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Fantasy The Reckoning

Dust knocked on the door again. He raised an eyebrow. "Hey!" He tried calling their attention and waved at them. As soon as someone would look, he'd point to the door knob. The cold wasn't making him feel better and he felt pangs of annoyance but thrust them aside.
Aero let go of Mimi with a pointed look, she should get some food in her soon because Aero really didn't feel like having her pass out. Jogging towards the door where a man she dubbed " Angry Towel Guy" banged on the door, she ran her hands back and forth across the knob, toying with him for a second. Finally, Aero opened the door and let Angry Towel Guy in. " Mmkay, I'm done being a bitch, come in".
Dust nodded as Aero, her name was if he remembered right, opened the door. "Thanks," he said. Dust held out his hand in greeting. "Uh...Dust," he introduced himself. He looked at everyone else in the room with a 'I hope you guys aren't going to go batshit crazy on me' look. He brushed his damp hair to the side. Now that he was in, he's never felt more... of an outsider. Dust remained silent unless spoken to.
Mimi nodded at Kira, smiling brightly. “Your kindness is appreciated. I think we are some of the most fortunate in this new world, to have a place like this and everything.”

Noticing Aero’s absence, Mimi glanced over to where she had gone and saw the other man standing next to the doorway after just coming in. His hair was damp, as though he had just gotten out of the pool, bringing Mimi to the conclusion that this was one of the two Merpeople. Melissa had always known she was empathetic, but it seemed that, just by looking at this man for a few moments, Mimi could tell a few things about him. These were not big things, just small tidbits that told her this man was not part of the original group. He had introduced himself to Aero in a formal way, and though he smiled a bit, it seemed forced, almost locked down. Mimi couldn’t be sure, but maybe something had happened to set him apart from the others. Well, Mimi would do whatever she could to make sure everyone in her group would get along.

Walking over to Aero and Dust, Mimi extended her hand. “Dust is it? I’m Melissa, or Mimi, depending on your preference. It’s a pleasure. I didn’t even realize you were here. Well, not that I’ve been here long enough to realize much of anything, but yeah. I hope you’re being treated well. These are some of the most incredible people…but you probably already know that…” She stopped herself then, noticing that, in her nervousness of trying to make a good impression and help the situation, she had reverted to rambling, a trait that some called endearing, while others called irritating. “Well, anyhow, it’s very nice to meet you…”
From where she lay in the shallow end of the pool, Dysis heard the door open and close. 'Please be friendly...' She silently pleaded. After a few moments of silence, she released the metaphorical breath she had been holding. At least he wasn't pushed right back outside. Fatigued from today's...unexpected events, Dysis closed her eyes and attempted to fall asleep. Yet none came. There were two factors that played into this, one being that she currently lay in a pool of freezing water, and the immense feeling of loneliness that had now begun to haunt her. Dysis scolded herself 'Stop being such a child, you don't need anyone.' Yet that did little to sooth herself.

After a few minutes of arguing with herself, Dysis finally gave up. The she soon fell into a shallow sleep there after.


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Kira walked to the side of the pool, touching Dysis's shoulder. She was obviously tired beyond belief and looked ready to slip into the pool herself for some shut eye. "DD?" she used the nickname she gave her bestie, showing she was over the whole brother rebellion thing. "You sleeping here? I have some spare rooms if you find a bed more comfy. Or I could heat the pool for you," she spoke softly, wavering a bit as she lost her balance for a moment, almost slipping into the pool.
"Thanks." He mustered the best smile he could given his current predicament. While he appreciated her support, Max couldn't help but feel bad about dragging his friends into this. It was his problem, he didn't want to get them involved. Especially since he had no idea what he was going to do. If he had to do something terrible to get blood, than he couldn't enlist their help. "I don't think I need any right now." He shook his head slightly, just wanting all of this to go away. He was probably in denial. This wouldn't be the first time. When his uncle got arrested he wouldn't accept it.

He was a little hesitant to tell the others. He knew would have to tell them eventually, but this was all so sudden. Max looked in the direction of the others, sighing slightly before looking at the ground. "I don't think I could do all of this alone, so thanks. Really." Max winced upon hearing himself speak. He felt a bit like a wimp, hating that he couldn't do this on his own.
Ellie could see it in his eyes that Max was struggling with this. Who wouldn't be though? Everyone else had turned into something that didn't require anything from anyone else while he needed human blood to survive. "Don't worry about it Max, you're not alone, you don't have to do any of this by yourself," she told him putting her hand on his arm for comfort. "We can tell the others when you're ready but you shouldn't wait too long before having blood. The longer you wait the more dangerous it is for you." The last thing Ellie wanted was Max going into a frenzied state and hurting someone, he'd probably never forgive himself if that happened.

L yawned, "It's getting kind of late," she said rubbing her eyes. "Do you want to go talk somewhere for a bit before bed? Or do you want some time alone?" Ellie didn't want to leave him alone like this unless it was what Max wanted. Only having your thoughts for company could do a number on a person and she knew that from experience. She looked up at him to make sure he was alright still, and waited while he thought about it.
Someone touching her shoulder made Dysis jump a bit. Blinking her eyes open, she slowly sat up with a groan. Seeing Kira she awaited a scolding. But one never came. At the mention of beds she replied "I kinda can't leave the pool. Well, as far as I know." Her tone was defeated and fatigued. As she offered to heat the pool, Dysis gave a grateful nod in response before slowly laying back down.

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Kira nodded and walked over to the panel next to the sliding doors, turning up the water temperature to about 82 degrees. She spoke a soft 'Goodnight' and closed the door behind her. She got to the stairs and let out a cry of complain, her calves burning. Instead, she shuffled to the couch and stared at it. She wrapped a thick black blanket around her and Starr pressed her nose into the back of Kira's knees, the girl collapsing onto the couch. The two dogs laid on the floor against the couch, Kira already fast asleep.
Mason could only laugh as Kira' offered her joking scolding. He wouldn't argue with her logic as it was a lot more concrete then his Because why not? Reasoning for delivering an RKO to whatever the creature they met was. His back flinched as the bandages were finished being applied, the feeling of the cloth wrapped around his torso was warm, rather nice as it could work as a shirt. Being that he physically couldn't wear any of the shirts in the house this was a good substitute so he wouldn't feel completely naked.

There was one problem that halted him from even entertaining the idea of sleeping. Mason wasn't able to piece together his identity but after being told he was an Incubus one particular trait he'd picked up let him know that being around sleeping individuals was the absolute worse situation for him. He didn't know much, but he remembered that incubi preyed on sleeping victims. He'd lost control of his impulses with Ellie and she was still awake, he doubted he would be able to control himself while everyone slept.

A safety precaution had to be established. He hated having to involve Ellie in his problems again but as it stood she was the most knowledgeable about this sort of thing. Mason made slow paces to the kitchen seeing both Ellie and Max. Max seemed to be distraught over something, Mason forgot to mention just what it was Mx had turned into. He knew he was a man of few words but Max had always been kind for the most part. "Hey uh, can I ask a favor of you guys?"

@Lithia @Kosmos
Dust watched as the others went to bed. He figured he might as well do the same. Wait... Where did Mason place his stuff? This would be the perfect opportunity to get it all back now. No... not all. Dust walked quietly up the stairs and made his way into the room he believed had his belongings. He peeked in and saw that yes, indeed it was the correct room. Slowly opening the door a little wider he stepped in. As he looked at the pile of equipment, the only thing he grabbed was his shirt and his USB drive. That had some vital information... including some records of his own that Dust was not at all proud of. Nevertheless the USB contained a virus that took complete control of a computer in seconds and left it to manipulation and use of Dust. Anyway, he pocketed the USB and walked back downstairs, closing the door behind him. The rest of his equipment was left in the room. His pistol, along with other items were still there. Putting on his shirt, Dust looked around. He didn't know where to sleep in a house so new to him. Dust found himself a blanket and simply decided to go back outside. Lying down on the poolside next to Dysis, he used his shirt for a pillow and covered himself with the blanket. "Goodnight," he whispered softly to her as she slept soundly in the water.
Ellie looked up as Mason came over, he seemed distraught over something. She looked back to Max wanting to make sure he was alright, she was still slightly nervous he would do something he'd regret if he didn't feed soon. "Of course what did you need?" she asked Mason, "Are you okay?" The mansion was much quieter now, most of her friends must have gone to sleep after the long and traumatic day. Well at least things would never be boring any more. They should probably go to the hospital room and see if there were any blood bags before they went to sleep.

L shook her head trying not to let her thoughts get to her. Turning her attention back to Mason she waited for him to ask his favor. Hopefully it was something she could do and wouldn't end up being a repeat of earlier.
As Dust walked away, Mimi shook her head, glancing at Aero. “I might have made a fool of myself there, but he’s not the friendliest of people, is he?” She sighed. “Who is he anyway? At least now I know why people seem a bit on edge around him.”

Mimi looked around the room, watching as Kira came in from the pool and collapsed on the couch. People were calming down, and it seemed as though this crazy night was almost over. She yawned, noticing just how tired she was. Though the idea of going back in to the kitchen to eat the other half of that bag of gummy bears was tempting, and though she still wanted information on the possible vampire in the house, she knew that sleep was much more practical.

Mimi placed her hand on Aero’s arm. “I’m exhausted, and as much as I want to know all that’s going on here, I know some things can wait until the morning. But, I’m glad it’s you I found. I’m realizing, if there’s anyone I would want to have with me as the world falls apart, it’s you.” She leaned forward and kissed Aero’s cheek. She turned away, unsure where those honest but emotional words and slight boldness had come from. @Zafirah
Mason gripped the frame of the door. The door frame creaking as it began to show signs of splintering under his grip made him force his hand from the frame a bit of surprise. He supposed he shouldn't be too startled by his increased strength, this was the first instance he'd found himself using his new strength outside of his own will. "Um, since I'm a, you know, I thought it'd be unwise to fall asleep around me, so if you guys could stay awake and take shifts to make sure I don't do anything."

@Lithia @Kosmos
In her concern for Max, Ellie hadn't even thought of Mason. Of course he was right, someone would have to stay awake with him to make sure nothing happened. "I'll stay awake with you for a bit, as long as you think Kira would be alright with it." She was still a little worried her friend might be mad at her for earlier, even though it wasn't exactly her fault Mason had the power to make panties pretty much fly off. She would be careful though, Mason and Kira were her friends and they had a past, L didn't want to get in the middle of whatever it was going on between them, besides she was starting to feel like she might have a slight crush on Max. She wasn't ready to talk about it yet though, her last relationship hadn't ended well so she was in no hurry to start anything new.

"You should go get some sleep," she told Max, "In the morning we'll see about getting you something to eat."

Ellie walked over to Mason "Where do you want to go?" she asked him.
Max turned towards Mason when he heard him speak. He wasn't quite sure if he would be able to get to sleep, too much on his mind. "L, if you get tired, come find me." He sighed softly. "You should at least get some sleep tonight." He was far too wired to sleep, but he was feeling drained. His body felt heavy, yet mind was going a million miles per hour. Trying to rationalize everything that had happened. There were too many unanswered questions. If he did sleep it would be the result of exhaustion, not by his own volition.

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