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Realistic or Modern The Remaining


Warren held his gun up, that was until he recognised Archer. Looking confused, he slowly lowered the gun

No you were the one who was supposed to be dead, that explosion wiped out the remained but you were thought dead.

Putting the gun away he approached Archer, staring the other man down, this seemed too good to be true.

Klaus sighed in relief "they looked like they were going to kill each other" he said lowly hoping no one heard him, he quietly went back into the forest and killed some of the remained
Mark glared at the newcomer.

"Next time you enter this camp, if ever, try not to cause a panic. Things might have gotten bloody."

He holstered his gun.

"Welcome to camp."

Warren put his gun away but was still apprehensive over the fact that he recognised Archers voice but until he saw his face

he would not believe it. He had learned not to believe in anything unless they were laid out in front of him.

With a way look on his face, the gun was put away and he stood waiting for the mask to lift

Klaus ran through the wood killing any of the remained that he could find but he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw a massive horde he knew he could take on maybe 1/3of it but the rest would kill him a few came at him he easily cut the head and limbs off but soon after massive ammouts of the remained started charging towards him and he couldn't take them all so he sheathed his sword and and did he what he hated to do..run he ran all the way back to Aliamanu having to keep changing directions because the the remained where coming from every where "why are there so many " he continued to run until he made it to the gate he banged on the gate for someone to hear him he screamed at the same time "HEY LET ME IN THERE COMING..HEY
Archer understood the look and raised his mask up to reveal a handsome face with a scar running along the side of it. Before he could say anything he heard shouts. He raised his bow ready for anything.
"It must be the horde you were talking about. Luckily we reinforced."

Mark marched through the town.

"Battle stations! I repeat, battle stations! This is not a drill!"
someone finally let him in the gate and he ran around trying to find mark he finally found after 5 minuets of searching "SIR there is a massive horde of remaining heading this way" he panted out of breath from running so much

"I know. Go to your battle station. This battle is your chance to prove yourself."

Mark patted his shoulder and headed to the officer's tent for planning.
Klaus nodded and ran to his house, as soon as he ran through the door he picked up Oliver and ran upstairs towards his Amory he put Oliver in and grabbed an extra sword and strapped it to his back.. he ran down locking and dead bolting the door before running to the gate and getting to his station
Archer stood right at the gate. He held his bow up high but he knew it would be good until they got up close. Then he would use the katanas on his back.
The horde stumbled into view. Hundreds of them shambled through the plain. Mark was glaring at them. His men raised their weapons.

"Wait. Wait...."

Mark aimed his fist at them.

Klaus waited in postion until the people with guns took out most of the remained when that happened he did what he was supposed to him and a small group jumped down and finished off what was left but more of the remained kept pouring in. The horde getting bigger, Klaus klled some and jumped back with the rest of his team he motioned up to mark to let the people shoot again

Mark yelled his next order.

"Continous fire! Do not cease firing until the horde is destroyed."

His men opened fire. The firing continued for a good 3 minutes. Those with guns kept reloading and firing, those with bows notched arrow after arrow.

"Cease fire! Melee attack squad, phalanx position. Charge!"
Archer fired arrow after arrow. How did they get here so fast?!? he thought to himself. Then the firing stopped and people charged the horde. Archer dropped his bow and took out his dual katanas, looking like a complete bad ass as he did so. He ran the horde before jumping up and bringing his left blade down the spinning around and slicing with the right blade. He ducked down and stabbed a remain then slashed another. His clothes were now covered in blood.
After 2 minutes of slaughter, he order the attack squads back.

"Commence continuous fire!"

They began dropping even more Remains.
Klaus felt useless because he only used swords "forget this" he sheathed his sword and grabbed a bow from a boy that was to scared to shoot he began to shoot the remained of course counting as he did so, his aim was a little off because he was not used to using a bow but he killed nevertheless
The horde was almost destroyed.

"Alright! Final push! All soldiers, lock into formation and charge!"

The men screamed wildly and smashed into what remained of the horde, slaughtering Remains by the dozens.

Warren had been firing at the remaining that had been crawling into the area.

With his usual accuracy he shot down more than he cared to keep count of.

Once the main horde was taken care of, he went straight for his truck since he had no other weapons.

Climbing into the truck, he revved the engine and headed back for the clearing from earlier.

Grabbing a hatchet he made off running into the woods after Archer and the others

Mark laid another order.

"Lets drive them away from the city! Bring the fight to them, and save the city from the Remains threat forever! Charge!!"

His men cheered as they ran into the woods to pursue the Remains. He signaled to Warren and Archer to flank them.
Archer peeled off from the main body. He already knew the hordes he had been tracking would soon join the fight and he needed to find a way to stop them. His black uniform stuck out like a sore thumb as he sprinted away from the fight.

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