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Realistic or Modern The Remaining

Mark looked down at the blood orgy beneath him. Nicklaus, the private from earlier, was preforming very well. Perhaps he had a future in the ranks...
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Mark buzzed in.

"Just bring them back. We'll help them later. Also, offensive phalanx. We're going to push into their main body."
Klaus continued to kill counting as he did so after awhile almost all of the remained in his group's area were gone and only about 10 were left he figured that he should let some of the other people kill some of them he wiped the blood off his face and off his sword he walked back up to the leader and stood at full attention
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Mark nodded at him.

"We'll be driving the horde out when they're finished. You should lead the charge, as you don't seem to lack any enthusiasm killing Remains."
Alison would stab the rest of the zombies staring at the man covered in blood "Nice job, did you kill all of them?" Alison said as Selena walked to a bed with a guard
he nodded "yes sir" he turned an started to head towards the charge when a girl said something to him and he smirked "not all but most using a sword is faster than guns and plus I can't run out of ammo with this" he grinned and held up his sword before cutting off the head of a remained
"I use this knife and a gun. But I like to save my ammo because I don't always stop into towns like this..." Alison said as she cleaned off her knife
"That seems to be the last of them here. Now let's end this threat forever. Nicklaus, you'll lead Tom, Jack, and Will through the west gate and surprise that flank. The rest of us will slam through the south gate. The pressure from our attacks will destroy them."

Mark nodded at the girl walking past.

"I'll get to you soon. We have a battle to win."
"yes sir" Klaus nodded before running off towards his group taking them and going to the west gate the group started killing the remained "tom take the left, Will the right, jack cover them from behind ill take the ones to the north" he says before unsheathing his sword killing a couple remained he looked back "what are you waiting for GO" he yelled and returned to killing
"Hey! I said we'd get to you later! And plus, the horde's on the south gate anyway."

Mark crossed his arms.

(Directed to Ali)
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Mark's main force stormed through the Remains outside the south gate, swerving to the west and connecting with Nicklaus's forces. The two combined and drove right into the heart of the horde.
Selena ran up to Ali and gave her some food "It's like a buffet up there" Selena said pointing to one of the houses

"Thanks for the food... But it's not a buffet, it just looks like that because I could barely find any food for us"
Niklaus killed more and more remained until his group met up with the rest of the force together they killed the rest of the remained "awe that's it I was hoping for more.. well at least my kill score is at 420"
The men cheered at their victory, holding up the banner of the town and waving it. They paraded back. Mark arrived back at the town center, and waited for the cheers to die down before giving a speech celebrating their glorious victory over the Remains.
Niklaus sheathed his sword and walked to the town center wondering why everyone was so happy about killing all those remained
(Isn't this the same guy who grins at the thought of killing them andslaughters hundreds while keeping count?)
(hey he loves killing them but he doesn't understand why the town is kinda like throwing a party when he does this on a daily basis )
(But they just repelled a massive horde that could've slaughtered the entire town, and even killed them instead. Even Nicklaus doesn't do that remotely often.)
Niklaus stood by the stage that Marcus was standing on about to give his speech he wiped the blood from his sword and his face he thought for a second and remembered he didn't count a kill "421" he smirked

Warren had been driving his beaten pickup truck for a few days now, after filling it up at an abandoned depot. Despite being quick about it, the remained were just as fast.

He had barely gotten away with a full tank and now he was travelling about halfway through the tank, the only thing he could hear apart from his steady breathing was the

static voice of an old cassette playing some dull country song. His truck was loaded up with basic medical supplies, rations and weapons. He generally did not trust people

and the incident with the remaining only hardened him to look out for himself.

Checking out the old army maps he had, he saw there was an army base not too far from here. Thinking he could possibly get better gear he made for the base

As he neared the base he found more and more of the remaining were moving towards the place. Getting worried, he checked his gear and saw he was fully armed and loaded. Making a sharp turn he came off the road towards the entrance and instead drove into the woods before parking up. It was then he heard the sounds of fighting. Grabbing a gun or two he left the truck locked and made his way to the fight.
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