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Fantasy The Rise of the Dark One

Alora was the only one out of the five who was still standing. For some reason the descendant forgot about her. She ran to Damion who had gotten a face full of cement. "Damion, are you ok?" She kneeled beside him and looked up at every one else. *Man what was that thing* she thought to herself. She stared at the burning town hall And sighed. Whatever it is, it was really strong.
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Em slammed into the floor painfully. She could barely muster the energy to cough and open her eyes to watch the descendant destroy the rest of the people. Her wings disappeared involuntarily and she coughed and blood came out. Em closed her eyes and sat up painfully. "Damion, you all.... are you all okay?"
Alora went over to the girl who just coughed up blood. She got out her scarf from her bag and handed it to the girl. "Here use this to clean your mouth." Alora then went over to another girl who she saw shoot light beams from her hands. She looked at her wound and sighed. "This may hurt. Be prepared." Alora touched her wound and an ice beam went over the wound. It started to sizzle but quickly stopped. Alora placed the girl against the wall and said, "That may help a little." After making sure the girl was fine Alora went over to the boy who was the first to fight. She checked his back and saw a burn mark from the laser blast. Alora did the same trick she did to that girl and sat down. She didn't want to move the guy because it may cause him more pain. She stood and looked at everyone. "Is everyone alright?" She asked.
Noyeh would get smashed into a Building, miracuously surviving. He gets up, having shards of Glass, Stone, and wood punctured in him. "Damn.." Noyeh says, acting like he's not in pain. He grabs his Flintlock Pistol, shooting himself, no words spoken. The shards return back into the Places it was before Noyeh got smashed in it. The Blood floats back inside Noyeh, flesh regrowing instantly. He looks up angry that the Descendant hurt him. "Die!" Noyeh yells, his Clock Rift coming back to him as he jumps from the Building he was smashed into and onto the Ground. The Clock Rift stands behind Noyeh, the Hands turning in random directions. "Die!" Noyeh points his Musket and Flintlock Pistol at the Descendant, his finger on the Trigger. "Zafkiel Yud Bet!" Noyeh yells, thinking of what sacrifice he just made. He pulls out a Green Orb, Noyeh soon disappears from sight, a few moments later he comes back, a lively smirk on his face. The Descendant would feel sharp pain everywhere, falling down on the Ground, as Red Gunpowder fills the Barrel of the Guns. He points both of them at the Descendant.
Damion got up only to slump down on his back. He layed there in the crater not sure what just happened and was only sure that it hurt....a lot "Damn that guy really packs a punch. Good thing we aren't dead yet" he said as he felt all ovrr hus body getting up while he groaned in pain "So what do you think now people of nowheresville! Is it still safe are we all still safe from chaos!?" He yelled as he looked arpund the now vacant area. He was mad but he was alive and now he needed to complete his mission more than ever.
Alora sighed and went over to where she left her jacket. She picked it up and put it on. "I guess you two are alright then.", she says to Damion and the other boy. She walks over to the girl she set by the wall. She taps her arm and asks, "Hey you ok there?" Alora saw where the ice beam she put on her was doing its job and healing the wound. She looked at the woman and said, "Looks like he hit you the hardest."

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