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Realistic or Modern The Rival Families (reboot)

Syrus directed his eyes toward Lia and her voice no more looking up and toward his side like he was at first meeting and the opening door. He kept his smile and allowed a chuckle as he felt a hand firmly grasp his shoulder, knowing it was his sister Elizabeth and letting him know she was safely outside now. He gave a nod and kept his direction of face toward Lia. Though having felt a another brush not long before Elizabeth come past him he noticed the older girl though only appeared to hear her pass him and not giving away his act. He couldn't say for certain but he had a feeling a silent message was sent from one sister to the other. But for now he would play it cool and keep to his sisters own message to him. "Indeed, I'm one of the newbies. Fresh to town and ready for some fun...... Once I get back to normal. Know of any exciting ways to have fun around here?" He posed the question and rather glad there was some teens his age in the neighborhood that he could meet before school started, it was a start on learning about the people of the city and his future classmates. Listening to the giggle from her tone and smiling kindly in response, glad to see or hear for that matter a girl who perhaps wasn't like his and his families last set of neighbors. Seemingly she was quite different and in a good way...... Though he hasn't forgotten his parents teachings and accounted for his sisters likely response to him, he still was glad and able see a few bright points so far about their new neighbors though unknowing of the history between the two families so far. "A lovely name Lia whether in full or short. A pleasure like I said earlier and I would be quite appreciative of that. A kind offer Mademoiselle..." Syrus spoke ending with a touch of French accent to his tone, and use of speaking some French. He then chuckled at her pointing out it was next door, continue to play innocent and unknowing of where he was. "Why a snake would have bitten, I guess my sense of direction isn't so bad. Just a door away. Thanks" Syrus smiled

Thanks to his echolocation he could pick up a sound or two from the kitchen and grinning on the inside at his sisters own encounter and words. Oh she was going to receive some teasing when they got back home, he wasn't the only Blackwell child it seemed caught up in the spell of beauty and good looks today. Despite their parents teachings they still could flirt and flatter and talk when they wanted to and if it suited the situation then even better. Just as he was about speak again Syrus took note of another approaching the Diamond families door and ringing the bell, he knew right away it was his sister London this time approaching, though didn't blow his cover as a temporarily blind young man in loss of direction. Though he did ponder of what had happened since she was rather emotional appearing and perhaps hadn't noticed him yet or that the door open. What had happened? He would have thought in question to himself. While keeping his attention split between Lia and his sisters, London who was now in proximity of him and Elizabeth who seemed near the kitchen by the sounds of it. Now becoming aware of another the older boy he saw before through the window when he first appeared at their new home.
@NightSky @EmilyPower @KaalysBR


Carter got back from his walk, he was walking around the corner and noticed right away that mostly all his siblings were over at the new neighbors house. He tilt his head back, why on earth were his siblings bothering their neighbors, he figured they would be more interested in why their uncle was passed out on their couch. He walked over to them "What they hell are you guys doing" He said to his siblings, last thing he wanted was for his parents to flip out because they were over there instead of unpacking their own things. Carter just wanted to leave already, so instead of waiting for his siblings to answer him he just walked off annoyed, he went back over to his own house, he walked in and grabbed the car keys off the table. His parents seemed pre occupied by his uncle, and right now he didn't care. He got in the car and backed out of the drive way and just drove


"Is there something you know that I don't" Marietta said to her husband, she could read him like a book and it was apparent he knew something. She could hear people talking, she peered around the wall to look at the front door, finally she spotted Liam, and there were a few other kids she didn't know. She figured she would let her kids deal with them, she would more that likely meet them soon. She turned back to her husband and raised her eyebrow still waiting for his answer​


Markus glanced behind Marietta to make sure the kids were out of earshot. "Ok so you remember back when I was in law school, and you were in med school? Ok so before that I dated someone else, and her name was Catherine. Well in one of my political science classes there was a guy named Richard Blackwell. And they're are neighbors." He was going to leave out the powers part, and how about everyone knew about it. He wanted to hold a family meeting to talk about the new neighbors, and such. "So I think we have dinner by ourself as tonight, and talk about this with everyone. Plus I didn't get enough Chinese for 8 other people."

Cordelia ( Lia ) Mae Diamond

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.d8e9aa4d1225025600ba412242f4554d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137331" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.d8e9aa4d1225025600ba412242f4554d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

As Cordelia tucked her hair behind her ear she let her eyes wonder around the neighborhood. There were some grandmothers gardening a few houses away but apart from that, and the two families, it was pretty empty.

"I'll be honest, this is a pretty boring neighborhood, most people who live here are old rich people." She said with a soft laugh. "But, there's a few pranks we could play on them if you would like to give me a hand sometime?" She quietened her voice slightly, weary of the fact her parents might over hear her. Her tone made it sound like a question but it was more of an offer.

"Mom, Dad, I'll be right back just heading next door." She called before stepping out of the house and closing the front door behind her. Not really giving them a chance to reply or protest. She smiled as he thanked her. "No problem." She replied smiling brightly.

Just as they were about to head off someone was running towards their house, from the direction she came from and the fact she had never seen her before Cordelia assumed she was also a newbie. She raised her eyebrow slightly as she saw Liam behind the girl. "Is everything okay?" She asked, but it was mostly aimed at her brother.

@Saru @Tsiwentiio @ReverseWells @KaalysBR @Keira Winston



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George nodded reluctantly wanting to get stuck into the food but thoguht better of complaining, besides didn't hurt to see what the neighbours were all about. He stepped out of the front door and went around seeing the new family and his sibling seem to be getting along ok. He smirked yeah that was the Diamonds, sociable and gregarious people apart from himself who prefered his own or his families company. She saw Lia and Liam first with one who seemed strangely familiar to him but couldn't place. "Hey Diamonds! Family meeting back at our..." He went to call out stopping mid sentence and mid step when he recognised the girl.

@Saru @Tsiwentiio @ReverseWells @KaalysBR @Keira Winston @NightSky



Liam frowned lightly as two of his siblings appeared out of nowhere,worry immediately taking over his expression. He felt his fingers lowering towards the knife he had strapped around his leg,but Cordelia's tone didn't seem to be indicating anything wrong. So he let his hand fall by his side,focusing back on his brother and London.

"We're good,Lia. London is just having some family problems and had to walk away. We can relate."

He gave her a playful smile before turning his glance back to George.

"You two know each other?"

Liam didn't think much about it. London was interesting,but they just met. She wasn't a reason for him to fight his brother,and if George was interested he would just walk away. @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Keira Winston @NightSky
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Marietta paused when she heard her husband mention one name, Richard Blackwell. She looked down at the dishes she placed on the island. She looked at the clock "I better go check the laundry" she said quickly, she could hear Lia saying she was going somewhere, but she was so out of it she really didn't know what she said. She stood in the laundry room, just thinking, what were they going to do, she knew her kids were already interacting with his kids. She didn't really know what to think, she knew she needed a day or two before even thinking about going to see Richard. She shook her head and tried to focus on what she had to do.​



"Yup, family issues," London said to Liam trying to push the idea aside. She absolutely did not want to talk about it. Her uncle, who she hasn't seen in forever, thinks he can just leave without notice and come waltzing back into her life. She was hurt and confused at first. Now she was just angry. She nor her family deserved it.

She thought she could make things better by meeting the new neighbors. Turns out it made it slightly worse. As two people came to greet her at the door, she could definitely tell that this family was a great one, unlike her own. London shook off the thought not wanting to seem miserable to her new neighbors.

"Hey, I'm London. I just moved in next door," she said with a smile. She reached out her hand for a shake to the blond girl who seemed a few years younger than her.

Her eyes drifted to the boy, one that looked just like Liam.
Another pair of twins? London thought. She would know. He looked at her strangely, as if they had met before, which they haven't. At least she didn't think so. Maybe it was her seductive aura working up.

@KaalysBR @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @NightSky

George was unsure of what to say and do, she didn't seem to know him yet he felt strange... Like his legs turned to jelly, when she looked at him with her blues eyes. It took him a moment to realise why he felt this way, he wanted her... Wanted for her for a while. He tried to shake the idea of, the though felt unnatural in his mind and he needed to get a hold of himself. He cleared his throught. "No...."He finally replied awkwardly to Liam. "Eh... Like I said our parents are calling us.... Dad brought... food. Let's go."


Markus watched Marrieta disappear into the laundry room. He knew something was up with her too, he knew her as well as she knew him. Deciding to leave her to her own devices, he headed outside to the front yard. "Diamonds get your butts inside now!" George didn't do his job, damn kid. He really couldn't be mad at his children for awhile, a good example was Lia. Her pranks were funny, and he often was the one who supplied her. He made his way back inside, what were they going to do about the Blackwells. The children already were talking to them, maybe the kids weren't as bad as their parents, but genetics is a bitch.

Cordelia ( Lia ) Mae Diamond

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.dd526dbc82f86cf0f2df276d40140895.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137381" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.dd526dbc82f86cf0f2df276d40140895.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"We can definitely relate." Cordelia smiled back at Liam in agreement. Although their family didn't disagree often when they did it could get pretty dirty.

"Lia." She shook London's hand, as she did so she noticed George acting..
Shy? Cordelia giggled as she let go of London's hand. She couldn't wait until they got back inside; he was in for a lot of teasing. "Welcome to the neighborhood." She welcomed London and Syrus.

The familiar booming voice of her father echoed behind her. Cordelia turned to him and pouted slightly in annoyance. "But Dad! I was going to help Syrus get back home." She called as he began to walk inside. "I'll be like five minutes." She turned back to Syrus and began to lead him the few steps between her house and his house.

@Saru @ReverseWells @KaalysBR @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Keira Winston



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It was starting to get dark and Elaine looked around, realizing that she was a bit lost. Somehow she'd made it out of the neighborhood, and though she was rather good with directions she'd never been a whole lot of anywhere except for her work and her neighborhood. Grabbing her phone to call her parents or one of her siblings she remembered that she'd forgotten to charge the thing. It was dead.

"Really? Right now?" she said angrily to her phone, shoving it back into her bag and looking around. She was right next to a road at least, so she figured she'd just follow it. All roads led to downtown right? She could find her way back from there... if this road actually led to downtown...

@Tsiwentiio @NightSky @ReverseWells @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Keira Winston @KaalysBR @Saru @Everyone (Just if anyone wants to interact with her xD , I mean... Carter's in a car, but anyone from Elaine's family could try and contact her or something... yeah I don't know lol)


Carter was driving, he really wasn't sure where he was going, he had found himself at the beach, he kinda just sat there for a little bit then decided to go home before his parents figured out he left. He was driving home minding his own business, he even zoned out a little bit. He turned a corner and noticed someone walking, who ever it was a little ways up, he slowed a little and once he got closer he recognized the outfit, it looked like the girl that lived next to him, well either was it was obviously a girl and he didn't want to just leave her, even if it wasn't who he thought it was. He slowed next to her and rolled the window down, it was the girl from earlier "Hey neighbor, need a ride" he smiled at her​



Damn kids he thought to himself, pulling out his phone. Their family had a group chat, so that everyone can keep in contact easy, and he needed to contact everyone. "I'm hoping you just didn't hear me, but all of you home. Now. If you've got a problem with it, to bad. We've gotta talk, and I mean everyone." He was never this strict with his kids, and he didn't like being this way. But the Blackwells were a very important discussion to have, since they were already talking to them now.



She stopped as a car rolled slowly down to next to her.

"Hey neighbor, need a ride?"

Turning to the car she swallowed, noticing that it was the guy from earlier that she'd been staring at. She then realized that she'd done it again; stared at him that is. She blinked and swallowed hard, chuckling slightly at how awkward she'd most likely made the situation.

"U-uh yeah, that'd be nice, thank you," she responded, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear and walking around the car. She was a bit unsettled by the fact of getting in a stranger's car, no matter if he was her new neighbor and crush or not, but at the same time relieved that it wasn't some creepy older guy trying to kidnap her or something. Getting in she looked around the car a bit fascinated. Admittedly she'd only ever seen the inside of her parents' and her own cars, so a stranger's car was intriguing.



Marietta finished up with the laundry, she could hear her husband yelling to the kids about a meeting, and she knew exactly what he was going to talk about. She rushed upstairs hoping none of the kids were already up there, she walked into the kitchen "You can't tell the kids about our neighbors yet" she stated. "At least not yet, the last thing we need is drama and issues" she knew the two of them had their issues with that family "I think we should go talk to Catherine and Richard first before letting the kids know" she said in a quiet but serious tone​




London looked at Liam's twin oddly and raised a brow. He was reacting to her a bit weirdly. Maybe he was anxious or shy? His words seemed to be a bit choppy. She turned back to Liam's sister who introduced herself as Lia.

"Thanks Lia. Nice to meet you," she said what a smile. "And you are?" she asked the Liam's twin curiously. Her powers must've been working on him, but the reaction was much more powerful compared to any other guy.

London turned her attention to what she assumed as their father walking out to the front yard. He seemed to be angry. The father barked at his kids wanting them to go inside. This family was not as friendly as London thought at first, or it could just be their father. London could relate. Lots of people got bad vibes from both of her parents, but she didn't mind. They threatened anyone who tried to screw with the family.

She was a bit bummed that all the Diamond kids were ordered to go back inside. London was hoping they'd be invited for dinner. She wanted to be anywhere but her own household. She didn't know how to face her own uncle. It was her first day in the town, and London had no where else to go. Sure, she had a lot of unpacking to do, but it was too hard to avoid Anthony.

@NightSky @KaalysBR @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki

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Markus turned around, to see Marietta. "Im not going to tell them anything. Just that we need to meet these people before anyone continues. I hope their kids are better than both of them, honestly I do. But heredity is a thing, so they might be like them." He sighed, running his hand threw his styled hair. "How about we walk over tomorrow morning and have a chat with them?"


Carter watched the girl as she got into his car, she seemed really nervous, which made sense they didn't even know each others names. "I'm Carter " he said nicely, she was hot but he wasn't in the flirty mood, he blamed his uncles unessisary appearance at the house. He had his GPS on mainly cause he barely knew where he was going. He looked down at his phone quickly to make sure his family hadn't been trying to get a hold of him, but nothing so he put the car in drive and started back on the road. Well he figured this would be an interesting was to get to know someone, "sooo" he said a little lost for words, which was really strange for him




She laughed again at herself after he spoke up with a rather questioning "so".

"I am so awkward, sorry," she apologized, realizing she hadn't said her name," Elaine. Where are you guys moving from?"

She hoped a bit of chatting might help their situation, plus she was rather curious. Where did they come from that normal might be his mother holding a gun to a man's head then moving past it like nothing happened? Ignoring her internal question of the debacle earlier, figuring it a bit rude to ask about it, she listened to him talk.

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"Alright, good at least we are on the same page" She turned and faced the window leading outside and the kids were still outside "I'm guessing either they didn't hear you or don't want to listen to you" she teased him, she went back into the kitchen and started putting some food on her plate "Hopefully they will be back soon" she pulled one of the stools out from under the island and sat down " in the mean time, we don't want this food you ran for to get cold" she smiled at him taking a bite.​



"Up north, like basically Canada" he lied, he really didn't know if he was allowed to say where they had been living previously. "It's easier to figure out where it is simply by saying that" he smirked, "it's okay to be awkward, I'm pretty awkward myself at times" he said sarcastically. "So neighbor named Elaine, how long have you been living around here" he wouldn't have been surprised if she said that her family had recently moved here, mainly because it seemed as if she really didn't know where she was to be walking home​



He sighed, "Guess we'll have to buy them all hearing aids. I heard selective hearing was a serious condition in teenagers." He smiled jokingly, and made his way over to her. "That's true, it'd be a waste. Why don't we just not feed them. Send them to our neighbors" He pulled out a pair of chopsticks from the bag, and pulled out the orange chicken he picked for himself.



"Well, actually," she responded, relaxing a bit at his friendly conversation," we've been living here for a while, I just... really don't get out much. I'm either at work or at home and in my car in between."

She knew how boring her life must sound to someone who was wandering randomly at night. She didn't even know where he'd come from, and she'd lived here for how many years?

@Tsiwentiio (I don't know WHY it keeps separating this part)
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"Just think of this as a date night, haven't had one of those in a while" she teased, she was happy that the two of them were able to have a little while together, just the two of them, with 5 kids that seems to get harder and harder. "They should be coming back soon anyway, and if anything they are going to be next door most likely" she poured some rice onto her plate. "I had to umm use my power today" she said quietly "There was someone in the house" Marietta hated using her power but she realized in that moment that she had no choice​



"Must be nice, living in one place for a long time" he said, he was hoping that his family wouldn't be relocated again. "I like to go out, Having 4 other siblings makes me go insane if I stay at home for too long" he smirked, the remembered all the times he would just up and leave if one of his sisters was hogging the remote or if two of them were fighting, he would just up and leave. "I always loved going to the movies, I guess I'm a nerd like that" he ran his fingers through his hair, for some reason he found it hard to act all cool and suave like he typically could. He felt nervous around her, he really didn't know what the right thing to say was.​


Markus nodded, "After our family meeting what about continuing date night, and watching a movie in bed?" But it was hard having alone time with her with 5 kids. All teenagers. Even though it's less work, but they complain and don't listen a lot. Tonight was a good example. "Probably a Blackwell. I'd like to inform our children to keep them outside." He didn't want 10 kids running around in his house. It was big, but not 10 kids. Fuck that.


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