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Fandom The Rift


King Dreadpool, the Wrathful
(Changed from advanced to novice)

(Read the Out of Character section for the rules)

(Read the overview for the main information)
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Naraku, his face shrouded by his baboon cloak, stood as still as a statue within the icy depths of Frostplight. He had a slightly twisted smirk on his face, and his eyes gleamed red. He looked pleased by some unknown prospect. He chuckled softly, as he bent down, his eyes focused upon something embedded in the snow...
A chilling wind blew Kate's long dark hair in spirals that drifted north to where the wind was blowing as she stood alone. Gripping her bow like a safety blanket she chattered her teeth before slowly starting to trudge onwards, hoping for the infernal wind to stop and possibly pizza. It was a stupid goal but it helped her to keep walking forward.
The snow that she walked on crunched under Kate's black boots. This wasn't like the snow in New York where even if you got up as early as you could someone else would always be there to leave thier own foot prints before you could. Thinking of New York, where was she? Kate could remember where she was before she arrived here, her new flat in the heart of New York before she was taken.... well here. Wherever she was Kate was freezing and wasn't getting warm anytime soon.

It was a shard, a shard of the Shikon Jewel that had apparently been warped here along with everything else. Naraku had been moments away from procuring it within Feudal Japan before space itself had shifted. Naraku had been fearful of losing this opportunity... but the shard had remained mere feet from him. It was, as mortals would say, a miracle. The shard felt warm in Naraku's hand, almost as though something was alive... pulsing inside of it. The moment his hands touched it, the jewel, once pale and emitting a purple glow, turned black with malice...

"Another shard that belongs to myself..." He drawled. He placed it somewhere under his baboon cloak for safe-keeping. Before he made his departure, his competent senses detected someone not to far off from himself. He turned around, slowly, his red eyes narrowed. He had the initial impression that this barren wasteland was devoid of human-beings. He couldn't see how humans would be able to survive this intense cold... but then again, he knew not of the millions of individuals coming from different worlds other than his own.
No sign of life still.....

Kate hummed a tune without pattern or melody as she determinedly marched forward, pushing against what seemed like a wall of snow and cold air that relentlessly forced her back. Should she fire a flare arrow and see if anyone noticed? Nah.

However five slow minutes later her mind had been changed after she'd gone headfirst into a snow drift for the third time. Giving into her pride she pulled out a flare arrow, shivering like crazy but on her third attempt she managed to pull the string back further and succeed.
@BishopandBarton @Dreadpool10

A large red and black snow dozer with a logo on the front come barreling along with loud music playing. If you listen closely you can hear " Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want, So tell me what you want, what you really really want, I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want, So tell me what you want, what you really really want, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ha.~"
Kate numbly went for another arrow as noise flooded her senses.

"Spice girls.......?" She groaned, tightening the string in her bow and stepping back a bit, into another blindingly cold snow drift. Was this hell? If it was hell then it was allot colder than she'd imagined before and a small problem was that she was possibly dead.
@BishopandBarton @Roach of Wrath

The sudden flare arrow confirmed Naraku's inquiries. There was indeed someone else roaming around here. He gave a satisfied chuckle, his feet hovering slightly off the ground now. However, his eyes widened slightly when he heard... rather odd music also not to far off from his location. He could hear something plowing through the snow, and he saw a glimmer of red and black. His curiosity returned immediately, heightened. "Intriguing... another individual roaming through these barren waste?" He thought.
@BishopandBarton @Dreadpool10

The large snow dozer pulled up right beside Kate turning down Spice Girls. "Ha ha you look like S***........... Wait I can't say S***....... Well this S****.... Really what the F***.........********************************************** Wow you guys are a bunch of kill joys." Deadpool looks back to Kate, "Oh righting your dieing. Want a ride I got chimichanga's?
Gaige sat one a few boxes of food, taking a pack every once in a while. She pressed a few buttons on her wrist and a large robot formed, floating above the ground. As shadowt figures formed a few yards away she munched at an apple. The deathtrap readied it's claws as the men charged forward with guns of all types. Deathtrap ripped with few of them to pieces and anyone who was left lost the will to fight. Gauge knew one could make a lot of enemies doing a good job in her line of work. Still, dying was not a hobby she enjoyed so as Deathtrap evaporated Gauge headed to the transporter. She put a few dollars in the receptacle traveled to Frostplight. She stepped off her transport and noticed a few colorful people and walked to the snow dozer and looked up "Somebody say chimichangas? I'm Gaige by the way, and this....." She pressed a button on her wrist as a robotic figure appeared beside her.


"This is Deathtrap, you are?"


"Dam Skippy were are my manners, introduction time!" Deadpool jumps up on the dozer as dub step started to play "I'm the Merc with a Mouth! I'm the one who knocks! I'm the one who will most likely to shot you in the a**! The one and only one in this RP besides the creator's name Deadpool! And for those who speak Spanish." Deadpool now wearing a sombrero looks to Gaige and says "Hola mi nombre es la piscina de la muerte!" (Hello my name is pool of the death) "Any questions?"
"Two actually, where did you get the hat, and why you would ever need to have all those nicknames. But, besides that, it's a pleasure to meet you. But you could work in your Spanish, proper nouns stay the same and whatnot. Looks like we have something in common, me being a mercenary." Gaige said, hoping she wasn't rambling.
Kate expertly raised an eyebrow before shaking her head. It was one of those things you got taught when you were little, don't go into strange snow dozers with strangers or go into a unbooked cab after you've been partying and do on.

"Wait who was the other guy?" She managed, realising that this "Gaige" probably wasn't the other guy.
"Yo Dreadpool10 I think BishopandBarton is talking about your character just a heads up." Deadpool sated to the RP's creator giving him a wink."Don't worry I'll give you some filler."

"OH I know let talk about ********!" Said one of the voices in Deadpool's head

"No, we can't talk about that. This is not a XXX rated RP." The other voice stated.

"Awwww, But that's are favorite kind of RP!" He yelled back

"No, we like RP's with class that's heavily story driven with character development." He sated

"I like RP's with BOOBIES!"

"Your an imbecile."
Kate smacked Deadpool round the head using the back of her hand with annoyance as he seemed to drift to his own little world

"Do you mind? I mean what the hell are you talking about anyway and where are you going?"
"Well I'm trying to find the plot but that does not seem to be working. Where are you going Miss Hits Alot?" Deadpool asked as he started to eat a chimichanga through his mask. "Want one?"
"Nah" Kate replied pulling herself up onto the snow dozer with triumph as her freezing body reluctantly allowed her movement. "And where I'm going? No idea, I just got here but if it's no trouble I wouldn't mind a lift. Hawkeye II of Shield" She then nodded, before looking for somewhere to sit.
"Well all aboard the DEADDOZER WOOT WOOT!" He said jumping backing to the snow dozer and waited for the rest of the new people he met to join in.
Resisting the urge to roll her eyes before pulling her phone out and checking for signal Kate gave a little sigh. "No 3g or WiFi or anything here." She quietly murmured to herself.
Gaige let out a small laugh and hopped aboard the dozer. She said "So......what now?" As Gaige twiddled her thumbs and looked around.
Deadpool puts on a pair of dark sunglasses and looks to his new companions. " Now we ride." He said as he slammed his foot down on the gas. Unexpectedly it started going around 25 mph.
Kate gritted her teeth and clenched her bow as they started to move, small flecks of snow biting at her arms and senses. The cold was starting to get boring and numb to her which was slightly stupid.
"Right now I'm heading to Comi-City. I have some friends there who can give us a place we can crash." He said while eating his chimichanga in the cab of the dozer away from the harsh environment and the heater going when all of a sudden a song comes on. it's opening chorus plays 'Ouga Chaka ouga'.

"OH! This is my jam...I can't stop this feeling. Deep inside of me. Girl, you just don't realize. What you do to me" Dead pool started to sing.
"When you hold me, in your arms so tight, you let me know- everything's alright" Kate quietly grinned to herself as they continued to travel, recognizing the tune from one of her dad's old records.

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