


He felt the gun drop from his fingers,falling on the ground by his side. Blood started to drip from his forehead,coming from the hit against the ground. But he barely noticed it.

Catherine and Richard. He had dreamed about this moment for what,four years? And yet now his tongue got stuck in his mouth and he didn't know what to say.


His glance turned towards his older brother,expecting a scold. Expecting a punch. Anything was worth this moment of being able to see his family again.He felt lightheaded,the exhaustion of the last days and the wound in his head finally catching up to him. His hands fell from Catherine's shoulders and he found his vision darkening before he went unconscious. @KaalysBR @thefan1
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Syrus J Blackwell

Syrus smiled and tilted his head in motion of tipping his nonexistent cap. "Why thank you Sis." He spoke turning to follow her lead outside of the house. "I've had some experience with plotting schemes and turning a few tricks as I spin a web of tales. Why not use that to ones advantage in cases like this one?" Syrus continued in answering Elizabeth's question. While following her outside and toward the house. It was possible they could get into trouble for what they were doing and if they were caught..... But then again maybe not, after all family bonding was important to their parents and this was a perfect opportunity to bond. Meanwhile listening to her plan and nodding along in agreement with it. It was a good plan and sounded fine to him, though he was still training his subpower of his echolocation that would allow him to adjust and manipulate those very reflective sound waves he used to identify and locate objects and people to create sounds and increase their volume to distract and perhaps if perfected one day or atleast improved enough in the power to maybe halt them in their steps due to the volumes level and frequency. "Sounds like a good plan, I'll do what I can to keep them off your tracks. Just mind the ears in case my training hasn't reached its form yet with that particular ability." Syrus spoke and admitted in warning of his not yet perfected ability and training his echolocation beyond its main use and into one of its possible related subpowers.

Noticing Carter appear Syrus turned his gaze and grinned at a corner of his mouth.
"Something like that.... A little discovery to better understand our new home town." Syrus replied and turned his gaze back toward a now invisible Elizabeth, giving a nod to her words. "I'm ready. By the looks of it now would be the best time to see this place for ourselves, while everyone is distracted for the time being." He responded noticing a commotion over by a car and his parents, though wasn't able to see what exactly was going on from his vantage point.

While Elizabeth turned invisible and went inside, Syrus produced a cap and walking stick from his sweater and belt with a flick and pressed button from his hand, the walking stick that seemed modified extended in size before him and he took out a pair of shades from his folded cap and put both on, first his shades then his cap. Doing his best to minimize his appearances recognizeable features from being easily identified, while moving to take his place on the other side. Using his senses to learn of the different sounds, picking up distant voices from the street, closer voices coming from inside and and once his eyes closed and he focused more on his immediate surroundings and near homes. He noticed no sounds of electronics atleast not yet, while trying to find a way to make some noise and use it effectively with little options at the moment to choose from.

Then it struck him he had his walking stick and enough to make some noise of his own to try and manipulate for their cause, he Just needed to make use of his walking stick he often used to convince people when he used his blind routine to cover up his powers or one of them anyway. Syrus then concentrated and placed great focus on his powers and the sounds, lightly tapping his cane against the home and adjusting the sound to greater volume to get attention from those inside, while already having a explanation in mind if they came out and questioned him. Meanwhile moving about and repeating the process of motions and adjusted frequencies to distract others while his sister moved about and her steps hopefully were covered and drowned out by his own efforts.

@EmilyPower @Tsiwentiio



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Cordelia ( Lia ) Mae Diamond

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.3e7e4e9937a7f18e61b460053a475928.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137171" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.3e7e4e9937a7f18e61b460053a475928.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The darkness continued to slowly spread across Cordelia's eyes almost like a cloud covering up the sun. She took a deep breath in expecting her mother to scold her but instead her mother was surprisingly calm about it and only asked her not to do it again. Cordelia slowly nodded in response; she was quite shocked with the outcome but she was not about to complain.

As expected a gruesome image appeared in front of Cordelia. It was hard to pick out individual intentions and meanings but the scene before her was horrific. It was very abstract; splashes of red, dark shadows, moving creatures, screams. A skull with spiders and other bugs crawling out of it began to melt into a puddle which reflected a tall shadow holding some form of weapon, presumably an axe but before the figure was about to swing the weapon towards Cordelia it all stopped.

Cordelia let out a sharp breath holding her head in her hands. Only a few seconds had passed but she could barely remember what she just saw. Whatever it was left her with a dry taste in her mouth. She took a few deep breaths to slow her heartbeat.

"I won't do it again." Cordelia spoke with a soft tone, and she meant it. Well as long as Verity stayed away from her. "Sorry mom." She hung her head in apology as she watched her mother walk out of the room.

Rubbing her head still Cordelia stood up from the sofa and walked into the kitchen to throw away the wrapper of her chocolate bar. As she did so she wondered where everyone was. Only her mom was home and her brother was next door. She shrugged, it didn't bother her too much. It was nice to have some peace at home every now and then.

Just as she was about to walk back into the lounge another image flashed through her mind.
Again..? Cordelia held her head and leaned against the wall, the same images appeared again in her mind.

"Mom..?" She tried to call out as her vision darkened again.




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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.7ec348d45575e1c42c120a8b6f120990.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137186" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.7ec348d45575e1c42c120a8b6f120990.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.1eb623333eaa4367d520b58e78460a2f.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137185" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.1eb623333eaa4367d520b58e78460a2f.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Rebecca rolled her eyes playfully, "You can't stop me from using your clothes. They may be a few sizes to big, but it's better than all the hand me downs I've received. Seriously, you guys have had some weird phases, I have a drawer of Goth, Preppy, and Nerdy clothes. Like, hello!? We're not in the 1990s anymore" she said. She heard her sister talk about new neighbors, "New people!? Yay! Let's go meet them" she said excitedly.




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Marietta moved slowly through the room and checked each of them, before leaving her room she grabbed a small gun, she had to protect her daughter and herself. Once she reached the top of the stairs she placed the gun in a safe and went down stairs, she stopped the horrid thoughts, she felt extremely saddened when she noticed Alia standing in the living room ""I'm sorry honey" she said hugging her daughter "I thought I heard someone in the house" Marietta was now even more worried about the rest of her children, she released her daughter from her grasp and walked back towards the window, she noticed her other two daughters outside. She opened the front door and yelled out "Girls" she motioned for them to come inside.​

@NightSky @CelestialBunny @Smoaki



Liam hardly seemed affected by the threat in Carter's tone. Barely anything affected his mood. He remained with the same smile,a slightly playful pull to his lips. If this guy knew more about him,he certainly would want to keep his sister far away. He brushed those thoughts away before turning back to London. He saw Carter running off,but all his attention was focused on the girl now.

"Hey gorgeous,can you should me where your room is?"

He held the boxes tightly before gesturing towards the driveway door. Now this family was holding his attention. That could either go well or horriby for them.
"Do what? Give us some details, woman!" Elizabeth muttered under her breath, making sure the others couldn't hear her. The conversation seemed to come to an end and Elizabeth had gotten absolutely nothing out of it. But it didn't discourage her from investigating even more. Just as she took the first step towards the stairs, her vision became slightly blurry and the corners turned completely black. Then the horrors began.

She felt like falling, it was like she'd fallen from a plane and was in for a painful death. There was blood, even though she wasn't scared of it, there were dead bodied thrown around the room and monsters running towards her. Elizabeth's expression turned into a horrified one and she began walking backwards, almost throwing a vase in the process. They were coming to get her, she needed to defend herself. Without giving it a second thought, Elizabeth pointed her hand at the monsters, ready to use her powers againt them if she had to. Her hand turned a light shade of purple and a small energy vortex began forming in her palm and a bit of her arm, then the visions ended.

After composing herself and making the vortex go away, Elizabeth took a few deep breaths and leaned against the wall. Fortunately, she was still invisinble. Unfortunately, the vortex hadn't been invisible and all Elizabeth could do was hope they hadn't seen it. What had gotten to her? Where did those visions come from? There was something clearly wrong here, and Elizabeth was set on finding out what it was. As the other teens walked in, Elizabeth went to the kitchen and took out her phone to text her brothers.

"Something wrong. Hallucinations. Used my powers. Might have been spotted. Prepare distraction for possible escape and keep me posted if anyone comes close to the house." She wrote, and sent the text to Syrus and Carter. Now that she knew they were posted and ready to help her, Elizabeth returned to the living room and waited for something else to happen.

"Anyone who isn't us is an enemy."

Catherine Z. Blackwell


Catherine wanted to be angry at Anthony. She wanted to scream at him,ask him why the hell he had come back after all these years.

But then he went limp in her arms and Catherine panicked,seeing Anthony go unconscious. Any anger she previously felt was replaced by fear.


She panicked for a moment,frantically pulling his collar away so she could check for a pulse. Relief immediately came once she felt his heart beating steadily under her fingers,although he was obvious wounded and exhausted.

"Dammit,Anthony. What happened to you?"

Only now she noticed that Carter was standing nearby and turned to look at him. She bit her lips for a second,feeling a loss for words.

"Carter...can you help me and your father to carry your uncle into the house? He...doesn't seem well. And please don't ask any questions. We will talk about this later."



Carter was kind in shock about what was going on, mainly because his mom just pulled their uncle out of a care and pulled a gun on him. More shocking was that he was there, like actually there in person. He could hear his phone going off, just as he was about to check it when his mother asked him to help carry him in. Oh he wanted to say no leave him out here for the vultures but he didn't feel like joining him if he talked back to his mother. He walked over to his uncle and helped to pick him up off the ground. For so long Carter looked up to him, admired him but once he just vanished he felt an overwhelming wave of anger come about. As he stood him up his eyes once again fell over to Liam, who was probably flirting with his sister, he shook his head and focused on what he was doing, trying really really really hard not to just drop him on the sidewalk.​



"Fine," she responded to her sister with a sigh as she stopped the car in front of their house," but if you insist on using my nice clothes, please at least try not to get them covered in your new job."

Elaine climbed out of the car and closed the door, having to slam it to get it to actually lock. The car should've held up better than it did, but it got a LOT of wear and tear on a day-to-day basis. Looking around, she did in fact notice new neighbors moving in across the street. Liam had already walked over and was helping a girl of the family move boxes. Elaine rolled her eyes and chuckled, noticing a bit of a commotion occurring across the street. A woman, most likely the mother of the family, rushed out and held a gun to a man's head. Elaine moved a step to walk over before seeing that the situation was handled by a boy of the family. She stared at the boy for a long moment without realizing it before shaking her head and turning a bit pink before rushing inside.

"Hi mom, hey Lia," she greeted as she walked inside, unable to help a glance out the window hoping the boy was still there. Sadly he'd carried the man the woman had held a gun to inside and was no longer in view.

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Markus sat in his large office, feet propped on desk, reading a case file. His office had a modern theme, sleek chairs, bookcases, and desk. And the large window behind his desk faced the city. He was growing bored though, he didn't have any trials today, and business was slow. He had thought about leaving early, he was his own boss after all, but he wanted some alone time away from the kids, a rare thing for him. He pulled out his cell phone, tossing the file carelessly on his desk. He scrolled for his wife's contact, and typed a short message. "-Thinking about heading home, want me to pick you up from work? Also I'm thinking bout getting a good run in, I can go to China if y'all want some takeout? Maybe curry? Idk."

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