[The Realms] Discussion Thread

Lareo! You gave it all away... now he'll probably figure out I'm really only hunting down the Undead Commander in order to help him better coordinate his forces next time...
God dam it Laereo now you just blew Hdls cover! who else was going to creat an opening for the rest of us to move our armies in and subjugate his people into our food?
Adeptus said:
Mukodens? No, I want to erase their existence from the earth, making sure they never appear in history. I mean, I want to bake them a cake? My post was the counter to Crocman, who is busy trying to subjugate my fellow DragonKin's under his evil Oligarchial heel. Unless I'm really turned around, and that is someone else...
[QUOTE="Laréo Vi Finlandia]You're Sparta! Can't you fix this somehow?! Kick a man into a hole or something.





*Kicks Laereo into a hole*
I'm glad you didn't continue that with ...Highlander. Had a buddy who did that. Drove me nuts. "There can be only one highlander." As if they were all called highlanders!

Hmmm.... Mudoken Legs, on the side of snow elf-loaf!

Ok, So now that i have read the ENTIRE discussion thread, and re-read the main guide, and much discussing with Belial, who gave me alot of info that I didn't have from this game's threads, I think I haveactually figured it out. There is a Destroy spell, which is more or less equates to Harm, from D&D 3.5 Blacguard ability, a heal spell, which equates to Cure minor wounds; and buff, which is a booster of attributes or something, and that's it for magic. Unless you are undead, in which case you can raise the dead, though that might be an infection, so we'll chock that up as a zombie virus.

And then for tech, this one was obvious. You have shortswords(because it's almost impossible to use bronze to craft larger swords, because you have to cast all bronze objects), 5 foot spear, simple bow with bronze arrow heads, and basic leather and bronze armor, and bronze shields.

All roads are muddy things, all structures are made of wood, leather, cloth, and brick, as stone is a higher quality tech, that hasn't been founded yet. The arch has thus not been invented yet, because we just entered the bronze age, so it's roughly 3,000 bc. No written language. So no paper, no parchment, no nothing.

Is this correct? Because I was looking at the 100bc era when I signed up, which is still bronze age in most of the world, the celts being the first entering the Iron age about this time, maybe a little longer, and the rest of the world entering it over the next 300 years.
I've probably got some stuff anachronistic, but that's because I'm doing research on the earliest known civilizations in certain areas that have no recorded history before the Iron Age began. And I'm using Wikipedia. I'm pretty sure the Boii civilization didn't exist for another thousand years.

But you are essentially correct.
Belial said:



*Kicks Laereo into a hole*

... Oh, this hole wasn't as deep as I thought. I don't even need a ladder to climb out.
"Belial! You're supposed to let me Skewer Him first!" Point's to the spear in his hand. "Then we toss some charcoal down in the pit, and we cook him! Ro-tis-sir-ree style!"
Ok so im bored... Its going to be a couple of more days before i can invade anything.. I still have to figure out what im doing with these dire war cocks.... Wonder if i can stir up trouble up more trouble with the thracians and the trojans... I so want to conquer something.... but i dont know what....
I am done. Uzi approve me!

Also, Rename my thread to Jovian Akaviri Empire, as in take out the word Dragon... pretty please ^^ :D
so been watching a history channel episode on the battle of Thermopylae, and realized the Athenians had pulled off the same maneuver against the Persians at the plains of marathon nearly 40 years earlier.

Then I realized, the Greeks seem to have a hard on for pissing off Persians.....
Haha, I can't say I was ever in one of the big outfits. I was always a smaller-scale kinda guy. Tried 0.0 once, got locked out due to PRIMARY. just deciding they didn't like our alliance anymore, haha. Found myself diving in a WH, and now that finals are over I'll be getting lost in them again. o7 [TTI] Ethan Bellator
Man why is every one building nations so far away from me, is every one afraid to play with belial? :(

Fine I shall bring my spartany doom to you all :mad:

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