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Fantasy The Reckoning

Guardia said:
Kira snapped after him, clawing the air. She herself didn't realize how hard it was to fight off someone. Just hold him down! We have to kill him! she snapped at Mason's heels, the placement of her paws showing how she was loosing strength. Around now was the time she started to calm down so she could shift back. She pressed through and went for the other leg. This was becoming tiring. How come in the movies the fight scenes were so easy and how come the villains were so easy to kill?! This is not going out how she planned.
Mason could notice that Kira was tiring while the creature they had ephemerally pinned down didn't seem to be showing signs of stopping any time soon. What was it that made this thing so much more powerful than their combined efforts? The question zipped through his mind much like his physical body was as Mason found it difficult to get a solid grip on the creature. If locking his fingers on the back of it's neck was not enough to keep it from floundering Mason went for one the more classic moves in his MMA arsenal, the half nelson headlock. With his hands still on his neck he pulled his weight up onto it's back interlocking his fingers as he squeezed his arm together as closely as he could. As far as he knew this thing still required oxygen as it's chest had been undulating rapidly to keep up with Kira and Mason's assault.

The beast legs were wringing from Kira's claws thought not with the grace of an escape artist but with the brute force of a wild animal. It allowed the muscles in it's leg to be shredded as it began pulling it's legs from her. Deep gashes ran in aline down it's calves as it began getting to it's feet. "Oh come on! Lay of the roids for fucks sake." Mason was able to catch the fact that it was wrenching itself from Kira as he looked back at the sound of flesh tearing.
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A low growl at Mason escaped Kira's throat. It's hard to lay on the roid's when you're still getting used to your new body! Okay, I'm kinda heavy in some places! She yowled and looked at her upraised paw, blood and gore in her claws and pads. Her stomach rolled but the stench wasn't like she thought it would be. It was faint. Her raised her lips, realizing she couldn't let her focus leave the animal/man. Mason! Pick him up, fly him and drop him! I can get him while he's down. Kira pawed at the man and leapt in place, teeth snapping together. This was getting out of hand! Why can't she just speak to him?!
Ellie walked down the hall and the first person she came across was Max. Thank God he hadn't seen her embarrassing moment earlier, the less people who saw it the better. L didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea about her. She noticed that Max looked like he had just gotten out of bed, "Were you asleep this whole time?" she asked him. A nap was something they could all probably use after today, maybe a week long one. She would have to ask Kira about the room situations later, there was probably enough rooms for each of them but maybe it would be better to partner up in case something happened. It might also be beneficial to have someone watching your back to make sure you didn't do anything you would regret. Except Mason... Mason should definitely have his own room.

"Are you hungry?" L asked Max, "We could go see what kind of snacks are in the kitchen. Kira probably stocked up for the party." Her tummy grumbled loud enough to hear, she hadn't eaten since this morning, too nervous about the party to stomach much of anything.
Mason was struggling to keep the monster subdued as he nearly standing to it's full height now batting his feet back to try and catch Kira with a heel to the face. Whether she was caught by the attack was dependent on her cat like reflexes. Mason couldn't explained what was compelling him to take flight. After making eye contact with Kira for a brief moment while she pawed at the air to get his attention something clicked. He couldn't be sure of the meaning behind his instinct but he'd have plenty of time to do as after they'd taken care of the eight foot tall menace currently trying to rip them both apart.

Mason's wings flapped open to finally reveal their full span. Flapping once only served to displace the loose leaves with a stiff breeze. A second flap made the beast budge for a moment thought still virtually steadfast as it's weight was difficult to adjust to having never even felt his own weight on his wings and already having a passenger, he could sense his first flight was not going to be easy. The beating of his wings grew more and more intense as each cause a pocket of dust to kicked up from it's spring earthen home. Grunting as the effort to pull both of them proved to be difficult he'd finally started to make headway lifting them both in the air, the beast dangling by Mason arm as he kept his headlock steel tight.

It's claws sunk into Mason's back, he couldn't be sure how deep he only knew it hurt, a lot. The claws were not long to stay etched in his flesh as Mason twisted his grip on it's head forcing it to release it's grip before it got any worse. Before long they were both now suspended fifteen feet in the air by the beating of Mason's wings. It was as far at the forest trees would allow at their leaves and branches blocked off high passage. Retracting his wings Mason and the beast both fell back down to earth. Switching his grip around it's neck to where Mason's back pointed to the ground and it's head poked forward to be driven into the ground Mason slammed it in into the earth with an RKO.
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Mimi nodded, still a bit nervous. This meant there was a vampire in the building, but Mimi would give Aero the benefit of the doubt. She knew that in a battle situation, if the opponent got the upper hand, Mimi wouldn’t stand a chance. She was a healer, not a fighter. With Aero’s show of protection, a warm feeling started in her stomach and moved in to her chest, and this became even more apparent at the woman’s close proximity. Another feeling was making itself known as well, a raising of the heart rate and that same color as before entering her cheeks.

“I’m not smiling.” Mimi adopted a serious expression, her lips pressed together, her forehead wrinkled slightly. “This is the end of the world. We are to be doing end of the world things, not making silly…hahahaha…faces at each other!” Unable to stop herself, Mimi burst out laughing at one of Aero’s particularly funny faces.

After calming down, Mimi placed one hand on top of Aero’s, her other hand going to the woman’s cheek. She left it there for a moment, before dropping her hands to her lap. “Right…the outside. That’s what you wanted to know.”’As she began to tell her story, Mimi subconsciously placed her hand on Aero’s once more. “I wish I had more to tell. I was on my way here, to the party, when the change hit me. So, I was almost out of town, and there was hardly anyone else around. Luckily too, I’m sure. The only two transformations I saw were those of a man and a girl. The man turned vampire, and the girl had some demonesque form. They, well, it was a brutal fight. They had no control at all. It was like the humanity was just gone from both of them. One moment they were changing, and the next, they caught sight of each other and just attacked. Well, the man overpowered the girl, and then I had to heal the man. I didn’t want to; it was just something inside of me, this stupid urge to be the angel in the situation…” Mimi paused for a moment. “Angel, maybe that’s it? Anyway, he was healed, and he overpowered me, and he liked my blood, a lot. Luckily it put him in to a stupor long enough for me to get away. I didn’t see anyone else, and the few buildings I saw were deserted. It seems like the change affects people differently. I haven’t figured out why they lost complete control, but we didn’t. Do you think we just got lucky? I wish I had more helpful information, but I was running for my life.” She sighed, trailing off. “I’m just glad I’m here, and that there are others who are like me, and that there’s you, and that you are safe, and Kira and Dysis and Mason as well.”
Max turned towards Ellie when he heard her voice. "Yeah, I got to enjoy a much needed nap." He nodded. Max didn't particularly enjoy sleep. He always felt there were better things he could be doing, but you need energy to do things. So the fact that he had just collapsed in the hallway, meant he was exhausted. His body was sending him a message, one that he couldn't ignore. "Yeah, I am pretty hungry." He said, chuckling when he heard her stomach grumble. "Sounds like you could go for some food too." Max frowned slightly, now was probably as good a time as ever to start thinking about where he was going to acquire blood. He would have to need some eventually. But it wasn't like the local supermarket was just handing out blood. He sure as hell wasn't going to attack someone for it. That just didn't feel right. None of this felt right. He turned his attention back to Ellie, trying to shake the thought from his head. The problem was, he could only put it off for so long.
Kira was stunned by the display of the two in the air but it was lost in her eyes as they rolled to the back of her head. You didn't have to drop with him, stupid. She grumbled. Kira raced forward, ready to bite it's neck but stopped, seeing Mason's bare back. It was cut up and torn, bleeding profusely. It must've cut deep. Seeing only red, Kira roared magnificently and drove her teeth into the back of it's neck. Deep.

Blood pulsed into her mouth but, instead of spitting it out like a bug, she bit deeper, shaking her head and tearing into muscle, flesh and bone. After a few more angry tugs, Kira realized what kind of animal she was acting like and spat him out, stumbling back on her hind legs. Her entire muzzle and half of her neck was coated in it's blood, her claws stuffed full with it's flesh and skin. Nearly throwing up, she turned away from the sight of it's open neck.
L blushed when Max heard her stomach growl. Just one more embarrassing thing to add to the most mortifying day of her life but at this point not a whole lot could be worse than earlier so she shrugged it off. "Yeah I guess I forgot to get something to eat in all this," she laughed and headed toward the kitchen. She winced as she noticed the damage to the walls from earlier, that was going to be expensive to fix.

Her back turned to Max, Ellie started looking through the cupboards, "Let's see; there's chips, and candy, and oh stuff for s'mores, and I guess healthy stuff too. I saw a veggie tray in the fridge earlier, it's probably Aero's. So whatcha feeling like?" she asked turning to face him, a bag of marshmallows in one hand and chocolate in the other. There was a fire pit out back beside the pool, s'mores were a great idea! They could all be together, Dysis and her brother could even stay in the pool. Maybe they would even have a few drinks, it was apparently the end of the world after all.
Mason's elevated strike left it too stunned to retaliate to Kira's coup de grace. It gurgled weakly as it's neck was torn out, it's throws were replaced by stillness as Kira finally halted her onslaught. Mason looked up at the tree line with surprisingly clear vision after performing his favorite wrestling move from fifteen feet in the air. Sitting up he nearly had to lay back down as a burning strip of pain ran up his back starting at his lower back and running parallel to his spine. He'd cut it close, the creature must have cut pretty deep yet the pain that would usually follow that sort of injury wasn't there at least not entirely. He was aware that he had a large wound like all injuries would register, with pain, yet the pain was not terribly intense. It wasn't enough to keep him from looking over to see that Kira had delivered the blow required to stop it from clawing.

"Kira, are you alright." Mason rushed to her side regardless of his wounds sliding to his knees at her side. He held her lion form regardless of whether he still had the privilege to do so. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
Aerowen grinned brightly at Mimi as they laughed, her new teeth sharp but still quite adorable as they were a pearly white and delicate even for fangs. " That damn dimple will be the death of me one day, Mimi". She wasn't lying, her heart fell to her stomach whenever the large indent in smooth, fair cheek showed. Making one more face with her eyebrows bouncing up and down individually, her muscles tensed up even further as Mimi placed a hand against he cheek. Fighting the powerful urge purr loudly, Aerowen would contend with simply sighing with layers of emotion.

The mood quickly sombered up as Mimi began speaking of what the world was like outside in that bloody jungle. Her slim, dark hands went up to rub the other girl's svelte shoulders with the intent of trying to get rid of the stress.
" I'm so sorry you had to go through that, hun...but where's the-uh-bite mark ?".
Kira made no noise, staring at the motionless figure. She actually killed something. Even as Mason flung his arms around her bloodied neck, she did not take her horrified eyes off the man. She probably would've stayed there if not for the racing pain up her spine. She let out a yowl of pain, hating to cut Mason's cuddlefest short. Her muscle began to move...a lot quicker than normal. She panicked a bit, realizing she was in the woods, about to end up naked with the guy she really liked. Also, she'd be covered in mutant blood. Great. Kira managed to back out of his arms but suddenly movement became hard and painful. Her bones and muscles were moving out of place and she could barely out her leg in front of the other without shaking with pain. She managed to crawl to a shielded bush but that was it. "Go," her mangled voice barely escaped the bush's perimeter.
The familiar sound of cracking and shifting flesh and bone clued Mason to back off before he could actually feel Kira attempt to escape his hold. Opening his eyes he noticed her crawling toward the safety of a bush to carry out the remainder of her transformation away from him. He was confused by the reason she had to leave his side. He admitted his mistake at the manor with Ellie but after what had just happened she couldn't still have been upset with him enough to distance herself. The scattered remains of the clothing she had on before she shifted clued him as to the reason. "Oooohhhhhhhhh." He rose to his feet perhaps even more nervous than she was. If she actually came out from behind there completely naked he had no idea what he would do. Well first would probably be to clean that blood off of her.

"I can't just leave you here, I'll close my eyes." He said waiting for her to come out of the bush.
The snapping silenced to only Kira's panicked breathing. "Mason. Go get me some clothes," she spoke neutrally. Kira stared at her hands, the blood still there. She gritted her teeth, realizing if there was blood on her hands, there would be some on her face. "And a towel. Please?" the please having just the slightest hint of fear. What if Mason left and the man came back to life? She'd have to fend it off and would most likely die at that point. She'd die naked and Mason would see her dead and naked and then it would be a really weird and awkward funeral when both her father and Mason attend. Was that really what she was fearful of, suddenly? Having an awkward funeral?
Max followed Ellie to the kitchen, leaning on the counter as she searched through the cabinets. With everything that had happened, Max had forgotten just how big the mansion was. For someone who had grown up in a two bedroom apartment hardly ever having enough money to get by, it was a little unnerving. Especially since he had a habit of accidentally breaking things. Well sometimes they were an accident. Other times, well that wasn't important now. The fanciest place he had ever been before this was the restaurant he had taken his mother for her birthday a couple years ago, and Max had to save up for nearly a year just to afford it. Max considered his options as to what they had to eat. Tapping his finger against his chin as if he was deep in thought. "S'mores do sound nice. But what kind of candy are we talking her?" He said smiling slightly.
"I'm not going to leave you here all alone you crazy?" Mason spoke. He as it happened had a similar thought process. He didn't know what was going on for all he knew this wouldn't be enough to put this thing down and it had taken their combined effort to manage this. He wouldn't leave her alone in the woods scared with the possibility of another one of these things coming along. "Your safety is more important than me seeing you naked." Mason truly did not feel any qualms with simply escorting her back to her house despite her state. They've known each other for years now, he's not saying that walking their injured, naked, blood covered friend was the standard next step in their friendship but they had to be at that level by now. "I promise, I'll close my eyes and we'll both walk back and through the back door, no peeping."
Kira sat up, her bare shoulders seen over the bush. Her eyes glowed and her mouth dripped blood. All together, it was a gruesome sight. "Go. Get. Me. Clothes! I will not be having this discussion with you! You owe me after what you and Ellie did!" she shouted. Her lion was trying to get her to hurt him. Revenge is something you can expect from a scorned woman. No way was she letting her first time with someone being completely naked be this! And no way was it going to happen not an hour after the same guy was hard core flirting with the newbie of her group. It hurt what he did and her voice showed that. Ducking back to the cover of the bush, she listened for his response. Or, if she had gotten through to him, the sound of his footsteps.
"Okay, I can explain that, not like in the bullshit way but actually explain that." He tried to mount a defense for himself but he knew it wouldn't sway her. He'd have to drag her back home before she'd listen to what he had to say and the more time they wasted arguing the more time they gave the creature there time to recover. "Alright, alright I'll go but start making your way home too so I can meet you as I'm coming by, stay by Pierce Path so I can find you, I'll have a bird's eye view." Mason took off, though not in the same manner he had when he was desperately running through the forest hoping to find Kira. Mason's wings spread once again giving him lift within a few flaps. He was thankful the trees that populated the forest were spread wide enough apart to accommodate his wings allowing him to fly at a low altitude below the tree line back towards Pierce Manor.

He'd chosen the more subtle route of entering through the back to not alarm the others. Both as to why Kira wasn't with him and why he had a gash running down his back. He collected the things he would need in silence. Hopping out the window just in case someone was by chance going to investigate who just walked into the back door.

He was airborne again in a matter of minutes now looking down at stretch of road that pointed toward the place Kira probably really wished she was at right now.
Kira stayed in place, covering as much of herself as she could. This was...disgusting. God, here she was in the woods, naked, covered in blood not ten feet from a dead mutated man. What kind of sick and twisted horror movie was this? Better yet, the guy who just tried to save his ass but ended up sounding like a total douche was the one bringing her clothes. If she let herself delve in angry thoughts, he was probably rummaging through her underwear right now or picking the smallest outfit he could. God, he changed-

Kira brought a bloodied hand to her cheek, realizing she was crying. Why? Because her friend just turned into this...person who she didn't know. He was flirting with her then trying to slip the towel off of her friend the next second. What was happening? He didn't even look the same...although he was handsome.
Ellie smiled, she had a sweet tooth too. "There's some gummy bears, some sour candies, and cherry licorice," she told him grabbing everything and putting it on the counter. "Pick your poison." She went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water, this would do but she would pay a lot of money for a fancy cappuccino with a few espresso shots to really wake her up. "A sugar rush will probably fix everything, it usually does for me," she laughed.

Max looked like he had a lot on his mind. L didn't want to pry into things that were none of her business but she wanted him to know that he could trust her. He wasn't exactly the type to confide in just anyone but she thought she'd at least try "A penny for your thoughts?" she said using the expression from her childhood. "If you don't want to talk it's okay I understand but I'm here if you need someone," Ellie said gently touching his arm.
From a good distance from the ground Mason still couldn't find any shape that resembled Kira. He lowered in altitude, as much as he could spare without running the risk of crashing into a tree. Picking out branches from his hair and wings didn't seem like the ideal way to pass the time he would have to until Garcia came back from town. He hoped town was at least in a serviceable condition, with the way things were going he didn't think the bunch of them would be alright without some better means of defense. His enhanced strength did make the fight against the mutant a little more even but he didn't know the quantity or the power any other of these beings possessed. Hazarding a guess would be unwise, the best he could hope for was the town was alright.

Even as he thought he still kept a close eye on the road having passed by a good stretch. He was sure where he'd left Kira wasn't as far as he had just flown. She wouldn't have moved back, she knew her way to her house and Pierce Path was virtually impossible to miss for her. Mason sighed in frustration as the winds under his wings began to shift. He turned to the approximate area he'd left her at. Why does she never listen? Why doesn't she ever just tell me whats wrong, I swear it's like playing twenty questions where every answer is a mad glare.

His wings folded inward in order to enter the tree line. He fell several feet tucking the materials she's asked of him under his arm to keep them safe as he struck the ground performing a coordinated tumble and rolling back onto his feet. The clothes he'd picked for her were completely respectable even including her gray beanie. A bottle of water was brought along so she could easier get the blood off of her including two towels. He bent his arm around the bush she'd ducked under with both eyes closed and his head turned away.
Kira yelped at the sound of a tumbling body but sighed in relief when she saw an intact arm reach over and hand her clothes. "Okay. Now turn around. I have to stand to change," she spoke cautiously. She was already putting on her under garments as she spoke but knew it would be a disaster area if she tried to put on her pants on the ground. Gosh, why did it seem now that clothes were so difficult. She liked what he picked, seeing as he picked out his favorite shirt of hers. It looked normal but the text was completely relevant to the situation. It was a black tee with white bold letters that read 'There's no way you woke up like that'. It was stupid but gave Mason a laugh. Although, Mason wasn't much for accessories. Packed was a water bottle, two towels and her favorite working jeans. "Did you grab me shoes?" she teased, seeing it was alright to go bare foot with her tough skin.
"Oooh, gummy bears." Max picked up the bag, opening it in a matter of seconds. "I practically lived off of these things as a kid." He said, popping a handful into his mouth. Overdoses of sugar plus his natural tendency to be hyper, had landed him in quite a bit of trouble when he was younger. These days it was mostly just his temper. Max looked up, smiling slightly at her use of the old phrase. He downed a couple more gummy bears before responding. "I'm okay, I just have a lot of thoughts in my head, and I'm not quite sure how to get them into words. But I was wondering if I could ask you something." Max paused for a moment, shaking his head slightly. If he waited for a response he might change his mind. "What are your thoughts on vampire's?" He said, taking a deep breath, nervously running a hand through his head. It surprised him a bit that he hadn't pulled it back again. A few strands fell back down into his face, causing him to let out a small huff out of habit.
"No, I planned on flying you home, sadly no magic carpet, we lost the genie." Mason was frustrated but he couldn't stay mad when Kira was joking with him. At the least she wasn't going to hold the whole Ellie thing that steeply over him. Mason had done exactly as she would have wanted and turned away, closed his eyes, thought of loud music. Everything short of just leaving. "For real though I was in a rush and forgot them, so you're gonna look like a huge barefoot hippie when we get back." Mason chuckled. He'd crossed his arms, he couldn't fight the fact that he had to confront her about the reason behind her rapid departure. "Kira, turns out I'm an Incubus." Mason spoke with no eye contact his back still to her. "I thought it was bad enough to be a demon but I have to be the one that can't keep it in their pants, that thing with Ellie it wasn't cause I wanted to, it was cause something in the back of my mind is telling me, like forcing me to do it."
The smile faded from her face and her hands gripped the edge of the counter behind her. "That depends, on whether or not they try to kill me or steal my blood," she said her heart rate speeding up. She knew that Max was her friend but she couldn't help but be a little nervous even though if he was going to snap and attack her he probably would have done it by now.

Ellie suddenly realized she hadn't told anyone what had happen to her back home in England. "This apocalypse thing, it happened to me before I moved here. Most people turned into some sort of supernatural version of themselves but not me. I'm completely human. The down side to that is my blood is really valuable, it enhances the powers and diminishes the weaknesses of any supernatural who drinks it." She took off her hoodie, a tank top underneath it, and showed him her arms. There were thin white lines across her arms from her wrists to just past the inside of her elbow and a small AB+ tattoo. "The scars are from jerks stealing my blood and using it to make themselves stronger. The tattoo is so they didn't even have to remember my name, I was just a blood type to them." L sighed, "It effects even the ones who don't need or like blood so back home humans were basically blood slaves. Everyone wanted pure blood either for themselves or to sell to the highest bidder."

The whole time she was speaking to him she was looking at the floor, she didn't want to tell him it was vampires who did the worst of it. "I eventually got away and my parents and I came here, they had some kind of deal with someone who had a plane, I don't know the whole story." She had never told anyone about it before. Her parents told her not to and her fear of losing her friends made her listen.

"To be honest I'm not sure why everyone here has be so great at holding onto their humanity. It was different before, so much death." She finally felt brave enough to look him in the eyes. Ellie wanted Max to know that she trusted him so she stayed put and managed to calm her nerves. "We are going to have to deal with the blood part soon though. If you don't... umm... feed you'll go crazy. I don't suppose you know if you prefer animal blood or human blood?" she asked trying not to make him uncomfortable.
Kira listened, spilling water onto the towel. She wiped off the blood, it coming off quite easily. "So...You're pretty much a...a man whore with no choice?" she spoke neutrally, pulling on her pants. Kira still felt the heat of the blood on her face, neck and hands but she ignored it, pulling on her shirt. There wasn't too much she could do about her hair except pull on her beanie and face the music.

Relief filled her as she realized it wasn't his fault that he threw himself onto Ellie. Now she felt bad for being so rude to him. Kira dumped the last of the water onto the other towel and walked from around the bush. Sighing, she pressed her hand against his bare shoulder, pressing the towel into his wounds. "I'm sorry, Mace. Really."

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