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Fantasy The Rise of the Dark One


The MasterOfDisaster
In the land of Runeterra where magic rules over logic an ancient power long forgotten by mankind has been unleashed. The threat is an old foe fought by the seven greatest wizards on the continent. The name of this ancient enemy is named Diarius, The Destroyer of the Divine, and with him there are also seven of his descendants. Each descendant has almost as much power as their creator and are all just as dangerous. The Descendants rising are the sign that Diarius is reviving and it is up to the Great Seven to stop them. You are one of the seven descendants of the seven greatest wizards mankind has ever known and it is up to you and the other six to stop the Descendants from rising and destroying Runeterra. If Diarius rises it shall be the end of humanity as we know it. Are you up to the challenge?
Damion walked around town for a while looking for peopme with acceptional magical powers with everyone he talked to rejecting his idea to revive a long forgotten guild of strong individuals "Damned ignorance! We are facing total abd utter destruction and they dont even care" he said feeling angry toward the group of wizards he had just felt rejection from. Feeling a little hungry and tired from carrying his back pack full of arnor he decided to go to the inn just across the street to get a meal "Hey bar tender can i get some food and drink here i also need a room" he said as he walked in and sat down atvthe inns bar.
Ember sighed and mentally chided the stupidity of the people at this town. They cut themselves off from the world right outside the town and they were all selfish. She searched her backpack for money to buy some food with and came up with what hopefully was enough. She wandered down the street, looking for a restaurant or bar that didn't stink of industrial waste and people. She decided on an inn and went to the bar. Em usually didn't drink, but the alcohol helped dull the stench of the city.

She ordered a drink and overheard a guy talking to a group of wizards. He left looking angry and said something about total destruction. Ah, someone else who's being rejected by people who don't care about saving this place. She caught his eye and raised an eyebrow at what he said about utter destruction.
Damion grumbled as he ate trying to figure out what he should do next. As he looked around at what few peopke there were in the inn he saw a girl set apart from the rest looking right at him. Confused he got up and walked over to the girl "Hello im not sure if i did something to offend you but what are you staring for if you want to talk to me im sitting right over there with the massive bag and large amounts of food" he said pointing to his table. "My name is Damion, im a wizard and martial artist" he introduced himself as he bowed as ridiculously as he could.
Em saw the guy get up from his table and noticed the slight confusion on his face. I guess he saw me looking.

After his introduction, Ember laughed shortly and said, "I was wondering what got you thinking about 'utter destruction' of this world." She picked up her small pack and walked over to join him. "You can call me Em or Ember." She sat at the table took a drink from her glass. "I'm— well, you can consider me a kind of wizard, I suppose."
Damion looked at the girl surprised she didn't know about the prophecy "You know the end of the world? Well my master had a vision that i'd go around the country looking for the seven descendants of the seven strongest wizards that ever existed only so far everyone has been telling to screw off or die in a ditch" he said quite casually toward the girl as he sat back down in his seat "Anyway Em what brings you to this desolate town in the middle of nowhere?" he asked trying to figure out what a girl as unique as he would be doing in such a dead end place like this. As he pondered the possibilities he decided to finish eating and then looked up at the girl "Hey if you dont have a room to stay tonight you can stay with me in my room tonight! It'll be cheaper to so that we dont have to waste as much money!" he stated proudly with his mouth partially full of food half chewed.
Noyeh being met with a Group of Wizards, as they would ask for a Duel. Noyeh accepted, his Astral Clothing forming on, his Musket and Flintlock Pistol in hand. As the Group of Wizards do a Group Attack, Noyeh points his Flintlock Pistol at himself. "Zafkiel Aleph" Noyeh says, pulling the Trigger. He disappears before the Wizards get to him, he appears behind the Group, knocking out 3 of them just with a Wonk on the Head. He shoots the Rest, blood flying around the place as the Bullet hit they're skulls. He walks off, pulling his Hood up and walking over to a Bar. He makes it, entering it, he would see people talking and talking. Noyeh got so~ annoyed he sat down at a Table and flipped the Table in front of him. All else he just sat there, looking at his Watch. He pulls out his Flintlock Pistol, shooting his Leg as no blood, wound, or sound was generated. Looking back at his Watch, staring at it harshly. His Astral Clothing off, as he is in his Black Hoodie. The Hood over his Eyes, but him still being able to see. His weaponry gone as well after the Silent Shot.
"Ah, well I was contemplating the failure of humanity and the destruction of nature. This area didn't use to be so desolate." Ember sighed and drank some more. At his offer, she shrugged. It would be nice to sleep inside for a change. "Sure, why not. Might as well save money. I'm not sure if I have enough to split though." She paused to think. "I could go with you to stop the end of the world or whatever."
Damion looked around the bar for anyone he could try and get to help fight an ultimate terror but he couldn't pick just anyone he had to find a spear wielder, a shape shifter, a light mage, a time controller, and an elemental user before any other trouble happened. The other problem was that he had to try and remember what the other two wizards magic were. H was taught never to forget anything told to him by his master and now when he needed to remember he forgot "Hey so what can you do? what are you good at ?" he asked the girl as he continued to eat " I can use martial arts to utilize wind and sometimes fire but mostly just wind" he stated before gulping down a bit of his drink.
Em paused between bites. "I can... I'm a shapeshifter, somewhat. I can turn into a wolf... or I used to be able to. Now I can only go part way." She blinked and went back to eating. "And on occasion, I can manipulate the weather and lightning, things like that. I used to be much better, though." She raised her eyebrows at his powers. "Two elements... that's more uncommon these days."
Noyeh would get up from his Seat, no longer looking at his Watch. He walks over to the Bartender/Owner of the Place. "Hello! I need a Room please!" Noyeh says to the Person, soon enough the Owner of the Place would feel great pain in his Left Leg. "Now?" Noyeh responds, the Owner would give him the Keys out of pure pain, walking over to the closest Hospital. Noyeh went upstairs the Building, unlocking the Door to his Room, entering. He would walk over to the Bed, laying down with his Hood up, covering his Eyes. Noyeh would soon fall asleep, no matter of what time of day it was.
Alora walked down the street slowly. Uncle wouldn't be back for about 2 days so maybe she should sleep somewhere that doesn't smell like alcohol for tonight. Alora saw an inn up ahead so she decided to stay their the night. As she walked up to the counter she searched in her skirt pocket for some money. She asked for a room and for someone to bring food up to her room. She didn't want to eat on the main floor, men like her uncle always hung around here. She thanked the man and took the key. As she headed to the stairs she felt a weird presence and turned her head. She saw a man and a woman talking and eating together. She guessed they were married or something, who knows, all that mattered was that she knew they had magic. She quickly turned her head and headed up to her room before they noticed her. Her hand shook as she unlocked her room. She closed the door behind her and locked it. She threw her bag on the old bed and zipped off her jacket. She sighed. Maybe she should go down later and introduce herself to the other two wizards. Alora shook her head and sat down. She felt really hot when she was near that man. She fanned herself and closed her eyes. She quietly sang a lullaby her mom use to sing to her as a little girl.
Noyeh woke up, scratching his Head as he wonders why he woke up. He looks over at the his Watch. "Only slept for 30 Minutes!" Noyeh complains, digging into his Bag. Of all the Sharp Metal in there, he gets cut a few times. Noyeh grabs his Flintlock Pistol, pointing it at himself. "Zafkiel Dalet" Noyeh says, firing, no blood, wound, or sound was made. Noyeh's cuts healed as if nothing happened, he than walks back to the Bed, laying down and soon enough sleeping.
Alora woke to a soft knock on the door. Did she fall asleep? Alora got up and looked at the door. For some reason she was scared. Her heart wouldn't stop pounding against her chest so hard. Her hand started forming an icy mist until she heard a woman's voice, "Ma'am I have brought you your food you ordered." Alora sighed with relief. She unlocked the door and opened it. She tipped the woman and accepted the food. Warm chicken breast, two bread rolls, and a cup of water. Alora was about to close the door when she felt another presence across the hall. It was another wizard, but it wasn't like the two from earlier. She closed the door and locked it again. She placed the tray of food on the table and sat. She sighed and started to eat her warm meal.
As the time passed Damion finished his food and waited for the girl to finish hers as well "So what else can you do since you cant fully transform now?" He asked the girl trying to learn more about her. He looked at the girl a little closer and noticed that she actually looked kind of cute but he also knew he had no time to try and make a girl fall in love with him "So anyway i guess we better turn in for the night if we stay out to late the drunks and pervs might try to attack you" he said half laughing half serious with his tone toward the girl.
Luna sat on the park bench, the lonlyness was really making her upset. She shot a beam of light into the sky in the shape of a alone person. She let out a big sigh, as she had a small flashback of her family altogether a couple tears going down her cheek, she then shot a red beam into the air with no shape, she laid on the bench and looked at the stars, wiping at the tears trying to stop them but they wouldn't.
Noyeh would wake up again, seeing a Ray of Light in the Sky, one red, on white. He thought for a moment. Why would those be there? Noyeh grabbed his Flintlock Pistol & Musket, pointing his Flintlock Pistol at himself. "Zafkiel Aleph" Noyeh says, instantly appearing right next to the Ray's of Light, a Clock Rift appearing underneath him so he doesn't fall. The Rift moves a bit closer to the Rays of Light. Noyeh would place his Finger close to the Light, than stopping for a moment. Maybe it's too hot and it'll burn my skin.. Noyeh decides to touch it no matter the cause, his finger successfully touches the Ray of Light.
Luna could feel a small disturbance in one of her rays of light, she wiped away her tears and looked, she saw someone touching it "don't touch it, it will burn you!" She shouted at the boy, this could be a disaster if she let him continue touching it.
Damion regretted staying up late with the girl he had met yesterday although it wasnt because of her. He decided late that night to have a drink and to have a little fun before resuming his search for the destined 7. While he had his first drink he handed the shapeshifter girl his room key and told her he would be up in an hour or so and told her she didnt have to wait up but for the life of him he could figure out why he wanted the drink. The next morning felt like he had hit the pavement with his face. The thought wasnt quite wrong but he had hit the hard wood floor not the cement and also had a very large red hand print shape on his face. He looked around and saw the girl from yesterday lying in bed sleeping and then noticed he had slept on the floor all last night. Damion tried to remember what had happened last night but could only remember a soft feeling he had felt with his hands when he got back into his room "What the hell happened?" He asked himself as he looked around for his back pack. Realizing he had forgotten it completely he rushed downstairs to collect his things and found the spot he had left them empty except for the twin pairs of gauntlets from his set of armor left in his bag "AHHHHHH!! NO THIS CAN NOT BE HAPPENING!!!!" He yelled loudly in the inn as he freaked about his lost gear. After taking a moment to breath he looked around and saw alit of the usual older wizards and bar patrons and then noticed a little girl sitting by the window looking out toward the sky "Hello there little girl how are you doing do you mind if i sit? My name I'd Damion Salvatore what's yours?" He asked as he sat down at her table after picking up his gauntlets from the floor strapping them to his belt.
Alora turned from the window and stared at the man's gauntlets. She looked up at the man's face and realized it was the man from last night.

She stared at him wide eyed and said "A-Alora Loral." She started feeling hot again for some reason. She sat back and stared at the man. Wait a minute. Did he call her 'little girl'? Alora frowned at him and said "I am almost 15 so please do not call me a little girl." She crossed her arms as she glared at Damion.
Damion smiled a little at the girl abd then laughed "Dont worry im just having a little fun im not that old my self but i just want to know how old you think i am" he said challenging the girl to try and get her to guess his age "Im older than you but how old am i? Well at any rate its nice to meet you Alora Loral" he smiled some more at the girl and then waved for the bar tender to grab him a meal as well.

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